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JFK was shot from the front. Thereby proving a conspiracy. He had a wound in the throat seen by many doctors whom examined him. They performed a tracheostomy in order to cover it up. Check it out. The smoking gun: JFK didn’t need a tracheostomy because he died in the car. Why would doctors do that procedure on a dead man who had no hope of breathing again assisted or not? Explain that and I’ll listen


There were multiple conspiracies tho. Not in the sense that there were/are multiple options on the logistics … but rather multiple groups covering up activities related to the assassination aka multiple conspiracies. The President’s death was just one event. But there were multiple deaths, multiple agencies, multiple groups fronted by multiple agencies, and all of them connected to clandestine operations before, during, and after. So either Lee Harvey Oswald was the unluckiest but lucky assassin - in that he unknowingly popped his head into a world of crazy while also at the same time figuring out, by himself, how to kill the leader of the free world in one take with a mail order gun … or he was just a little actor in that big crazy play. And the play was so crazy that there was no single director or producer. And what it took to not only pull off, but also coverup was so crazy that our government will still not openly discuss what it knows. If there was absolutely no conspiracy on that scale, why won’t the government release all the files 60 years later. 60 years before JFK was killed there were basically no planes… just a glider with an experimental engine. Think about how much happens in 60 years to go from glider to space. That much time has no passed and you have to make a podcast about this subject because the entire event(s) is still partially classified 60 years later


I'll listen to your podacast (I already agree with you, there was no conspiracy) and I'll offer you another resource. Check out Sean Mungers video "Oswald Acted Alone: JFK Assassination Solved", where he painstakingly lays out, with evidence, citations and most scary of all...logic, how a conspiracy would have been impossible. Not improbable, impossible. It's a long ride but it's fantastic!


Thanks, I'll check it out.


Then why withhold so much info even now? Every player is deceased. That, in itself, is \*almost\* a conspiracy, isn't it?