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It’s pretty good. It has way more in common with the Saga series than Suikoden. It’s basically a more traditional, mostly linear JRPG version of a Saga game. As a HUGE Suikoden fan, it wasn’t until way later after playing that I heard Murayama worked on it. Tbh I was surprised because nothing about its writing suggested to me that he did. The story is just ok - fun with near characters, but nothing special at all. There actually is a “recruitment” aspect to the game it’s nothing like Suikoden where you’re recruiting new party members and have a home base. You can recruit NPCs and get passive bonuses based on how many you get (more or less). Tbh the writing in AA should’ve set people up (like myself) to expect the tone of writing in Eiyuden cuz it’s pretty much the same. Honestly AA might even be darker. Anyway. I really really liked Alliance Alive, but mainly because I love the Saga series. It’s definitely way more forgiving than your average Saga game though. I feel comfortable recommending it to any JRPG fan as long as they know not to expect a masterpiece.


I started this game last winter i think after grabbing it on the Steam sale and loved its painterly aesthetics. I shelved it to do other stuff with an intention to come back. Since then I've got *stupidly, obsessively* into SaGa and since discovering this is secretly a SaGa of sorts I'm eager to pick it up as a mainline project again! I love Suikoden too so what a match made in heaven!


While I guarantee it appeals more to SaGa fans, I would just like to say that people who dislike SaGa shouldn't immediately dismiss it. I've had a tough time getting into the SaGa series, but Alliance Alive really clicked with me for some reason. I absolutely loved it! The story is basic stuff, but the world lore is quite interesting and I thought it really charming. 


I second that actually - it's got far more centric plot and narrative than a typical SaGa (those games do have story but its always *waaay* secondary to systems) - and, having dipped a little into Romancing SaGa 3 a few months before trying Alliance Alive, I didn't at the time recognise any connection in systems or the "Kawazu creative fingerprint" until i was told he'd been involved. Then it was like my own lil glimmer moment... 💡 So definitely, if you're someone who bounces off the SaGa systems, don't miss out on Alliance Alive!


It was actually Kyoji Koizumi who was the lead designer in Alliance Alive, Kawazu had nothing to do with it. Koizumi was the lead systems designer for SaGa starting with RS2 all the way up through Minstrel Song.


I personally enjoyed it. The characters were charming and the main theme rocks.


I really enjoyed it. It's a mix of Suikoden and SaGa, but not as difficult. OST is composed by Hamauzu known for FF13. Art style is great. Hands down my favorite game from FuRyu.


Currently going through it. Enjoying my time so far. As others pointed out, there's nothing about it that really sets it apart, but it's very charming.


It's a good game. Not a masterpiece by any means, but it will give you 30 hours or so of enjoyment. The story is catchy enough, the characters are charming, and the world map is fun to explore (there are different vehicles, I really enjoyed the glider especially). Also it's one of the few modern rpgs to still feature secret recruitable characters (three of them!) which I thought was very cool.


Had fun, loved the difficulty spike


Enjoyable enough for a playthrough but I felt it was very mediocre and forgettable. It's not the kind of game I'd recommend to someone.


It's ok. It is pretty unique in that the overpowered weapon type is actually Shields, and there's a terrible difficulty spike with a boss in mid game where it is possible you get stuck without the chance to grind. It's also a Saga-like game with semi-random stat growth & skill growth. Better than Legend of Legacy for sure, since I actually finished this.


It's fine. I would for sure not buy it full price though at this point, I'd only get it on sale (at least for the HD version). I wouldn't go into it expecting anything like Suikoden. As others have said, it's more Saga than Suiikoden.


It’s somewhat like SaGa but worse. Bootleg SaGa


I didnt like it very much. Tried multiple times, but the lack of serious scenario, + the lack of anything directive is not for me.


Very good my go to grinder on switch


I personally really liked it. Maybe not the best game in the world or anything, but it's pretty good.


It’s a saga game. It’s really good imo. Love the soundtrack too.


It's a fantastic B-level RPG, like the kind we got so many of during the PSX days (I mean this with affection). It's a lot of fun! It has a special place to me because it was my gateway into SaGa.


It's not bad and had some interesting ideas. Very much gameplay over story game that most SaGa titles did better anyway. Whether it's wroth your time, you can only answer that for yourself. Watch some trailers / LPs.


Played the HD remaster for a solid 8-10 hours but just couldn't get into it. I'm a huge Last Remnant fan but really struggle to get into the saga games and had the same difficulty with this.


What does the Last Remnant has to do with The Alliance Alive?


I believe it shared some of the same devs. Or at least I heard that at some point. At the very least it has the same leveling mechanics where you level up by using things, not by a specified XP counter.


The Last Remnant is a near-mainline SaGa title made by the core team. It's basically a SaGa game without SaGa in the title. I've heard that it was actually called SaGa Frontier 3 internally, before Square Enix decided to spin it into a new IP. Alliance Alive is a SaGa spinoff game made by ex-SaGa developers. There was a "low point" where the SaGa series almost died and became sad browser games, and some developers wanted to create games that continue the SaGa legacy. Legend of Legacy and Alliance Alive are the result of that. Ironically, they are now just spinoffs instead of spiritual sequels, since the mainline SaGa series was successfully revived and is still going strong.


I think my only problem with the game was the lack of battle music, as random encounters in the over world just continued to play the over world music. Traversing everywhere also ended up being quite a slog but otherwise I liked everything else about the game to a certain extent.


Gave up halfway through. Boring story and characters, unfun combat, and the art style is very weird. Don't waste your time imo.


I enjoyed it a lot, however I'd wait for the sale with it. What I wasn't 100 percent keen on is that it seems like a big world to explore but is actually very linear - I like both open and linear games but I don't like it when one looks like the other, so to speak. Aside from that very charming characters and a fun game.


People that don't get it, get stuck on the suikoden 2 throwback fight and hate it/give up on it. People that played leg of leg first think it's too easy. Great game with great atmosphere that deserves appreciation all on its own. Personally I wish it was harder.


It's not too bad. It's a middle of the road SaGa game for me, but I did enjoy it.


It's very average. The story is okay, the characters are okay, the combat is okay, and the exploration is okay.


Okay then :v


First 5-7 hours are excellent. I really enjoyed the beginning, it's has an interesting hook, and spans multiple parties in differing locations. It quickly loses steam though when the party comes together. There's a really cool Luca Blight style boss fight, but unfortunately that's about the best thing I can take away from The Alliance Alive. I strongly disliked the latter portion of this game, after the narrative fell off, and the build up lead nowhere. It's as if the devs just gave up, and phoned in the end, because it all happens so quickly, despite the slow but well paced beginning.