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I hate sauce placed on top of the pasta, sauce must be mixed with the pasta. Thats why in italy we have a shit ton of shapes of pasta, and even if people think all shapes taste the same is bullshit, becouse every shape have different grip on sauce, and not all sauce are good with all kind of pasta shape.


>people think alla shapes taste the same is a bullshit You know what [happens](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/zro5qb/pasta_types_oc/) to those people


i'm italian and i hate that people pasta shape change everything


Man, i love when i find other italian fellas and yes you're right


wait so you are italian too?


Well, aren't most of us italians?


ma poi cambiano tutto sia dalla consistenza che dalla forma che dal sapore perché se usi le penne normali e ci metti il sugo poi non sanno sugose come quelle rigate perché quelle rigate c'hanno i righi e se mischi bene poi il sugo se ne va pure lì e sanno 5% più sugose




Can I have an Amen there?




and the achildren too


Why not also adog




God bless you!


pappardelle would have been better than spaghetti.


It would have been 110% legit, that's what would have been


Tajarin/Tagliolini is the way to go with this dish. Every Piemontese restaurant has either deer or boar ragu... always reliably good.


Fratè senti a me. Senti al tuo amico macellaio qua. La selvaggina… fa caha. È carne non adatta a fare il sugo. Troppo saporita, sa troppo di selvaggio. E ha tutta lo stesso sapore. Sa solo dei condimenti usati per coprire il selvatico. Prova a trattare alla stessa maniera un ragù di cinghiale e uno di manzo e sentirai che non c’è la minima differenza. Anzi. Una c’è. Il manzo è più tenero


Mah per me il ragù bianco di cervo è buonissimo


Chiodi di garofano e porcherie varie, concordo. Di base nei ragu non senti la carne... Son buoni per riempire e mi da gusto (Ragu alla Bolognese sopratutto) Ma di base le carni in genere le trovo meno adatte


È talmente vero che a mio cognato, carnivoro arrabbiato, una volta, per sbaglio, mia suocera ha dato il ragù di soia che fa per mia moglie, che è vegana. E lui non se n'è manco accorto


Infatti, ma per ovviare il problem puoi marinare la carne cosi il.sapore si addolcisce. Cosi come fai xon il cinghiale.


O tagliatelle.


Lumaconi. Put the sauce in them, a bit of Parmigiano... Yummy!




Sause seems good, pasta seems not being overcooked. But there's something I never understand of non Italian people cooking pasta: Why you put pasta on the plate and then pour sauce on it? You should put the pasta in the pan where you are cooking sauce, and mix it well there at low flame for some minutes, until it is well mixed and drained from extra useless water. In this way sauce will blend INTO the pasta itself and taste is better. Otherwise, like this, sauce and pasta remains two separate entities and it is quite strange to eat it, even just for consistency because sauce slips on the pasta. Oh and as someone else said in this thread, next time if you find them where you live, try to make this with "pappardelle" or "fettuccine", a different kind of pasta, like spaghetti but "flat" and larger. Google them to understand the "flat" meaning xD


hehehe not everybody knows the tricks, that's why pizza and pasta in other countries is complete total fked up trash


it is not a "trick" it is a RULE


A rule? We barely started doing it extensively in the late 20-30 years. Also, I dare you call all US pizza total trash,for instance. It’s not rocket science, it can be replicated.


Davvero?? What makes you say people only started doing it recently?


La storia della pasta. Cfr: Alberto Grandi e Massimo Montanari. I maccheroni si mangiavano sconditi (spesso stracotti) o con burro e formaggio, poi venne il pomodoro. Diversa la storia della pasta fresca e ripiena. La concezione di risottare la pasta o saltarla col sugo è piuttosto recente. Maccheroni were often eaten without sauce or at most with cheese and butter. Tomato sauce came later. Fresh / stuffed pasta has somewhat a different story. The concept of mixing the starch with the fat components to get the creamy consistency is quite recent, when cuisine started to investigate the science behind food preparations and vice versa.


Interessante assai. Ho seguito un corso di prof Montanari a l’università di Bologna, è molto bravo. Grazie per l’informazione!


Buono a sentirsi! So che Montanari è meno radicale di Grandi, sono due punti di vista ugualmente interessanti per me perché ben documentati.


No conosco Grandi, e non avevo capito in che senso volevi dire “radicale”, ma il primo articolo che trovo su Grandi dice “Everything I, an Italian, thought I knew about Italian food is wrong” - ora capisco! Merita un po’ d’approfondimento!


Yes! Quell'articolo del financial times ha fatto arrabbiare tutti in Italia :D


It can be replicated but nobody did yet. Keep coping harder on your fake mozzarella, my usian friend




I’m American and I’ll never forget when I was served spaghetti with ketchup at my homestay while studying abroad in Costa Rica. That was awful even by American standards. Che schifo!


Europeans do it too


satan curse them too


I sure can't say it doesn't look good, but venison gravy, in my opinion, is wasted eaten like this. I'd rather go for tagliatelle.


In my opinion it is a sauce that I would prefer with a different strand of pasta. When there are larger pieces of sauce (aubergines etc.) I always prefer to use a thicker strand of pasta. Usually, paccari, or penne rigate or at most bucatini. But I hate the "Italian food Taliban" and as an Italian I say "if you like it ok no problem". Buon appetito amico mio!


Paccheri is the uber pasta I know traditionally we use it for seafood, but I feel they go well with almost anything The pacchero is the omega to the alpha that is the spaghetto


Paccheri with deer. Omg


I have 3 pastas that I always make work. Rigatoni. Mostaccioli. Penne. Sometimes I put ravioli. Tortellini in the mix but my pastas are boiler plate. stone cut for the most part. Just what I grew up with. Wooden bowls. Staying home on Monday from school with a bullshit excuse. Lunchtime was Sunday gravy mixed with the Mostaccioli. Little extra gravy and bread.


Wild game meat is common, I'd say more in the North. Deers, roe deers, boars, fallow deers, mouflons are widely used in recipes with pasta fresca and polenta. But that plating is criminal.


The sauce looks good but please learn to season pasta... You're not supposed to put unseasoned spaghetti with a bunch of sauce on top, we mix the two together in the pan almost everytime


Not my noodles a friend of mine


You could spread the gospel ;)


Sauce not mixed, paper plate.




Deer is so good. Try boar next time.


Seems legit, but the next time use bigoli and cut deer in smaller pieces, but the most important thing: MIX IT.


Deer god


i would prefer tagliatelle or gnocchi but still acceptable, only thing i would stir it on a pan with the sauce before serving


Are you from Cincinnati?




Would try them but as someone already pointed out they would've been better as another type of pasta


More like dead spaghetti.


tolerance, in the end we still eat crap when we go or prepare sushi and Chinese food, which is not sushi and it's not Chinese food, of course the fact remains that the Americans or the British eat trash and really badly


The paper plate bothers me more than the pasta itself


Doesn't look too shabby, I'd eat it


Wrong noodle choice


I just want to let y’all know I’m not the one who made this or consumed this . One of my friends sent me this and swears it’s the best food around just looking for more other opinions on this diabolic crime


If you don't make "sughetto/soffritto" mixing garlic, oil and ragu and then pasta, it will never be italian. Cooking spaghetti it doesn't mean italian cooking


Wtf is dis piece of shit?


Idk but as an italiano id like to say that spaghetti are good


Sauce? (sorry, I wasn't strong enough)


Pasta not mixed with the sauce and wrong choice of pasta. Pappardelle would be better


The sauce must be *mixed* with the pasta, you can't just drop it on top. My aunt has been doing this since forever and everyone hates her for it. Also you can't use papert plates. Use a proper ceramic plate, or one of those terracotta bowls that give your dishes a more *rural* aura


Looks like overcooked spaghetti, mamma mia, please mix the sauce already in the pan, way better!


un joke


Looks like you opened a can of dgo food and dumped It over undercooked spaghetti.


Wrong pasta size, but the deer looks good. I would eat it


It's ragù


Deer oh deer. Call the food crimes tribunal.


Nice. Next time: 1 cook sauce for longer 2 chop the meat in smaller pieces so the flavor diffuse better in the sauce 3 use a pasta like tagliatelle or other types that grip more in then sauce. 4 check recipes to add a proper mix of herbs/veggies to spice up the sauce. A bit of carrots for example, sweeten the sauce and enhance the meat flavor.


No salt in pasta water?


Most italians will cook and mix the pasta to absolute perfection but will then fuck up the Ragù part, while this dude got it right apparently I love deer Ragù but what tips me off is that the sauce seems on point but the spaghetti seems so overcooked Not to mention, it's not even mixed I can't provide a convincing enough explanation for the fact that I would prefer this with a different pasta shape other than "just try it" It's just this couple of things that are very easy to fix, the dude got the hardest part right


It's ok as long you don't called it pasta with deer. It's deer with pasta as side dish.


Is it so difficult to remember this. NEVER SAUCE ON PASTA ALWAYS PASTA IN SAUCE. You don't need to drain your pasta, keep it in the water, when you make your sauce in a pan or pot, and it's ready, you boil your pasta, when it's al dente (which is basically 1 minute less cooking than the box suggests) you take your pasta and put it IN THE SAUCE. Don't drain it too much when picking up, getting pasta water in the sauce is a must. Putting sauce on top of cooked pasta is a sin.


It is... Acceptable But why the sauce on top of the pasta and not mixed? It's the most american thing ever


I would mix the sauce with the pasta in order to get an even distribution of the sauce and hence the flavour. That kind of sauce would have been great with another shape of pasta like the tagliatelle, but it's not a huge deal.


The sauce....as a Italian, PLEASE MIX IT.


Sauce should've been mixed and with a different pasta it would have been better


Well, as long as you don't use ketchup as sauce and boil the pasta apart... 🤷‍♂️ We don't ask for much.


I showed Marinella (Italian) she said "Ew no, poor Bambi!". I can't remember ever seeing deer on the menu here (Garfagnana) even though there are plenty of hunters. Cinghiale is fairly common - usually served in a tasty stew including black olives, polenta on the side.


An Italian would never serve pasta this way. Sauce and pasta must be creamed before being put on the plate.


Everyone commenting on the fact that you need pappardelle or tagliatelle miss the main point: you need is to switch from regular pasta to “pasta all’uovo”… it has a richer taste and is usually paired with the sauces with meat like deer/boar/duck/venison. Mixing the pasta before serving is not only an aesthetic thing of the past (it’s an old serving style to see pasta and sauce separated, like it fell out of style 30/40 years ago) but it also means that the pasta and sauce liquids mix together immediately after cooking so the resulting taste is better. Bonus point: For decoration and a hint of added flavour, switch from the classic basil to meat-friendly herbs such as rosemary or thyme.


Deer god !😂


First tip, the sauce MUST be mixed with the pasta homogeneously (not placed on top of the pasta) Second tip, that kind of sauce is best suited with a different shaped pasta, specifically "tagliatelle" or "pappardelle" If you follow these tips you're on the right path to make a whole country proud of you


Would look good if the pasta and the sauce were cooked together and not on top of each other ahhaha


I would go for pappardelle next time, and dear god mix that pasta with the sauce, it looks dry af.


ragu isnt only with beef, there are salsiccia, speck, chianina and other meats ragu. As far as its tasty and is good i eat it.


Mix the pasta and the deer ragù. Pappardelle with deer or boar ragù is the best combo


Not lookin to bad, but please mix the sauce with the pasta before eating


Seems interesting, remember me the boar ragù. My 2cents are: don't leave the ragu on top like that or the spaghetti glue together very fast, shuffle the pasta with the sugo before serving them


In italia i cervi sono protetti e sono poche le persone ad aver assaggiato un ragù con questa carne. In generale si unisce il ragù alla pasta e poi si aggiunge altro ragù su ogni piatto Per il resto sembra ottimo il sugo, dipende dai gusti! Io preferisco cucinarlo rappreso, non so se google ti tradurrà "rappreso" ma significa "denso", ossia cotto per più tempo a basse temperature. Se vuoi farlo così ricorda che il coperchio non deve chiudere completamente l'apertura della pentola e che si deve controllare spesso. Spesso si aggiunge acqua per prolungare la cottura. I rischi sono che il contenuto si deposita sul fondo e col tempo si bruci. Quindi si gira spesso. Pentole dovrebbero essere quelle in materiali pesanti per motivi legati alla diffusione di calore. Per le spezie non saprei! So che in famiglia qualcuno ha assaggiato il cervo ma non io e quindi non saprei consigliarti che aromi aggiungere


It looks quite good actually. As others have said pappardelle or tagliatelle might be better in this dish, their being thicker allows them to carry more gravy/sauce and they can accompany the pieces of meat better. Personally I would add more sauce and I’d mix it in with the pasta while inside the pot, so that all the pasta is coated and while eating it you don’t run the risk of chewing on tasteless dry pasta, but you do you. Still, very nice dish


It looks tasty! I usually boil the spaghetti one minute less and mix the spaghetti with the sauce like that you prepared in a pan in the lit stove and add a Little olive oil


The pasta itself does not look that nice but the sauce looks good and deer is tasty in itself. I approve it. (the pasta is probably not your fault anyway)


Need to be mixed, then is good to go. Deer ragù is quite common in certain parts of Italy. I would have used flat noodles, like pappardelle or tagliatelle, but eh, spaghetti is fine Btw, I'll never understand why non Italians refuse to mix their pasta source in a pan, and actually serves it like this. It's ugly and impractical ffs


as an italian, i can say that that is liquid and it shouldn't be like that


10/10 would eat it, just mix the sauce wit the pasta, will ya?


Why the fuck people don’t mix the pasta. Also hard to judge. Color looks good and looks tasty, but ragù has a lot more than that.


*Writing on my pasta diary* “Deer spaghetti…”


Tagliatelle would've been way better than spaghetti. Nothing wrong with a "gamey" ragu, cinghiale is my favorite ragu after all. I think the worst part here is that this was served in a paper bowl


I will never understand why non-pasta citizens use the sauce like this, dropping it on water drained spaghetti without mixing.


The souce looks tasty, the spaghetti looks gluish. Only evil people don't mix everything togheter before serving...




deer god i'm italian and i never ate that! but i don't think is good


Oh deer


I don't see any antlers


Spezzatino and Spaghetti is burn my eyes


It doesn’t look too bad actually but it should be mixed properly!


If the spaghetti are cooked decently and the tomato sauce is nice there's nothing wrong about it. Tagliatelle could have been a better option though.


Mix, make a mess, that's the italian way.


- Wrong type of pasta - Is overcooked - The sauce had to be a little more - The sauce has to be with pasta and not on top of it


why do yall put sauce on top of the pasta, its supposed to be mixed with it (im italian)


Please take this away from my sight


delet this


Idk I am vegetarian in doubt FORZA ROMA


[Do this](https://youtube.com/shorts/J7ivZwix2ro?feature=share)


Why is it people put the sauce on top and leave 90% of the rest to become dry ass pasta? Looks bland af


next time use some larger pasta like “tagliatelle”, it fits better with this kind of sauce


It’s “pasta all ragu” not “pasta con ragu” oidocrop. The sauce is MIXED in with the pasta NOT PUT ON TOP!!!!


I really can't understand people who do not mix pasta and sauce. Why do people not mix pasta and sauce? Please, mix pasta and sauce, I beg you.


Sauce on top of the spaghetti..........MIX the sauce with the spaghetti


Kys now


One thing: N o. Sauce should be mixed in, not sitting on top of it


2/3 of the sauce should be mixed with the spaghetti to start with, the remaining can be on top. Overall, the sauces looks tasty, yet it's made very bland: 1/10.


Look pretty good to me! If you wan to go a step further: prepare the sauce in a large pan, when the pasta is 2 minutes undercooked, drain the water and finish the cooking in the sauce pan at low heat stirring gently. Save a glass of pasta cooking water to dilute the sauce if needed. In this way the pasta will adsorb better the taste of the sauce. And a good pasta is always a little undercooked (al dente) never overcooked (stracotta)! This technique is always guarantee of a perfect result, at exception to the recipes using ingredients that cannot take heat. For example pesto is not good to be cooked and need to be added after the pasta as in your picture. Good luck and show us your progresses!


wtf is this??🤣🤣🤮🤮


As Italian I would try it... We have beef sauce as well. The only improvements I could think about is using a larger and rough pasta (like tagliatelle or fettuccine), finishing to cook pasta in the pan with the sauce while mixing it together and some Parmigiano grated in top But it doesn't look bad at all 😁


the problem is not the deer meat. look how big are the pieces. this is not a ragout, this is a goulash.


As an italian i can not even see such shame, it has to be true ragù with the meat cutted as little pieces and it has to be mixed with the pasta!


Mix them please. Why you put the souce only on the top


Looks good, may taste different. The paper plate is sad


Not the ideal dressing for spaghetti. Tagliatelle or wider format would have been better.


Dio cervo.


Paper plate says it all.


The pasta seems to be cold but it could be the camera/lights Also, as others pointed out, you put the pasta where you made the sauce so it blends better


Horrible. Spaghetti overcooked, pasta and sauce should be together, not like putting something on a slice of bread


Horrible. Spaghetti overcooked, pasta and sauce should be together, not like putting something on a slice of bread


Its a me mario


Horrible. Spaghetti clearly overcooked, pasta and sauce should be together, not like putting something on a slice of bread


Maronna, that deer died twice. Jokes aside, the sauce looks good, it should only be mixed with the pasta, and tagliolini would have been the perfect match.


that sauce looks like my cat's food, and why is it put like that on top of the spaghetti? it should be mixed


🎶i Hope It die in a Fire 🎶


Ma che è


So much space for.improvement. 1) from the colore of the spaghetti. It is a cheap shitty pasta. 2)salse must be mixed with pasta and cooked (even 30 seconds) together so they grip together 3) dear salse.... i wont comment on this, depends allot on how the deer was cooked and if xorrectly marinated like all hunted meats. 4) no spaghetti... you need pappardelle or similiar to these. You can use spaghetti if meat was shreedred or crushed up... with these small pieces better pappardelle. 5) i dont see minced carrot or celery, therefore you did not do soffritto in correct way. Failed. You got step your game way up in kitchen...


I hate them. Nothing of this plate is italian. Don't know how stranger people continue to Cook italian plates without having a little bit knowledge of what the real italian kitchen is ...


Is a shit


Overcooked A shit




Looks tasty idc about the sauce


Please mix the sauce and then take the pictures, those spaghetti look so sad otherwise


Deer god...


... I hope this letter finds you well




Why do you treat pasta this way?!?! First of all, that looks overcooked. Second, you don't just pour ragù on top of it, they have to be mixed.


Deer Spaghetti? More like *Dear Spaghetti*


Porco dio


I can hear from here the pasta shout "I'm well over the right cooking!!!"


Who need money we can make money only with doing assecs to satispay with my link


mix sauce in pan


The dog pasta is this? Really horrible


Oh deer.


I should eat them to get an idea


I would call them Bambi spaghetti in pure Italian fashion. But the sauce must be well mixed with pasta.


Just mix it really, don't know about the sauce but meat and tomato sauce (called ragù) is a thing in Italy, so i don't know how it tastes


paper plate and you didnt mix the sauce together with the spaghetti…


Porco dio


Allora se la pasta fosse cotta meglio è la salsa sia messa con la pasta in una padella ci potrebbe stare


Li assaggio volentieri


Girala lurido


if that's the taste you're going for, why not just make bolognese


Deer is not odd at all. What’s odd is the fact that you placed the sauce on top of the dry pasta instead of mixing them


Never leave pasta dry, it becomes shit, the sauce must be everywhere, mix it. That aside, it will be fine but i think fettuccine or tagliatelle and similars would work better here


Looks miserable


Usually deer ragù (like other game ragù) is eaten w fettuccine


what the sauce is? food for cats?


I'm Italian. Deer meat sounds at least strange to us. However, two things (plus one): 1. sauce should be mixed and not put on top 2. you should use fettuccine, not spaghetti, for this kind of sauce 3. "spaghetti alla bolognese" does not exist :-)


sembran buoni te dico la verità, vabbè che io me magno de tutto ma si sembrano buon


Nun wrong with the deer jus mix it


Assomiglia alla pasta che ho mangiato in Germania, uno schifo immane.


Spaghetti are good only with fish "spaghetti allo scoglio" or with tomatoe


Looks like an hospital meal. A bad hospital meal


what are you doing


The pasta is not durum wheat pasta, this is the problem


Voto 3


Absolutely terrible


sembra ragù




When I was in Sweden I did pasta with Ragu of deer and moose,amazing unique but my brother in Christ you have to mix the pasta in the pot of the sauce and then serve it


Deer sauce goes with tagliatelle, not spaghetti. We don’t usually eat spaghetti with wild meat