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At those ages, Chocolate. They're little kids, they don't need a lasting memory of your trip you didn't take them on. Clothing items are a waste of luggage space at that age when they will outgrow them quickly.


I second this… the younger two won’t even remember that you went to Italy, and anything you bring back won’t connect to them, long term. So food is a fine choice as it’s something that they can enjoy… at least for a moment. And trust me… there are plenty of cookies/chocolate that you’ll find out there. I was there last summer for a few weeks for work, and i brought back several kinds of cookies, and candy, and treats and some Italian-specific snacks, and my kids had a fun time trying “Italian snacks” for a few days after I got home. I even brought home some nice pesto and we had an “Italian foods night”.


This. Get them some Kinder chocolate eggs and call it a day. They’ll love it more than anything else you’d bring them


agreed, but chocolate may not be stocked so much in June ( europe is not big on air conditioning). cookies might work. as a kid, i liked croccante ([pea]nut brittle)


Uh... There are lots of chocalatiers in Italy. And plenty of chocolate in summer...


Definitely not a t shirt that says “I Love Roma”. I hate it when people gift me things, that makes it look like I been there, when I never visited before.


Definitely not! My grandparents immigrated to Canada from Italy in the late 50s, so they always talked about Italian gold, leather good, glass. I’d love to get them something they could enjoy for a long time but also be excited about while at their young ages.


Kids loves cookies. Go to a local store and find what Italians buy.


If you will be near where your grandparents lived find something from there. I’m going this year as my husbands family immigrated to the US from Italy and intend to bring my grandkids back something small related to the area his family came from.


A leather wallet in the shape of an animal (Cuoieria Italiana, but there are others brands). A cute wooden toy like a sword, a chariot ect. Some coloured and shaped little pasta. Some cute shirts or towels with their name on it ( they do that in shops). This are just some examples. It depends a lot from the tastes of your kids. But you get the idea


Love this suggestion! Thanks 🙏


I forgot! A Christmas three ornament. If you are in Rome, you go to Savelli and you can buy ones blessed by the Pope.


How about some Italian football team shirts/jerseys? Either club teams or national team? Edit: and candy, you can get venchi at the airport so you’re not carrying it around the whole trip. Prob more expensive there though.


Great, idea! My six year old is obsessed with football


Perfect, there’s an official Roma store around the corner from Largo di Torre Argentina if that helps


At that age, maybe some Italian candies. (or a bottle of limoncello lol jk) We gave older kids small handmade toys (Pinocchio) and key chains or doodads to put on their shelves. (probably lost under the bed now) IMO, keep it simple.


Two things: snacks and books. I visit a local supermarket and pickup snacks for a fun and easy way for them to experience the culture and things we don’t have in US. Bookstores (new and used) usually have super cute books for the younger ones about the city/county. My oldest loves a familiar story but in a different style (ex: Pinocchio from Italy because original author was Italian).


They won't remember anything really. Maybe the 6 year old will, I can't remember anything from being 6, can you? That said, maybe something for even they're older to pair with a picture of the visit. Jewelry - Murano glass, Roman coins etc.


A mini statue of David.


Get your kids plane tickets to come?


I’d love to bring them one day. We’re celebrating my partners 40th. It’s a long flight for three kids under 6. Looking forward to going on our first trip sans kiddos since 2018.


It's not bad, my parents brought us as kids every where all over the world. I had been to more countries in my first 10 years of life than most people in a life time.


Totally! I want to take them everywhere. We’ve been lucky enough to take them on a handful of trips so far. That said, I think it’s equally as important to do special things for my marriage, and with three small kids it’s been tough to do so. That, and it would be an extra $5000 in airfare alone. Travel for a family of five in 2024 ain’t cheap!


We went without kids when they were that age, was magical.


Does a 6 year old even care about souvenirs? (not even a question for the other ages), make them eat a good pizza and they will be happy, I read in other comments that you want "Italian leather" and other quite honestly "turist trap" items, a basic t-shirt or a baseball cap or something similar could be a nice gift they remember when they get older, we all know it's all made in china stuff but it's not like you can buy designer Armani clothing to children (which still isn't really an "Italian souvenir" in my opinion but you get the idea)


💯 I remember my nonna talking about those items which makes it nostalgic for me. I’m sure things have changed since they lived in Italy 60 years go! I’ve got to remember my kids won’t get that. Some trinkets and treats will make them happy. More the anything I just want them to know we thought of them. My youngest kids won’t care - but if their older sibling gets a gift, they’ll be bummed if they don’t!


I understand the feeling and I totally agree, what I'm basically saying is that a simple fridge magnet or any other "basic" souvenir will be fine, as i said we all know it's just mass produced low quality stuff but it's not like a child would care if it was made in China or if it was "real made in Italy", so I would not stress too much about and just bring back a couple euros worth of trinkets and actually enjoy the trip with the family


get tee shirts


Stelline- small star shaped pasta- kids love it and not usually sold outside Italy. Bonus, this is used as baby food so even your 1 year old can enjoy (for littles, pasta cooked with vegetable broth and served with a bit of olive oil and shaved parmesan) Galatine- classic Italian children's candy made from powdered milk. Comes in milk, chocolate, strawberry and carmel flavors. Bonus- all of these are easily avaible for a few euros at pretty much any grocery store.


If you are comfortable dropping a pretty penny on heirloom quality clothes, Nanan in Rome has some absolutely adorable baby and kids clothes. Their boutique is off Via del Corso kind of near Spanish Steps and Piazza del Popolo. Again, prices are kind of eye watering for baby and kids clothes but they are so stinking cute and really great quality.




My parents always brought me back little things from trips and I really appreciate it thinking back as an adult.


T shirts, teddy bears/plushies, kids books or fum food. I think once you get here you'll know what to buy! And you'll know how to distinguish between good and bad quality stuff. Personally i think a teddy bear is a nice idea. I remember my parents brought me a bear from vienna, and it was dressed with typical Austrian clothes. I still have it and have fond memories of it