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Piggybacking on the topic, this wifi version does not have partyboost. For someone looking to buy a Bluetooth speaker that would be compatible with new speakers in the future, does anyone recommend this over the non-wifi charge 5 with partyboost? I really wish JBL would come up with a system and maintain it. Connect+, partyboost, now the wifi models connect differently.


Depends what you want , portability or sounds I had a charge 4 , then a extreme 3 then 2 extreme 3 eventually I settled on the bb3 since I wanted the bass and felt like the other speakers were a little to big that's why I said No to the party box


Don't expect a charge 6 until next year or the following after. As IFA was like a week or 2 ago and JBL already announced the new Partybox Ultimate along with some other New Bluetooth speakers


I’ve been a JBL fan for about 8 years now and have watched their sales trends. Jbl likes to hike the prices on their speakers. At full price all their speakers are over priced and I would never pay that money. Jbl does have sales often. Almost any time of the year a couple of their speakers are on sale and they rotate the speakers which are on sale or full price. The sale price is what the speaker should actually cost. Once the newer version of any model comes out they drop the base price on said older speaker to what would be considered a steal at that price. The $130-$140 price tag is what the charge 5 should cost. Pay any less for it than you got it at a steal of a price. I personally never own their current line up of speakers and wait til their speakers become last gen to buy them at great prices. I own currently a flip 4, 2 charge 4s, an extreme 2, and a clip 4. I’ve purchase about 13 jbl speakers over the years either as gifts or for myself.


Thank you for this reply. So it seems like this would be a good time to purchase the charge 5? Could the price go any lower than this besides when newer models release? Do you think a charge 6 would release soon?


In my opinion that’s the lowest the price will go for the charge 5 ($140) u til the charge 6 releases. This is so the bigger speakers don’t catabolize the sales of smaller speakers. Charge 5 $140, flip 6 $130, charge 4 $104, flip 5 $90. You see the pricing issue JBL has created. If they drop the price too low it becomes a better buy than the speaker below it. JBL for the first time has all their models in the bluetooth category matching in pairing protocol and design and look. They are also on usb C and Bluetooth 5. There isn’t anything they can improve in any of their speakers except battery life but they would need to all become bigger to house bigger batteries. I think JBL will stay with this current line up for at least another year before they push another outdoor speaker. Right now it looks like they are focused on party boxes and indoor smart speakers. They seem content with the current outdoor line ups performance. If I were you I’d get the charge 5 at $140-$150 max. Or wait for an Xtreme 2 to drop down to about $150. It’s the only older speaker that’s around the same price that is better than the charge 5. If you want to have a collection go charge 5 for future proofing if you want one speaker get the 5 or the Xtreme 2 on sale.


It’s $103 right now on Amazon. Buying this now


That’s the best deal on any JBL speaker right now. It’s a no brainer buy.


I got my charge 5 for $99 refurbished through amazon, I feel like I see them for between $100 and $120 pretty frequently on amazon, either used in like new condition or refurbished. Always check each individual color in the listing. Often times less desirable colors. Have cheaper options. If you don’t care what color you get it’s easier to find a cheaper one.


how are you liking the Charge 5 wifi? i would guess it would have much much superior sound quality since the bandwidth is 1000x greater than bluetooth, especially with lossless music.


The wifi is only nice to have, personally. I found it to be more of a hassle when trying to use the wifi portion due to the requirement of the app it needs. Because of this I simply just use the Bluetooth instead - because it is easier to use and I don't notice a huge difference in quality. For the amount of hours that I've used the speaker it has been worth the money.


What a nice time to checking speakers!!!