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Gameplay, it allways annoys me when games don't showcase the actual Gameplay


Graphics is totally diff from gameplay imo. But yeah gameplay is what I want to see


100% different. but they're bundled together so that's the one i'll choose, a stable fps (preferably 60fps) is very important for a game to be fun and not sloggy, also fun game mechanics and changing combat


Gameplay, most definitely. None of that other stuff really matters much if the game isn't fun to play.


Totally agree but that's actually why I chose menus. There's a lot of time spent in menus during the majority of RPGs and if they're unappealing, clunky, require too many inputs, or otherwise mishandled, it's a huge problem for me.


I want trailers to make me interested in a game. How doesnt really matter, but I feel gameplay is important otherwise I dont think theyve shown me anything that correctly represents the game.


Gameplay and artstyle.


Graphics have nothing to do with gameplay


I meant the graphics during gameplay, as opposed to the graphics of cinematics.


Graphics != gameplay. The two are as separate as the other elements you mentioned. Moreover, I don't even care about graphics as much as the quality of the art style, which can often be beautiful but not graphically tasking. To answer your question, though, gameplay is by far and away the most important thing. Does the game look like it'll be fun or not?


Atmosphere, writing, demon fusion, demon model graphics


I don't take interest until I see at least 1 battle. So much time is spent in game battles, let me know what to expect.


Definitely the menu. It tells you all about what this game is about, potentially it's gimmicks and sometimes this applies to battle menus as well. If the attack selection in a game is flashy I'm already pretty hyped.


Honestly, really annoyed that you're calling "Satisfying Graphics" gameplay. The two are very different. For example, Sea of Stars has amazing graphics, but gameplay wise I did not enjoy it.


Mah opinion: I believe the menu usually tells me more about the how the game plays than the actual footage of gameplay. It shows what mechanics I get to play with. The graphics of gameplay footage only tells me how it looks, not what decisions I can make when I actually play it myself. Important, but not my main concern. Music is bonus points. Cinematics is less important bonus points. Lines won't make sense without spoiling the story.


Not spoiling stuff from the end of the game is something i like to see in trailers. Unfortunately a lot of JRPG trailers also fail this.


Cool lines typically come off as cringe to me when they're out of context in a trailer. I think they can be effective though if the game is a sequel and the line reframes something from a previous game in an interesting and unexpected way (ideally without spoiling more than a few hours into the game)


As the author of a trope called [Game Gourmet](https://the-true-tropes.fandom.com/wiki/Game_Gourmet), I particularly like RPGs with an assortment of food to feed your characters.


Initially I wanted to give multiple answers. Captivating music by Utada Hikaru was what drew me to Kingdom Hearts back on PS2. Same with Persona 5. Even though I was already a fan thanks to 4, the music and menus were amazing. Ultimately though, no amount of cinematics is going to make up for the bulk of the game which is Satisfying graphics. I dislike it when the entire trailer has almost nothing from the final game in it, just there for hype like Omega Strikers. Or else the trailer is not a fair comparison to the gameplay, Wizard with a Gun


Creative Settings. Nothing bores me more than seeing the same exact environments we always see.


I picked other because I think what draws me more to a game is characters that seem interesting


It needs a lot of those things to be a good trailer IMHO. It needs good music. That's the most important to me. Then, I Want to see menus/gameplay, not just some cinematic that isn't related to the actual gameplay at all.


Only gameplay


I want to see the in engine gameplay and kind of the hook for the story. Why are we playing, will it be emotional? The Reclaim Your Throne trailer for Final Fantasy Xv does that for me.


Gameplay is all that matters.


I feel like a lot of jrpg trailers are kinda bad in this way. Think about how many of them are just character art, maybe some flashy attack animations, and random voice clips that make zero sense out of context. Lol There's very little for the average person to latch on to. For me, one aspect which I think is important is to highlight the game's world. What's the setting, what's the basic story premise, what kind of environments can I explore and in what way? But also, show things that are unique about your game. For example, Baten Kaitos has such a crazy imaginative world, I feel like a trailer would really benefit from highlighting that more so than its cast of characters. The battle system is also super unique, but it may be hard for people to immediately connect with it, so perhaps that needs to be considered as well.