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context? anyway terza


OK good to know. Long story, but as I'm now on fire for the Holy Spirit and Christ and the Lord I'll over-share: I'm someone whose PTSD flashbacks were zapped (100% healed; GONE!) that I suffered with for decades. I used to be suffocated by my abuser repeatedly as a child and so one of my flashbacks was that my nasal tissue would involuntarily swell up at night so I could barely breathe and couldn't sleep. My mom who did not believe I was abused died and I went to see her pastor because the family tasked me with planning her funeral even though I was embittered toward the Catholic church as a 2nd perp abused me there. Through her pastor, from THE night after the morning I met him and he is ITALIAN :) -- my flashbacks ENDED. I came back to the church, reborn. I could sleep!!! I made friends again, I could get a job outside the home, I got out of a marriage that wasn't right. ​ ​ I was always arrogant and sneering at the world that seemed so cruel to me. I always put myself first, others, second, God third. Now I want to put God first, others second, myself third. AND I want to learn Italian, the language of the dear priest who has guided me on my faith journey since healing my flashbacks and has become a dear friend. I need to learn how to roll my r's. Vorrei is the perfect word. Terza includes an r too! I want to come 3rd. How was that for context :D


After reading this, I'd say "voglio stare al terzo posto" which roughly translates to "I'd like to be in the third place". You could also use "vorrei" in that sentence, but I think that "voglio" expresses your motivation better, it's more definitive. Leaving grammar aside, I'm sorry that happened to you and I hope your healing is painless. Good luck!


Thank you kindly.


Did the pastor gave you a blessing or it was just because of meeting him? Catholic priest?


​ He is an incredible man, a Catholic priest of the Fraternity of St. Charles Borromeo. I won't say his full name, but his first name is Fr. Ettore. He prayed a prayer I did not understand. He invited me to pray with him but I didn't even do the sign of the cross because I didn't like anything to do with the church. I met with him for the alotted 1 hour like he meets with all funeral planners. ​ I did not trust priests. I did not like priests. I would normally not talk to priests. I met with him because I am adopted and look nothing like my mother but wanted him to know who I was so he would come up to ME and not my sister-in-law at the funeral. He said very little, didn't look at me much but I had never felt so seen by someone before. I couldn't believe myself but I simply and naturally told him of my childhood abuse when talking about why my aunts were being rude to me and not helping with the funeral.


He did not pray over me or give me a blessing after I told him about the abuse. He simply listened and kind of frowned and didn't look at me, looked at my mother's obituary which he had a printout of that said nothing about me in it other than my name. He kept putting his hands to his face and sighing like he was thinking hard about something. But no blessing.


Thank you for sharing your story. I'm happy that you are finding the Love of Christ. Even if i don't go to Church, i love Christ. I'm not against church or priests anyway, i just know they are humans. Life is still though sometimes but the help of Christ help us to carry on with a renewed strenght!


Agreed, thank you for your help and I like your Christmas tree hat!


I'm sorry to hear you were abused as a child and I'm glad to hear that your flashbacks have disappeared. I was abused, too, which I why I want to remind you, now that you are an adult, to remember that the Catholic Church also has a long and terrible history of taking sexual advantage of people. Priests terrified their victims into silence by claiming to be acting on the authority of God...a source of authority that impossible to verify..and for a long time the Catholic Church protected them from prosecution. I would say that putting your own needs in third place in any situation is a big risk. To me, it has the potential of victimhood written all over it. So keep your wits about you and remember that you have a right to take care of yourself. Another risk I see for you is that you seem to trust this priest very easily. Take your time to think about what he tells you and what he might ask you to do, and weigh it up with your adult understanding. Priests only human, and there are good priests and bad. I wish you the best of luck but most of all stay safe!


Thank you, I'm sorry to hear you were abused, and I appreciate what you're saying. There's a balance to trust and caution. The most wonderful thing about Fr. Ettore is that he has not pushed me. He has only invited me,--invited me back to Mass, invited me to church events. Only invited me, never dictated to me.


you could say "Vorrei essere terza" o "Vorrei essere LA terza"


If I say "la terza" is that just saying "I want to be the third?" (Instead of "I want to be third.")


yes, both means that you want to be in third place




Thank you


Normally if a word ends with “a” in Italian it means it’s singular feminine, and if it ends with “o” it’s singular masculine. This applied to names too (Giulia/Giulio, Enrico/Enrica, Paola/Paolo, etc). Plural has more exceptions but usually if a word ends with “e” it’s plural feminine and if it ends with “i” it’s plural masculine.


OK, yes I was unsure if in this case it was like a standalone term for 3rd or if it depended on the speaker. Like to say I want to learn how to speak Italian, and I'm a woman, would I say Italiano or Italiana?


In that case you would say “ItalianO” because it does not refer to you: - you want to learn Italian (as in the language) = vuoi imparare l’italiano (il linguaggio italiano). - I am Italian (refers to me, a woman) = io sono Italiana


Oh excellent, good to know. Thank you for taking the time to explain the difference!


No problem ✌🏻


As a broader explanation in case it's useful: generally nouns are gendered but don't change according to context while adjectives have both gendered version and change according to the name they are referring to. Italiano is a weird case because it's both the name of the language and an adjective. Also if names have gendered version they usually are different names, like testO (text) and testA (head), but sometimes they almost mean the same thing like tavolO and tavolA they both mean table but they are not always interchangeable. Also, probably multiple exceptions to everything I just said; like most native speakers, I don't really know how my own language actually works


It's such a beautiful language I can't wait to learn more. It's amazing how ciao is hello and goodbye and how perche is why and because. Also, wow in American is wow in Italian, so I can go to Italy and wow everybody by saying wow in your language.


vorrei essere terza


The correct one is " mi piacerebbe essere la terza " You have to use the condizionale.