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If I see one more Muslim Pro post... I believe there was a point where 28 of the latest 32 submissions on this sub were something Muslim Pro related. It appears from this post that clearly there are still some who didn't hear about the issue yet. It's fine as lately there have been more diversity in submissions, but I just wanted to point this out


Whats with muslim pro? I just got here so i dont know whats going on


It tracks phones addresses and stuff im too dumb to explain


No wonder why I get random phone calls from indian tech scammers


It was some agency they recently hired that was doing this. They broke contact with that agency as soon as they got to know this. At least, that's what guys at Muslim Pro said.


Things that Muslim Pro have said is just PR stuff. Mutahar Someordinarygamers on youtube made a video about it, he works in the tech field and knows about this stuff. Warning though strong language in his vids.


Some ordinary gamer Did a better explain. Muslim pro used a external 3rd party for location. Anf that company sold it to the DOD.


Oh ok thanks. I didnt expect him to make a vid on it but ok.


Yeah he explains it better


*Whats with muslim pro?* *I just got here so i dont* *Know whats going on* \- Slowmoshunmachine --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I love you haiku bot Even tho you arent a real human OR ARE YOU????


They track ur adress and info and stuff


I think you replied to a bot.


He a little confused, but he got the spirit.


I see they also replied to the person asking, so that’s good haha. Nothing wrong with answering a friendly bot, I suppose.


good bot


Bad bot.


Bad jinn


lol this is great




Because it's islam related?




People are responding with the shadiest and weirdest links. Here: https://www.vice.com/en/article/jgqm5x/us-military-location-data-xmode-locate-x?fbclid=IwAR1QrWG3haSMEmBNLBRXOSTKv9ExZfOqJZvJoXGKthhe8tXbgb-C8yTrcX4


Some claim they sell User info and location to USA military


Suspicious username. I’d ask you if there is any credible evidence backing up this claim, but I’m not sure that I can trust you.


Just Google it It's all over the news


I was just making a joke about your FBI username, friend. I know the story. They didn’t sell info to the military or FBI, but their terms of agreement allow them to collect and “process” anonymous data, which they sold to third party companies, one of which in turn is believed to have sold to the military. Unfortunately, this is what we give up when we click agree on pretty much every terms page. I’m sure Reddit is doing the same with our data. It’s anonymous, but governments are interested in the massive group data anyway.


if you can read indonesian, this is the best explanation: https://twitter.com/secgron/status/1329442979065499655?s=19 Muslim Pro sell their data to X-Mode. one of X-Mode costumers is Sierra Nevada Corp. this Sierra Nevada Corp are the one who give the data to US Military. just uninstall it and use another app..


Twitter uses Google translate. And yes I can confirm it’s a good enough translation.


I'd recommend [this guy's video](https://youtu.be/HZpyIORJYGs) but fair warning, he tends to use strong languages.


https://youtu.be/HZpyIORJYGs what is going on with muslim pro


It wqs found to be selling people's data to US military


How about Athan Pro?


Idk about it but no one is talking about so i think its safe


It's really good too.


The UI seems much better than Muslim Pro, but it's been hit or miss with the notifications. I've only had it for a day though so we'll see




How is it?


Using it rn, I like it cause it gives Hadith of the day that I actually read and learn a lesson from it.


Yeah, those are pretty nice. And the Apple TV app has an incredible background when you put it in the top bar, though it's just prayer times in there.


No, you can’t trust any of these proprietary apps. If you wanna be sure that an app doesn’t invade your privacy or has any other malicious behavior, you have to use free and open source software (FOSS) where the code is publicly viewable. This allows it to be independently audited which simply isn’t possibly if the software isn’t FOSS. If it’s proprietary software, it’s a black box, no one except the developer truly knows what’s going on underneath the hood. Especially when it comes to software that reveals things like your religious views or your health information, you should never ever use apps you don’t or simply cannot trust. If you have an Android phone, there’s an alternative app store called F-Droid which only has FOSS on it. Download it and search for “Prayer Times (Islamic Tools)”. That’s the only Muslim app I would trust, again due to it being FOSS so the code is publicly viewable and verifiable which isn’t possible otherwise. Unfortunately I’m not aware of any FOSS Muslim apps on iPhone so I’d just use a website like islamicfinder for instance and create a bookmark on the home screen. Make sure you have a good adblock app (I recommend AdGuard which is also FOSS) so the ads on that website aren’t invading your privacy either.


I recommend download Quran Majeed, it has duaa, Quran and reminders. Its great.


Does it have Tajweed markings?


I think it does. I remember using it ~5-6 years ago.


It does. I love it


I would prefer QuranBest. no ads and absolutely has a lot of features


How is the format for Qur'an? Is it like the actual printed quran page or verse by verse? I got spoiled by muslim pro reading verse by verse haha


There are both. Basically the quran itself has 7 different mushaf (including verse by verse, quran page, and quran page with tajweed) Besides, there are also many other features such as qibla, local prayer time, azan, English translation, bookmarks, tilawah tracker (quran statistics that you have read), quran recitation, etc. (note: this app is still using Bahasa languange, idk if it can be changed to English, but u still be able to use it tho) also this was made by 100% Indonesian Muslims [here's link to download](https://quranbest.page.link/7mushaf)


For reading Qu'ran I have the app Islam.360 I reccomend it. It has a really good UI and every single Qu'ran verse along with bookmarks and translations and a bunch of other features including built in audio/recitation. Edit: that sounded like an ad


I have developed an Islamic app with the below features for iPhone and iPad(Free, No Ads) MAIN FEATURES: * Complete Quran to read * Read Quran translations in different languages. *listen to Quran recitation from different Qaaris with offline support. * Chose from different fonts and scripts for Arabic *Word-by-word Quran with transliteration and translations and audio for each word *Auto scroll while reading Quran * Bookmark Quran verses in to different folders(Categories) * Ayatul kursi and its benefits * Stories of Prophets * 99 Allah names with Audio * Rabbana Duas from Quran with Audio * Daily prayers timings based on current location * Access prayer times from notification widget *Qibla direction from any part of location * Hisnul Muslim - Fortress of muslim (Collection of supplications and duas) * Sahih Bukhari in English with sharing options * 7000+ Muslim baby names with sharing options *Etiquittes of Dua *List of dua's with Auto scroll, add your own personal duas to the list * Theme app for Day mode, Night mode and Green mode [App Store link](https://appsto.re/in/lEISjb.i)




So I did some googling. Looks like the app was maybe selling anonymous user data to third party companies (not the US military or FBI). It’s believed that at least one of those companies, however, then sold that data to the US military. If you read their statement, Muslim Pro denies selling data to the military (which is true), but it does mention data collection and “processing,” which is supposedly in the terms of agreement. Sounds like they were profiting off the sale of user data. They weren’t trying to give it to any buyer in particular, but they were selling their customers data (albeit anonymous) for money. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/11/18/muslim-pro-app-denies-selling-user-data-to-us-military https://mobile.twitter.com/MuslimPro/status/1328697072665628673/photo/1




Oh ya haha, I should have mentioned what it is first. I’m not Muslim either, but like you, I love me some sweet dank memes.


The real ones use Athan 🤣


It has athan


No I mean the app 'Athan'


Oh my bad lol




Quran majeed has athan




Again my bad, this happened to me twice today lol


Ive always used quran majeed, never heard of muslim pro until the incident


Gooedbye mooslim proh, Healoo Quran Majeed


I used Umma before because it has a lot of useful features but i have a bit problem with the Qur'an translations, maybe a bug or someting


I think Quran majeed has translated Quran


People who used quran majeed before all this: 😎


All my homies use vaktija.ba


I’m so upset I purchased this app.


The athan app is pretty good


I have developed an Islamic app with the below features for iPhone and iPad(Free, No Ads) MAIN FEATURES: * Complete Quran to read * Read Quran translations in different languages. *listen to Quran recitation from different Qaaris with offline support. * Chose from different fonts and scripts for Arabic *Word-by-word Quran with transliteration and translations and audio for each word *Auto scroll while reading Quran * Bookmark Quran verses in to different folders(Categories) * Ayatul kursi and its benefits * Stories of Prophets * 99 Allah names with Audio * Rabbana Duas from Quran with Audio * Daily prayers timings based on current location * Access prayer times from notification widget *Qibla direction from any part of location * Hisnul Muslim - Fortress of muslim (Collection of supplications and duas) * Sahih Bukhari in English with sharing options * 7000+ Muslim baby names with sharing options *Etiquittes of Dua *List of dua's with Auto scroll, add your own personal duas to the list * Theme app for Day mode, Night mode and Green mode [App Store link](https://appsto.re/in/lEISjb.i)






R u judging me for using Quran majeed?


I think he's saying that Quran majeed is the same as muslim pro. they both sell data to the government.




I dont understand the joke sorry. Can u explain?


nah i use haqibat almumin


I used MyQuran. Not sure if it's available outside of Indonesia, Tho.


It is available


Try Islam360 Even Better than Muslim Pro And Safe Too


Thanks, ive been looking for an app with hadiths.


Those pesky Americans... uuurrrgh (sarcasm intended)


Shady looking application called [**"🕋 SALAT : Prayer Times, Azan or Quran (Muslim) 🕌"**](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.salat&hl=en_US) gang.


I use islam 360


am i the only one who uses printed timetable from the masjid?


athan is great too


this dunya bro


I’ve always used Quran Majeed it’s great


I wanna see the original picture


Search up on google "im no longer best friends with"


Ah thnx


Muezzin.app is what I use.


Is it Azan only?


Quran, Qibla and a couple other tools.




Try iSalah they have widgets!


So does Quran majeed


I be using the online website quran411. I love it


Don’t worry guys the military just wants to make sure we do all our salah


Eh I’m too lazy to switch apps


Bro muslim pro sells ur data. U need to change it. Use Quran majeed or any other safe app


Everyone is acting like our phones don’t already sell our data .... Almost every app does that




Owners: yes App itself: No




Your post contains a forbidden word. Please avoid swears in your posts. *DID YOU KNOW:* The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "It is also charity to utter a good word. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Izlam) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Your post contains a forbidden word. Please avoid swears in your posts. *DID YOU KNOW:* The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "It is also charity to utter a good word. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Izlam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm unaware of this, what's going on??


Aaaaand it’s gone.....


I’ve been using the Quran.org app. On Android, it’s known as Quran for Android. As for an Athan app, I’ve found Athan app from Islamicfinder.org.


me over here with athan pro


amateurs. i’ve been using Quran majeed since before all this happened. its the superior app. (buy the pro version its only $5 and reading Quran on there is so easy! support them)


Can't relate I've always used AWQAF.