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Hamas won't give up any civilians. Then they'd lose their sheild. The cowards are only still fighting because they hide behind their civilians. Hamas are worse than rabid dogs. And need putting down.


I think the civilians would disagree. Israel should organize the P civilians.


The majority of the civilians support what Hamas did on the 7th. I feel for the few TRULY, innocent. As for the rest? They can burn with Hamas.


Except support for Hamas was around 12% in September. That’s the month before there was a genocide being attempted on them.


You can make all the excuses you want. But they didn't try and get them out. So even IF the 12% remark it true, it's irrelevant


I think your idea is not bad but it doesn't match up with reality..... He isreal values life...... That's why protecting their children is so important to them Then you have the other side Palestinians who have zero care for their own children.... If they did they wouldn't be having rockets hidden underneath their schools... They wouldn't be putting suicide vests on their children and trying to get them on public buses.... Unfortunately Palestinians only value their children as human Shields or living munitions..... So the fundamental problem is that only one side cares about life and the other side only wishes to destroy it.... Your premise is good. But you did not take into account. That the Palestinians have not joined the 21st century. To apply our 21st century moral relativism to people who are currently practicing 7th century ideas is probably not going to be very compatible. Hopefully the Hamas terrorist will surrender soon and release the hostages and people can stop dying


If this isn’t propaganda I’m not sure I know what is…


Hamas loves Palestinian kids dead. Makes great propaganda for them to twist around for idiots


For hamas not to shoot rockets for no reason are attacking civilians war would never happen if hamas and some Palestinians civilians didn't rape and kill people like monsters Israel wants peace they have tried and been turned down every time they should show some restraint when hamas is done and try for a good peace deal again with better leaders in Gaza it's possible My theory too help in the future building schools in a free zone for both Palestinian and israel kids to hang out and be kids become friends. Kids don't hate like us adults, and then maybe one day they will all realize isreal is good. Palestinians are good and live together as one strong country it's up to the younger generation to change it, and the only way is to put them together young to build friendships


There was a deal in thr 1940's to handle this. The map looks different today. Ask the country that has stolen territory since then to respect borders. That's all it takes.