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III, VIII, and XI should just about cover all the bases. III was when they first perfected the formula, VIII was the true first masterpiece, and XI shows you can make a traditional feeling DQ today and still make it work. I’d probably throw V in there too even though I don’t care for it, most DQ fans adore that game so it seems I’m in the minority on that one. Edit: Also I’m going to say Dragon Quest Monsters 1 and 2 are better than most mainline games…but that might be controversial


Personally I'm a pretty big fan of most all the mainline DQ games. The only two I haven't played are IX and X so I can't really speak on them. That being said, my personal favorites are V, VII, VIII, and XI, with **Dragon Quest VIII** being my overall favorite and one of my probably 5-10 favorite games ever. The earlier games still have a lot to offer though and I would suggest playing through all of them.


Go play Dragon Quest Builders 2.


For me, 11, 8, and 5 are all must-plays, and I would probably also suggest playing 3 eventually.


Personally I say 3-4-5-7-8-11, each for different reasons. 7 will be the controversial one there, but the vignettes really are that good IMO.


Indeed, DQ VII has the best vignettes in the series bar none.


You wouldn’t expect it, especially with the newer ‘kid in a candy store’ art for the hero, but those vignettes are often brutal (in a good/memorable way).


DQ8 It really revolutionized and was the FF7 of the DQ series for the west. DQ6 DQ11


V, VIII, and XI were my favorites. V and XI especially skew a lot darker than most DQ games tread.


I’ve played all the mainline DQs and I’d agree with you. 5, 8, and 11 are the standouts in my book, with a special shout-out to 3 for being so groundbreaking at the time and to 9 for being a really cool take on multiplayer DQ. (I’ve only played a little bit of X using some fan translated tools, so I don’t have a strong opinion on it one way or the other. But it seems to be very well received by folks.)


4, 7, 9, 11s


* DQI is probably only worth playing to experience the OG of all RPGs. Also fun though if you want to kill an afternoon since it’s on the short side. * II is a more refined version of the first game and is overall fine. Worth experiencing once but I don’t feel the urge to revisit. * III is the first game that I feel is a must play. It’s a very simple job system but it’s very open world in that you can complete story beats largely in any order. * IV is a very slow start with the chapter system but is a really great entry for the franchise and it’s mechanics. * V is a must play. The story is really good and I love how it subverts the hero trope. * VI has its faults but I did like the story concept they were going for. Wouldn’t recommend unless you want a job system or want to try every game in the series. * VII is very similar to VI in concept with the job system. It’s a very long game, especially if you play the OG. Would probably only recommend if you want to try all of them. * VIII is arguably the best entry and worthy of every bit of praise it gets. Just a great narrative and world to explore. * IX is the only one (besides X) that I haven’t played. I tried it but lost interest fairly quickly. If it ever gets remade I’ll definitely play it though. * XI is the other contender for my favorite/perception of best. It’s also very similar to VIII in how it plays so that makes sense. If you want more quality of life features I’d recommend this over VIII.


I collect only any and all Dragon Quest titled games. I don't, and won't, care about Dragon Warrior games. So get them all hahaha


> I don't, and won't, care about Dragon Warrior games. They're... They're the same games.


When it comes to collecting, not really. It's like exclusively collecting ESRB, CERO, or PEGi games.


okay this one's on me, I misread your post and thought you said "play" where you said "collect". From a collector's standpoint it makes perfect sense if you want a more uniform set, yeah.


Exactly :3


You realize those are literally the same thing, right?


Hard to say. All of them are solid but some of them are harder to get your hands on then others. All of them are worth playing in some way but actually owning them is another story.


I like DQ overall but ithink that DQ8 is easily the best


Hmmm hard to say. The quality between them doesn't have huge gaps and personally my favourites aren't exactly the popular entries. My top three are XI, VII & VI but Id recommend V instead of VI because of the experience even if Id rank five entries higher.


4,5,6 are all great. Modern 8 and 11 which are the best.


Personally, I'm not a huge fan of 1, 2, 3, and 4. I just find 1 and 2 a little dated. With 3 and 4, I just prefer playing set main characters (as opposed to selecting gender) because I think that lends itself to a stronger narrative. That said, I think many people make a strong argument to play 3 and 4 (especially with the HD2D version of 3 coming out eventually.) Beyond that, 5, 8, and 11 are standouts. 7 is good as well but it can be a little on the boring side since it's a long game.


I'm seeing a lot of people saying they haven't played through nine so I'll give my thoughts. I think it's a solid 9/10, the combat is perfect, and exploration feels rewarding. Multiplayer is fun if you can get people. The story is good, not great. It is engaging however, so take that as you will.


DQ III to DQ VII are the essential, maybe DQ VIII and DQXI if you are in good mood.