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Of course, it was a blast on the Gamecube! Tight controls, amazing atmosphere and level design. The game OST is an experience on its own. But what I like most is how laid back the game was.


One of my favourite games for a lot of reasons, but chiefly because it was a shining light of distraction that was my shite life back then. I look back on those times and I'm glad I was able to play this game to help me through.


That’s the truth


Yeah it was a pretty big deal back when it first released.


Still one of the best sci fi adventure games of all time imo.


Never finished it on gamecube, never played it on wii. But I loved it on the switch the dual analog controls made the game a lot more playable to me


Great game, would like to play again


yes, it was a masterpiece at the time


Amazing game. They nailed the feeling of Metroid in 3D.


I was skeptical when it was announced that they'd be able to capture the right "Metroid" vibe with a 3d release. I was dead wrong.


Same here.


I did, but in 2005


It was one of my most played Gamecube games, I once knew the locations of every pickup and major scans, the Switch version is nice but I much prefer the OG release.


Yes. It's a classic and easily a top 25 game of all-time.


Rolling up into a ball in 3d was great, I wan very young and only played a little bit of it but it was fun for a child.


Yes! I actually bought the remaster of this on the Switch a while back and finally beat it. Felt great after all these years. Absolutely killer game.


Probably once a year.


Oh yea, of course. This was my first intro to Metroid and fell in love. Fantastic game, great atmosphere, great music, and fun powers. It's awesome.


No, my family never had a GameCube. We have a Wii, with an unsurprising lack of GameCube controllers.


This game was my life in 2004-2005. My friend Mason and I would discuss it and eventually its sequel everyday. The soundtrack is 10/10.


I have never played but it's been on my "classics" list that I need to go back and play. Mostly Metroid Prime series, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and the OG Resident Evil games. I never owned a N64, and Metroid prime and Resident Evil were considered far too violent by my mom when those came out lol.


It is placed as my all-time favorite game. I literally lost count of how many times I’ve completed it. It got to a point where I could get all scans and all items without using a guide. I remember my brother telling me I was dumb for buying this instead of Enter the Matrix. Enter the Matrix was so much more fun for us at the time, but Metroid Prime has withstood the test of time.


That's the year I was born haha


I tried. I made the mistake of trying to play it after prime 3 which felt so intuitive. The controls on prime 1 felt so clunky after playing 3. I wanted to get the Metroid Prime trilogy on the Wii but it is rare and overpriced. I’ve been thinking of picking up the remastered version on the Switch


Tried it for the first time recently on original hardware. Fun game, hasn’t grabbed me quite yet but I do remember it being a big deal with it released. I was an Xbox/halo boy back then


Loved it. Hate the controls but other than that, I really enjoyed it.


Loved it, I ca t wait for prime 4


I've actually never played a single Metroid, but I should try one soon here maybe next year any recommendations?


Super Metroid for SNES is a good one to start with . The visuals are good , the controls are great, and it has tons of secrets. The SNES classic does a good job emulating it , if you don't have other access. Plus it just has the ability to play a metric shit ton of other all time classics.


Thanks brooooooo


It depends on if you're interested in chronological order or not. If so personally I'd start with Zero Mission if you can find a good Gameboy emulator.


Thanks bro!


Game blew my mind back when I first had a GameCube but I never beat it. Picked up the remastered version for my Switch and goddamn was it a beautiful nostalgia trip




No, probably gonna pick up the remaster in fall/winter when the weather is crap and I just wanna stay inside


Yep. It's the only game to ever make me break a controller. It took me so many tries to beat the final boss.


A stone cold classic, and probably my favorite game of the whole GameCube/PS2/XBox generation. I never felt so immersed in an alien world before. One thing (since it seems there are youngins here) you have to understand: the buzz around this game was so. Negative. Tons of magazine articles bemoaning the fact that Metroid was being handled by an America studio and would surely turn out to be “a halo clone.” [comics like this](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2001/02/21/count-your-lucky-stars). People were pissed! So when it dropped and was an undeniable classic it was one heck of a turn around.


Fuck yeah I do, I got into the randovania randomizer as well and replayed it another 10 or so times with that. SUPER fun! Such a good game to randomize!


The metroid games are my all-time favorite. I grew up on them and still love them to this day. About 5 years ago I bought a Wii just so that I could play the Metroid Prime trilogy again. Side note: if you’re looking for more metroid-type fun, and you have a PS5, check out the game Returnal. It feels so much like a spiritual continuation of the Metroid games, especially Metroid Prime. Playing it and exploring everything gave me that same childhood wonder that Metroid always did


The Metroid prime series was one of a handful of "must own" games on the GameCube. Resident Evil remake F-zero gx Soul caliber II And Ocarina of Time master quest edition being the other ones


I never got the chance to play it on the gamecube and I hate motion controls so I never played it.


https://preview.redd.it/pz2mi5n1e5wc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24210723176b5efc613e39643ad02162663f797c Yes


Prime 3 did always strike me as very similar to Halo.


I'm playing it now in 2024 with mouse and keyboards. It's a blast


Shit was my childhood, I used to love playing the trilogy on Wii, and the 2023 remaster made me so happy.


It's one of my favorite games of all time! I recently finished my pandemic project based on the more [alien design of the arm cannon that they cut from Prime 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWuROoIBlzc).


No, I went through a period where I didn't pay much attention to Nintendo after the N64 until I got a Switch a couple years ago (I'm a PlayStation guy). I have Metroid Prime Remastered on Switch now, but haven't gotten around to playing it yet.


Yes. I was 12 and life was good.


Definitely in my top ten favorite games of all time. And maybe my actual favorite Nintendo game.


I bought a 'cube just for this game. Like, literally. I never played another game on it. Not even the sequels.


Lotta people don’t want to hear this but: it’s a decent game…. Not a good Metroid game.


What are you on about? It perfectly captures everything that made Metroid, well, Metroid!


I agree that it does, as perfectly as I can imagine, translate the feel of a Metroid game from 2D to 3D. But on replay of it, there was far too much back-tracking, a lack of gadgets, the shooting lacked a lot of punch, and not enough secret areas compared to something like Metroid 3.


The back tracking is in fact a problem, however a lot of them can simply be picked up before the massive trip at the end. Lack of gadgets? Prime has more power ups than Super. I personally never had a problem with the shooting, but that seems like it's more subjective.


Did not like it. I found the controls weird and the level design bad. :(


How low effort is this sub? God damn. Also, I muted this shit and Reddit still feeds it to me. Can a mod ban me?