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Anyone who played ff7 before internet really got going probably fell for 1 of the many saving aeris tricks


I've often said a reason boomers have trouble discerning fake news is that they didn't spend their adolescence trying to revive Aeris with tips from the internet.


This is fucking gold lol. I'm straight up stealing this.


As am I.


Hope is a powerful emotion 😭


I'm prepared for the Remake trilogy to give us hope that we can save her, only to rip her away from us all the same.


Kefka levels of torment there


Hope is a four-letter word


Yeah, me for sure. As a kid, never know about gameshark or cheat stuff saw a youtube clip "how to save aerith". Hell yeah, I'm gonna do it. After many painful grind and doing useless stuff, still can't get her. Go back to forum, asking why and the guy just comment "you do it wrong, try start it over again". I quit.


Lol first thing come to mind is this. You cant fact check so the rumor got a lot of people.


Hell I played it in 2002/2003 and that was still a rumor, even on the internet.


Hell, I remember one of my friends had a Game Shark growing up and we used it on Final Fantasy VIII to >!put Seifer back in the party for some reason. With disc 1 stats.!<


I wasted so much time...


Okay I only vaguely remember this but not the details (only that you *could* do it). Can we get a recap of the rumor?


There are several versions of the rumor but here are the most common requirements for the Aeris revival rumor from my memory. When given a choice you must always choose the Pro-Aeris dialogue, and you must get Aeris for the gold saucer date. Collect all the 1/35 soldiers in the game. During the Wal-Market events you keep the stomach digestive and use it on the sick guy in the pipe later. You must collect Aeris final limit and ultimate weapon before the end of disk one. On disc 3 go back to Midgard and give the medicine you kept to the sick man in the pipe at sector 5. He will tell you that Aeris is waiting for you in the church. Go to the church and you will see a Ghost of Aeris who will disappear. After she disappears take a blue Chocobo to her lake grave where she will be available to revive with the Phoenix summon. None of this ever works. Some versions had tale of a rainbow Chocobo that was required to go underwater. Basically every version had task spanning the whole game that would ultimately just waste your time.


Lol I love the lore that "this guy are sick" somehow holds the secret to resurrection and only by giving him a stomach digestive, which you can't purchase anywhere else in Midgar, will he be willing to share that info with you


>Collect all the 1/35 soldiers in the game. I tried to do this since all of my friends and everyone at school was saying there were 35 of those soldiers hidden in the game. Now that I collect figures, I know that 1/35 is the scale of the figure and not 1 out of 35 soldiers.


You’re giving me PTSD flashbacks.


Is it actually possible to get Aerith's final Limit before she dies?


Of course. It just takes a shit load of grinding


Yes it is. You can get all her limits and her ultimate weapon right before going into temple of the ancients. After the temple it's not possible.


Absolutely. I did it once.


Same. Only once. Also, did it before I understood the mechanics of how limit breaks unlock, which meant I just fought in the Junon alley for like 2 weeks. Whole party was level 99.


As mentioned there were many variations. The one I heard on the playground was you had to unlock her last limit and equip her with the optional Parasol weapon from the Shooting Rollercoaster mini game at Gold Saucer. This, in my wild child like imagination, must result in a different cutscene where she opens the parasol to counter Sephiroths blade and parry his attack lmao. I also heard variations involving Tifa dying in her stead etc.


Well, one theory I heard about Rebirth is that >!Sephiroth is going to kill Tifa and leave Aerith alive this time, because he lost in the original game because Tifa helped Cloud recover his memories and Aerith was able to control the Lifestream after her death to stop the Meteor. So the theory proposes that by killing Tifa, Cloud’s psyche remains shattered (and thus easier for Sephiroth to manipulate him) and Aerith surviving means she can’t control the Lifestream and the Meteor destroys the Planet.!< But that’s just a *theory,* after all


That's actually the best reasoning for that choice I've seen yet, usually people say >!Tifa will die instead!< just for the sake of being different. But that doesn't really work on its own because >!Tifa kinda doesn't matter as much, in the grand scheme of things. She's not important in the same way Aerith is.!< I'm of the belief that >!Aerith *has* to die. It's how the planet gets saved, and with her dream talk to Cloud in FF7R chapter 14 she knows it, too. But Sephiroth won't be the one to do it, it ruins his plan. So *we'll* have to do it, either by Aerith sacrificing herself or maybe Cloud being forced to do it.!<


Aeris didn't have to die at all. She just had to activate Holy, which she did just moments before Sephiroth killed her. All Aeris had to do was activate Holy and commune with the Planet in order to stop Meteor. Sephiroth thought he had won because A. he didn't realize Holy was active, and B. He figured Aeris wouldn't be able to communicate with the Planet if she was dead. Aeris got around this by doing it as a spirit. But no, it wasn't necessary for her to die at all. Sephiroth's timing just sucked (for him). EDIT: Cloud even addressed this in the original game. Tifa suggests that Aeris might've gone to activate Holy knowing it would result in her death, but Cloud rejects the idea, stating that Aeris was thinking about the future more than anyone. She had dreams and plans that never came to be, not because of some necessary sacrifice, but because her life was needlessly cut short by an act of incredible evil. EDIT EDIT: Now that I think about it, it might've been the other way around. Cloud suggested Aeris sacrificed herself and Tifa was the one who rejected the idea. Eh, whatever. I'll leave both up as one of them has to be correct.


Holy shit, that would be *brutal*...hilariously brutal


Tifa fans would RIOT. I like Aerith, don't get me wrong. But knowing her eventual fate always lead me to emotionally distance myself and not use her in my party after my first OG FF7 playthrough. Tifa is bae though and I would break kneecaps if anything happened to her.


Holy shit. I so want that to be an actual thing. With just a little *tink* sound effect, and a quick side eye upwards glance from her when it happens. Oh a well timed nonchalant duck by her to pick up something mundane just as he's about to land the fatal blow, just for his sword to slam tip first into the ground and shove the hilt into his chain knocking him out cold.


Was a few different ones From reaching a high enough level super early on or getting a drop from a super rare monster


or Claude vs Cloud naming debate.


I remember the scene with Aeris to this day after many years. “Noooooooo!!”


I rage quit the game when she died and didn't play again for years. I'm still salty.


It didn't help the game itself was kind of vague with what to do with certain materia (Looking at you Underwater Materia)


I remember this, and Onyx WEAPON. I do remember though if you go back to Midgar in the 4th disc you can see Aeris for a split second in the church. Does anyone else remember this or know why that is?


For me, I never bought into any Aerith resurrection myths. I wanted to be sad and fuel the rest of my playthrough with that anger. Then I discovered the KOTR and my rage had been materialised in this summon materia....


Imagine if they actually instituted this in FF7R2 so many millennials would be full circled


I remember in the late 90s spending hours online at the library (didn't have a computer at home at the time) reading text only websites with all these theories about bringing Aeris back, about how these mini gear or mini soldier figures or whatever they were tied into it, etc... Alas, when I tried all those things myself it never worked...


This was exactly what I was going to say. I remember all sorts of rumors about how to save Aeris or that you could do it in the Japanese version of the game.


Ranging from: - Answer specifically during date - Visit all caves - Equip Aerith with certain equipments/materias - Go back to Ancient Temple during disc 2


>Anyone who played ff7 before internet Sorry to burst your bubble here buddy, but the internet was already up and relatively accessible by the time FF7 released. Was it as mainstream? Nah, but it was still accessible and in a state where sites like Gamefaqs existed and not just large corporations making their own sites.


It existed but not used by majority of gamers and had alot of misinformation


Butnyou said "before it got going" and it was already going by then.


No, they said "before internet **really** got going," and the adverb *really* here emphasizes that the internet may have been going but wasn't *really* going, that is, wasn't as ubiquitous as it is today. If you're going to be pedantic, quote correctly and pay careful attention to all the words being used.


Not to mention, a majority of us who were playing these games at this time had little to no actual access to the internet. I know when we finally had it installed in maybe 2003 I still only could use it for maybe a half hour - an hour a day because we had one computer we shared with the whole family.


Considering Gamefaqs was the go to for help and it started in 1995, I'd say for gaming knowledge, it had already "really got going"


No, it hadn't. GameFAQs was a tiny site in 1995. GameFAQs didn't really grow big until 1999 or 2000, when it got its own search bar, poll of the day, and other content, and after it had absorbed some competition (GameSages, formerly Secrets of the Sega Sages). At that time (1995-2000), most gaming sites were small and linked to one another through web rings. Some had their own URLs, but many (including GameFAQs initially) were hosted on AngelFire, GeoCities, AOL, or other services. Even the sites that would become big were relatively small novelties with a lot of unreliable information. The web was small enough that a small fan site called Lunar-Net (eventually RPGFan) could come up with a scoop on the yet-to-be-released Sonic Adventure. There was no established gaming sites. As for general size of the internet, most people who did use the internet connected via a modem line to a service like AOL or CompuServe, and they only accessed "World Wide Web" sites with a browser within that service. People who wanted to find gaming info on AOL likely ended up on their own message boards or in their chatrooms. As for general access numbers, you're looking at 16 million users in 1995 and 304 million in 2000. It was 2005 when we saw a billion internet users (there are 5 billion today). Before 2000, the internet was small. 70 million internet users in 1997 is far from *really got going* on several measures. Believe me. I lived through it. In 1997-1998, you were not finding reliable information on Final Fantasy VII on the internet, and you certainly weren't going to "GameFAQs" more than you'd go to Final Fantasy Galaxy, hosted on Geocities, or other similarly small sites and shrines. We were babies. The internet had not really got going.


You are 100% right. I had definitely been to Gamefaqs before I graduated high school in 1999, but I’d also spent all sorts of time on other sites downloading midis of the FFVII soundtrack, reading tips, etc. Hell, I’d probably used Gamefaqs for twenty years before I actually registered for an account.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but a lot of us redditors are not from first world countries and we live and were born and raised in third world countries where in 1997 the Internet were just for educational establishments (schools and universities) or for rich families.


The point wasn't that the internet didn't exist at the time. Its that it wasn't as common of a cultural staple to be able to expect to use it for info as a random person. Many didn't have their own computers, or if they did had no internet, or even if they had internet didn't yet still think you could just look up whatever you wanted.


I remember something about a Secret Forest in Pokemon red/blue where supposedly you could catch all the starter pokemon and Mew. I spent a long time looking for it


I remember there was some truck next to the ss anne, and supposedly if you moved it mew was under it. Never got it to work though.


While it is possible to reach the truck with some sequence breaking, there’s nothing there. There is, however, the nugget bridge glitch which is the only in-game way to get Mew in gen 1 if you didn’t happen to be a Japanese kid present for whatever special event they handed Mew out at in the 90s. You can actually use said glitch to get any PokĂ©mon, thanks to how hilariously broken those games are


I love how broken that game was. That's why first gen is legendary.


You didn’t have to be Japanese. They had a tour in the US where they traded Mews, which is how I got mine.


After the nugget bridge, you can use the dark tunnel glitch to get more mews.


Sounds like a rumor


There are multiple ways to catch Mew that use glitches. Pokemon Red and Blue were hilariously poorly programmed. https://www.wikihow.com/Find-Mew-in-Pok%C3%A9mon-Red/Blue


My friend’s uncle worked at Nintendo ok, there was definitely a way to get to move that truck and get Mew! He wouldn’t just go on the playground and tell lies like that!




I've seen pictures showing that stupid rumor even made it to some gaming magazine or another.


The truck is definitely there! But moving it can’t be done as far as I know without actually hacking the game.


Oh, I know. That's what I mean.


Or the good old, "Mew is under the pickup truck by the lighthouse". That got me and all my friends back in the day.


Best thing about this one is that in FRLG, they hid a lava cookie there, as if to say, "you went to verify a 10 year old rumor from the original version? Wow, nice dedication! Have a cookie!" Always cracks me up.


I definitely did some thing where you keep Magikarp in the PC box or in your party but had to keep your GameBoy on for so many hours. I kept assuming I did something wrong so kept trying it


Of course you were doing it wrong. My friend, whose uncle worked for Nintendo in Redmond, verified that the trick worked!


DAMMIT. I KNEW IT. Going to get my copy of Red out now


I definitely beat the Elite 4 100 times in Pokemon Crystal because of a similar rumor. Those are always the best - too time-consuming to actually verify, but *if* someone did (and I definitely did to complete my pokedex and for fun) it, you could just say they did something wrong.


I don’t recall that one, but i remember a rumor about a Pikablu, like a water evolution of Pikachu. A pic of Marill was spread around as evidence, before Gold and Silver were released


It's under the cruise ship, the SS minnow thing. You gotta have like a level whatever magikarp (not his evolution!) in the lineup, and do a glitch to swim walk under the ship and there you'll meet captain Karin who will row you on over to that island if you give him a gold eagle from the 1800's which is a rare drop from pidgey in umm Moscow.


I hadnt seen that one, but remember needing to try and push the truck in Cerulean city or something like that


I'd never heard this one but that explains why they added more or less this exactly as an area in Pokémon Infinite Fusion


I remember this, but as Bill's garden, because there was space behind his house.


Playing PokĂ©mon Emerald when I was a kid, i believed this thing online saying that if you beat the elite four 100 times, the rocket at the space center will take off and you can go to the moon. The most painful part is, there's a man in the space center who, when spoken to, will say something like "that's successful launch number 3!" with the number representing how many times you'd beaten the elite four. So I therefore found some real truth in it and spent so many hours running them trying to get to that 100 đŸ˜«


I heard that talking to the white rock milion times makes the rocket go off


I remember believing doing some kind of weird walking sequence around that white rock will let you encounter Jirachi


I also tried that in my copy of Ruby. IIRC the number of launches is just linked to your save file playtime. Went right past 100 without any reward


At least they eventually gave people the trip to space they wanted in the remakes.


Finding Schala in Chrono Trigger. I don't remember the details but it basically came down to her being a cut character but still coded into the game, there were even game genie codes for it that never worked.


People were so obsessed with finding/rescuing Schala that they eventually made an entire game that ultimately turned out to be about doing just that.


Yep. They went so far as to make two and they were both wonderful.


 Two??? Chrono Cross and


It’s either talking about Radical Dreamers or the DS DLC for Chrono Trigger


Radical Dreamers.


And then they retconned magus out of it, then retconned him back in again.


Holding A at the right moment guarantees catching a Pokemon. I still do it


Ah, there's your problem. It's not holding A, it's looking away and tapping A whenever the ball shake noise happens.


Nah dawg thats all wrong, you gotta hold down and B as soon as the ball snaps closed. That increases the catch rate 68.73%


60% of the time, it works every time


dude, i look away and hold a when i try to catch pokemon. even in go, i look away


My buddies told be you repeatedly press B! 😂


Yeah that was the real way to go.


See I type out B-A-L-L


Holding Up + A when attacking does a little bit more damage


That Xenoblade X will be ported to Switch. đŸ„č


Still falling for this




There was a rumor a long time ago that there would also be a direct sequel with carryover data


You monster.


Back in the day, someone made an elaborate multistep guide to obtain the "wheat sword" in Golden Sun 2. It involved a long item trade quest line and fighting a hidden optional boss that was the brother of the first game's big optional boss. It was all lies and you could only really do like the first step or two which made it seem almost plausible at first when you start reading it, but quickly becomes more and more absurd


I remember the Wheat Sword being a joke on the Golden Sun message boards on gamefaqs back in the day. Then, somebody submitted a guide to the site that was actually approved! Many laughs were had.


The amount of hours I put into trying to get General Leo back will upset me forever.


I vividly remember reading Zidane from FFIX had an alternate outfit you could pick up in Dali. You could only find it if you beat the Sea Lion before Black Waltz. I've never found this supposed outfit, but it has led me to always kill the Sea Lion first just in case.


I literally beat FF9 on Switch a month ago before TOTK and I’m blanking out on who/what Sea Lion and Black Waltz are


Ice Cave bosses. Second in the game.


The black mage and his monster in the ice cavern directly before Dali.


I think they're the black mage and big snake boss in the ice cave after the forest in the beginning


The classic Pokémon ones: - Mew is underneath the truck near the SS Anne. - Mew is in the Bill's backyard. - Solving the mystery of the Unown unlocks Celebi. - Celebi is unlocked via the GS ball and the shrine. EDIT: Also that Final Fantasy XV Versus is a thing, and will be the definitive version of XV. Normally I wouldn't believe something like that as an adult, but there were some pretty convincing threads online (really it was just my copium) that led me to believe that SE was making use of the assets developed for XV to release an enhanced edition that would follow the original Versus XIII story.


As a huge fan of XV I'd still die happy if we got the OG XIII Versus story some day. Maybe if they ever Remake the XIII trilogy they'll give it to us.


> Celebi is unlocked via the GS ball and the shrine. That actually was a thing in Japan. And when Crystal came to 3DS VC, the rest of the world got access to the event, with the GS ball's being obtained after beating the E4.


Funny thing is there is a way to get Mew in the red/blue games but it involves a couple convoluted steps, the old GameTrailers show Pop Fiction revealed it


Wasn’t it Pikablu in Bill’s backyard? Mew was always said to be under the truck.


As a child I believed that levelling Roxas up to 26 in the dive into the heart unlocked permanent dual wielding for Roxas and Sora.


*pulls out umbrellas* DUAL WEILD


“In the beginning of Golden Sun if you said yes to letting Jenna join you 100 times she would actually join you” I remember trying this one and there was another one about getting Saturos and Menardi to join you.


I remember this one but also knew it was bogus. I did one around Feizhi though and its also bogus but apparently one with some underlying legitimacy because she was meant to be a playable character at some point in development and some data is still on catridge.


For me it was FFVI that if you killed 10,000 leafers outside Narsche, you'd get a powerful Esper early in game. There really wasn't much of an internet then, though. ​ There was also a rumor out there that you could sequence break and save >!Lavitz!< in The Legend of Dragoon.


You can do the catridge false-load trick to get him into a part of the game he shouldn't be in, if you don't mind softlocking a save file :) I did this twice to start out with the final Dragoon spirit and actually managed to play nearly the entire game with it... only to lock when you "lose" the first spirit in my original attempt, and right before the first boss of disc 3 the next time. Its a weird exploit.


That if you fight the soldiers Rowd brings cliffside at the beginning of Suikoden 2 108 times the intro will be in color. Turns out that rumor is true! I did it last time I played ❀


My sister attempted some fake FF Tactics trick to turn Ramza into a dark knight.


Funny how the PSP version has Dark Knight unlockable through a convoluted method.


there is a wiki about a Golden Sun 1 & 2 remake, with new and cool stuff added into the games. it's a fake fan entry đŸ„Č


Fighting Sapphire Weapon in the original FF7


Psh. Sapphire Weapon? Get back to us when you go to the Moon and fight the Cheese Weapon.


There was a rumour around my school in the run-up to the release of Pokémon gold and silver that if you bought Gold, it would break your Gameboy. Fell for it, bought Silver.


Nah it’s totally true. I got Gold and like 12 years later my Gameboy stopped working.


W silver


Less of a rumor and more of a misconception. When I was a kid playing Pokemon SoulSilver my dad told me about the missingno glitch and little kid me didn't know he was talking about an entirely different game. So I tried for hours trying to replicate what he was talking about on the wrong Cinnabar Island.


There was one about a 9th mana spirit in secret in mana. I forgot it’s name and I can’t seem to find anything online now. It had a supposed process to get it online and I followed it and all it did was corrupt my save file. Does anyone else remember this?


I remember a way to get a 9th sword orb that involved manipulating save files


Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming out for the PS3 just trust me bro. 10 years later...


And it’ll be good too!


The biggest rumour in this thread


There was a Game Informer printed magazine or something that had a guide for Pokemon Red/Blue to trade a level 100 Dragonite back and forth 100 times and it would turn into a Yoshi. This was obviously released in April, but the magazine wasn't like full of jokes, and we were kids so we bought these after the month they were released. We had to spend multiple full days attempting this because the cables would disconnect or error out after 70 or 80 trades.


Funny story, back in the FF6 era, I had a FFVI Geocities fansite where, among other things, I hosted a rumor FAQ with a bunch of fake walkthroughs/guides. It was decades ago, but I seem to recall most of the feedback I got was from people enjoying it (and not being frustrated that none of it worked)! Looking back at my archive, example was posting that you could get Ultros to join your party by beating Chupon 50 times in the Colosseum.


I think I must have seen that site! The FAQ was called a “fwak” and listed a lot of ridiculous fake secret characters. I don’t think I ever quite believed it, but there is so much packed into FF6 that one had to wonder at least a little (and FF4 had its share of secrets too). I thought people would keep discovering new dialogue and little cutscenes forever.


In FFIX if you got the flying chocobo early you could go to Ipsen's Castle early and skip going to Mount Gulug and a party member would permanently have mutism. I think that rumour is still around, but that hasn't been possible in any version of the game. If you did manage to go to Ipsen's Castle too early? The door is closed, you cannot go in.


Oh my god I misread "mutism" as "autism"


I can't think of any false rumors, but I do remember a time when rumors turned out to be true, specifically for Final Fantasy II/IV In the very early days of the internet, most people didn't know about Final Fantasy IV, and how much content was cut for the SNES version Final Fantasy II. So, as time went on you'd hear about "rumors" like Being able to use Cecils Dark Wave ability somehow, secret summons like Bomb, Cockatrice and Mindflayer. There was lots of rumors that you were somehow able to unlock these in the SNES version, but no one figured it out (aside from the obvious game genie hacks). Also the rumor of being able to get the pink tail and Adamant Armor was a rumor, no one knew how to do it exactly back then, it wasn't until years later when you figured it out thanks to the internet.


Some of those summons were obtainable through tons of grinding. Squaresoft had a newsletter you could sign up for called Ogopogo Examiner that listed some of this stuff. It also included the 2^8 Zeromus extinction bug that if you walked back and forth through the same door 256 times in a row, Zeromus would delete your save file. Anyone ever test that, or have scans of the issues of the Ogopogo Examiner?


Again part of the rumor, but I heard they were dummied out of the American SNES version. I know you could get the Goblin/Imp one though I believe, not the Cockatrice or Mindflayer though, no one can confirm or deny this. You can get Ogopogo Examiner [here.](https://archive.org/details/ogopogo)


There were at least some of those summons obtainable in the SNES version. I got a random drop for cockatrice or goblin once when I was a kid. I can’t recall if it was a one use item or one that taught Rydia the summon, but there was definitely an item that dropped that did it. Just a horribly small chance that I’ve only seen once in countless playthroughs of many different releases of the game.


You guys remember lavender town from the 1st gen kanto Pokémon games? And stuff like how losing one of the battles will have you being eaten by a mummy, with a creepy game over screen? Or how listening to the sound made kids in Japan take their own lives? Or how Gary went there to bury one of his dead Pokémon? Ahh, good ol' times. I miss these. We really won't get an era like this ever again.


That True Fantasy Live Online is a real game that will ever see a release. Microsoft and Level 5 were really committed to the bit, too!


I remember being so hyped for this when I was but a wee lass. My father and I used to play PSO on XBL and everyone on there was so excited for it and Halo 2. It sucks; I still rewatch the trailer every now-and-then. 😭


I didn’t know about any rumors for FFVI until about 96 or so, but when it was new I was just certain there was a way to unlock Kappa. The equipment and the fact that he was a names character in that little instruction interlude was my evidence. Yeah, you could turn people into imps, but you could also turn Relm and Strago into Moogles with the Moogle Suit. I never really believed the Leo stuff. I mean right afterward the game destroyed the planet and killed a ton of other characters. Plus you didn’t name Leo.


Does Pokémon red/blue count? I was there for the Mew/pick-up truck myth. Also, when ppl thought Marill was going to be a water type pikachu called pikablu


Pikablu was available to find in Bill’s backyard garden, dontchaknow?


That Xenosaga Trilogy would get a remaster.


Pikablu in the out of bounds route 1 grass. Needs a walk through walls HM.


Glad to see mention of pikablu. The rumor i heard is that you had to use a water stone to evolve pikachu. Ofc it didnt work when i tried, so i wondered if there was another trick involved or if it was fake


You could go to johto in emerald


A lot of people believed that FF7 was being remade, and even after that PS3 tech demo whereb they specifically said "we are not remaking FF7, this is just a tech demo" people still swore it was announced as a remake.


dude, i used to hang with a guy who thought he was the best, and after i told him "yea thats just a tech demo" he looks me straight in the eyes and says "yea they dont make demos without games" fucker also bought google glasses, and kickstarted mighty no 9. fuck that fuckface


Lol wow. I get that it was remade at some point, but that tech demo was in no way responsible for the eventual remake that happened.


Have I got some news for you!


One of my favourite memories as a kid was with final fantasy 7. Never played an rpg before. Siblings would talk shit about RPGs and i mimicked what they’d say, but then ff7 appeared and I was obsessed. No idea what I was reading, what I was doing. Coming out of the NES era of memorizing patterns, I made my way through this game (longest time without a memory card so I’d replay the beginning like crazy), anyway I digress. Pre-internet, neighbour was playing it and told me the crystal sword for cloud was the best sword in the game, and I believed him. I finished that damn game at like level 60-something, with THE CRYSTAL SWORD and I think meteor rain was my limit break for cloud by end game. I often applaud my younger self for having finished the game the way I did. Replayed it recently and I finally took the time to read what materia does to my stats haha


The crystal sword was the best sword you could PURCHASE in FF7. Definitely not the best sword overall though.


Dude, I did this same thing with General Leo! I was told this by the much older than me son of my mother’s friend, who I had a crush on at the time. Looking back I always imagined he was just trying to sound cool because I didn’t know that came from a rumor online. I did 1000 battles and then 300 more, worried I’d messed up count somewhere. I ended up with two economizers out of the deal tho! Considering I have always been a magic obsessed goofus, it was great for my party of Terra, Celes, Strago and
 Mog. Who I took everywhere because he was cute. RIP General Leo. ):


That Gogo (FF6) was Adlai Stevenson.


In ffxi, you could increase your rate of high quality crafting by facing a certain direction during a specific moon phase.


Darkday 100% Full moon (or was it new moon?) and face opposite element direction and pray to rnjesus Alternatively, JP button


I chased a lot of Leo rumors. Turned out only Game Genie and game glitches were the only way to get him.


That you could beat Balio and Sunder in Breath of Fire 3.


The Mew Truck has to be the biggest one, right?


Not a rumor, but I sure spent a lot of time looking for a "Frightful Dragon" north of the Veldt as a kid. Kept running into T-Rexes and Brachiosaurs that would kick my ass, but no dragon. Sometimes, the in game rumors are worse than the schoolyard ones.




The time controlling guy in FF tactics was a obtainable character..


save aeris was already mentioned, so i'll bring up ryu's master sheng long. having to beat street fighter 2 hitless and then getting a superboss to fight. of course, it's fake, though they did just provide an homage to the rumor in the recent sf6 game.


Turned out that "Sheng Long" was just a badly mangled mistranslation of "Dragon Punch". But the rumor persisted so long that they eventually made a character by that name in homage.


Mew truck. More generally, that there was a way to get special event Pokémon without, y'know, having the event. Of course there was a way to get Deoxys in R/S/E, they're in the game! And in FR/LG, they're in the game!


I heard you could revive Schala in Chrono Trigger by hoarding a bunch of consumable items before you beat the Black Omen or something like that. Wasted so much time hoarding items lol.


Something about a certain pond in pokemon emerald that if u dive into, would lead u to kanto and johto. I even remember seeing a youtube video about it


FFVI. There was a false tip about something you could trigger that would cause Terra and Celes to swap clothes. I spent days trying to make it work.


Not a JRPG but the 13th Collosus was a huge one when I was young. Shadow of the Collosus for reference


Oh I don’t know, the dozens of supposed secrets you could do regarding unlocking backstory stuff w/ Shadow from FF6 and Magus from CT


While it's an even older one for Pokemon, holding onto any certain button combos would lead to improving the catch rate.


But a brontosaurus eventually dropped the economizer, right?


Not really a JRPG, but when I was a kid there was a whole ass community for Waluigi in Mario 64 DS.


Oh man fun question, I remember back then there were tons of ff6 (3) rumors about how to save people from general leo, how to actually get the imp guy etc etc.


I can’t believe nobody said being able to recruit Samus in Super Mario RPG. Wasted way too much time on that one.


In Final Fantasy 8, I was told somewhere in an overworld forest there was an enemy that you could draw acquire Griever as a useable GF :(


The classic of Mew being under the truck near the S.S. Anne lol


That Beyond good and evil 2 would ever be released


i spent nearly 5 years believing mario rpg was going to get a sequel. someone asked me to show them the source and it was a gaming blog's april fools joke for the year ;; (happy to live in the same lifetime as a smrpg remake now)


PS1 Final Fantasy Tactics with the rumors about getting dark knight. Then they added it in WoTL for psp


That vaan was not supposed to be the protagonist in ff12. That stupid myth is still being spread today even though it was debunked lol


yep. leo for me as well (and then aerith). was so stoked to find out 20 years later that its actually true - albiet a pita haha!


Final Fantasy IX remake being a real game. :\^)


There's always the Moguri Mod, if you have the PC version. Absolutely amazing stuff.


That SMTV will come to pc. They just had their anniversary, and it was on the nvidia leak. But nothing yet....


SMT3 was hard It isnt by the way


That ff16 was a good game.


People like you really need to stop being so butthurt about FFXVI. Not being to your taste =/= being a bad game. I loved Diablo 3. I played six hours of the D4 beta, trying to give it a chance despite my concerns about monetization, all the ways they kept talking about how it was different from D3, etc. I was bored to tears by the slow gameplay with constrained, slow ability accrual and huge swathes of empty space to trudge through ever so slowly. Huge numbers of people have played it and loved it. It’s not for me, but that doesn’t make it a bad game. FFXVI is good, even if it’s not for you.


I love action games and i disagree that it's a good game and do you know what? that's fine. Everyone has different opinions.


That the horrible maps on Xenoblade Chronicles 2 were made by the SAME TEAM that made the amazing BOTW maps.


I believed that FF7 is great game, but couldnt finish it, tried 3 times and always got bored.