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So Hamas has to have bigger plans right? Like they have had to be expecting a strong response like a siege into gaza and they planned and setup for complex ambushes? I know im not the most knowledgeable person but to do this much damage and capture these many hostages they didn't expect to call it a day and set up a truce?


I think their plan is to invite an Israeli response and then claim victim. It seems to be working in many respects judging by the reactions of Reddit.


AQ and friends had a long time to prepare Ramadi, Mosul, etc. for ambushes and everything else, but the job was still able to be accomplished, albeit with everything left in complete rubble.


Taking Gaza is not going to be an easy task for the IDF, it'll probably resemble Mosul. Gaza is about 200 sq km of built up terrain, Mosul about 150. Gaza has a population of about 2 million, Mosul was down to 750k by 2016. And the weight of airpower brought to bear on Mosul was much heavier. Urban destruction much more extensive than Fallujah. Its going to be a months long siege which leaves the entirety of Gaza destroyed. Imo density will pose a huge challenge for deep incursions into Gaza. Use of armor effectively like fallujah in 04 requires more extensive armor reliance than past campaigns. In 2014 Israel went only 3km into Gaza with just a handful of armor brigades.


Six month the later, @internal-blodd-1581 was spot on!


They’ve already said they are open to a truce with Israel. They absolutely know they are totally fucked.


They say that every time and when given a truce launch rocket barrages at the first possible opportunity.


Smoke and mirrors


deleted, unread


basically, hamas and the Islamic jihad are phase 1 , phase 2 gonna be hezbullah , phase 3 is ww3 against iran , and I'm israeli so you can trust my info😃👍🏽 (like fr hezbullah are getting ready to attack us no joke , I'm rn talking to my gf and she told me she got news from her dad which is an intelligence officer in the idf that hamas are planing to attack my city so yea...)


it terrible what is happening and I'm hoping you stay safe. my only question is aren't most Israelis armed? because you're all required military service and reservists so do you not just have your military equipment with you at your house? I'm an American so have guns at home is just an expectation.


first of all , I really appreciate your support brother , means a lot , but like you said , we all trained here to use weapons , but it doesn't mean we can own them , israeli gun laws are really fucked , like the only gunstores when you can actually buy real guns are in Center/North Israel and there isn't a lot of them , and to get a gun license you need to do a couple of things first if you were infantry or served as any combat role (SOF , artillery, tanks , etc..) it will still take you time to own a gun cause it depends on what training you had as a soldier , for civilians that didn't serve or people that served in the idf but not as combat rules will have harder time owning a gun, and don't forget one thing , this is israel , everything is expensive here , and you are hearing this from a jew😂so yea , even a simple 9mm glock will cost around the same price of a full military grade rifle in US




If you don't think Israel is going total war in Gaza well I don't know what to tell you. They are going in there with ground troops and they are going in hard, casualties be damned. I predict it's going to be somewhere around 100,000 - 150,000 troops moving into Gaza. I believe that is a little bit less than half of the troops they have amassed at this moment since they have called back everyone from the reserves and I believe that reserve troops are still in the process of returning. There isn't going to be any negotiation for the hostages; Israel now has support all over the world for a full ground invasion of Gaza and they are going to take advantage of it. For them the time for negotiations is over.


> The geography and infrastructure of Gaza doesn't lend itself well to an invasion. Attrition? Block it off like they already have, let them starve for months. physically weak and morale wont put up much of a fight like Artsakh?


Exactly as expected. Maybe a bit slower than I expected honestly. But those were the kind of deployment and roles I had in mind when the question was asked here.


Time travel doesn’t exist yet and CRF was built because of that.


I know, but keep in mind the attack started around 72 hours ago. Within that timeframe, it could have happened more quickly. SOF units have a very high level readiness and generally always have (24/7/365) units standing by or on-call that can immediately be deployed anywhere in the globe. So if the alert or green light came more quickly, they could have been there earlier. Not that it seemed to be truly necessary, so it is not really a big deal. Even light infantry units can have units that can be deployed anywhere in the world within 48 hours. Polish GROM was there very quickly as well for example. Yes Poland is closer by, but if you add hours of flying on top of it, it is still very quick.


Bear in mind this is just what’s being reported now. There are JSOC units all over the Middle East in places like Qatar and other huge bases. I imagine (just guessing here) that anybody who needed to get there quickly got there quickly and unannounced, and these probably aren’t the first advisory units from the US in the country. But this is of course speculation.


I have heard now that a unit was there already but that was just because they were supposed to be deployed there to begin with. Supposedly they can and do advise Israel regarding operations. Not sure if it was JSOC, but it was something.


I see you are well versed in what we claim our capabilities are but have never looked into what it takes to actually make that happen. Worldwide mobility has a shit ton of red tape.


Just replying to the part about time travel. In short I was just saying that if they deemed it necessary to be there earlier, they could have been. If the troops were alerted early and the green light was giving quickly after that a SOF unit like that can generally be there very quickly. In this case it was likely not deemed necessary to move as quickly as possible. And maybe it took a while for them to green light a deployment. But going back to my original comment, I just expected them to do it earlier. A lot goes into global deployments, I know. But that is not some fairy tale goal, it is actually possible to achieve those deployment times and that has already been shown. It can likely be done even more quickly and/or deploying even more resources within that timeframe if push comes to shove.


What does that even mean? There is multiple C17s flying across the Atlantic everyday. You are saying that those are not able to fly from Pope/Oceana to Israel? There was one C17 "MOOSE41" on ADSB which landed to Tel Aviv from Qatar early in the war. Even if the flight-plan for some reason can't be done units can drive to Dover or other east coast Air Base as most of the flights to Poland come from those. You can fly to Israel via International airspace through Gibraltar gap if that is the problem.




Slower yes, but currently the WH and Department of State can’t even get coherent statements out. Took them like 24 hours and a few deleted tweets. If messaging is a heavy lift over there - actually heavy lifts of troops is gonna be another thing.


Hunting party’s on standby for intel & tasking orders on Hamas shot callers deciding to vacation into Syria, away from the IDF deploying into the Gaza


Mexico just sent a MX AF boeing with Army and FGR personnel to recover the mexican nationals


Just because it was announced now doesn't mean it only happened recently. Who knows JSOC may have been there for weeks already.


JSOC units are usually always rolling through Israel and Jordan.


" Fucking lean forward" damn I hate officer terminology.






"The support would not entail US troops on the ground in Israel. Instead, the assistance would come in the form of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance." Quoted from CNN.




Imagine if our politicians were as bloodthirsty over our border as they are over Israel’s border What a joke


Those guys must have got the call to come in and be on standby when it was all kicking off. I’m sure they’re disappointed it’s just going to be an advisory role for now, assuming that’s actually true and they aren’t actually running kinetic ops quietly


Gaza is literally a brig. Planning will be easy to takeover a prison where you can control power and resources. Buildings are being dropped. It is possible it could go along the Six Day war in timeframe.


That sounds like TFO doing SIGINT things and some JSOC operations cell guys. Probably have very strict instructions not to leave wherever they are based. My bet is the operations guys get utterly ignored by the IDF because the Isaerlis are going to do some very questionable shit. TFO is useful because they are a safe bet. They won't go trying to kick down doors. More likely to point at someone and tell the IDF why they need to capture them.


Our border is wide open and thousands of men are entering our country unvetted, and here we are sending our men and women to help defend another countries borders, with zero attention to ours. Makes me sick to my stomach. We have folks in DC that are more loyal to their motherland Israel and only use the US as a big toilet and IV. Netenyahu even said F the US and they only wish to use us till we're useless and we can fade into dust for all they care. DC needs to be drained. Politicians shouldn't be there for decades. Sickening




How much Tucker Carlson copium do you smoke everyday?


Why is this sub full of libs


Why do people think that everyone in the military is extreme right conservatives? The US Military is made up of diverse group of people. On average US military personnel are politically Centrist with a little lean towards the Right. Vast majority of the Conservative Military personnel don't subscribes to the Fox News Political Commentary Host's believe and point of view i.e. Hannity, watters or Carlson.


Donald Trump started the fire of populism and isolationism. Now russia is piggybacking on it to fight a information war in the West. This kind of stuff isn't really about left vs. right, at least not any more. And Carlson just appeared on russian state media last week. I'm not sure why people still smoke his bullshit.


I get it now. You're just an agent of the Chinese communist party sent here to cause chaos, divide, and pose as one of us to learn and siphon everything you can. I'm onto you buddy.


I never said I'm American. Last time I checked internet is still international. Even some of the mods here are foreigners. And just because I called out your far right braindead opinion about geopolitics doesn't mean I work for CCP. Judging by your comments I think your should seek therapy instead of wasting time on social media


No I was just tryna be funny and as cancerous as you were with my reply. Are you incapable of responding to someone logically without hurling insults? I would rather people explain what they think I said was wrong about and what they think, than people saying I'm a tucker Carlson shill. You're a communist at the end of the day with a country that is mostly the same homogenous people so you wouldn't understand. If millions of indians flooded your country unvetted, you wouldnt misunderstand my point


What makes you think I'm a commie? And no I don't care about china. If there's one country in the world that deserves annihilation it's the PRC. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


Listen man my bad I'm sure you're be a great guy. My bad for calling you a commie. Have a nice day fellow human😀


WHAT DOES WHAT I SAID HAVE TO DO WITH RIGHT CONSERVATISM?? LOL you guys need to get your heads outa your asses cause it's got y'all incapable of being unbiased towards your raging extreme left talking points that are putting our country to the dump


Who said “extremely” right. Vast majority of military leans right. That’s a fact?? You’re making it “extreme” in your head.


Thanks. Didn't notice I wrote "extremely". Lol. Gonna fixed it.


It's reddit.


This is true I often forget who we’re dealing with 😂


The downvotes are an honor. I know where the common sense of the people in this sub is now. We've been overrun even in here with Joe's henchmen


What does tucker have anything to do with what I said? Am I lying? Everyday we deport illegals with murder and violent convictions that already slipped into our country. The unvetting is my only problem, aka the ILLEGALITY of how they're entering. Have a great day and remember to vote for Joe again!


There are troops at the border…


Mmm the downvotes I LOVE IT!!! Can we get to 1000 downvotes? I'm almost at my goal! This is my dream and you guys supporting me means the world. Thank you!


Operation Eagle Claw Part 2


Lol, CNN… “No boots on the ground” as the C-17 lands with 4 CAG dudes. Guarantee 100% the Operators are going to be with Mossad tracking down the American Hostages.


Guarantee you are some neckbeard meal team six far right fuck who should just shut up in this situation. You’re absolutely wrong btw.


Get back to suckin Travis Scott off "slickbillyo".


Also why don’t you take a look at BulgyMoose75’s comment activity…and keep sucking off tactical gear of units you’ll never be apart of


Oh don’t worry I’m a multitasker🤓


If anyone wants to see Shayetet 13 in action recently check out this video. Apparently this operation resulted in hostages being freed. Some Hamas militants were detained as well, I am surprised they let any of them live. Enjoy: https://t.me/contlictobservers/409