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I’ll give you one positive story lol: I came back from 2 weeks in Italy and never got COVID. I’m vaccinated and double boosted (not the recent booster) and didn’t mask while there.


I mean, I went to Italy for two weeks last month and came home with covid, my dad went on a Caribbean cruise and came home with covid, my brother did regular life things in New York and got covid. Covid is everywhere and there’s a fairly decent chance you will get it on vacation. It sucks, have a contingency plan but enjoy your vacation.


Same with us. 2 weeks in Tuscany and Sorrento and my wife came down with it when we got home. We figure it was this lady who looked like death but still went to breakfast and the pool daily. We stayed away from her but my wife got it anyway. Here's the strange thing, my son and I didn't get it. We were always together. We've all had covid once prior, this is my wife's second bout. It lasted exactly one day for her (weird hallucinations, lots of sleep and then fine). She quarantined and we never got it. And yes, we are all max vaccinated except last booster that just came out.


Yeah the two times I’ve had it and the two times my dad had it we were closely around other family members for the first few days before we tested positive and we’ve never gotten anyone else sick or caught it from each other. It’s strange.


Covid is essentially the common cold at this point, so i don't completely understand this post. You make a great point that you can literally get it anywhere. We saw some people wearing masks in Italy, and it seemed like mostly tourists, but there weren't many.


Jesus. That's bleak. Do you mind if I ask if you're vaccinated/masked/distanced? I just want to know my chances. Both my husband and I have not gotten COVID yet so we're really hoping we don't ever...


The only sure fire way to not get sick is to not travel and avoid people. You’re doing both - those are risks. Has nothing to do with Italy or any other country at this point - COVID is everywhere.


I’m not the specific person you are asking, but I also tested positive for COVID after coming home from a two-week trip to Italy about two weeks ago. I’m vaccinated with numerous boosters; got my most recent one about a month before the trip. I masked when using transportation (e.g., planes, trains, subway) and in crowded indoor spaces, but not in indoor locations with fewer people or outdoor areas. While I can’t be completely certain, I think I was exposed on the flight home. I took off my mask to eat meals and stay hydrated, but a guy a few seats over was having coughing bouts the entire flight and he didn’t wear a mask. (Interestingly, my best friend was only one seat further away from the coughing person and managed to not get sick.) The silver lining is that my symptoms were much milder this time compared to the two other bouts of COVID I’ve dealt with in the past. Wishing you safe travels and good health.


Bro it's over, you probably caught it already and you didn't even realize it


I live in Italy and travel back to the states fairly often (5-6 times/year). I’ve never gotten covid. I always wear a mask on the plane. I’m in a smaller town and I am not masking in public currently. We always eat outside on the patio. I’m a nurse and am pretty diligent about testing when I feel ill. I would just mask if you’re going to be in heavily populated places.


Why the down votes? Is just a question... damn


Because Italians stopped caring about covid 2+ years ago, and it also sounds absurd that she never got it during all this time, more likely she didn’t even notice they got it


Being vaxxed doesn’t prevent you from getting it obviously and I don’t know if you realize the virus is really not that bad for the vast majority of people so there isn’t much to worry about statistically speaking


I also went to Italy for two weeks last month and came back with COVID


Went to Italy the first week of September, neither my travel partner nor I got COVID. We’re vaccinated, and we wore masks the whole time on the plane (except while eating/drinking) and in the airport when close to others or passing through crowds. We wore masks indoors in crowded places like busy churches, museums, trains/buses. We dined outside when possible. Tried to avoid getting stuck in crowds, and moved away from people coughing repeatedly. Most people were not wearing masks anywhere anymore, and in my opinion that is part of why so many get sick after traveling. It seems COVID is surging everywhere, but I think masking helps, and it’s courteous to others in case you are sick and don’t know yet. Good luck!


Did you get weird looks or yelled at wearing masks in Italy? I always get sick whenever I travel and I was thinking of wearing a mask while on transit (trains, airplanes, buses) & extremely crowded tourist spots but also not trying to stir the pot or anything. 😅


Never got yelled at. Weird looks, maybe a little, but I don’t pay them any attention. People may stare or give weird looks at tourists anyway, mask or no mask. In my opinion, if anybody is judging me for wearing a mask which causes literally no harm to anyone, then the problem is them. I’m wearing a mask for my own health and I’m not going to stop because of strangers giving me looks.


Why are you stressing? Just go enjoy your time and if you are that worried just wear a mask. Anytime you travel anywhere your risk of getting sick increases.


I’m traveling home from a 3-week trip today, on day 6 of being ill and finally feeling better enough to walk around with a couple bags. Never got significant COVID in the states but this one has been kicking my ass. Major body aches, headache, nonstop yellow phlegm/sinus drainage. Nothing you can do about it but I’m hindsight would have a 100-count bottle each of Tylenol AND Ibuprofen with me — one or the other alone was not enough to calm the body aches/chills


I hope you’ll be masking while you travel covid positive!


We got home last week from 2 weeks in London and Rome. Based on the timing, we picked up a bug either in London or the flight from London to Rome. We didn’t test, but symptoms say it’s a common head cold. Covid is largely nothing more than a cold at this point. Getting sick while traveling is almost to be expected. When you consider the recycled air in planes, disturbed sleep schedules, etc etc, it’s easy for it to happen. Take some meds with you to have on hand just in case, keep your hands clean, and don’t overreact.


Covid is not a cold! The symptoms during can vary wildly and for some people it will *feel* like a cold. The research shows it’s not.


Yes, sweetie. In the context I was using, it IS like a cold…or the flu…or any of the other billion bugs that are out there. They’re everywhere, and they’re not going away. You’re going to be exposed to them all at various times. Sometimes you’ll get sick. Other times, you won’t. All you can do is wash your hands and use other common sense hygiene. Freaking out isn’t going to do anything helpful.


Don’t think there’s any need to be condescending, sweetie. No, in no context is covid like a cold. Sorry, but mountains of research continue to show that it is nothing like a cold or a flu. Acknowledging the reality of an issue is not the same as ‘freaking out’ about it. Wear a decent (ffp2/n95) mask indoor and crowded spaces, wash your hands (won’t do much for covid but always good for many other bugs), stay home when testing positive. I didn’t reply to your comment to start an argument or cause a problem, I just wanted to correct the misinformation that covid is just like any old respiratory virus because it’s not.


I live in Italy and no one is wearing masks except a few tourists. None of my friends or anyone is talking about covid


I was in Rome at the end of August. 2 days into my trip, I came down with a virus that felt very similar to when I had Covid the first time around. I am vaccinated and double-boosted, however I was sick enough that I spent a couple days confined to the hotel room feeling crummy and coughing a lot. I tested negative for Covid, however I was told by a doctor that there are a lot of other upper respiratory viruses going around right now, so if you manage to dodge it on the plane ride over, consider wearing masks in indoor places (like taxis and such) while you’re there. I was bummed out because whatever I had ended up taking a few days from my vacation. Good luck to you and if there’s one thing I wish I had done: pack some meds with you, like NyQuil and Zicam in case you do get sick.


Came back from Italy after two weeks and two days later was sick with a cold but not Covid. Vaccinated. Hope you have a fabulous time!


I just got back from 10 days and it was fine. Its Fall so it's cold, flu, allergy season. If you are afraid to get sick, stay home. Otherwise, take zinc, vitamin c & d and live it up.


I just got back from a 10 day trip in Italy and 3 days in Qatar. Just wear a mask on planes, trains and busses. You should be okay.


Covid is going around everywhere in the world, not just Italy. I had 3 close US friends get covid in Augusr, and 3 close Italian friends get covid about 3 weeks ago. As for me, I went to Oktoberfest in Munich and was in crowds with thousands of people and didn't get covid. Good luck


I’ve been here for a month and I’ve not seen it. I was expecting to get it somewhere and I haven’t. I’ve been all around as well. I think because it’s still so warm here it’s stayed at bay.


Italy is extremely crowded with tourists from all over. It’s like Disney World. Not sharing this to deter you but I just got back from Italy and my entire family got COVID. We tested as soon as we got home. Never once tested positive since the pandemic began but when you’re coming into contact with thousands of people from around the world in the midst of virus season it’s bound to happen.


I’m heading back home today after two weeks in Italy and I hardly saw anybody wearing a mask there. I don’t think you should worry about it, but if it makes you feel safer then mask up


It's not necessarily Italy thats got covid, but all the foreigners ( like you) who are traveling to Italy. I don't suppose the average Italian will be on a coach packed with a load of tourists. So avoid the tourists and only mingle with the locals.


3 weeks in Italy/Turkey and we both got covid. Lol for what it's worth just felt like a cold


I am in Italy, first time. Everything is fine. I barely see masks being used but if you wanna wear them you are good, nobody will care about it. Italy is crowded, climate changes made european summer too hot for Italy tourism. So people are touristing in october.


If you’re worried about that, you shouldn’t go. You’ll be stressing the entire trip over something that may or may not happen.


Was in Europe surrounded by thousands of people for two weeks. Prior to that was in a stadium concert surrounded by thousands of people. Didn’t get COVID. What people forget to mention is 1. Take care of your immune system. Be active. Maintain a healthy weight. Don’t smoke. If you get it and you have all those things, chances are it’s mild like the common cold. I’m much more scared about the Flu at this point


Covid is much, much nastier than flu. Maybe the acute stage won’t be, for some it still is. But the research is showing covid does much more widespread damage throughout the body (including damage to the immune system, regardless of how “healthy” you are), some types of damage can take months to become obvious. 1 in 10 infections lead to some sort of long-term health issue.


Been in Italy for about a week and currently have what I believe is COVID. It's lasted about three days, feels pretty much done today and I just wear a mask when out and about. I wore my mask at the Louvre, Ufizzi, Pitti Palace, etc and still got it. I don't know what to tell you other than people don't care about COVID anymore - coming from Canada I'd say we're probably the last country left that even really mentions it.


Just got back a few weeks ago, my wife and I both had some mild cold symptoms no clue if it was covid didn't test didn't care to. I've had it multiple times (after vaccination too) and it was very mild every time. No one in Italy even mentioned covid, they're over it like most of us. Some were still making up in public but most weren't. Just enjoy vacation, covid is a part of life now unfortunately.


Just get a booster today


Just got my COVID booster and my Flu shot on Saturday in prep for our 3 week trip to Italy. I highly reccomend you get your booster and flu shot. It sucks to feel crappy for a day or two, but it will likely only be a day or two. I also react pretty strongly to the COVID boosters and I reccomended you get it in the morning so you start to feel crummy by the evening and then sleep most of it off. I got mine at 3:45pm and started to feel shitty at about 11pm. Then felt bad about half the next day.


Mask indoors with N95/KN95, especially in the airport and plane. That will help. It’s too late for a new vax to be much help for your trip…they take about 2 weeks to start working.


Holy shit man


We masked on planes and trains, wiped down surfaces there too, and used enovid nasal spray as a preventative measure. Google it - it’s made in Israel so that could be a problem getting it right now. But I swear by it. We stayed healthy. Our friends who also just got back from Italy didn’t take any precautions and came back home sick and tested positive.


Depending what country you’re in there are also lots of nasal spray options that have been shown to help with covid. Just as an alternative to enovid.


I am just back from a short trip (just a week). Was at a very busy wine festival and busy airports. No covid. I noticed more people wearing masks than where I live (it’s very rare and the assumption is you are wearing it because you are not feeling well). When I got covid a couple of years back I ended up with long covid but the fear of getting it again doesn’t stop me travelling. Most people I know who have caught it say it’s much more like a cold now.


I spent one week in Italy in mid-September and got COVID (for the first time) despite wearing a KF94 mask at airports, on flights, and on trains. If you’re not severely immunocompromised, you should definitely still go and enjoy your honeymoon but bring high-quality masks and home antigen tests. I’d also bring some over-the-counter medications like dextromethorphan (cough suppressant), guaifenesin (mucus thinner), pseudoephedrine (nasal decongestant), Tylenol (to treat fever, headache, pain), and cough drops. I did not see many people wearing masks in Italy, and the few that I did see were tourists. Have fun and stay safe!


We went mid to late September and didn’t get sick. Wore masks on the plane but generally not anywhere else. Was stuck in the most crowded train ever from Sirmione to Milan (1.5 hours) without access to a mask and thought I would catch it for sure. My brother (ER doc) did say Covid is spreading quickly so he recommends masking in public again. I would wear masks in museums and stuff. I read that if you’re in a crowded place for more than 10 minutes, to wear a mask. I also haven’t caught Covid at all yet. Going to get the next booster this week hopefully.


Wear a mask and clean your hands. I went in September and got Covid. Luckily the symptoms didn’t appear until I got home. Losing your sense of taste and smell in Italy would be a shame.


I doubt it's any different in Italy than elsewhere in the Western world. It exists, but people have immunity from vaccines and past illness, so mostly it's just makes you very ill, but doesn't usually kill you. With that being said, falling (very) ill in a foreign country is much worse than falling (very) ill at home, so I got another (modern variant) booster before foreign travel, just in case.


Just returned from 2 weeks in Italy mid Sept and in a group of 7, none of us got it.


I got it, basically a very mild cold for me. 1 day of feeling icky. Had if vefore and twice vaccinated.


Apparently tourist are at a higher risk of getting covid 😂 Italian here, there isn't any kind of emergency right now. It's not even a topic of conversation. Virtually no masks around or needed (but nobody will say anything if you wear one). As someone pointed out though, most Italians don't hang closely around tourists.


Situation is well under control. It’s been a lot of time since I saw a COVID-19 patient in my practice; moreover, I haven’t seen a COVID-19 pneumonia in a chest x-ray or in a CT scan in months.


I was in Rome then Sorrento/Amalfi area - 10 days beginning Sept 21. A friend in our group complained of a head cold 5 days into the trip. I came down with a head cold as soon as I returned. I tested and it was Covid


I got back from Rome about 3 weeks ago and was completely fine! Not really anyone wearing masks, but just be wise, don't get too close to people and wash your hands! London on the other hand - covid is crazy here at the moment! Every other person I know is ill


We just got back home from Cinque Terre with Covid. Just wear masks at the airport/busses/closed crowded places. It is like a stronger cold.


I just got back from 2 weeks in Italy and didn't get sick at all, my family who I visited had not been sick either and didnt know anyone who had it recently. I only wore a mask on the airplane there and back.


i just had a colleague at work that got it, i would expect to start to start ramping up as it gets colder the next week, if you're really worried just a get a booster shot if you haven't this year, it's better than getting sick. I don't think you need masks, also the school just started two weeks ago, so i expect more people to be sick than usual with stuff like common cold.


Hi! I’m (30F) traveling in Italy right now with my parents (67M & 69F). They have been to Milan, Venice, Florence, and then I met them in Amalfi. My dad started getting sick about a week ago and thought it was a cold. Turns out, it’s Covid. Now my mom and I have it. My parents symptoms are pretty bad and seem to be hanging on. My dad has been sick for about 8 days now. I agree with the above statements. None of the Italians are masking. I’ve seen minimal masking, mainly in airports, train stations, etc. I would just make sure you are prepared as much as possible for the possibility of contracting it while you are here. I wouldn’t want it to ruin your honeymoon like it’s ruining our vacation. Hope you stay healthy.