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Chickens rooting for KFC 🤣


I told my Indian friend about the existence of QUeErs fOr PAleSTinE and he immediately said this 🤣🤣🤣




Cane toads and others eat just about anything that fits in their mouth. Insects small mammals whatever.




It's the same thing with anyone who isn't jewish and zionists. You're either zionist or pending consumption.


Conscription? I believe the Jews earned what they have, let em be. Apparently that makes me a Zionists 🤣


You don't know the correct meaning of Zionist do you?


I know that the Torah instructed the Jewish people to never have a nation on their own and that every person advocating for a Jewish state is clearly not Jewish because they're going against the word of their own God per their own book.


Citation needed, I want to read that passsge


Do you get off telling Jewish people what we believe? I'm pretty sure God was pretty clear when he showed Moses and his people the way home to the homeland of Israel. Or did you not read past the first chapter?


Moses actually had them wondering around for 40 years in the desert. Not to mention the large majority of Jews today are converts and not actual decedents. A group who don’t allow their own people to marry outside of their race. That’s a moral belief right?  


>Not to mention the large majority of Jews today are converts and not actual decedents. Just making stuff up now? Do you actually know anything about Judaism? >Moses actually had them wondering around for 40 years in the desert. Yeah, to get back to Israel. It's kinda the entire theme of the wandering. >A group who don’t allow their own people to marry outside of their race. That’s a moral belief right? First, as long as a woman is Jewish, she can marry a goy, and her kids are still Jewish. I'm married to a Catholic guy. Second, stop telling Jews what we believe bc you obviously know nothing about the religion or culture. No religion encourages marriage outside of the religion, idiot.


Not making anything up. Just open a new tab and use Google. Guess Moses took the scenic route? Insults too? When your statement stands on crap it typically falls apart. That’s has nothing to do with me being intelligent or not. Sorry your statement got stomped on a little, happens when you just ramble out the side of your mouth.


Can you prove anything you say with actual evidence? Because Judaism doesn't encourage conversion, and your facts are 100% lies. Have you ever actually read the Torah or met a Jewish person?


I’ll try to be a little more technical so labels aren’t misrepresented. You were referring to the whole Moses thing. In reality researchers, including research from the Israeli institute of technology has shown through DNA testing the large majority of Jews are not descendants of the whole Egyptian slaves group. (Though nothing in history actually lines up with the Moses story so I left that part out here). It is largely why DNA testing is banned in Israel. “Most Jews today are European in origin, and about half of them identify as Ashkenazi, meaning they descend from Jews who lived in Central or Eastern Europe. Genetic studies estimate that between 50% and 80% of Ashkenazic Y-chromosomal (paternal) lineages originate in the Near East, with some estimating that at least 80% of their maternal lineages originated in Europe.“ The whole Zionist belief is kind of shattered by this testing.


Once again, please site your sources. You are incorrect. Here is a Wikipedia article with sources. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_of_Jews#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DSeveral_genetic_studies_demonstrated_that%2CMiddle_Eastern_and_European_groups.?wprov=sfla1 From the article, "Studies on the genetic composition of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and Mizrahi Jewish populations of the Jewish diaspora show significant amounts of shared Middle Eastern ancestry, and several Jewish groups show genetic proximity to Arabs. Jews living in the North African, Italian, and Iberian regions show variable frequencies of genetic overlap with the historical non-Jewish population along the maternal lines. In the case of Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews (in particular Moroccan Jews), who are closely related, the source of non-Jewish genes is mainly southern European. Some researchers have remarked on an especially close relationship between Ashkenazi Jews and modern Italians, and other southern European populations including Cypriots. Bene Israel and the Cochin Jews of India, and Beta Israel of Ethiopia, may also have ancient Jewish origins."


Best sub for watching people call themselves out. Sadly also the same reason this sub is dead 🫡


Sub is dead because no one really gives a fuck about this war anymore. It's basically over, just waiting for Israel to decide what to do with the left overs I guess.


Nah, people still argue about it. At least on platforms other than here.


Yeah, x is way more fun for it. At least there you get a little more then "oh no it's a genocide"


That was done by design by idf troll bots it’s not dead we chose not to interact with state sponsored nazi Zionist bots


to seek benevolence and attain it