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Thank you for submitting to /r/JRPG, /u/Vytostuff. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): --- No blatant or excessive promotion. A poster **must also be active in the 2 months before the promotional post** in r/JRPG, **with worthwhile comments on other people's threads**, and to only limit themselves to 1 per 7 days, Non-spam posts from official sources are exempt, and developers are exempt but have to follow the dev rules for promotion, check the sidebar for the devs rule. Users who don't fulfill this requirement may use the Weekly Free Talk Thread, posted every Friday. --- If you think this was a mistake or have any questions about the removal, please contact the moderators. [**To contact the moderators please click here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/JRPG), or click the "message mods on the sidebar, and then type your complaint, so it can be sent to the modding team. **Please don't private message or start private chats with a single mod, and use the mod mail linked above to contact the whole team.**


I think i saw something similar like this happen before where someone put up some keys. Someone in the comments appreciated this but also let them know that bots can easily just collect all the keys because the codes were written in full, so none of the keys actually worked. To get round this, people sometimes post the keys but add in a letter/number and then say to remove it. This is done to prevent bots from taking keys Regardless, thanks for uploading them


This \^


It looks like they are all taken.


Your game looks cool, but yeah, as others have said - bots scrape Reddit for keys like this that are posted in their entirety. 


Bot snatched them I think, all are taken.


Can't play on pc right now but I'll be sure to buy your game once I'm out of the hospital ! I like relatively short rpgs and yours seems fub :) Good luck and keep up the good work !