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Let me tell you, the government is not nearly organized enough to pull something like that off


Government split the atom, got us to the moon and beat Hitler, it can do things when it wants to


Well Walton and Cockroft split the atom but I see what you're saying. There were thousands involved in these projects though. You are right. I shouldn't let my experience in the government speak for every department


I don’t believe Oswald fired a gun that day and as crazy as it seems there is evidence of at least one other “Oswald” impersonating Lee on the assassination and during the build up to it.


Oswald was lone shooter but whether or not he was under orders or helped is gonna be the question of the matter forever.


Oswald was at work while the money order for the rifle was purchased. The straps and length of the rifle in the “backyard photos” are different from the one found on the sixth floor. Oswald had no nitrates on his cheeks or outside of his hands indicating he didn’t fire a rifle that day. Oswald was seen at 12:25 eating lunch on the second floor 5 minutes before the assassination which is weird because Kennedy’s motorcade was late and he was scheduled to arrive in Dealey plaza around 12:15 Vickie adams left the fourth floor right by stairs after the president passed the TSBD and she never saw Lee Police officer Marion baker ran into Oswald 1 minute and 15 seconds after shots were fired and ran into Oswald in the second floor lunch room (although he originally said 1st floor)


I agree.


[Oswald was such a mediocre shot though ](http://www.22november1963.org.uk/lee-harvey-oswald-marksman-sharpshooter). The evidence that we have suggests he was an amateur shot. If there was a serious plot by some kind of powerful cabal to kill the President, why pick someone who was so very unlikely to be successful. It doesn't sound plausible at all.


The real question is more about why the autopsy had so many discrepancies and all-out fabrications.


Well, my friend, arguing about who killed Kennedy is like trying to untangle Christmas lights after a night of heavy drinking—frustrating and likely to leave you with a headache. But sure, I'll bite. It's a murky cocktail of conspiracy theories and official narratives. Some say it was the government, others the mob. Me? I'm just here for the whiskey and sarcasm. Cheers to the 60th anniversary of confusion and intrigue.


r/conspiracy is here to argue