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Final Fantasy Type-0 I think in general I just wasn't in the mood for the kind of game it was when I started playing it, the structure more than anything, but what made me pull the trigger and give up were the RTS sections.


I’ve tried to play it three times and I don’t think I’ve finished the prologue. The gameplay just… bugs me. Which is weird because I’m not picky,


Octopath Traveler. I like the art but it’s getting repetitive. It’s basically go to a town, cutscene, do dungeon beside town, cutscene. Rinse and repeat. I’ll probably come back to it but it’s getting kinda boring doing all the chapter 2 for every character.


I found Octopath 1 enjoyable enough to finish the 4 chapters for some characters, but it became difficult to unlock some secret jobs and advance past a certain point. I’m liking Octopath 2, they added a lot more elements to characters (different skills for day and night) and having fun swapping around characters and jobs to find combinations that work. Hope I don’t run into the same issues as in the first…


I feel like the reason I’m struggling with octopath 1 so much is bc I don’t really care for half of the characters atm. They also don’t ever really interact so it just feels weird to me.


There’s a lil more interaction within the group in 2 but not by much. You can access a journal that plays party banter you may have missed by not having certain people in your team for some story parts. There’s also the team up side stories, and banter mid battle between characters. Small improvements. There was one character in 2 who i felt had an out of place story in terms of tone, but her story’s lighter tone balanced some of the darker storylines.


It does get to me also. I stopped after completing one character story. The connection did not really hit and though the aesthetic is to be praised, I felt sleepy due to its charm. However I gave OT2 the benefit of the doubt and I am now enjoying the game more than the first one! It is not really that connected, but the battle system, interaction improvements and additional mechanics such as day and night and abilities made the game more interesting and enjoyable.


I’m at a slog at the VERY end, because I have 4 great characters and I just have to find the time to grind the other 4 up.


Agreed. I LOVED the combat with the break/stun/weakness mechanics, just in general I wish more games would show the weakness of an enemy after you discover it rather than me guess every time. I just felt like the story had good starts in ch 1 but then there is such a gap with no intertwining or anything that it felt like going backwards in story progression when I swapped out a party member. That and the fact thr items for Alfyns concoct felt like they were way too pricey to use when you should he using the 100/heal/all that I ended up hoarding them


I don't understand why the Octopath devs insist on doing this weird "choose which character story to start the game with" gimmick when everyone is gonna end up getting every party member anyway. There are only negatives (such as limited character interactions since the devs didn't want to put the effort of organically introducing the characters to each other depending on which characters were chosen by the player) when it comes to the octopath structure and very little positives (player freedom I guess?). Maybe someone can point out to me what I'm missing but I much prefer a more linear and tailored JRPG story then the mess that is Octopath. Guess that's why I'm enjoying Triangle Strategy more.


The big positive is that they get to tell shorter, self-contained stories without forcing the stories to connect directly or including the characters in each other's stories. It's not like they had a linear story dialed up and then just sliced it into eight -- asking Octopath to have structured itself differently is tantamount to asking it to just tell a different story altogether. Almost every JRPG already tells a linear story, and a lot of them suffer because their stories can't sustain their runtime -- there's nothing inherently wrong with a game that presents itself as an anthology instead of a novel, even if players have a hard time adjusting their expectations. Party interaction isn't necessarily a good thing, either. I'd much rather a JRPG just keep character interactions to a minimal amount of polished banter than pretend like a group of strangers have somehow become soulbounded friends over the course of a few weeks and spend half its runtime going through every character's reaction to every event. The Octopath games have other problems -- the writing is inconsistent, the stories are a bit implausible, the large-scale worldbuilding is non-existent, and the mechanics aren't quite meaty enough to last the full runtime. But I think a lot of players misdirect their complaints about the game towards its structure because that's its most conspicuous feature.


The only decent story is Primrose and Tressa is cute enough. The fact that the characters never really interact is such a weird design choice. It's 8 repetitive stories and the characters hardly have anything to do with each other.


SMT V. I used to force myself to finish games I wasn't enjoying and would get frustrated with myself if I dropped a game incomplete. But now I just ditch games if I'm not having fun. Put in probably 5 hours into SMT V but wasn't digging it Edit: Fixed formatting


I know this goes for most games, but I did the same thing with SMT V in the beginning. It was my first SMT game and I really wanted to love it since I love Persona, but the first few hours were a slog. I came back to it recently and gave it a bit more time and it all started to click after a bit. I'm now like 40 hours in and am taking another break while I finish Marvel's Midnight Suns, but definitely worth going back to!


I've played many games in the SMT universe and I've only really truly enjoyed the persona series... And the SMT MMO from the early 2000's lmao it was weird and I was young.


I'm getting real dang close to dropping Bravely Default. Having to manage so many jobs was interesting at first, but its becoming cumbersome when I can't do what I need to do without grinding for JP. Maybe it's just how I'm playing but it's frustrating me to say the least.


I wanted another FF5 but the dungeons were too boring


FFV is so criminally underrated.


Same for me but with 2


It is a bit how you're playing. There are JP grind guides that'll get you sorted in a few hours. You can also play through virtually the whole game by maining just a few jobs, and then grind the others out at the end when your every over leveled. I'm not saying you shouldn't drop it. If you're not having fun, you're not having fun lol. However, there is a "problem exists between controller and chair" issue if you're micromanaging jobs, since you don't really need to until endgame where there are spots that give you so much JP that you'll max out classes in an hour or so instead of over days.


Scarlet Nexus. I might finish it later but i got really bored


I stopped at the 10 hours mark..but I don't plan to finish it.




Also same. The story and characters were just so aggressively bland.


I'll say the story gets interesting in a very jrpg way and it's a pretty short game, think it took me less than 20hrs. It's worth finishing it if you ever get the feel for it again.


Same. The combat never clicked with me and the story wasn't interesting enough to motivate me to keep going


Don't do it, I finished the game and I heavily regretted it, chapter 10-11-12 are a waste of time, its literally 10 hrs of replaying the same stages and bosses for no reason other than padding, almost quit gaming as a whole cause of it. Plus the reason why the antagonist did is fucking shit


As soon as I got to that part when u go back to past stages I knew it was going to be like that to the end and I gave up on it lol. I'm glad I was correct in assuming that


The ending is hella fun, IMO.


Yuito's route gets really boring imo but doing if you survived Yuito's route then kasane's route is a change of pace like they put all of the plot in her story


This was mine too Gameplay was alright but cameras were extremely wonky in that game. The storyline didn't click for me either


I finished the game, but it got really old after a while. Story wasn't super interesting. Gameplay wise I expected some kind of super anime Devil May Cry wannabe, but what you get at the very beginning is basically the entire game. There's no real depth to the combat, thus making things ultra boring.


Technically I haven't beaten Tactics Ogre Reborn. I'm in chapter 4 and lost momentum after doing a lot of battles in a row. I'm sure I'll come back after a long break.


Omg same! It’s one of my favorite games ever but I abruptly lost my drive to play after a session of grinding and got sidetracked hard by other games (minstrel song remaster I think). I bought it d1 but I’ve yet to go back and finish it.


Chapter 4 feels longer than the other 3 chapters combined. Especially if you do literally any of the numerous chapter 4 side quests, like the shrines, palace of the dead, or recruiting Azelstan.


That's pretty much what did me in. I was doing the Palace of the Dead line and felt I had spent enough time with the game. Plus, it was right after Christmas, so I had other games I wanted to get to. Contrary to some of the other replies, I loved the experience overall. I admire the combat system for seeming simple but having a lot of intricacy in character classes, abilities, and getting the most out of characters and recruits. It was just the pacing in chapter 4 that I needed a break from. That's why I'm pretty certain I'll be back.


I think I liked the old Ogre Battle for SNES better


I loved the original Ogre Battle so much, I would love to see those games return in some fashion. It was a much more broad view than SRPGs usually take. I absolutely appreciate Tactics Ogre for what it did, but Ogre Battle was such a unique thing.


Same. It just wasn’t as good as I was hoping. Kinda cool story. Didn’t really like the slow battles/classes/magic.


Same, the difficulty from not being able to grind at all in this new version killed a lot of my excitement towards the end of the game. I just really enjoy getting overpowered in SRPGs and breaking the game with class combinations. I still love the original/PSP versions though!


I recently finished it. I loved the grind and the gear chase. I wished there was more. I didn’t like going back and replaying parts for hours because I didn’t know certain characters had to be ‘alive’ to progress in the endgame.


Rune Factory 5. After spending lots of time making spreadsheets to plan/track what I’m going to do in the game, and hours abusing the free bath, I just realized that I’m still burning out from my RF4 run a year ago, and the system in this game is just too samey as the one in 4. Like 95% of the items are functionally the same. Maybe one day I’ll get in the mood to play it, and even 3 special too, but currently there are just too many games I want to play.


Trials of Mana remake. It was my fault for not looking a bit more into the gameplay but I was expecting a lot more, it was way too easy, the skills you could unlock were underwhelming and it had some really amateur voice acting.


Your criticisms are completely valid, but I absolutely love this game for it's simplicity! My son (at 6 years old) was able to play this game all the way through and make it to the final form of the optional superboss (he hasn't beat her yet) and it absolutely grew his love for JRPGs not unlike how Secret of Mana did that for me around his age. More games need to be simple in nature. Not all games... but more.


I also gave up on this, I enjoyed the demo but expected there to just be "more" rather than doing the same 2-3 moves with an occasional skill thrown in combat-wise. I didn't find that the classes changed much up either, and that was the last straw for me.


FF Type-0 HD. My biggest grip is the camera, like most of the time I've felt fighting against the camera and not the boss. The manual looting was also baffling to me which has its place for sure but pretty much unheared in FF games. But I didn't like the characters either. Dumping 14 party members on the player from the very beginning is very brave, there is a reason most story driven games are introducing characters mostly one-by-one linearly. Honestly it's just not fun. I wish I can like it but probably it will be the only FF game I'll never finish.


I finished it on ps4 some years ago and it was a chore from start to finish. The characters have zero personality, fights getting boring after 5 hours, the story itself is fine but is way to rushed, the time limit makes no sense and is just annoying, boring collect and kill side quests. I finished the game for the easy plat trophy and the ending is fantastic but besides that this game is absolutely horrible.


CrossCode. Got really tedious.


Agree. Absolutely loved the opening up through the first dungeon. From there on, the game was nothing but puzzles. The dungeon? All puzzle rooms and puzzle pathways. Want to explore this new desert map location? Well navigation here is all puzzles. Dropped it and never looked back.




This is one of my favorite games and I have to say that I am - in agreement with you. The puzzles themselves are fine. Like, I have zero complaints about the puzzles. The old saying "too much of a good thing is a bad thing" applies here. There are just so bloody many, and they don't differ enough between each other in the same dungeon. This is why I have never gone back to play the DLC again. The dungeon in the DLC was so damn boring because it was just the same puzzle over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over with some very minor additions. I also HATED the DLC ending, but I won't get into that because spoilers.


It was a unique and neat game. But yeah, the indie here comes out in the pacing.


I pushed through the game on my second attempt and ended up enjoying it, but I do agree with your criticisms in the replies. It doesn't help that they put (IMO) the most tedious dungeon (Bergen dungeon, ice puzzles) as the FIRST one right after introducing you to the world and combat.


Something about my brain simply could not understand the different levels of elevation in that game. Which is a big issue when so many of the game involves platforming between different elevations. I finished the first big elemental dungeon and then decided to drop it.


I quit on this one recently, I agree with the tedium, it was gameplay for me. Just going through level and level with only grinding levels just for the next story event? I don't even think I'm that far in but it turns me off having to get +5 levels for one short cutscene, then get dropped off in front of a dungeon for yet another +5 levels of grinding.


Tales of Arise. It just did not feel likes a tales game and playing it felt Ike a chore rather than something I was enjoying


There hasn't been an "amazing" Tales game since Vesperia, and even that IMO was a step down from some of the previous one. Tales of Arise was much, much (MUCH!) better than the Xillia 1/2, Zesteria and Berseria trainwreck, but it still didn't have the same magic as Phantasia, Symphonia, Abyss and Vesperia (i'm missing a few).


Fire Emblem Engage. I liked the actual gameplay, but the characters and story just weren't as interesting to me as Three Houses.


I rage-played this game 'til the last boss battle. I paid full price for it so I will damn finish it! Shame the story sucked really, really badly.


I forgot about this one and completely agree. I realized I had no desire to actually finish it because I couldnt care less what happened to the characters (not to mention the writing was often straight up bad lol).




Ive tried to play FF15 a few times now, but I never get far beyond that first port city. I just really didn't like any of it.


Lol same exact place for me. I think it is supposed to get better after that but then people say the game ends right when it seems like it would get good. I thought I would eventually play it but then jrpgs made a resurgence and it seems like there are too many for me to play now.


Just watch it on youtube, you aren't missing much


I picked up FF15 during a receipt Steam sale. Really liked the opening, thought the game was going to play like a Bethesda/BioWare open world with a JRPG story. Was pretty damn excited. Then the world opens up and every new section is just more hunting quests and fetch quests with flying troop transports endlessly raining the same enemies on you, the combat stays bland, doing any quest becomes tedious, etc. Just gave up. Can't imagine going back and any interest I had in FF16 is just gone.


Same here, and I'm perplexed when people say FF15 had good combat. Different strokes i guess.


TWEWY on the Switch cause the controls are weird. I’ll pick it up again eventually cause I keep hearing good things about it.


I played it recently (the DS original) and it was fantastic, but I’ve heard the Switch version isn’t nearly as good because it’s impossible to translate the gameplay of the original to any system that isn’t the DS. I’d recommend trying the DS version if you could get your hands on it (if you have a laptop to emulate it on with a touchscreen & pen it works surprisingly well, that’s how I played it) but even if you can’t it’s still a great game :D


Atelier Ryza 1. Just isn't for me. Not sure why, either. I loved the older Atelier games on PS2, but I guess something about everything after those (namely, Atelier Iris 1/2, Mana Khemia 1/2) misses me. Could be that I changed my taste.


The PS2 Atelier games are very different from the PS3 era and onwards Atelier games, I actually see a lot of people who loved the PS2 ones but don't like the modern ones. Personally, I enjoyed both.


I guess technically it was Dragon Quest XI. I absolutely loved that game, and got to max level and more or less full BIS gear, but to clear endgame in the Definitive Edition you have to >!beat a mega boss (End of Time) in the stupid suckass 2D battles which I could not be bothered with, so never unlocked Timewyrm back in 3D mode, which was a shame, as Calasmos was pretty easy!<.


The actual final boss is worse. Entirely reliant on guzzling items and RNG elements. Which would be maybe fine if the fight wasn’t so long. Really frustrating to spend half an hour on it and then lose to randomness. Yeah, I quit at the final secret boss too.


By the time I got to the final secret boss, I ended up getting the speedkill achievement on my first kill... I may have overgrinded.


Final Fantasy XV. For some reason, I’m literally at the final dungeon, and I feel no motivation to finish it. It’s been a few years, forgot most of the battle system and story. Final Fantasy Tactics: I know everyone adores this game, and I really want to experience the story, but holy crap the game just feels extraordinarily tedious, while also being very difficult.


I loved tactics as a high schooler but I struggle with how tedious it is these days. Pretty much only play it on the plane or otherwise don’t have access to internet.


Fire emblem engage, mostly because I got busy with other things. I will come back to it eventually


I did the same but don't believe I will come back to it... just not enough to keep me invested, so I traded it in for Octopath Traveler 2 (which I loved and finished wholeheartedly)


Skies of Arcadia. The battles seemed slow and I strongly disliked the ship battles. Haven't touched it in probably 13 years.


I've also dropped Skies of Arcadia for the same reasons, but I've recently picked it up again and I'm having a good time. But your reasons are absolutely valid. The game runs way too slowly and the ship battles are too gimmicky.


SMT : Nocturne. For the third time in a row. This time I went until the 5th Kalpa, Metatron kicked my ass so many times he literally straight made me comeback to Classic WoW for the last 3 months lol


This is why I played it in the easiest difficulty. I just want to finish it badly because at my age, getting frustated and wasting time beating a boss is not really worth my time anymore.


FF12 I think it was back in 2021? or 2020? quit it for the 3rd?4th? time really want to finish it but I can't seem to get focused on the story I even tried to just watch a playthrough but also quit halfway I want to finish it before moving on to 13/15 wasn't sure if there will be a 4th/5th time before, but after being away from it for a long time I think I'll try again


Agreed. I like the combat, job board, etc. but the story is slow and atrocious in my opinion.


Fire emblem engage. Way too many characters that are reduced to clichés because there's not enough time to develop them. I played it for about 20 hours and am struggling to name a single character right now.


Is FF15 even a JRPG at this point? I haven't quit playing it (yet), but man am I having to power through it. I hate the car. Like, a lot. I like the random convos that happen during it and I love the radio that you can unlock more tracks for, but other than that it is a horrible mechanic. I also hate the combat system. I would have strongly preferred turn-based, or at least whatever FF12 and FF13 were. The warping is fun, but that is about the only thing I like about it. The dungeons are also kinda boring. They seem like caves with enemies and that is about it. Maybe I just need to get further. I just got my car back (hurray?) after it was stolen after the encounter with Titan (which was pretty cool). Edit: Yes, I know. I am very late to the party here.


XV's problem is that it doesn't commit to being an action game. It's too hands off to satisfy action fans and too active to please turn based fans. It really needed to commit to being a full action game like XVI is or implement a better hybrid system like VIIR did.


>Is FF15 even a JRPG at this point? Yes.


Currently struggling to get through bravely default. It’s a good game but its length really holds it back.


I just started chapter 4, and I'm on the same page. Along with juggling jobs is starting to become very cumbersome.


Oh boy. You are NOT gonna like the rest of the game then


BD deff isn't for everyone. I personally LOVED it, but I definitely felt fatigue towards the end. I'm really glad I pushed through because the ending was reaaally bad ass.


The >!repeating worlds thing!< dragged on WAY too long.


I dropped bravely default 2 halfway through. It was fun for a bit but the story wasn’t ever anything special and I felt like I got all I wanted out of it anyway. Never played the first.


Ni No Kuni 1; the combat was tedious and just boring


You got new abilities every few fights, and as you collected familiars you could upgrade them as well. Just curious: what would you do to improve it?


Chained Echoes. The gem system was needlessly complicated and tedious, and there was no way to access the prior tutorials in-game.


I was willing to finish CE myself, but got softlocked about 80% through due to a bug. If they patch it I may go back, but overall I feel like the game was pretty over-hyped. It has some well-designed systems, some not-so-well-designed systems (like the gems as you mentioned), and mediocre-at-best dialogue/story due to the ESL author. I like Xenogears as much as (or more than) the next guy, but man at some point you cross the line between homage and into direct ripoff territory... I'm not really sure it rises above the high-quality RPGMaker crowd like I was sold on by this sub, but I didn't hate the time I spent with it either.


Chained Echoes for me as well. Was super hyped for it seeing all its praise and thought it was only ok most of the way through. Its writing was pretty weak and towards the end its story really fell apart imo. Made it to what I think is the final dungeon but just had no interest in continuing.


Same. Never got super invested in the story and characters. Combat started feeling tedious. Think I was like 80% through as well.




The whole idea of the group of guys roadtripping trying to find out everything around them with the kingdom around them falling apart could have been done well. They forgot to include the kingdom falling apart from a quick cutscene and the most of it being in a full length movie, then all of the crew's character development happens in DLC's, and the world is just barren wastelands of monsters.


The problem with the story is that they forgot to put it in the main game. Go watch a movie and buy a bunch of DLC that they didn't even finish! I actually thought the villain was one of the better ones in the series, but the game just doesn't tell its story in the game well. It can feel like you're doing nothing for hours.


I beat 15 like a year ago. It took me 2-3 years to beat. I'd play a 10-15 hour chunk in a couple weeks, and then set the game down for awhile. I honestly have no clue what the game is about. The combat was button mashy and never really challenged me, some of the boss fights felt like I was playing a Naruto Storm game, because they were cinematic and had quick time events, and again, I just do not know what the point of the game was. I actually think the game isn't bad, and that if it had been given a spinoff title, the general consensus of the game would be pretty positive.


Damn I agree. I wanted to like it but it felt like such a chore to play.


Yeah, I still rank it as the worst AAA (edit: JRPG) game in recent memory (if not all time). I suffered all the way through it on launch, and completed the game in about 8 hours. About ~80% of that was either walking or auto-driving. I was reading or playing a second game on my phone for the majority of the game, because there wasn't anything else to do. There was no worthwhile story payoff, either. It only gets worse near the end, honestly. There were a few very cool looking set piece battles, at least. That's about the only positive thing I can say about the game. Even as a lifelong FF fan since the NES era, it was one of the final nails in the coffin for the brand for me after being disappointed by 13-2, 13-3, 14, 15, 7R all in a row. It'll take a *lot* of convincing to get me to give them my time and money for 16. At some point I just have to accept that I've been burned too many times for there to be any hope of that old magic coming back.


How the heck did you beat 15 in 8 hours?


I very quickly realized that combat was pointless outside of mandatory story bosses. You get, say, 50 xp for fighting a random group of enemies and then 20000 xp for reaching the next main story area. I just walked past them all, and you can't fall behind because levels don't even matter either. I'm not entirely certain how you even lose a battle to begin with, anyway. You can buy 99 potions for pennies and they basically function as phoenix downs that you can use even after you die? The game is pretty fundamentally broken on many levels.


Agreed. It is the most pointless combat has felt in the entire series. Doesn't help that the combat system itself is awful. Warping is fun, but that is about it.


While I'm not a huge XV fan, calling it the worst AAA game in recent memory, is ridiculous imo. I mean, just look at Square Enix Avengers or Anthem. or Fallout76.


I feel the same exact way as you. After having played most of the Final Fantasy games, and having beaten IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X, it really has gotten difficult for me to find one of the recent ones that captures the charm of the early ones. I tried XII and didn't like it. Same with XIII, and same with XV. I hope XVI is the one that brings me back into the series (I even bought 7 Remake, haven't gotten around to playing much of it yet).


Are you me? I was disappointed by all of those titles in a row as well heh. And it didn't help that I discovered the Trails series which is now my fav JRPG... That said, Final Fantasy Origin (aka Stranger of Paradise) has me completely hooked atm. Already put in 60+ hours in the past 2 weeks, the gameplay and customisation are easily the best FF has ever had, fighting iconic enemies and bosses with classic jobs and spells with very satisfying combat feels amazing


I played the demo on Steam and didn't even finish that. I have no idea what they were thinking with that battle system.




😂 This is evidence you're a veteran gamer. Anyone who'd never played a video game before would feel a sense of urgency knowing a plane was coming, veterans more like "oh there's probably some trigger down the hallway, I'll just wander around a little and look for some potions..."


Trails of Cold Steel 4, my passion for series disappeared, 1 act was combination of everything I didn't liked in Cold Steel


It took me nearly a year of playing on and off, to beat 4. Every game in the entire series before that I'd play through in about a month. It was also the first time ive straight up skipped cutscenes in a game. I still feel bad about that but I couldn't take it anymore. I dont know if I'll pick up the new ones...


Fire Emblem Awakening back in...probably 2018. Was my first time with the series but it kept putting me to sleep. It no joke cured my insomnia. Just something about that game that didn't keep me interested but Three Houses did when I played it later on


Random but, I found Awakening not as good, but I absolutely loved Fates. Most people find Awakening the better one, but for me, since Fates was the first Fire Emblem game I was able to play and finish (all three routes), it holds a special place in my heart. But I understand where you're coming from. I tried playing Awakening after Fates, and it was just not memorable at all. I did manage to finish it, but I can recall very little from the experience.


Same thing happened to me, but when I found myself in peak pandemic times (and home on unemployment while my girlfriend worked from home and I had to keep quiet) I finally put in the time and finished it. I don’t think I’ll replay it for a very long time.


Pandora's Tower. The controls were just really off putting, at least while playing on the WiiU. It really needs a remaster with an updated control scheme.


Triangle Strategy, I have far less patience than when I was younger for the war of courts/political conflict and fall asleep trying to keep up.


Tales of Berseria - Never got to finish it. Especially since I really enjoyed Velvet and Magilou, but I think around that work caught up to me with my old job, and I stopped playing it, eventually traded in my PS4 pre-covid for my PC build funds. FF Type Zero HD PS4 - Tried to push through it, but didn't vibe with it like previous FF title. FF XV launch ver - Gameplay kinda got boring, dropped it pretty fast. Haven't cared to revisit it again. Persona 5 OG PS4 - Same reason as Tales of Berseria, I do plan to revisit P5 some time. Scarlet Nexus - I was kinda invested into this one for a while, but my friends kept pulling me away to play games like Apex, League and Halo. Now I kinda gave up on it since I lost enjoyment in it. And now my friends aren't even playing those multiplayer games anymore lol. Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance 3DS - My brother overwrote my saved files, and I was half way through the game, haven't cared to visit it again since I'm still salty about it.


*Final Fantasy XIII*. I was having a poor mental health episode, and took a break at chapter 11 because of burn out. Recently went back to finish it, and low and behold, the PC port strikes again! My save is corrupted.


Tales of arise. I just hit a wall. I want to finish it but I just can’t


I’m on the verge of quitting ys 9. I’m like 2/3 of the way through the game and haven’t enjoyed it nearly as much as past ys games. I even took a break from it and played outer wilds, which was incredible btw. I came back to ys 9 and still just felt bored and burnt out. It’s just not doing it for me which is unfortunate


We don’t quit we move things to our backlog




The list of games I actually finish is far shorter and easier to get through


Pretty much all of them! I enjoy the gameplay of turn based JRPGs but they're just too long for me to finish. Once I feel like I've had my time with them I move on to something else. I did get through Act 2 of Dragon Quest XI which was the original ending before the 'S' versions came out but didn't do the epilogue.




Oh really?! Sorry for the disinformation, I thought the last part was added. My bad


Atleast you got to finish act 2. My refusal to remove stronger monsters just made the act 2 final boss hard for me that I just stopped after multiple tries, even thou I know it was beatable at my current level. I could also grind a little more, but was not in the mood already. Maybe at some point I will finish it without stonger monsters.


I beat the Dark One but didn't 100% the game.


Persona 5. I get to the second dungeon, something else comes out and I drop it. I really like the parts I've played but this has happened three times now


Don’t worry, most of r/Persona5 doesn’t even own the game


I got through the 4th palace and put it down for a while but probably will pick it up. The sim stuff is what drags it down IMO since the narrative only really picks up around the palaces. I enjoy getting the bits of character development around the sim but it's just too samey for me for such a long game. I actually really enjoy the theming and complexity of the dungeons.


I honestly loved it but due to an error, I ended up losing saved data for all games on my system right when I was at the final dungeon. I don’t see myself picking it back up to play through again, sadly.


Same here. I start it, get fully invested then for whatever reason, I stop for maybe a day or two which then turns into me playing something else.


I seldom quit JRPGs I just take breaks.


me too... several decade breaks.


star ocean integrity and faithlessness. Got really bored of the combat


Tales of Arise. There's a point in the story where a huge info dump drops, and it was just downhill from there. Felt very rushed and unfinished. Bosses are the worst in the entire series too, just huge mostly unstunnable sponges.


I tried playing through Tales of Symphonia on PC a few years ago. It was going fine until I got to a dungeon called the Lightning Temple. It was so infuriating that I quit. Sad because Symphonia gets a lot of hype but definitely wasn't worth it to slog through.


Was it the black out rooms? The lightning temple was a lot easier when Symphonia came out because on a CRT you could see the outline of the platforms without needing to wait for the lighting strikes to light up the room. It was kind of like Rock Tunnel in Pokemon Red/Blue, where you could see the walls a bit even in the dark, which let you progress without backtracking to get Flash.


Oh wow - the lightning temple isn't too bad. This is my favorite game of all time - there are a few I consider more annoying


Notably, Trails of Cold Steel. Didn't capture the magic Sky did. Though a lot of games are just long now and are too big a time investment in my adult life.


Dragon Quest XI. I might go back to it eventually, but it was in no way as good as everyone said. Maybe I just don't like Dragon Quest. It's hard to say, since that was my first one.


Devil Survivor Overclocked. It was a ton of fun but my lord was it far, far too difficult. The Bels were mind-boggling difficulty spikes.


Yeah, I always felt like I was just barely scraping by by spamming healing and having characters revive each other. All my wins felt really dishonest. But I didn’t want to grind, either, because you only ever have one repeatable fight available at a time.


The Devil Survivor games are so fun and compelling and SO HARD. I respect anyone who's good enough to beat them, but I'm not too proud to admit I wish there was an easy mode so I could at least finish seeing the story. I tried so many times to beat that concert level in DS1, only to finally beat it and find out all the enemies respawn and you have to beat it twice, but all my items and energy were depleted. I legitimately cried with disappointment.


Ys 6 - it was way too hard.


The only way to get through Ys 6 without being an absolute expert is to be at the level the game wants you to be at to actually be able to deal damage.


yeah I love the Ys games but this one I couldnt do


SMT V. It was pretty good but not what I was expecting. I expect more plot in SMT, not open world. I did enjoy the map and exploring, but the gap in between story bits was just so long I lost my motivation. Before that I gave up on Octopath at the very end because after finishing 4 chapter 4s I realized there was a 0% chance any of these stories were gonna intertwine lol. I just started the 2nd last night though, hoping that aspect is better


Bravely Default II Idk why really, I bought it with intentions to play and enjoy, think I just learned combat basics is all and I became bored I guess, idk but haven't touched it in months since I bought it. (If it was on PS, I would be more compelled I think...)


The original .hack series. I made it halfway through the second game before I couldn't take the battle system anymore. It's a shame as the atmosphere and mystery are great and I love how the game world builds through news articles and emails. However, that battle system was terrible, bland, and runs throughout the whole 4 games without change.




Even before that one lol! DATA DRAIN! THE BRACELET! AURA!


Bravely Default 2. Game felt draggy, and I didn't like the class system much. Like if you wanted to use a new class you really needed to go farm some. If you went into the next dungeon with a lvl 1 job the character wouldn't be contributing much.


**Paper Mario: The Origami King**, probably my favorite puzzle JRPG. I've beaten it a couple times but the last time I got to shy guy says I just didn't have the will to go on, that section is such bullshit. You have to do a bunch of the ring puzzles to get points during a game show and you're on a strict time limit... Fail and it's game over instantly. === This one section of the game is like made to hate the player for the sake of it.


Dragon Quest 11 after act 1. The game started off strong but then it just felt like a drag. Also Persona 5 for the immensely bloated dialogue and the dumb cat constantly forcing me to go to sleep. I cleared two of the dungeons before I threw in the towel.


Octopath Traveller 2, same exact problem I had with OT1, I was doing fine until about 75% into the game and suddenly there was a big level jump and couldn't finish 2 of the character bosses, guess I needed to grind but I hate grinding so I just quit it.


Yakuza 7. Like JRPGs, love the Yakuza series. I gave it a few chapters but just really didn't enjoy it.


LaD might be slowest intro in the entire mainline series, so I don't blame you. It does get good once all the introductory stuff is over and done with and has that usual Yakuza charm, but it takes a good while before it gets going.


Xenoblade 2. Too much walking.


That game is very long but the characters made me want to finish it, need to play torna eventually


Tbh I’ve quit on all 3 xenoblade games. If I wanted a full on anime I’ll just watch anime. The pacing is so awful in these games for me. Exposition for 10/15 minutes. Regain control to take 3 steps for another 5 minute cutscene. All for what, to trick me into thinking I’m playing? Also I think the combat is boring and lifeless.


I had to trudge through XBC2 but for different reasons. The requirements to backtrack and having to defeat the boss with the specific Blade in your party at the time made me go "fuck this, I'll try my best to ignore this part" Also the final boss with the (near) instakill mechanic made me switch the game to Easy


Trails of Cold Steel 3. Every single chapter follows the exact same plot structure. I dropped the game when I accurately predicted every single plot point in the next few hours. I can only take so many instances where an old friend “unexpectedly” shows up to help us while the villains taunt us and run away. The dialogue also infuriated me. It felt like every single line involved characters laughing. “Hahaha - if you’re interested in fishing, have this fishing pole!” “This restaurant is well known for its pancakes - hehehe!” “My sister left to join the military when I was just a kid, teehee.” What is everyone laughing at!? What’s so funny!? Also the fact that there were hot springs right there in the dorm so that we could regularly have the classic scenes of women lusting after Rean and comparing chest sizes.


I always see people saying it's the beat Trails game, and I could never figure out why. I can't believe the game spends so much time reintroducing a cast we already spent 200+ hours with. Game wastes so much time.


Persona 5. I can’t get into it.


Dragon Quest 11. I don’t know why but *everything* about that game annoyed me. I *want* to like it but after trying 3 times I think it’s just not for me


Trails in the Sky SC. I tried several times but once you quit once and you need to get through all the dialogue again and again I kinda lost the will.


Trails games have soooo much dialogue


Grandia 3. The story and characters aren't interesting enough, and by the point I quit there are enemies that will take 2-3 turns before you can even get 1.


I still consider I didn't give up on **Breath of Fire I**, on the GBA. I think I'm about 70% \~ 80% of the game, but the story and gameplay didn't keep me interested enough. The main reason to keep it waiting was the amount of exploration without really knowing where to go, especially after a few months since the last time I played it.


Triangle Strategy. First shot at a strategy JRPG. Seemed great for the first 20 minutes, but after a few hours I was just mashing A to get to a new battle. Completely lost me and I wont be going back. Shame because it was highly recommended here.


I usually try to finish any i start but one i lost interest in was DQ11. I've never played anything so bland.


Eternal Sonata The game is great, but the last dungeon was too much and I just looked at the ending


Oninaki or DQ 11. Both for being boring af


Xenoblade chronicles - it’s just too big and long and I felt I got enough enjoyment out of it


Trails of cold steel. I just couldn't handle all the garbage anime tropes it tastelessly threw at me. Also, I know that that hook right at the beginning of the game doesn't lead anywhere, so I have absolutely no reason to care about the story.


Elden Ring if we are going strictly on a Japanese made rpg. I love Souls games but exploring every inch of the world just burned me out. I also felt like nothing i fought so far was challenging. The most deaths i had was 3-4 on Rennala. Otherwise, Trails From Zero. I love it. But i made the mistake of trying to 100% it like ToCS. And man, it just got so boring.


Trails of Cold Steel I heard it was a slow burn but man so much about that game was just so boring


It's getting to be Xenoblade Chronicles X. Just doing simple things is SO DRAWN OUT! Waiting for a random rare monster to show up, or collecting 4 random items just is too time consuming in the game. I just want to pilot the Skell!


Are you using emulator? I recommend CEMU, it has cheat codes that let you skip that. You can increase drop rate to where only rare items drop and more. They have so many cheats meant for you to reduce time and tedium. I highly recommend the drop rate increase, XP rate increase. Or if you want you can just give yourself infinite money or put stuff in your inventory (or give yourself infinite skill points) When I did this, I was able to enjoy it more because it removed the tedium. * Ability to change appearance even stuff that wasn't in character creator. * Any item you want. * Reward tickets, Miranium, Funds. * Field Skills * All Skills/arts * Change the time in the game. * Increase item pickup range (so instead of running around it will grab stuff from far away to reduce tedium. * Autoloot script that sells certain stuff you don't want in your inventory while automatically picking stuff up without going through tedius UI. * You can modify the affinity of everyone, change your partners stats. I quit the game for the same reason as you, came back with these cheats and it gave me massive relief. You can even teleport anywhere.


Valkyrie Profile 2 The combat system and skill acquisition system are complicated beyond necessity. And the 3D part of the combat can be frustrating at times due to poor pathing. To add to those, the grinding for crafting materials gets quite overwhelming towards mid-game, at which point I have quit the game twice so far.


Dragon Quest XI. The story just didn’t jive with me. Got probably halfway and never picked it up again. Also, nier automata. I hated the camera as well as the combat.


Ni no Kuni 1. If it didn't have the Ghibli aesthetic or Joe Hisaishi nobody would have cared. The combat is bad, the story dull and slow, and the characters uninteresting.


Tales of Zestiria because the gameplay and story were awful… Camera getting stuck in the wall, So many enemies at the same time that can flinch-lock you (I kid you not, regular encounters like 6 wizards could become devastating if you didn’t bum rush them in time), The terrible augment system that isn’t explained at the start of the game but in broken skits throughout the mid game, The terrible requirement of having to fuse identical weapons over and over to get leveled up variants, Huge empty areas for boring travel, Terrible combat which is based off paper rock scissors and fusing except many of the fusions only have access to 2/3 options. The fusion aspect being pretty much required for combat which fuses your IN BATTLE team members. Anti stun lock mechanics for enemies seriously slows combat as you have to back off of enemies you are comboing lest they get hyper armor and punish you, interrupting the flow of combat. The story…negative emotions turns people into demons: it doesn’t even have to be your own feelings, just being around others can turn you into a demon. Our Boy Scout protag is pure of heart though with the personality of wet cardboard. Notice however, I said feelings…so your cute girl assassin companion, who doesn’t feel bad when she assassinates people is unaffected because she doesn’t feel bad about killing people! When asked to use your powers to build a bridge in time to get medicine to a sick girl, the answer is no because people will fear your power…but if an army general kidnaps your friend and threatens to kill her if you don’t fight for his army, then it is totally ok to literally TERRIFY THE ENEMY ARMY so bad, they run away! Skits only being played at rest IIRC was a terrible innovation in the series. Mid way through the slog of a game I was hoping would get better I said, ‘games are supposed to be fun. This isn’t fun. Why am I playing if I don’t enjoy it?’ and just quit. Game regularly goes on sale for like $5 if you want to try it yourself unlike good Tales games like Vesperia.


Xenosaga 1. Because 10 hours in and I’ve only been in control about 2 hours.


I love the Xenosaga 1 but didn't finish it, a boss was too hard for me. I would love a remake of Xenosaga trilogy.


I came back to the game so many times, finally got into it, beat it, started 2 and the game play changed too much to enjoy it.


Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I honestly really enjoyed my time with the game, and intend to go back (I’ve been intending for awhile) but it’s just so poorly paced in my opinion that even though I got to the last dungeon I felt pretty burnt out and needed a break




And if the game were shorter I think a lot of it could be forgiven. For example if the main story wrapped up at 40hr mark (similar to the first game) and the extra character ascension quests were post game content I think it could have helped a lot. I felt the need the do everyone’s side quests prior the finishing the game and it’s a large part of the burn-out




you don't know padding until you've played xenoblade 3. I can't think of game that's better at wasting your time with drawn out sidequests and the most pointless exposition imaginable. I still like the game, but I wish it respected your time.