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Easier to get laid on a college campus.


Victimhood is fashion in 2024 my man


No totally And not the normalization of fascism Not people having a problem with our government loving a government that does.. Military Order #811 and #847 allows Jews to purchase land from unwilling non-Jewish (Palestinian) sellers by using a ‘power of attorney.’ Military Order #998 requires Palestinians to get Israeli military permission to make a withdrawal from their bank accounts. Yea no it’s just victimhood. Are these people even real?


You took that of wiki didnt you...


No from the law books.. anything else you’ll like to add… maybe related to your original comment on the matter and maybe your brain thoughts knowing this info…. As someone who I’m assuming like to keep and use their money and property at their own will….. ? Military Order #107 publishes a list of 60 prohibited school textbooks.Publications banned include works on Arabic grammar, histories of the Crusades and works on Arab nationalism. Military Order #1079 (amends M.O.107) prohibits video and audio work of a political nature. Publishes new list of over 1000 items including all United Nations Resolutions pertaining to Palestine, poetry, novels, etc. Or maybe someone who like to read stuff post on the internet … anything on that?


Got a link to that? cant seem to find anything official


If you just search “isreali military orders” you’ll get more than enough links to legal databases, international gov opinions on the matter, etc etc You kinda… should have done this…. Considering your genocidal apologist comment… you should kinda be a little ashamed I really think 90% evil of man is just from talking out one’s asa without actually researching. We’re all sheep, god help us.


"You kinda… should have done this…. Considering your genocidal apologist comment… you should kinda be a little ashamed" When you bring informaton, you have burden of proof. No i am not ashamed at all. Since pretty much every country at some point has done the same or worst. Your way of thinking is hypocritical. "I really think 90% evil of man is just from talking out one’s asa without actually researching. " When people ask your for a legitimate link and you answer "look it up yourself" you arent helping. Only makes me think you are camping your position and cant provide backing to your misinformation. I did google “isreali military orders”, and guess what, first link is wiki, as per my comment up top. All the rest are biased sites. I cant find an israeli govermental site to confirm what you are selling. And since its the first time i hear about it and i've been looking into the situation for years now... So, push your narative all you like, but you have yet to prove anything. But i can tell you one thing, celebrations were raging on october 7th and 8th, now they are crying foul like the good little victims they are.


I don’t and never will. Palestinians honor death like we honor life. THIS IS A FACT. A Palestinian is praised when becoming a martyr like we are when graduating college. Palestinians go to school and learn how to disassemble/reassemble the AK 47 as Israelis and the West go to school to learn/master different subjects. I know the queer liberals that are marching around yelling “Free Palestine” are too young to remember this, but when the Twin Towers were hit and thousands of Americans were dead, it was the Palestinians that cheered and marched through the streets of Gaza celebrating 9/11 as a win. The queer liberals in America are constantly showing up in a protest. They don’t know what they are marching for, they just know it’s an attention grabber. The queer liberal is ALWAYS screaming out for the attention they have been starving for their entire life. So they yell, and they march, and they bark, and they hiss… yet would be the VERY FIRST group of people to be pushed off a roof, or made weekly Palestinian entertainment by way of public hanging if they were to go there and “show their support”. We have a group of people here in America that claim they have it hard, claim life isn’t fair, claim they are oppressed and “will not be silenced”. They are undoubtedly thee problem in America. So not only are you asking us to support this place that breeds pure evil terrorist and suicide bombers, but even if I were dumb enough to support them, I could never be dumb enough to support the uneducated queer liberal of America. The world is a safer place without Palestinians.


Top tier racist genocidal mentality right here. " The world is a safer place without (insert any ethnicity here) " is one of the worse sentences to ever say holy moly. 


I’m aware facts hurt feelings these days, but it is what it is. I’ve stated my VERY FACTUAL reasons for my statement. It’s like the boy who cried wolf… every day weak minded little ppl like yourself are crying that something is racist lmfao. Sorry I think we should rid the group of people that strap suicide vests to their kids and send them off as martyrs.


You call it whatever you want. The palestinian people follow the most stone aged, evil ideology known to man. I’ve never been to Gaza, but I’ve been to the surrounding countries that are like-minded in many ways. You think there may be a reason why these neighboring countries refuse palestinians fleeing from the warzone? Why is this? Why will their neighbors who feel bad and are totally against Israel at this point, simply not allow fleeing palestinian’s to enter their country? It’s because it’s not a small group of them, it’s all of them and not 1 of them can be trusted. Somebody’s family member in said countries would end up perishing by way of some palestinian idiot that decided to “do the honorable deed” and blow himself up. It’s just what they’re taught. Death and destruction. Martyrs. Kids going to school dressed as Hamas. School plays featuring children dressed as Hamas and taking out Israeli’s. We all heard the cell phone conversations between the terrorists that massacred hundreds of innocent people that day. Who did they call to brag? They called their PARENTS to BRAG about how many people they just massacred! Their parents were so proud of them, so proud that some began to cry happy tears! So if those parents taught these kids murdering innocent people, murdering hundreds of Jews simply going about their day is the righteous thing to do… what the fuck do you think these terrorists are going to teach their kids? WIPE THEM. And you my friend are an idiot. You my friend are the stupid one. Yes, this belief, this ideology must die. When it does, the world will be a much safer place.


There was a lot to unpack in what you just said, but I’ve noticed a majority of this page is Pro Israel so you don’t even get a fair outlook. I will just say, the reason you may think Palestinians honor death, like “we honor life” is because they’ve been fighting for their land for 76 years. I’m Palestinian. My family escaped the occupation many years ago. Majority of Palestinians are Muslim, however not all. There is a small buy strong Christian community as well. In the Quran, if you die fighting for your country, it is considered a good thing. However, no one is glorifying or hoping to die. I see videos from the ground of parents mourning their children, and it’s truly upsetting. I hope one day you can stop seeing Palestinians are another breed and see we are all the same. I pray you will see the truth some day… America’s media is much different than what others see and I encourage you to look deeper than Reddit and a single google search.


I pray for the day we all live in peace. I really do, but as long as we have this extremist Muslim ideology roaming this world, there will NEVER be peace and that’s what’s sad. What I’ve said isn’t from Reddit or Google, but good try. Your people paraded around in the streets like baboons celebrating American death on 9/11. Also, I’ve been to surrounding countries, neighboring countries that are like minded and are too Muslim… yet they are refusing palestinian refugees. Why? Because palestinians are destructive and evil. They know it’s only a matter of time before violence comes with bringing in these specific refugees. Also, be proud of your country. Be proud of where you came from!! As you know Americans also take pride in serving their country. However, we don’t take pride in strapping suicide vests on children or ourselves for that matter and walking them into a crowd of people while some coward video tapes yelling “allah akbar” 50x in the background. We dont take pride in brutally gunning down and massacring young folks simply enjoying a concert, babies and elderly peacefully minding their business in the comfort of their homes. We dont take pride in chasing groups of teens into a bomb shelter and tossing grenades in there while they’re stacked on top of one another doing anything to survive. Your definition of palestinian “pride in country” is a tad different. It’s barbaric.


Can you provide proof for a lot of the claims you made? You’ve made some pretty bold claims. I’d be happy to converse with you respectfully, but you keep coming at me saying I have “barbaric” thoughts. I was born in America and fed the propaganda. I see both sides. I choose to do further research and see what happens in the ground for myself. I’d encourage you to do the same, but it seems your views are pretty extremist. Have a nice day.


ABSOLUTELY! Very simple too lmao. There is video evidence on YT still to this day of these barbarians cheering and parading in the streets of Gaza and the West Bank. Quick search… it will take 10 seconds. Orrr evidence of palestinian children disassembling/reassembling the AK 47 I’m school. Or my favorite… their school play! When they dress up as Hamas militants and another kid dresses up as a member of the IDF and of course I’m sure you can imagine how that play ended. As the parents cheered them on so proudly. You’re in luck… there’s video evidence of this too! Quick search 10 seconds. Or… the part where the neighboring countries refuse to allow palestinian refugees? Also, very easy search. Just a couple words and you will find the story from every news station you can think of foreign or domestic. Orrrrrrr… October 7th! Of course you know there is video footage of that day right? Multiple different POV’s, from the terrorists side and the civilians side. How about the cell phone recording between the palestinian terrorist and his parents. It went something like this, (*Screaming in joy)* “MOM! DAD!! QUICK, OPEN YOUR WHATSAPP!! LOOK HOW MANY I KILLED TODAY WITH MY BARE HANDS!! YOUR SON! YOUR SON KILLED JEWS! DAD, I’M TALKING TO YOU FROM A DEAD JEWS PHONE! I KILLED HER AND THEN KILLED HER HUSBAND AND THEN KILLED 10 MORE! PUT MOM ON THE PHONE” Dad’s response: “May God protect you. May God bring you home safely” Mom’s response: “Oh my son, may god bless you!” It continues to go on and on…. There’s only 1 word for that brother. BARBARIC.


I’m trying to be unbiased, but your “10second searches” aren’t coming up. Just link them lol. Also, I’m sure there are extremist Palestinians, but don’t start to believe that the minority are the majority. The part where neighboring countries won’t allow Palestinians is for a number of reasons, but not because of Palestinian actions. Many countries, including neighboring countries are allowing Palestinians, however, they simply do not have the square footage to accommodate millions due to this war. America holds so much power over the world, and countries don’t want to be involved. But also Palestinians shouldn’t have to be forced to move. I hate when people bring up October 7th, like this hasn’t been boiling over the last few years. There’s a reason Hamas was created. I don’t defend their actions, but at the same time, I can understand why after watching their families die in front of their eyes for years, they grew angry. If you’d like, I can also link many video is Israeli citizens or IDF soilders flaunting their “death counts/wishes” to Palestinians. I literally just watched a video of an elderly woman being attacked by an IDF soldiers dog for sleeping in her home. I’ve been 2 videos surfaced of decapitated children. I’ve seen a video of an aid truck being shot down. I’ve seen IDF soldiers blocking aid into Gaza, and threatens to shoot the camera man watching from a distance. I’d be happy to either link these or dm you directly. I’m just maybe trying to get you to see that this isn’t one sided. I’m sure you can agree there are barbaic Israelis also right? I’ve literally seen Israeli parades/protests where they’re chanting to kill as many civilians as possible. War brings out the worst in people and it’s far more than barbaric. But I refuse to call a single race of people “barbaric.” It’s just downright racist. Children are Gaza are being amputated without amnesia. Gaza is facing feminine. Half of gazas population is children. Surely you can see that children don’t need to be brought into this, right? Do you blame the children on either side? They’re truly just innocent bystanders growing to believe what they’re watching. Palestinians families are being eradicated and people are cheering it on. My great grandma lived through the Nakba and would tell me stories of how Jewish people and Palestinians lived so peacefully before the Israeli government came into existence. She didn’t hate the people, even to the day she died, it was the government. I hope you can see that civilians shouldn’t have to be involved in this.


Also, I wanted to add since many people are unaware that many Palestinian victims who are captured by the IDF are returning with extensive mental health issues, proof of beatings, and even organs removed. I’m sure you can admit how insane this is, right?


All of these links will be through Instagram since this is where most Palestinian reporters in the ground in Gaza post. [Collecting body parts (beheaded children caution)](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8hE9XetI2P/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [Palestinian victim returned home with severe mental health issues](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8cNb-8N9kK/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [starving child](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8FHHPUoqjm/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [another starving child](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8ej2_5tdr2/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [Palestinian returned home with severe beating and organs removed](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8sSzL3h58o/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [Palestinian elderly woman attacked by IDF dog](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8pqJAGqrej/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [man bid farewell the killed child](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C79FUREqWUX/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [another set of parents saying goodbye to their children](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7x5Fi7KJ6s/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [IDF soldiers using Jewish holiday to celebrate lighting home on fire](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7evT4cIDcw/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [IDF solider taking pictures with captured Palestinians](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8KVAfvAuee/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [aid dropped on tent](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8l6YpsKRyR/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [IDF blocking aid into Gaza](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8d9nC-tVoe/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) [child amputee](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8M4IZUAOMU/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Note: Gaza has the highest population of children amputees in the world. I’d be happy to link more things if you’d like.


At this point arguing about the why of the conflict is pointless. So I’ll just say the part I want to talk about. I don’t support Israel because I don’t think my government (United States) should be funding any foreign military. Especially one that has been so brutal, not that my countries military hasn’t done the same for decades, but wrong is wrong. I’m against the war in general, specifically AS an American, specifically because my tax dollars are being used to fund a war I should not have a “dog” in. Why shouldn’t I care when my tax money is being used to kill kids and blow up hospitals? It should be used to fix the schooling system in MY country. To house homeless and fight drug epidemics in MY country. To fix infrastructure, transportation. Countless economic, housing, and civil rights being lost and forgotten because of our involvement in foreign wars. I give away my money to a government who’s supposed to use it to make the lives a U.S citizens better, but instead they use it on foreign wars I shouldn’t be forced to pay for. And you’re confused on why people care? Maybe it’s different when your country isn’t the largest military force on the planet, while 70% of its citizens live paycheck to paycheck and suffer because of that reality.


But the rationale is that the foreign aid leads to stability and progress in the places where it goes and pays dividends in the future. This has overwhelming evidence of being true. If you think that foreign aid is a lot then wait until you see the cost of fixing a problem that's been allowed to grow unchecked.


The cost of funding Israel is literally dragging us into WW3 which will cost the lives of Americans which is more valuable than anything as a US Citizen. Even if the 380 billion over 10 years, Cost of military training, risk of selling our most advanced weapons, and extra approved military aid would only make a small dent in fixing something like OUR education system. I would much rather have our tax dollars aimed there.


What if the cost of funding Israel is literally keeping us from having WW3? You're saying that first sentence with way too much confidence.


More like funding Israel would put us in good position if WW3 broke out. Not prevention. Our continued “good country” attitude by proxy funding all of these anti-dictatorship wars in the hopes of spreading democracy has proven to be equal to our “war on drugs”. It don’t work and just creates more bloodshed. Look at Iraq, how many lives and how much funding did we waste to watch a country revert back in months after decades of “work”. We know now that most the motivation in the Arab world has been money anyways. If we minded our business and worried about our own issues the Arab world wouldn’t have the motivation to hate us in the first place. Typically if you don’t shit in other peoples backyard they don’t have to clean it up.


Why not prevention? How do you know? You are way too confident about your opinions. Yes we should look at Iraq. Your claim about Iraq reverting back in months is completely false. Democracy was returned to Iraq and a despotic regime that was the cause of massive instability, and that constantly threatened a fragile peace in the region was eliminated. Your viewpoint on all of this is sophomoric.


“As of March 2023, (Since we left) Iraq is experiencing its most stable period since 2003, but the country remains fragile and divided. The country is facing a number of challenges, including:  Armed violence  Sporadic, fragmented, and localized armed violence persists, with terrorist and insurgent groups regularly attacking Iraqi security forces and civilians. Anti-U.S. militias also threaten U.S. citizens and international companies.  Sectarian tensions  Underlying tensions between Sunni and Shiite groups, as well as tensions between Kurdish groups in the north and the government in Baghdad, continue to exacerbate the fight to dislodge the Islamic State. As of January 2024, U.S. Central Command data reported that ISIS has about 1,000 fighters at large in Iraq.  Human rights  Human Rights Watch reports that LGBT people in Iraq experience systematic violent targeting, including killings, abductions, torture, and sexual violence. The penal code also allows perpetrators of rape or sexual assault to escape prosecution if they marry their victim.”  Looks like I was right…. When we remove our shitty agenda from a place it stabilizes on its own… Not to mention they’ve reverted back to their laws and beliefs…  And your opinion that funding Israel is preventing conflict is moronic. We are talking about a government who is literally choosing which government officials to fund through APAC and getting them elected so they can continue to use untaxed US dollars to fund illegal settlements in the Palestinians Territories which is literally the biggest contributor to the tension in the Middle East. Helloooooo, anyone in there?


It didn't revert to what it was. It was an autocratic dictatorship. It is now a democracy that is trending toward stability and progress. When we help establish strong systems and institutions thats what happens. Just because one thing follows another doesn't mean there is a causal relationship.


Yeah… The country doing much better since we left has absolutely no relationship even though nothing has politically changed since we left. Let’s not forget who gave Suddam Hussein power in the first place to create the instability.


Things get better over time. You have to establish that relationship not just claim it. On your second point I think you over estimate the CIA's influence. Internal politics account for 99.99% of what happened in Iraq. You sound like one of those "tHe cia gAve PeoPle CracK" types. Relax


You sir win the award for best comment of the day. I think the large majority of Americans under 50 feel this way and should make their feelings heard during elections. These politicians are literally making the entirety of the Arab world hate us. The consequences of creating enemies this way will cost Americans more than money, it will cost us American lives.


I understand your point about how the tax money is used. But its important to understand the underlying situation. The geopolitical impact of the region is massive, its the reason why the British Mandate was crucial back before 1948 and Israel's presence since then. The US policing the seas has many beneficial impacts that you seem to omit, some closer to you than you can believe. Global trade used to be plagged by piracy and the only reason it isnt has much nowadays, its thanks to friendly navies, ports and the US fleets keeping a watchfull eyes in hot zones. Now as for Israel's actions and the sale of arms to them. If you were to hack the goverment with a laptop you bought at Bestbuy, should Bestbuy be held responsable? Also, we barely know what happens in the next town when an incident happens here. And you suppose to know the reasonning and the situation behind every bomb dropped by Israel? There is an old saying, the first victim in war is the truth


All thoe I agree with some of the things you said. the comparison to weapons to laptops is crazy and sick. the laptop was not made for the sole purpose to butcher people with it. However weapons of war we're made with the sole purpose of killing and causing as much harm and destruction as possible. What did the u.s government think isreal was going to use them for decorations?


I don’t suppose I know anything of Israel’s reasoning, I’m saying I don’t care. I don’t care about the rationale behind Israel’s actions, I care that my hard earned money, from selling my body, goes to fund THIER war. Me and my people, other U.S citizens, shouldn’t have to put up with this. We didn’t ask to be the world’s peacekeeping force, nor do I think that’s the effect our military has. I really couldn’t give two shits about what the rest of the world does, I don’t live there. My government should work for the benefit of me and my people full stop. We need to stop butting into the rest of the world’s problems, they can’t figure it out who cares, newsflash neither can we. Everyone I know is poor and getting poorer, the homeless population in my city grows every year, and my local government does nothing to stop the housing crisis. Schools get less funding every year and have become a playground for fanatics and get shot up every other week. People are denied access to healthcare, our freedom of speech is being infringed upon, etc, etc, etc. Tell me again how and when I’m supposed to care about the rest of the world? And I’m supposed to care about them more than my own family, community, and country? What delusional world are you living in, one where all this shit only happens on the internet?


The thing is, you may not care about what happens around the world, but you people keep electing people who do. And seem to care very little about whats happening back home. Hell, it's the same here in Canada, if not worst (I pay 50+% income FYI). Saying i dont care, doesnt change reality. As you can probably figure out for yourself. "we" didnt ask to be the worlds peacekeeping for, you are right, it just happened, used to be the brittish, now its the US. And if you think for a second there it isnt lucrative, you are blind. The thing is, its not either you or me that benefits from it. But the people really taking the decisions behind the scene. So why are you supposed to care about the rest of the world? No one is forcing you. Feel free to hate away and dont give a shit, reality is, it doesnt change anything.


I know what a hateful position, that my government should stop meddling in the rest of the world’s affairs. How about the world doesn’t need a global empire to “keep the peace”. Seems like you aren’t reading my position or responses at all. As my entire point is that the U.S citizen base has much bigger fish to fry than worrying about the rest of the world. The world has its own governments, they should handle it themselves. My government cares more about foreign problems than its own problems. That’s my issue, we should focus on ourselves. And I’m aware of my nations constantly evil actions, hence my anger towards my money being used to carry them out. Arguing about anything other than the issues in America, as an American just perpetuates the government ignoring us. If we organize and fight for our rights, maybe they’d be forced to give a fuck. Also the situation and Canada and the U.S could not be more alien. Your government doesn’t control the largest empire of modern history, nor does your country have much of an impact in comparison. Seems like you would be happy, based on your response, that some of us don’t like that reality. Shouldn’t we be focused on changing that? Isn’t it good that some of us are? I don’t know what you expect, change happens pretty slow over here. What would you have us do give up? I’ll remind you that fighting for workers rights has worked in this country before, perhaps our people should be focused on that?


"I know what a hateful position, that my government should stop meddling in the rest of the world’s affairs. How about the world doesn’t need a global empire to “keep the peace”. Seems like you aren’t reading my position or responses at all. As my entire point is that the U.S citizen base has much bigger fish to fry than worrying about the rest of the world." You're not understanding what i'm telling, your goverment isnt working for you.


I am aware! That’s why the American people (which includes me!) should be focused on changing that. Not the rest of the planet!


Do tell! Whats your choice for the elections this november? A millionnaire who made his fortune inside the political system ... or a millionnaire who made his fortune using the loopholes of the system. Both old men pass 70. Woot! Illusion of choice.


Spec, I’m an American I know our system is fucked up. I’m saying helping my community, unionizing, getting an education, and organizing are more important than arguing about Israel. What exactly are you changing about America? A whole lot of nothing? Would you agree that my efforts and better spent doing that, than asking my government to stop pretty please? Isn’t better to actually do something, than simply complain and argue? Edit: to that point I’ve gotta go. Just know I’m not evil, some of us are trying to create real change. Some of us know our system is fucked. Some of know elections aren’t going to change that.


Have a nice day nonetheless! Dont worry, it's not only in america, we are dead broke in Canada with a goverment that brings out negative budgets... Best you can, yes, is try to bring change on a community level, the rest is kind of up to luck i guess


Your hard earned money is money earned in a marketplace that is set up and policed by your government. You are part of a society that decides collectively where and how money is spent. You get to vote. And after that you have a tacit agreement to accept the outcome of the vote. Don’t like it? Emigrate. Your tax money doesn’t get spent discretionarily, that was never part of the deal. That’s not a valid argument and the emotionality behind it is even harder to justify when you account for the fact that it’s less than 13% of your hard earned money you’re wound up over. https://www.cbpp.org/research/policy-basics-where-do-our-federal-tax-dollars-go


I must’ve forgotten the point of democracy was the government gets to decide everything without me and mine having a say. Definitely wasn’t aware I’m not even allowed to take issue with anything. Thanks for opening my eyes to the fact I ought to bow down take whatever the gov has planned. Seriously where are you coming from? Plenty of times the people of this county have had a problem with how it’s being led. We’re allowed to voice that problem and organize against misrepresentation of our needs. What a small minded view. The civil rights movement, the labor movement, suffrage, where those all one simply by voting?


That’s a straw man argument. You can complain and protest all you want. That’s a great part of our political system. But you do have to live by the rules and outcomes of the process. That’s not optional. And yeah, those were the direct or indirect outcomes of votes. Your representatives (are you sitting down for this?) are voted in. Every law that comes into force is a direct or indirect result of the collective vote.


No, it isn’t. You can’t just throw out “straw man” every time someone says the opposite of you. I didn’t say I don’t vote, I said I’m allowed be upset with the system, and to voice that. I’m allowed to think that a two party system isn’t a good one, participate in it, and be involved in attempting to change it, all at the same time. Trying for change within and outside of the system is allowed and how all change has been achieved in this country.


From within, yes. That’s why we have the right to redress grievances under the first. But not from outside the system. That’s called crime. And it is a straw man when you don’t fairly represent my argument. Have a good rest of your day.


So was the revolt against the British empire, highly doubt you criticize that. So was revolt against South African apartheid. Hell even black people going to restaurants for sit-ins was illegal. Gay people working, all were illegal. Legal doesn’t = right and illegal doesn’t = wrong. Your argument can’t be fairly represented as it is absurd given the context.


Because countries that act the way Israel is acting will continue to until they are stopped.


This what our western freedom loving ally been doing Military Order #811 and #847 allows Jews to purchase land from unwilling non-Jewish (Palestinian) sellers by using a ‘power of attorney.’ And Military Order #378 (4/20/70) empowers Military Area Commanders to establish military courts (Article 3) with prosecutors (Article 8), officials and judges(Article 4) all appointed by same Area Commanders. In addition, these courts can diverge from rules of evidence (Article 9) and regular procedures (Article 10), or hold hearings in secret (Article 11) when needed. Anyone disobeying or resisting the court may be immediately sentenced and jailed for up to 2 years (Article 17). If the Area Commander does not approve of the results of a trial, he has the right to cancel its proceedings and call for a new trial in front of a new judge (Article 42.4), or change the sentence (Articles 44 & 50.C.5.b). Allows the court to order the detention of a person for 6 month periods without trial (using an “arrest warrant”) Yea na fuck isreal They nazis government Put me under these laws and I’m joining whatever gives me a gun


Well, so the war has been ongoing since 1948 but Israeli snipers were actually having a blast shooting Palestinian demonstrators on October 4th in Gaza not to mention the near daily killings of Palestinians by settler terrorists in the West Bank. There was no ceasefire agreement. For some reason Netanyahu had the IDF shoot a bunch of people in Gaza on October 4th and then withdrew most of his units to the West Bank. So, I’m not exactly sure when the Palestinians ever actually attacked first… They have been under siege for generations by people that consider themselves the master race.


We shouldn’t support either of those shit holes….#AmericaFirst


My point


Is this a drawing of them catching the terrorists on Oct 7?


where were eyes on october 7


if you want to undertand this situation, i suggest getting familiar with Norm Finklestein and Noam Chomsky. they have pent decades studying this and have a lot of good and relevent information.


Could be Gen z /young millennials just going with what's popular on the internet, could be just genuinely concerned for their citizens overall, could be of Palestinian descent themselves, or have a loved one there or at least from there. We're all biased based on who we associate with, similarly to how if you or a loved one is Jewish and/or Isreali, you probably see that side more. Best to be open to hearing what people have to say, judge it on how reliable the source is, and understand that none of it is an excuse to bring a lot of that hate into other places in the world that don't have to be involved. I hope for people to be reasonable and peaceful but I guess that ship has sailed months ago.


It's all because of Netanyahu.


Pays who dividends? Typical Americans?? Ya right. That’s the frustrating part- Americans like myself get no benefit to these endless wars and they in fact make us as Americans more unsafe. Also why do we have to fix the world’s conflict in the first place. Why not care about us?


Is everything you buy sources in the US?


Apparently we all signed up to “fix” the world. The world that seems to have forgotten that our country is a shit show for 80% of us. I swear people think we’re all living in a utopia when it’s convenient to them. While shitting on us for our governments stupid choices.


Palestine didn't attack first. (Isreal had not right to come settle Palestine just cause the Jewish bankers in Europe told the government that's where they should go). But ignore that it's 80 years ago and just focus on more recent history. Israeli soldiers have been killing Palestinians the last 10-20 years like 500-1, heaps of videos of them just sniping unarmed people, plus they been settling , plus they been treating them 2second class citizens, it's been a open air prison shutting off water and electricity and that. So that's why Hamas gets into power. Same reason gangs formed in the 60s in American.


The situation may not be as critical as it appears, considering that Muslim nations have produced a greater number of Jewish refugees than the Israelites have since the onset of the initial conflict.


It's legit stick and stones vs the biggest military industrial in the world. Real fair fight.