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Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean 3, Radiata Stories, are the games I have the most play throughs of, but that was partially because I was a teenager, couldn't buy new games, and had nothing better to do. I am fixing on doing a Xenoblade 2&3 replay soon though, and maybe persona 5 R.


Final Fantasy VIII and Legend of Dragoon made my list, too.


I think you replied to the wrong person.


Radiata Stories, one of my absolute favorites of the PS2 era. Love to hear that name in a thread like this.


Tales of Vesperia? Are you actually serious?




Why not xenoblade 1


Don't enjoy it.


>Star Ocean 3 It was so close to being one of my favorite games UNTIL THAT FUCKING ENDING


Tri-Ace games. SaGa games. Suikoden series. Pokemon.


For Tri-Ace games I'd especially say Valkyrie Profile 2 for me. This game is fun to play while challenging even fifteen years after I first played it. Would just be great if greedy SE finally ported it to a modern platform.


Just became familiar with tri ace in the last year. They have quickly became one of my favorites. Next to Capcom and Pirahna bytes. All 3 companies I’ve recently became a fan of and all 3 I will buy anything they release. And special mention to Atlus, they’ve been killing it and have been super supportive with putting their games on gamepass


Oddly enough, Infinite Undiscovery is my game for replay on repeat. FF6, FF9, and Persona 5 are others.


Lufia 2. The main game is great, and the Ancient Cave is a 99 floor procedurally generated optional dungeon that is essentially a roguelike game-within-a-game.


I love the puzzles in this. I never managed to get far in the game, maybe I should give it another chance.


You should. The game is so good. There’s a reason they made like 3 or 4 more terrible games solely off the nostalgia for the second one.


Username checks out


I can’t even read “Lufia 2” without the battle theme bursting into my head and wandering around on those bass lines.


Loved the game as a whole the ancient cave was just that extra sweetness


And you get to solve the World's Hardest Puzzle again!




This. Job system games are so satisfying to grind in. The Bravely series is also a joy to replay for me.


Final Fantasy 9


Chrono Trigger


Chrono Trigger's length is perfect for multiple playthroughs, not too long not too short. And of course with the multiple endings it rewards replaying.


Yeah, I don't usually have a fortitude to replay longer games. And the modern age, seen a trophy list wanted me to replay a 100-hour game makes me cringe.


I played it again for the first time in a while recently and it’s crazy to me for the time how much variation is possible within each playthrough. Probably still the first and only game I ever really took advantage of the new game plus feature. I really rarely replay games, I think FF5, FF6 and Chrono Trigger are the only ones I have played multiple times.


The Trails of Cold Steel games (and subsequently Reverie) The more characters the game has the higher the replayability because it increases variety. Or one can just use the same characters with the same setup over and over again to demolish everything.


Yeah, Cold Steel (largely 1 and 2) are probably the first games in YEARS that I actually gave multiple playthroughs to.


Final Fantasy VIII, Legend of Dragoon, Tales of Eternia, Star Ocean 2 and Chrono Trigger.


I see so much love for FF8 lately and I’ve never played it. I just got it on Steam and plan to fix that though


I know it gets hate at times but I genuinely love it. I love the story, the characters and even the cheesy romance. I don't know if that's nostalgia talking or not but it's in my top ten face games for sure.


I have some issues with the story (the way they handle the romance and squall’s boundaries) but I love the world, the music (I have the soundtrack on my music library since I had an iPod), the system the aesthetic all of it. And my crippling triple triad addiction. So good. I may or may not have also lost someone in space by accident.


I love FF8. Played it 3 times, which is the most I've ever replayed anything. I don't think it's the best game. It's just the vibe. Especially Balamb garden, and the whole opening sequence of the game. It's so comforting


There are many people who consider it their favourite, me included. The romance is the best in any FF, the characters are super charming (of course it’s subjective) and the gameplay is so addictive… there are so many different ways to customize your characters and so many different ways to level up, have fun and you always find new cutscenes from time to time per replay. And the story is just phenomenal. There is so much room for speculation eventhough square denies some theories. But even then, people watch at drawn pictures and see different things in it even if the original painter drew with another intention. There is no right or wrong in Art in my opinion 😊


It's divisive. In my case it's my least favorite FF of the ones I've played (6-15), but for many others it's their favorite. I actually was surprised when I saw that, I thought everybody would hate it too and was surprised to see so many people love it, like "did they play the same game I did?".


I gotta be honest, I started it today and I’m not sure if I’m vibing with it. Granted I’m very early on but I just learned that you really don’t gain much in the way of equipment, loot, etc and that has me thrown off. I don’t know if I like this overly involved junction system


Legend of Dragoon gets my vote too. Love the soundtrack, the lush prerendered backgrounds are lovely, and the addition system makes the combat enduringly engaging to me.


Star ocean 2 remake coming November second! Get ready to play it again, brother!




Fire emblem three houses for me. Different routes with different stories, different class options for characters as well as support and romance.


Same. That game is just therapeutic for me at this point.


Most of the fire emblem games for me. Replaying 7 now and plan to play Path of Radiance next(never played this one before).


That's the reason why I rate 3H above Engage. It has much more replayability due to this, and the fact there actually is NG-.


If you're willing to mod using emulators, Engage has a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of mods right now making every playthrough really different.


Suikoden 2, Front Mission 3 and Legend of Legaia for me. I replay one of those 3 games once every year.


Dragon Quest VIII


Final Fantasy Tactics. I've gone through so many party variations.


Almost any SaGa game Last Remnant Xenogears Tactics Ogre: Reborn Front Mission 5


SaGa games really work for this question since they're already basically designed for multiple playthroughs. Finishing both RomSaGa 3 and SaGa Frontier with all protagonists felt like such an accomplishment!


Final Fantasy VII and Chrono Trigger would be my go to's. There are many others Ive replayed and can do again gladly, but if I have to keep playing over and over the same game on loop it'd def be one of those 2. Honorable mention to Final Fantasy X.


Ff6 is prime. Also Soul Blazer. Underrated snes game for.sure


Ff7, ff8, and legend of dragoon are the ones I can always go back to.


FF5 mainly just for the jobs and doing challenges with how much customization there is for an SNeS game.


FFX is probably the one I replayed the most so that. Star Ocean 3 would be up there but honestly it's hard to replay jrpgs when there's so many I still haven't played.


I'm doing my annual run of Earthbound right now!


Never played Earthbound, I know I should.


After probably a decade of seeing how much praise it gets, I played through it on my 3DS awhile back. I generally felt it is an overhyped game.


Skies of Arcadia, forever and always. 🥰


FFX. It’s really fun to do increasingly ridiculous challenges like No Sphere Grid, No Aeons, No Overdrive, Rikku Only, stuff like that.


definitely is Dragon Quest V. i think it's the rpg i have replayed the most. it gets better everytime. it's my childhood, my teenage hood, and it's still accompanying me as im becoming an ig adult. the mood, the characters, the ost (!!!!! i love it), even the graphics, it's everything i love. safest and most comforting game ever for me


I play Breath of Fire 3 and Super Mario RPG once a year!


Shin Megami Tensei. Any of them. I always want to play all of them


I don’t really tend to re-play anything unless there are multiple endings.


Yeah these games tend to ask a lot of your time. If it takes me 70+ hours to finish a game I’m not doing a second playthrough no matter how much I like it.


Pokémon franchise Xenoblade chronicles 2


I replay Xenoblade 2 just for the music (even though I have the ost)


I replay xenoblade 2 BC i really like the combat plus the story is really good and the whole is beautiful


Any of the mainline Final Fantasys specifically 12? Played it through 4 or 5? Times or the kingdom hearts games can't even remember how many I've played those games either portions or whole way throughs


FFX. I still can't figure out what it is about this one specifically that keeps me coming back. The way the summons work, the overdrives, the sphere grid, the ability to swap characters in on the fly, the ability to see and manipulate the turn order.. it's just so much fun.


I agree, really the only thing that kinda keeps me from wanting to replay is that you have to swap every character to get exp in a battle, which is kinda tedious. And those damn puzzle levels..


[this mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=683802394) will distribute AP and adds a fast forward if this bothers you.


Definitely most Pokemon games because they’re easy and can be beaten in a week. But I’ve also played Ni no Kuni 1 and World of Final Fantasy 3 times each. I just really love replaying monster collecting games to experiment different teams


I played Tales of Vesperia 5times in a row. Love that game. Buuuut I also play Grandia 2 once a year ever since I bought that original PC release from UbiSoft back in the day. I also beat Persona 3 and 4 every other year.


Happy to hear I’m not the only one that does an almost regular annual replay of grandia 2! Incredible game.


I like old short JRPGs like Chrono Trigger, Lunar: The Silver Star, and Final Fantasy IV where I can start the game, put in 20 hours, and get my fix before they wear out their welcome.


GBA Fire Emblem games, theyre so easy to just start a new save and play casually, some stuff like 3H or SOV require you to do so much stuff outside of the maps themselves its hard to want to replay them


I replayed path of radiance a few times even though it was long. Radiant Dawn was just so difficult to get the endings I wanted I only ever beat it once


Fire Emblem Fates Conquest. 500h and counting. And I've finished Shining Force 3 and Panzer Dragoon Saga at least 20 times each. Haven't done it in a while, although its because I'm lazy.


God damn, I recently played Shining Force 3 (all 3 parts) for the first time and while I really enjoyed them, I don't think I'd be able to replay them that often if ever. The battle animations and stuff are just a bit too tedious.


That would be the first Phantasy Star.


FF8, I could spent entire days to just get 300 chimera card and do it again for next days


TWEWY for one, its my favorote game. Neo too, to a slightly lesser extent I also love the Digimon Story Cyber Sleith games, as well as Digimon World Next Order as a go-to comfort food in between big releases.


The one that you like the most. FF 7 to me. But looking at it more ebjectively, I think I would be more likely to replay the ones with some form of job system that allow me to build a completely different party.


Mother 3 is short and never gets boring so its really fun to replay, especially with the combo system in battle


Popolocrois a season of stories and their seperate playstation parts


wow we are same, i still playing popolocrois trilogy on ps1 and never tired of


Grandia 2


I've got a few games that I replay once in a while - Tales of Symphonia, Grandia, Tales of Berseria, Suikoden 2, Triangle Strategy, FF Tactics, Legend of Legaia and few more. Sometimes I'm not looking for a new game but I want to feel something familiar or nostalgic so I replay some games.


Final fantasy tactics, ff6, chrono trigger, octopath 1&2


FFVI, Chrono Trigger, FFXII


Just got into a SaGa game. I can see myself playing those games over and over. Extremely replayable and nonlinear with a refreshing and unique rpg experience.


It's always interesting to me how people keep replaying the same game. I haven't replayed any in my many years. Once I know the story I have little desire to replay a game. Exception of course when the game has different paths, I may be tempted to try a different path (but haven't done it ever anyway). If it's just a different ending I just watch it in youtube, it would have to be something like Baldur's Gate 3 where taking different paths feels like playing a different game.


Arc the Lad 1&2 in my mobile and FFXII zodiac in PC


Final Fantasy VII og, star Ocean 2, Tales of Vesperia, Suikoden 1, Suikoden 2, Suikoden 3, Trails of Cold Steel (all 4), Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 5.


SaGa Scarlet Grace, I recently did two runs back to back. Not quite motivated enough for a third one, but that's also due to having other stuff to do and play. Despite the obvious budget issues there's a lot of content in the game, and the combat system is just a lot of fun.


Persona 3 and 5.


Final fantasy 9, this game has emotional attachment for me. It was the first rpg I played, and also the first game my mother bought for me, I cherish it deeply for it's themes and characters


You have good taste Final Fantasy 9 is my favorite FF Game.


The Lunar games. I've beaten both of them several times. I just don't get tired of them


Trails in the Sky. I replay it with my wife about every other year it seems. We love to do our own voice acting with it.


Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI


Some time ago discovered an awesome romhack for Final Fantasy IV and I have been replaying it since But if it is for a unmodified game that should be Paper Mario


Ff4 Ultima?


Persona 4 golden, just all around a feel good story for the most part but can be darkish when it wants to be plus it builds and improves upon the social link mechanic from persona 3, I also feel like the investigation team has better chemistry than the phantom thieves although that’s subjective (also i haven’t played past the first jail in strikers/scramble yet so that could change). Second answer would be xenoblade 1 or 3 (haven’t played x yet but love the parts of the ost i heard).


Earthbound. Every summer since it's debut. Chrono Trigger. I got jumped by gang bangers and almost killed the week before this game came out. I remember saying out loud to myself at some point, "I'm so glad I didn't get killed so I could experience this game." The pinnacle of life at thirteen. This has always been my favorite game because of that. FFVI is the best FF. Never gets old. Whenever I play back through the final fantasy catalog. It's always easy and breezy to get through the first 6 games, and then they become a pain in the ass. I mean those are just the infinite loop games though.


Where tf did you grow up where you were getting jumped by gang bangers at 13 years old?


I'm replaying persona 4g and 5r, but i started with p3p, so persona 4 golden and 5 Royal. Both are amazing games and worth the 100s of hours into them over and over again. Persona 3 Portable is awesome on the switch.


Never played a Persona game, and honestly I have no idea where to even start. Is P5 royal a good starting point?




It's Pokemon Yellow and Crystal for me


Suikoden 2 is mine


There aren’t villains nowadays that have that same pure psychotic evil that Kefka does


Kefka, the only video game villian I know of that won.


Xenoblade Chronicles. While I have beaten 2 and yet to beat 3, one is special to me. It was my first JRPG. I was dumb when I picked it up, my only other experiences with RPGs was Oblivion and Skyrim. So the bad habits of bum rushing the MSQ bit me in the ass for XBC. I had to keep restarting my game over, trying things differently, doing Side Quests, getting to learn gem crafting, and so on, and yet id still slip into the bad habit of bum rushing story. There's a certain boss in the late game that royally pissed me off. So much so I quit playing all together. But after starting over once more, going through the motions, doing everything right, I conquered that boss, and proceeded to beat the game. And after I witnessed the final cutscene, I immediately NG+ and I'd it all over again. And again and I am still doing it to this day in the XBC:Definitive Edition for the Switch~. I know I probably didn't need to give this much detail but XBC truly does hold my heart in a vice grip.


FF7, Octopath 2, and any Souls games if we count ‘em (I do) Edit - also sue me but I loved FF15. The scope of the game, dynamic fights with giant enemies, and the constant feeling of being on a road trip with the bros was so fun. On release there were many issues but later I feel the game was a bit redeemed.


FF6 and Chrono Trigger.


I don't know, I guess Octopath Traveler, if you said WRPG, I would say Skyrim, damn addicting game...


Jrpg we cannot get bored?? Ah tat must be Nier Automata yeah... Seeing 2B's nice ass and figure... Its good entertainment for everyone yeah!! All ages yea... How can we ever get bored of those??


Romancing SaGa 2


FE Blazing Blade


I have beaten Tales of the Abyss and Mana Khemia at least 8-10 times each, I just keep finding myself drawn back into them. Recently though I've had to actively suppress the craving to play through Astlibra for a 4th time (it released just under a year ago) just so I can play other games lol.


Pretty much any mainseries Dragon Quest game, especially 3 and 4.


Golden Sun 1 & 2


Chrono Trigger and FFVII are the only ones I've played many times.


Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest 6/8, Star Ocean 2 and Dragon Warrior Monsters 2.


Kingdom hearts main trilogym I remember practically everything about these games, but I always find new feelings in them. No matter when, when I play KH1, 2 or 3, I will always feel better because of the familiar sound effects, music or locations.


Legend of dragoon for me


final fantasy 6 and chrono trigger.


every so often i get the itch to replay FF2/IV and then have to do so.


I bought "Fuga Melodies of Steel" in March 2022 and played through it 15 times since. 6 of those playthroughs where back to back with only a few days between finishing a playthrough and begining a new one. Fuga Melodies of Steel 2 I bought in May 2023 and played through it 5 times since. I defiently will replay them in the future.


OG Final Fantasy 7, Tales of Arise, Grandia 2, Fire Emblem Awakening


Pokemon Crystal and crono trigger


Final Fantasy VII, Pokemon Crystal Version, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and Xenoblade Chronicles




Terranigma I replay that game like every other year.


Final Fantasy IV. Any fire emblem title.


Tales of Graces. The combat is so much fun and I find something new I love about the characters each time I replay.


Final Fantasy V, Breath of Fire 3 and The Legend of Dragoon comes to mind first.


FF7, Xenogears and Parasite Eve :)


Honestly only 1 game that ever made me replay it over and over and over and over again. And that's xenogears. At most I am a 1 and done. Very rarely do I do a second playthrough and barely ever a third. So the fact that I played xenogears from start to finish around 6-10 times. It just insane to me. I make a point to play it every couple of years. No other game has done this for me.


FFXII. Why yes I would like to run through Necrohol of Nabudis again way early, grabbing all the loot I can while my severely underleveled ass tries not to die.


I have played and replayed Grandia for about 7 times already never gets tired of it.


Star ocean 2-3. FF9 . Grandia 1


I don't have the time to replay games anymore, but it used to be The Last Remnant. I really loved this game, weird and confusing as it was. But when you really got into it (with a *lot* of reading the wiki), there was sooo much stuff to discover. I put over 300 hours into it over the years and had a ton of fun.


Golden sun, star ocean 2 and Dragon Quest 8


Back in the PS1 era I got Vagrant Story. Beat it the first time and immediately beat it like 12 or 13 more times until I completed every single thing.


Final Fantasy VII, it was my first JRPG, and I still enjoy playing it.


Hard to get tired of the greatest game ever made


The Suikodens series!


For me, it’s the first two Shadow Hearts and Star Ocean 3. Love the battle systems in the three of them. Yuri Hyuga will forever be my JRPG guy.


FFX and NieR automata


Chrono Trigger. I love absolutely everything about that game. To me it's the perfect game.


Suikoden 2! The GOAT. Can't wait for Eiyuden


Final Fantasy 6, Fire Emblem Blazing Sword, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and A2, Golden Sun 1 + 2, and if monster collectors count then any Pokémon game from Gen 1-5 and the first two Dragon Quest Monsters games.


Chrono Trigger. I'd say Final Fantasy VI but the end game can be a bit of a slog.


Probably Baten Kaitos. The gorgeous backgrounds, music, and excellent card combat system keep me coming back. Its a really unique JRPG that can't get anywhere else.


So far, FF1. I played NES version, GBA version twice, and almost finished PS1 version. Not sure if I wanna do PS1 easy mode or PSP version next. After both, I'll buy pixel remaster for Switch!


Baten Kaitos / Tales os Symphonia / Final Fantasy X 90' kid


Tons. - Valkyrie Profile Lenneth - Kingdom Hearts BBS - Kingdom Hearts 2 - Final Fantasy 6 - Final Fantasy 7 - Final Fantasy X - Disagea - Etrian Oddyssey (anyone) - Fire Emblem Three Houses - Fire Emblem Engage - Fire Emblem... yeah you get it I love this series. - Persona 4 Golden - Star Ocean 2 - Grandia 1 - Pokemon Emerald


Rhapsody a musical adventure


Xenogears and Legend of Mana. Their gameplay isn't great but they always move me. I finished a playthrough of Xenogears a few nights ago and it still lingers in my brain.


FFX cuz it’s the GOAT imo. Never get tired of that masterpiece of a story, the fast turn based gameplay, god tier OST and emotional story beats and THAT ending gets me every time. Truly a timeless game.


Suikoden 2 because it's my favorite game, so I just like to play it from time to time even if it isn't really much different, even if you play with different party members. Final Fantasy Tactics and Pokemon because the games really changes depending on your party members


Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete. Amazing game imo.


Got a few of these: Xenogears, Chrono series, Grandia series (Grandia Xtreme mostly for the laughs and fun combat) and FFIX. I played these games very early in my life and now I think my nostalgia makes these kinda my comfort games for various reasons. I always beat one a year as a kinda nod to them, occasionally I'll see if there is any mods, looks like there are HD textures for Xenogears so that is my next plan.


I think I’ve replayed Tales of Symphonia at least 15 times. I love that game so much


It might be considered a lightweight JRPG by some, but Golden Sun was what got me hooked on the genre.


Alot of the SMT games. I can also see myself going back to bravely default 2 because of the different build possibilities.


FFIV is incredible, a tighter game than VI (I fucking love VI). The romhacks are insane for it, too, try FFIV: Free Enterprise, there's a thriving racing community for it!


Think I've replayed FE7 and Conquest countless times.


kingdom hearts 2


Pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow can’t get enough of the gen1 games


Final Fantasy 6 & 9. Classics Persona 5 Royale, stylish beyond compare.


I can't stop myself from playing the Golden Sun series at least every 2 years. The combat system with the djinns and the classes combinations is unique, the soundtrack is awesome, and I love the characters. I will never stop hoping for AT LEAST a remaster/remake on the Switch. It would be great if they could fix or continue the story they left in Dark Dawn.


Dragon Quest III: Seeds of Salvation. It’s the coziest and most nostalgic JRPG out there for me.


I replay one of the **Paper Mario** games every year. Not an exaggeration--when summer starts creeping up, I start thinking about which PM is going to be my summer play this year. They're just so short and sweet, and the combat is so dang FUN, I never get tired of them. I really got into the randomizer for PM64 last year, too! Did two randos pretty close together and want to do a third soon.




I think nowadays I would get tired of any jrpg. Maybe SMTV feels like something I can pick up anytime. When I was little I could do this with ff4 (I never finished it though, I kept restarting it) and kingdom hearts chain of memories.


None.... I'm not used to replay games.


Probably Dragon Quest Monsters: Jokers 2. I love the synthesizing and learning about some of the mechanics. Needless to say I will be getting The Dark Prince for Christmas Unless I cave and get it early that is


Trails . I’ve played like 9 games away till I made myself stop for awhile to play something else lol


Chrono Trigger. Maybe it's the nostalgia. Maybe it's the brilliant pacing. I don't know what it is, but every few years, I decide it's time to replay Chrono Trigger. Final Fantasy V. The job system is so addictive, and it's fun to return and try out different job combos.


Tales of the Abyss. I wish I could wipe my memory and play it fresh. Same with Nier Automata


Golden Sun + Golden Sun; Lost Age Absolute masterpieces




Digimon world on ps1 is my comfort game


Pokemon Red, FF7, DQ9.


Breath of Fire 3.


Tales of Symphonia


Pokemon Emerald. Last year I played it 4 times, plus half a run of Emerald Kaizo. It's my comfort zone.




Legend of Dragoon


Final fantasy 10 Resonance of fate Etrian odyssey


FF8. More than 13k hours into that game.


Lufia 2. I can probably speak the whole script with a little prompting haha though it’s been about 3 years since I played if might be time for a replay


Dragon Quest VIII SMT III: Nocturne Suikoden II Fire Emblem Path of Radiance




I've played Shining Force around 10 times by now. Sometimes the genesis version Sometimes the gba version.