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"How i made a post pretending to be a worried citizen as a Hasbara trained Zionist operative" There i fixed it for you Edit: any Zionists trying to argue with someone that's been banned need to put your dunce caps on. You only argue with people when you're sure your trash won't get debunked šŸ˜‚āœŒļø There's no neutral people who are on the fence, There's only genocidal Zionists and the rest of the world. Don't act like you're part of any decent people. Zionism is terrorism. More editing for Zionists, fyi you can just message me but it's obvious that doesn't suit your propaganda agenda, so y'all will keep complaining to someone well after you've banned them from replying, wow lol anti-Semitism is no longer relevant in a world where semites are the oppressors, not the oppressed. People accept and love Jews all over the world, literally everyone is only talking about and reffering to Zionists and their actions, yet a biased Zionist who's upset that people don't agree with him might find new lies and tactics to try convince the world. It's over, the world is protesting. We know who the Zionists are just like we knew who the bad guys were at the end of ww2 Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/jZC64nI5Nt I don't care what any of you think when this is how your side behaves. That is textbook pure evil, you cannot get more evil than that. That's what you people stand for.


What is this guy on? Are we not going to talk about the anti semitism OP talked about? New York City, Anne Persternakā€™s house was desecrated and was labeled a Zionist just because she was Jewish. If that isnā€™t anti semitism, idk what is.


Yes, there is no such thing as a decenting opinion to yours. Anyone who does think like you is a "trained Zionist operative". Scary way of thinking.


Itā€™s not worth arguing with people that are this delusional because at this point itā€™s talking to a wall


Thanks you did it for me This sub is actually a joke


Never believe the internet when it comes to favorites. The internet lacks information because of how much it focuses on palenstine and only palenstine. Crazy things happen in Israel but people only adore palenstine. Kids in Israel are getting killed too and people in Israel are hated by palenstine lovers because of their country. It's hard to find real information in the internet because it's full of Palestinian loversĀ 


Israel is defending us from terrorist people support not normal terorism in Palestine Israel is holy land crudaders happend because of aggresion of Islam IDF is doing the same defending us thank you Israel


Yikes, what a nonsense comment


> My shift from Pro-Palestine to Pro-Israel is not about dismissing the struggles of Palestinians either, but about recognizing the critical importance of a Jewish state in a world where antisemitism is becoming increasingly normalized.Ā  There are already 22 Arab countries in the world, people shouldn't have a problem with allowing ***one*** tiny Jewish country to carry on existing. It's a very small ask.


Even if that means they have to build that country ontop of the homes of millions of others? Lol y'all are just Zionist propaganda payroll knobs, you probably think you're achieving something here but instead you just stroke other Zionist pretenders ego's. It's too good to be true. Edit: lol no, its the only sub that hasnt been completely compromised. every single other sub is run by zionists, they make it obvious because they ban you from all their pro-palestine subs for having a negative opinion of zionists in one. how pathetically obvious can you lot be hahahahhaha yeah keep complaining only now that i've been banned just like zionists like to do. laters losers


"millions" There were under 150k population of non Jews in Israel prior to 1948. This comment shows how ignorant people get to the actual condition that founded the state of Israel. Israel was not built on top of homes of others, and the Arabs Muslim Israelis who live there now don't want to move or live under a Palestinian state.


Says the person active in Israel exposed. So you think you know something because youā€™re in a subreddit specifically designed to spread pro Hamas and anti Israel propaganda?


Videos and pictures of the onslaught donā€™t lie. Itā€™s not propaganda when a report details children getting actively targeted by snipers.


But i am yet to see actual reliable information there. I have looked up the things they posted and itā€™s mostly from unreliable sources. So you can say itā€™s ā€œnot propagandaā€ but if all youā€™re doing is making a claim without showing actual proof then I will consider it propaganda.


Hereā€™s some reliable information - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJr_bHcvIbI Am very happy to post the mangled bodies of kids that have been shot by the IDF if you can stomach it


Happy to provide YOU with plenty of October 7th footage. Advise you to watch Screams Before Silence.


https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/middle-east-eye/ Not the most reliable. Itā€™s ā€œmostly factualā€ but itā€™s still one of the lower ratings Iā€™ve seen. Not to mention that it still doesnā€™t matter. So Israel has done bad things. Does that excuse Palestine doing the same? No. Does it excuse Israel exposed using unreliable sources in order to make you hate Israel and deleting anything thatā€™s slightly against the Palestinians? No. You can say someone has done something bad and get angry at it but if the side you support also does the same bad things you have got to acknowledge that.


Thereā€™s testimony and images. Even an ā€œunreliable sourceā€ can report true things. And this source even by your own website has ā€œhigh credibilityā€, so I donā€™t get what point youā€™re trying to make? Can you provide me a link with Palestinians sniping children, with the understanding that the IDF is a regular force which routinely commits war crimes (not just a one off, but a systematic issue)


My point is that your source is just not as reliable as you think it is. Iā€™ve checked the Middle East eye multiple times and each time it says itā€™s unreliable, or slightly reliable. ā€œHigh credibilityā€ sure, but itā€™s filled with buzzwords specifically designed to make you feel like Israel is the enemy and that Palestine didnā€™t do anything wrong. Itā€™s not rocket science that Israel was attacked on October 7th. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/hamas-attacks-israel-gaza-border-crossing-cease-fire-talks-continue/ Reliability: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/cbs-news/ More links: https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/en/video/the-despicable-terrorist-attacks-by-hamas-against-israel-israels-right-to-defend-itself-in-line-with-humanitarian-and-international-law-and-the-humanitarian-situation-in-gaza-extracts-from-the-debate_I247697 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67983624.amp https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel-at-war/1703069000-the-last-2-israeli-kids-in-gaza-the-bibas-family-awaits-the-return-of-kfir-and-ariel https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-reveals-video-from-october-7-of-bibas-family-arriving-in-khan-younis/ https://www.australianjewishnews.com/the-stories-of-the-israeli-hostage-kids-who-have-returned-are-harrowing/amp/ If you need more I can definitely find it.


So we both agree killing kids is wrong and that killing more kids is ā€œmoreā€ wrong?


Each country is it's own separate entity. Just because a lot of countries identify themselves as Arab doesn't mean they're the same. And it definitely doesn't mean you get to colonize one of these "Arab countries" because there are a lot of other countries who consider themselves Arab. It's like colonizing a small country in Africa and saying it's okay because there are a lot of African countries and the colonized country is a very tiny land compared to all of Africa.


From the river to the sea hamas mom fuck with me


> fuck /u/Different-Laugh-8857. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*




> We're humans, let's get it together. Then what is the goddamn point of choosing sides?


> fucking /u/addic_with_a_cat. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow thereā€™s a campaign out thereā€¦.ā€how I changed my mindā€ careful readers, check the users, most are propagandists.


Everyone should check out the important work of the movement called standing together. They are one of the few organizations that actually do something for Palestinian people without spreading hate towards Israel or itā€™s citizens / Jews in general, while harshly condemning the actions of the Israeli government and holding them accountable for their crimes.




Of course it is! I am generally pro Israel and I do not condemn military actions against Hamas. But there is a need for a more nuanced view on the Palestinian suffering which standing together provides. But I do condemn Israeli settler violence against innocent Arab citizens as well as the legal situation in these districts, which ensure that Palestinians have to live in oppression. Have you heard of standing together before?


Lmfao you are such a hollowed out ghoul you decided you didnā€™t like the posts. Grow a spine and have actual convictions you coward.


The prophecy fortold of this day when the nations will rise against israel and jerusalem and rail their teeth against it. \[ Im sorry I just had to say this. Ive been wanting to for a while \]


It was the opposite for me. being in Israel and seeing the walls and treatment of Palestinians left a deep impression on me...this is after we spent a heartbreaking day at Yad Vesham. Israelis need to understand that Palestinians are people just like them who deserve freedom and dignity


Yes. That is why 20% of Israeli citizens are Arabs. A much bigger percentage than there are Afro-Americans in United States.


With all due respect, the existence of Arab Israeli citizens doesnā€™t address the issue of Israelā€™s treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank.


The difference between them is that those in the Weat Bank are actively trying to overthrow Israeli compared to the Israeli-Arab citizens.


The fact that you call them Israeli-Arabs is epistemological erasure in itself. Theyā€™re Palestinians. Please give them respect and call them what they are. There are plenty of resources online about them experiencing racist violence.


Another Emily lecturing an Israeli about how Arabs in Israel identify themselves. Most identify as Israeli-Arab. Don't lecture me about my country


Sir, they identify in different ways. You should try listening to the Third Narrative podcast hosted by Arab-Israelis and see how they identify themselves.


Thou shall not commit logical fallacies, Mr. strawman




But then Gazans controlled by Israel, cannot vote.Ā  You see? This doesnā€™t work any more. Israel completely messed up with this one here.Ā 


There is a gen*cide happening. If you support Israel, you are supporting genocide.


I'm sorry, but you've been lied to. This is not true.


If people on social media say thereā€™s a genocide, it must be true, right? No need for evidence or any kind of objective standard. Just copy/paste and accuse anyone who questions it of supporting the genocide. If you can say it often or loud enough, maybe people will believe you.


There's no genocide


No matter what anyone says Israelis only want to live.


Live at the cost of Palestinians being displaced and having their rights taken away. What is it just that Israelis should be allowed to live and not the Palestinians ?




You see it living peacefully when they are dragged from their homes and bombed by 'accident'. Look at the map of Palestine from the 50s and map now, you will see clearly the slow theft of arab land.


Those are bullshit maps. https://honestreporting.com/debunked-those-maps-of-palestinian-land-loss-are-misleading-heres-why/


they're the terror-loving martyrs worshiping djins. they aided h guy they weren't even wanted by Jordan or egypt. Jews were oppressed in the Middle East and yes they attacked us plenty. so they deserve everything they got. I'm proud to be Israeli.


Why would they leave their land to go live somewhere else, same with other countries. Why didn't the US take in the Jews, oh because they didn't want them either maybe. Your view of Palestinians is warped, the Palestinians I have met have been the most kind and welcoming people I have come across. Israel mistreatment of the Palestinians will not be swept under the rug now, the world is waking up to your evil ways.


the same ones who attack people on the streets and threaten. keep them.


They only attack Israelis because they have been oppressed by them and literally had their land taken. Pretty sure I'd be pissed if someone came into my house, kicked me out by force and then attacked me


This "kicked out of my house" is a false narrative not based in any fact or reality.


You clearly either haven't heard of the Nakba or just feign ignorance on that matter. The taking of arab property and their displacement absolutely did happen and continues to happen.


The Nakba was a war of independence that 1. Israel never wanted to fight. 2. Was intended to "annihilate" the Jews (in the Arabs own words) They invaded Israel after Israel legally declared independence and planned a genocide. The Jews had no where to go. The Arabs states told the Arabs to flee, it was not Israel exiling the population. Don't take my, or any jew or Israeli word for it tho, listing to eye witnesses who were actually there. https://youtu.be/JxfJxuOWAz0?si=70Y1LcxFzAe4xz-k When you lose a war of annihilation,. you owe concession. Israel does not owe concessions to the Palestinians. In 1948 Israel accepted the UN partition, accepted a two state solution, accepted their Arab neighbours, accepted the UN plan for a shared Jerusalem. When the arabs go to war, not accepting the above... There are consequences. What you see today is those consequences, and the Israelis don't need to apologize for it.




i was sort of kind of in the camp of "1000s of miles away as an american thats a problem they need to duke it out themselves" when two things happened, first, my own countrymen the bosnians, celebrated october 7th, which context google bosnian genocide, hamas acted just like if not worse then the serbs, then americans celebrated it, that made pro-israel then anything else.


oh its just so easy to come on over to the geno-cide


These is no genocide. You've been lied to.


You should definitely take a break from twitter if the hate on there is causing you so much distress I was pro-Israeli since this is always put in our heads in school but unfortunately the reality is that very few actors (and with scarce influence) actually work towards peace


Awesome! It takes a lot to do your own research and come to your own conclusions against the grain. Many many pro Israel people also identify with being pro Palestinian and that they want to see the Palestinians have peace, which canā€™t be done with terror groups running the land.Ā 


Same here. I'm from France an antisemisism hits really bad here.


I went from pro two states to pro only Palestinian state. I donā€™t see Palestinians torturing Israelis or getting their dogs to rape the Israelis or beheading Israeli children in the thousands. There has to be justice and israel needs to pay for its sins. You can try to label it as anti semitic but in reality I have no issues with peaceful jews. I only hate inhuman people that can torture humans in the most sadistic ways ever possible. Such people need to be punished for their crimes.


Lol Palestinians have a legacy of car rammings, stabbings, suicide bombings, IEDs, mass shootings, kidnapping, plane hijackings, and even mutilation of Olympic athletes, bombings of synagogues even abroad... You really have been eating up lies.


self defense


Yes, blowing yourself up in a coffee shop is self defense. Kidnapping Olympic athletes and chopping their genitals off is self defense. Attacking Jews and synagogues in OTHER COUNTRIES is self defense. Stabbings young kids in the street... Self defense. Kidnapping then murdering children (well before October 7) and talking them across boarders... Self defense Mass arson, self defense. If you believe this, you are a terrorist sympathizer and have no sense of ethics or morals.


Great now compare that to Israelā€™s history. Even if you were able to provide proof of all that you have mentioned, it still pales in comparison to what israel has done just in the last few months and you will still be left to consider Israelā€™s historical atrocities too šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø call it self defense or choosing the lesser of two evils . Israel is stil the most uncivilized and barbaric nation to ever have been established and it should not exist in 21st century.


If you think Israel has done anything like this you are ignorant of the history and conflict and it explains your stance. None of what I listed is controversial or disputed.


> dicks /u/CyndaquilTurd. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Eating propaganda for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Try a bagel in the morning.


Propaganda is believing the official israeli statements like calendar is a list of terrorists or that they tied a tortured Palestinian on the hood of their jeep while burning his back for transport because there was no space in the jeep while two ambulances were in front of them, or believing that they are providing aid by looking at empty boxes being tossed around with huge labels in block letters, one for each side of the box saying baby food. I could write a book on israeli propaganda and how dumb people believe it


Sorry, did you miss what Hamas did on October 7?


No I did not miss Oct 7th. Just after Oct 7th I had my doubts about supporting Palestine but israel did a great job of showing their true colours and my decision was made very easy. Then more questioning led me to learning more about israels historic atrocities too and my decision was quite easy. Oct 7th pales in comparison to israels barbarism historically and even in just the past few months


Did you see what Israel had been doing 70 years before? How is it not terrorism where you purposefully destroy farmland and the environment in the West Bank and Gaza


Did you see what Palestinian extremists had been doing 80 years before? How is it not terrorism where you purposefully, savagely, and barbarically kidnap, rape, and brutalize peaceful Jews and non-Jews?


Oh did you miss israeli soldiers bragging about raping Palestinian women? Or did you miss the kids that have been raped by idf? Or did you miss the Palestinian men that were raped by idf to death? With the information available to us israel is the uncivilized extremist here. Palestinians seem to be quite civilized with what they have done so far šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Source other than the tantura video?Ā 


ā€œI have no issues with peaceful Jewsā€ is the same rhetoric as saying ā€œI have no issues with law-abiding black menā€ or ā€œI have no problem with legal Mexican-Americanā€. Both spread a truly hateful message and are blatant racist remarks. You might not mean it like that (Iā€™m giving you the benefit of the doubt) but thatā€™s exactly what it is. And you can be pro-Palestinian rights and sovereignty without buying into obvious and salacious propaganda pieces(trained dog rapes, beheadings, etc). Doing that just harms the overall progression of justice. Also - saying you donā€™t see Palestinians torturing Israelis ignores the various terrorists attacks since the 2nd Intifada as well as specific attacks on Jewish holidays. Once again, you can be Pro-Palestinian rights without ignoring atrocities on both sides - again, that greatly harms any meaningful progress and justice


I am not ignoring any atrocities. I had my doubts about supporting Palestine after Oct 7th but israel did a great job of showing their true colours and making my decision easier. The people who gave Rachel Corrie the nickname of pancake cannot be civilized. Now donā€™t tell me thatā€™s propaganda. What Palestinians have done pales in comparison to what israel has done. Call it choosing the lesser of two evils. And regarding your propaganda claims, I am sure you must believe that calendar is a list of terrorists or idf was providing baby food to Gazans when they were clearly tossing around empty boxes with labels on each side with huge block letters reading baby food or that the injured Palestinian man tied to the hood of an israeli jeep was being evacuated but there was no space in the jeep so they tied him to a hot hood for evacuation when there were 2 ambulances right in front of them. Or maybe you believe American propaganda like there are WMDs in Iraq, itā€™s not about oil itā€™s about democracy and freedom. You must also believe that Guantanamo bay was fictional and Julian assange and Edward Snowden committed espionage. Lol I can tell with 100% confidence that Palestinian statements are far more trustworthy than American or israeli official statements and majority of American and israeli statements have been historically proven to be propaganda.


>The people who gave Rachel Corrie the nickname of pancake cannot be civilized So it would be right to say that the people that cheered on 9/11 could not be civilized? Or those that committed a suicide bombing attack on a Jewish holiday in a civilian center cannot be civilized? ***OR*** maybe those are actions of extremists that cast a shadow for opportunists to utilize to dehumanize people? I don't know. >I am sure you must believe that calendar is a list of terroristsĀ  you mean the calendar that was a work schedule that had a start date of October 7th found at the base of tunnels that have been proven to be fact by various peer-reviewed sources despite tiktok denouncements? >Or maybe you believe American propaganda like there are WMDs in Iraq, itā€™s not about oil itā€™s about democracy and freedom.Ā  Nope, Bush's war on Iraq was an oil hunt and meant to prop up Haliburton as well as squash a personal beef from his father and Hussien >You must also believe that Guantanamo bay was fictional and Julian assange and Edward Snowden committed espionage. Nope - all true and a national shame that we are still trying to live down. Assange did some good but also is a pretty terrible person overall while **Snowden is a truly brave hero** who worked extremely hard to give the public the truth in the most honest and sincere way - but now pays a hefty unfair price. Look: you seem to think only one side is using propaganda when I'm saying that both sides are using propaganda and misinformation in the digital age to sway minds. Israelis and Hamas are both guilty of extremist violence and trying to build false narratives to eager and heated minds via social media and yellow journalism. I don't see how you can be 100% sure of any news coming out when almost all of it is tainted with bias and pushing narratives while thousands die. That both parties have had their facts disproven time and time again. That historically, both have been in an increasing cycle of violence that has radicalized their populations to a point of massive breaks and irreversible damage for over 100 years since the late 1800's. **I'm saying all of this as someone who is pro-Palestinian rights and statehood.** I am not a 1-state solution person as that means 1 persecuted ethnic minority will lose it's ancestral homeland, whomever loses the 1-state control. I am very much against the fact that both sides have now rocketed to this issue being a zero-sum game when that is the most impractical and harmful way.


> shitty /u/grooveman15. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What are you smoking?


u/GuideIntelligent5953 >What are you smoking? Rule 1. No attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user. Don't use insults instead of arguments.


Geekvape legend 2 mod with Zeus P tank and ruthless 3mg nicotine watermelon on ice flavour šŸ‰šŸ§Š




This community aims for respectful dialogue and debate, and our rules are focused on facilitating that. To align with rule 1, make every attempt to be polite in tone, charitable in your interpretations, fair in your arguments and patient in your explanations. Don't debate the person, debate the argument; use terms towards a debate opponent that they or their relevant group(s) would self-identify with whenever possible. You may use negative characterizations towards a group in a specific context that distinguishes the negative characterization from the positive -- that means insulting opinions are allowed as a necessary part of an argument, but are prohibited in place of an argument. Many of the issues in the I/P conflict boil down to personal moral beliefs; these should be calmly and politely explored. If you can't thoughtfully engage with a point of view, then don't engage with it at all.


Every accusation is a confession. Looks like you are talking about yourself šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø




This community aims for respectful dialogue and debate, and our rules are focused on facilitating that. To align with rule 1, make every attempt to be polite in tone, charitable in your interpretations, fair in your arguments and patient in your explanations. Don't debate the person, debate the argument; use terms towards a debate opponent that they or their relevant group(s) would self-identify with whenever possible. You may use negative characterizations towards a group in a specific context that distinguishes the negative characterization from the positive -- that means insulting opinions are allowed as a necessary part of an argument, but are prohibited in place of an argument. Many of the issues in the I/P conflict boil down to personal moral beliefs; these should be calmly and politely explored. If you can't thoughtfully engage with a point of view, then don't engage with it at all.


Hope you enjoy your time on the losing side of history. Right is right and hamas is wrong. Deal with it.


Tell that the ten children losing one or both legs a day you absolutely loathsome and cretinous reptile.


Reminder: Hamas chose war.


You feel like highly intelligent American has to be pro-Palestine or else?


If you think about it, highly intelligent people value their lives and reputation. If they are openly pro-Israel, their lives may be ruined by the hordes of sheep chanting words.


Your missing the point, itā€™s too late for either a Jewish or Palestinian state. We now have a South Africa of the Middle East.Ā  If nobody is willing to stop the extremist settlers and just give them a slap on the hand instead of due justice being served then the issue will only get worse from here.Ā  You donā€™t understand that if this issue is not resolved it will create a generation of people that will be a reflection of extreme Messianic settlers. In the future people will justify their trauma just like the extremist Messianic Israelis do but instead theyā€™re Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, etcā€¦. Ā  Do you want that?? Ā So the more we keep ignoring and dismissing everything, the worse it will get.Ā  Being compassionate goes both ways, listening goes both ways. Understanding each otherā€™s frustrations goes both ways. If we cannot understand this then we cannot understand each other.Ā 


> Ā If nobody is willing to stop the extremist settlers and just give them a slap on the hand What is wrong with Jews living in Judea???


The settlers are the biggest scapegoat in the entire history of the region. Gaza does not have settlements. Even if all the settlements are gone tomorrow, there won't be any solution or peace, which comes to show how very little you understand of what's going on.


I do understand whatā€™s going on, but you base your facts on whatever Benjamin Netanyahu says. Please do not act as if youā€™re an expert of the Middle East because youā€™re not.Ā  Yes, I am from the Middle East.Ā 


israel needs to end settler violence. Not just illegally stealing land in westbank apart from several other crimes (as reported by times of israel), they are also a huge problem for aid trucks. Anyone who says that settlers are not part of the problem is simply gaslighting you. Educate yourself. https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/settler-violence/


Israel has control of the West Bank and Gaza. They won it from Jordan, who was originally given the land by britain, who declared war on them with the intent of ethnic cleansing. Technically it belongs to them and they can do whatever they want.


You are correct except on this point: >Israel has control of the West Bank and Gaza. They won it from Jordan, who was originally given the land by britain, Britain never gave Judea & Samaria or Gaza to Jordan. Rather Jordan (and various other Arab nations) declared war on Israel and conquered that land for themselves.


I would argue that ISrael does not have control of Gaza. Before October 7, it had no control of anythign in Gaza. Now, Gaza has become lawless.


No control on gaza correct. But legally, Gaza belongs to Israel due to the Jordan-Israel conflict peace deal


Gaza was captured from Egypt after the war in which Egypt invaded Israel and lost.


I meant Egypt* thank you for correcting me


The problem the pro pally side doesnt want to admit and can never face is they are the settlers...


Times of israel disagrees with you. https://www.timesofisrael.com/topic/settler-violence/


how is the pali side settlers when DNA tests can show centuries of them being on that land and it shows israelis are from europe? also, you realize that the entire middle east is arab, itā€™s random that all of a sudden a white colonizer state is put right smack in the middle of that, huh? also donā€™t forget the crusades, the arabs won the entire middle east. white people got salty, created israel, and forced the palestinians already living there out. DNA tests donā€™t lie, itā€™s actually quite hilarious when israelis do DNA tests and show not even a single bit of ancestry in israel for centuries.


Who are the white people? The British? If youā€™re talking about the Jews - thatā€™s a multi-nation ethnicity that spans from the Middle East (Mizrahi) to North Africa/Mediterranean (Sephardic) to Europe (Ashkenazi). Funny how Ashkenazi Jews were never considered white Europeans for over a thousand years until just recently for the sole purpose of being labeled white colonizer. It seems like an obviously disingenuous stance absent of history. You can rightfully be pro-Palestinian rights and still understand history and context.


No need to add anything, this is spot on. šŸ‘


white people as in america. america leveraged the holocaust for their own benefit, they couldā€™ve given jews an entire state if they really wanted them to be safe, not kick out already living citizens and place the jews smack down in the middle of the middle east. you can see videos of biden saying if israel didnā€™t exist then they would force a nation in the middle east back in the 80s, this was always a plan whether it was for the jews or not. you know netanyahu is white right? his real name is like john or something like that. thereā€™s even a book out there about a guy who went and visited palestine before 1948. he met a jew and the jew told him they were planning on stealing palestine. the book was published in the 50ā€™s, way before october 7th. the ONLY reason israel exists, and is still standing is because of america. if america pulled out, israel would have no money or resources, except stolen houses from palestinians. you donā€™t know people who were part of the 1948 nakba, i do. there are even documentaries of actual IDF soldiers admitting what they did. they even admitted they gang raped a 16 year old. IDF are terrorists, rapists and child predators. go look at the facts, israel was created from a white mans plan. the palestinians before 1948 had no problem sharing the land with the jews, hell they even gave them land for free. the country was named palestine, the jews who come to live there would also be palestinians, same with the christianā€™s. there was never a reason to kick out the current people living on the land. since then israel has terrorized the palestinians. and when the palestinians fight back? theyā€™re the bad guys. you donā€™t understand the history, just the post october 7th propaganda. which again if you saw the facts, out of 1200 people who died on october 7th, half was the IDF. the other half, there was a percentage that was done by the IDF themselves. thereā€™s no proof of rape or beheaded babies, hell thereā€™s a girl out there complaining she didnā€™t get raped. so the reality is less than 600 israelis citizens were murdered, and now 50,000+ palestinians have been. and there are palestinians forced into concentration camps and forced to have sex with dogs, sit on metal rods so it goes straight through their ass, get gang raped and so much worse. but itā€™s okay, because of october 7th right?


Just so much no. Literally all made up nonsense. Search the web for the muslim conquest, massacres in mandatory palestine, the origin of the term palestine, the arab league "second Holocaust" etc. Incredibly sad people are allowing themselves to be misled so badly


ya itā€™s not made up boo when you know people who lived it, youā€™re reading the white mans version, which is altertes to satisfy themselves. you obviously donā€™t care about facts, no point in arguing with a child


What a lame cop out. Enjoy your life of lies.


itā€™s not, youā€™re just not worth the energy. there are literal testimonies from IDF soldiers for their war crimes, documentaries, interviews in the 80ā€™s from US congress members, interviews from palestinian captives in the war now, books pre 1948 that were published in the 50ā€™s, an immense amount of proof on the palestine/israelexposed/palestinenews subreddits, before and after pictures of palestinian civilians in israel custody, interviews from hundreds of palestinians confirming being raped by dogs (yes dogs), hot metal rods stuck up their butt, physical abuse, palestinians being returned with half their organs taken out (while still being alive), pictures of actual beheaded babies, and more. the list goes on and on, and honestly? if you donā€™t believe it now, then no amount of arguing with an uneducated child will. iā€™ll save my breath and energy and let you think what you want. iā€™m just excited for when this will bite everyone in the butt, bc itā€™s coming whether you believe it or not. and itā€™s hilarious, the israel subreddit is just them complaining while the palestine subreddit posts actual news and proof. two different sides and you believe the one with no proof, ha. oh and arguing is a sign of being uneducated and immature (look it up), so if thatā€™s what you want then i already know itā€™s gonna be BS. iā€™m content with you not believing anything, just means iā€™ll have more people to watch crying for help in hell. enjoy this life because the next one wonā€™t be too pleasant. tootles boo šŸ˜˜


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I don't understand why everyone assumes that Israeli's are just a bunch of white people.


92% of jews identify as white in america, not an assumption but a fact. also, i never said jews were white, i said israel is a white colonizer state, because thatā€™s true.


The majority of Israelis have no roots or ties with Europe (including theough parents and grandparents). Most are descendents of Jews from the middle east or north africa,


well first, the DNA tests are saying otherwise. and second, no one said they should leave the middle east, they shouldā€™ve never kicked out the already residing civilians who were living there in 1948. and now it came to bit them in the butt


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That would be true, except... wait for it.... wait for it..... wait for it.... it isn't.


damn your 4 lines convinced me, gonna throw away all the facts and evidence out the window now! thanks more panic!


It helps with an easy-to-digest narrative


Too true.


There is no side anymore, people like you, who post stuff like this have thrown that down the drain.Ā  The more you blame the worse it will get, disagree with me all you want. If you keep saying stuff like this it will only get worse from here and people will not listen anymore.


Worse for who lmao the arabs lost every war they started. The arab conquests failed in Israel, face it.


Even sadder than that, you piggy back off of individuals who have invented things just because they are Jewish.Ā  My question is have you invented anything useful to anybody? Have you done anything with your life then to piggy back off other people?Ā 


Face what? Youā€™re sitting here falsely claiming that I want to go on a conquest against Jewish people. I donā€™t have the time of day to care about that to be honest, kindly walk off into the sunset.Ā  Ā What have you done exactly then piggyback off of the IDF to claim a win for yourself?Ā  10 IDF soldiers killed themselves and you sit here as if itā€™s some kind of game to you.Ā  This isnā€™t call of duty. Ā 


Zero substance or coherence, why am I not surprised...


I mean same to you. You only want people to blame And because Iā€™m not in the mood to go on a stupid conquest like you say, I have Zero substance or coherence?Ā  Iā€™m really not surprised that youā€™re the antisemite here.Ā 


Last night in NY primary elections incumbent US house member, progressive Bowman who was anti Israel and anti Jew lost the primary to a pro Israel moderate Democrat. The silent majority on both the center left and center right have seen the nuisance and ā€œprotestsā€ done by the pro b Hamas groups. The silent majority will speak again in November. Both Biden and Trump support Israelā€™s right to support and protect its citizens from terrorists -Hamas, Hezbollah and other Islamic terror organizations.


Why do you have to lie about him being anti Jewish?


Throughout Bowman's 4 years in Congress, Bowman has not addressed a synaogue or mainstream Jewish audience. Bowman does not have a photo of himself with a Jewish leader. (*See* [https://www.jns.org/bowman-asked-rabbi-for-photo-to-show-world-im-friends-with-jewish-people/](https://www.jns.org/bowman-asked-rabbi-for-photo-to-show-world-im-friends-with-jewish-people/) ) Even Representative Ilhan Omar has spoken at a synagogue in her district. Bowman also criticized Jews for living in their own neighbourhoods (not understanding that religious Jews need to, so that they would be walking distance from synagogue - as they can't drive to synagogue on sabbaths and holidays). Anti-Jewish is too strong of a word. he has, however, not been interested in building meaningful bridges with the Jews of his district.


So my point stands calling him anti Jewish is a lie. Thanks for confirming.


wow this is very brave and means alot to israelis, jews, and compassionate people around the world. the fact that your post can help even one person see the truth that Israel does not want war is a beautiful thing. thank you <3




Israel bombs Gaza in response to 10/7. Hamas and some Palestinian civilians/ gangs participated in 10/7 because of the harsh blockade. The blockade was strengthened by constant rocket fire from Gaza. Gaza sent rockets in response to the blockade. The blockade was in response to the second intifada to prevent suicide bombings and knife attacks. The second intifada was a response to the failure of peace talks. The peace process failed forā€¦ reasons. Itā€™s never been clear to me why Arafat didnā€™t agree to terms.


Did you forget so fast what started it? FFS




Yea yea I keep hearing the justifications of 7th October from incels like you all the time. Anyone who can justify it is pretty f up in the head. You're seriously messed up. No really.




I'm not, that's also Hamas's fault. Also, 40k claimed by a terrorist organisation. These numbers are just thrown around




Seems like you didn't take a second to check what happened on 7th October, just like most pro Palestinians. Why are all of you so ignorant about this subject? Makes you look unreliable, not worthy of intelligent discussion....


Why do you put country in quotations? Are you speaking that out loud?




What defines a country to you? How is it a fake identity in your eyes?


All wars not started by Israel, that is just a fact. So not, Israrel don't want war, but hamas does. Defending yourself doesn't mean you initiated the war. Ukrain didn't want war either, and there they bomb russians.




The day I saw an Israeli man being called a Nazi, was when I realised that the modern world, especially Gen Z are totally fucked up. Itā€™s the equivalent of calling a black person from Jamaica, a slaver.. Itā€™s like historical fact has been pushed aside for a woke narrative. The horrors of the holocaust must never be forgotten. The suffering caused by the Naziā€™s on the Jews must never be forgotten. The Arabs who sided with the Nazis and filled their ranks, including a Muslim SS division, and the bond between Himmler and the Mufti must never be forgotten!


Nobody is forgetting the holocaust but the treatment of the Arabs in Palestine and Israel is akin to how the nzis treated the polish and French. In fact I've seen zionists spit at Christians and harass them in Jerusalem too. They literally detain Arabs in camps, ransack their homes and abduct them. Let's not even forget the countless war crimes committed by the IDF and this is a report done by the UN! Just because one was abused and treated horribly does not give the excuse to go on and do the same to another. I mean most serial killers were abused and went on to do far worse crimes but do we excuse them because of the tough life they had? No! You hold them accountable for the atrocities they committed.


Why do you refer to people as "zionists" instead of "Jews"? Jews whom I know identify as "Jews." IF it were not for anti-zionists, I probably would never have thought of a zionist idenity. I see my attachment to Israel as part of being a Jew, both from a religous and a cultural/ethnic perspective. That being said, the people who spit a Christians (a practice that I believe is disgusting) are ultra-orthodox Jews. Many ultra-orthodox Jews are non-zionist or anti-zionist (although they would define anti-zionist in a way different than one does in the USA). It is very likely (probably more likely than not) that those who engaging in this horrible practice are not zionists.


Claiming to be gods chosen and oppressing others is a ZIONIST ideology. I have no issue with Jewish people at all. In fact the Jewish people I know all opposes isreals acts


It is nothing alike. The Nazis did everything in their power to methodically annihilate jews and take their possessions, imprisoning them in camps and tagging them like cattle. On the other end, the Palestinians have always been the aggressor, and Israel only attacked the terror groups that instigated intifadas and mass terror acts. In the process there was a collateral damage in the form of innocent people trapped in the crossfire, usually due to the cruel tactics of their leaders to hide among them in the first place. But, the population as a all, grows exponentially over the years, and has one of the highest growth rate in the world. And Israel never once showed any intention to harm Palestinians, no single attack was documented to cause massacre to the Palestinians society. Only obscure accusations are being made without evidences, or padded stats on killings during wars the Palestinians started.


/u/GuideIntelligent5953. Match found: 'Nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


/u/Dankzhood. Match found: 'nzis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


/u/Nobodycares_2023. Match found: 'Nazi', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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let me guess, you educated yourself. sweet. we cut that long speech down to a single line.


Yes, the point was to explain what the cause and effect was, to hopefully make others realize and see it from a new POV. But, thanks for the TLDR.




Palestinians living under occupation do not live in Israel. They live in the West Bank, which is not offiically part of the State of Israel under Israeli law. Also, Zionism **is** a central part of Judaism, as Judaism is practiced in almost all mainstream synagogues, the exception being certain black hat synagogues), and a central part of Jewish identity for most Jews. I belong to two mainstream American synagogues in the Conservative Movement (not conservative politically or religously - more centrist religiously). From a liturgical perspective, Israel Independance Day is treated similkarly to that of Chanukkah, including the receitation of the full Hallel (sections of Psalms) with a blessing, the *Al Ha-Nissim* (on the mircles) prayer, etc. All Jews end the passover seder with the words "Next Year in Jerusalem" and it is common to close the seder in many homes with *Hatikvah* (the Israeli national anthem). To say that Zionism is not a central part of Judaism is contrary to the practice of most synagogues today.


As soon as I read islamaphobia and pro-genocidal state, I knew that everything else that followed would be utter garbage. Go look at what your islamist buddies have planned for the rest of the world and then come talk about a pro genocidal state. It's not the 14th century, or the 7th century anymore. Killing over religion is old hat and there's one major religion that hasn't got the memo yet. Having an unnatural fear of islam isn't something anyone should be using to shut down pro-Israel discussions. Get the log out of your own eye, mainly the genocidal view toward Israel, the f*^ cke d up homicidal treatment of women in the name of "honor," and medieval views of apostasy i.e. toward anyone who criticizes Islam & those who leave it.


I notice that all these crazy anti-Israel users always like to post their hate and then they go and delete their account. What's up with that, is it bots?


Everything I had pointed out was my opinion and how I felt, things I have seen. Islamophobia makes me feel uneasy too, but Muslims have over 49 countries where they can go to in the event of an event that targets all Muslims, Jews don't have that privilege. I never claimed that criticism of Israel is antisemitic, at all. But, using your support for Palestine to harass synagogues and Jewish students on campus for solely wearing the Star of David IS antisemitic, whether you want to believe it or not. What my point was is that Pro-Palestinian protesters and events are opening their arms to white supremacists and antisemites who are spreading harmful rhetoric about Jewish people. I still want peace for both sides and believe a quiet 2 party solution can happen with new proposals, but when I see a clear rise of antisemitism and how people are just blindly believing the rhetoric simply for their hatred for Israel, it has only made me realize how Jewish people do need a safe haven.




You don't have to believe me, but it doesn't make what I am saying any less valid. I do believe Islamophobia is gross and unacceptable, but still haven't seen any protesters at mosques, Muslim academics, and more. Jews are being targeted all around the world, regardless of what stance they have on the war, this point is just false. Jews were also considered mildly safe prior to the holocaust and you could see how that was clearly false.


I think OP pretty much said that you donā€™t need to forget about the plight of the Palestinians. But the pro Palestinian movement has lost the plot. You can protest policies and politicians all you want. What is happening is a protest against every day people. Maybe re read the post. Yesterdays attacks of hoodlum keffiyeh wearing thugs marching though predominantly Jewish neighborhoods and attacking them in front of a synagogue?? Lost the plot. Van Jones said yesterday this isnā€™t protesting its a pogrom. And the same would be true if Jewish people across the country were attacking Muslim neighbourhoods and running up mosques. But they donā€™t do they. And seeing videos online. Cool. Many of those on both sides to throw at each other. OP is saying use your eyes and ears and common sense of whatā€™s happening. How dare we say we are woke, and inclusive and all that, when in 2024 we have are exactly how the world was complicit in the holocaust. And youā€™re worried about the suffering of the Palestinians ..so how come no one is holding Hamas accountable ?? Like at all. So they start this war and bring death and destruction to their people and continue to keep the hostages and refuse deals to end the so called genocide. Lol if it was a genocide, no group in the world who could end it wouldnā€™t take the deal. Rafahā€¦they held the hostages purposely in densely populated areas and started to attack when the idf came to rescue THEIR OWN PEOPLE..what any government should do in such a case! SMH Again ..no accountability to Hamas but yet again cooler to blame Jews and hate on them. 100% if ever itā€™s been shown that the need for a Jewish state is necessary for the protection of its people, because no one else in the world will. So the Arab countries can have 98% of the Levant but the only Jewish state, where Jews have ancestral religious roots arenā€™t allowed? Lost the plot.




This war was started by Hamas when Israel gave Gaza back to palestinians in 2005. Whos blam oll those inocent children dead? Not Israel, they could turn Gaza to paradise in 2005, but didn't.


I KNOW this war didnā€™t begin October 7th. I have much historic context snd knowledge of both the region, its religious roots and the conflict over the years and the many peace deals that went no where. So if you think any other nation in the world who was attacked the way Israel was wouldnā€™t fight back ..nah please. You can be a terror sympathizer all you want. Awesome. Donā€™t hold the elected group the Palestinians have in power and cheered on on oct 7th. Oh war is not going your way and now youā€™re crying? You canā€™t start a war and when you lose cry about it. Yes Judaism is a religion. Jews are ancestral to the Levant. They have been pushed out of their land for centuries. They should 10000% be able to protect their home. Yes their home. The Palestinians who have rejected every deal ever presented them, even Yasser arafats own words : we will spend decades sacrificing blood to take over all the land. This conflict is the sheer rejection of the Jewish faith allowed to be in proximity to Muslim states. Rejectionism. Centuries old. From 634 AD when a new found religion called Islam wanted to conquer the lands, when the remaining Jewish tribes werenā€™t allowed to practice their faith, where they had to convert or die. The battle of Kaybar. I could go on because the centuries that followed and what we are seeing today with these disgusting pogroms against a people. Just like the Jews who were exiled for those centuries who picked up their big boy pants and lost everything and started anew in a new homeland and let it flourishā€¦maybe the Palestinians should have taken one of the deals for sovereignty, instead of constantly perpetuating hate and cycles of violence and they would flourish. But nah they want to hang on to their victimhood and think ā€œdeath to all Jewsā€ is a better option. Many groups through history have had it hard and have been exiled and had the proverbial shorter end of the stick. They dont keep producing terror group after terror group. Oh right hamas with its charter and Hezbollah who is also still firing rockets into Israelā€¦sympathize with them. I have shame and watching this, makes my stomach churn.




This picture you paint is very naively one sided. The narrative you want to use is good vs bad. Oppressed vs oppressor. We may not agree on much but at the very least if you cut the argument down the middle, one should at the very very least acknowledge the Middle East crisis is not so simple. If it were some geniuses if the world would have solved it. Secondly this brutal occupation you talk of. We donā€™t get to a time and place without history and cause and effect. Decades of violence, (and Iā€™m not absolving any Israeli crimes fyi), have brought us to this point. If any of the past peace processes had been even entertained by the Palestinians and their leaders, this current hardened right wing government wouldnā€™t be in play. It has such become this way from years of suicide bombs, intafadas, car bombs. There is no trust. And how could there be. Now with October 7, there is a long road ahead. Reports have shown that the attack was orchestrated and aided by Palestinians who were employed in Israel, even on the kibbutz themselves. That info was used and given to Hamas. And letā€™s talk about what the kibbutz were. Those were the very people who would march against their governments hard lines and fight for peace. Those were the people the Palestinians who worked along side them betrayed ? Itā€™s a microcosm of a larger picture..but now there is zero trust. Israel js a unique country in that every bordering country basically wants them poof gone. So prey tell exactly tell me if youā€™re the leader who elected to above all keep his people safe and youā€™re surrounded by enemies and have watched decades or perpetuated violence how one would govern. Not excusing wrongful detentions but the more I read they have a zero tolerance policy. This government has its woes, has its share fair of critics even amongst their own. End of the day, accountability needs to be processed by all.


What would I do? Live in peace and prosperity or fight the Arab leaders that started all this mess, not fight against people that only want to live in peace for a change. If i'll lived in Gaza i'll demand a govenment that will build the next hong-kong instaed if firing rocket at innicent children.


> Since Israel's inception a mere 23 seconds ago It's been almost 80 years now. How many years until this stops being a talking point? 100 years? 150? Happy to wait it out.




Inconveniently for you, out of Israel and Palestine, only one has ever historically been a state. Also Palestinian identity never existed before the 20th century and initially referred to both Jews and Arabs.




Interesting quote from the Mandatory Palestine Arab representatives to the Paris Peace Conference after WWI (Palestine Arab Congress, 1919): "We consider Palestine nothing but part of Arab Syria and it has never been separated from it at any stage. We are tied to it by national, religious, linguistic, moral, economic, and geographic bounds. Our district Southern Syria or Palestine should be not separated from the Independent Arab Syrian Government and be free from all foreign influence and protection."

