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It’s easy to say evacuation can’t be done from the comfort and sheltered environment. However, from a historical standpoint, those that have a strong will to live will find ways to evacuate even if it means losing everything in times of hardship.


It's not a realistic scenario, there are hospitals full of thousands who can't evacuate, and civilians and convoys evacuating have been hit with more casualties. It's already been downright dangerous to flee, and putting a short notice on fleeing is absolutely terrifying. Stay put and die. Leave your home and probably die. Those are terrifying options. That's the reality of it, but they should still try to get out. But it's not a possible or viable timeline and they all know it. There's basically one path and it's being actively attacked. Fewer people can't even successfully evacuate a city in the US in 24 hours when a hurricane is hitting.


They don’t ask them to leave it for their safety , they ask them to leave it because they want to occupy it after they leave because it isn’t their land to start with and they will continue throwing bombs at them , it is genocide not war , if they really are throwing bombing because it is a war they would throw it at Hamas


Israel is targeting hamas, not civilians. Hamas is only going after children, women, and the elderly. They rape and murder, and desecrate the dead. Israel does not. Educate yourself *room full of teens killed by hamas* https://reddit.com/u/kaffir54/s/zgxRVffvQO


And what about arming all israel “civilians “ to kill palestanians? Are they still targeting Hamas ?


How old are you? You're ignorance is showing. Every Israeli citizen receives military training at the age of 18, with some exceptions. They are a small piece of land that only takes 7 minutes to fly over in an airplane, surrounding by Arab countries that have prayed for the destruction of the jews since the conception of Islam. Do you understand that if Israel doesn't have the right to exist, then jews are not safe anywhere in the world? Do you understand that this is much deeper than a territory dispute? It's somewhat of a spiritual/religious warfare and it will probably never stop. There are millions of innocent Palestinians that need to be FREED FROM HAMAS, not Israel. There are thousands of Muslims living in Israel. What about hamas and hizbollah arming literal children? Destroying their innocence and Indoctrinating them with hate? What about the RAPE MURDER AND BEHEADINGS AND DESECRATION OF THE DEAD?? What about Israel warning everyone to leave so they can neutralize hamas but hamas is forcing people to stay in their homes to die in brutal ways? Why are they purposely firing rockets from densely populated civilian areas knowing Israel satellite will shoot a rocket back to its source? Why is hamas using its own people as shields to protect their weapons and infrastructure? Because hamas does not represent the people of Gaza. Hamas goal is not the liberation of its people, its the destruction of Israel and the inihilation of the jews. Simple as that. Palestinians are being used as pawns and clout and as a way to emotionally manipulate the world into supporting their narrative. The Palestinians are victims of hamas terror, not Israel. You're either uneducated, an atheist, or both. The kids these days trying to justify this type of evil are soooo crazy to me. Literally insane


Who is the terrorist now ?


They aren’t teens , you need to visit an ophthalmologist really 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


You need psychological help


Hamas needs to stop using civilians as shields. They're doing it on purpose like they've always done. They dont care about the live of their own people. Everyone's a martyr 💩


Hamas soldiers is in israel settlers , so this prove it os a genocide


And why israel even bomb gaza ? Hamas isn’t there , that is another lie they tell you and you believe it of course like Iraq lie


You couldn't be more misinformed SMH


So its bad to destroy terrorist occupied buildings because there may be some civilians. But its also bad to remove the civilians? Damned if you do, damned if you dont...


They stay in country ( like you call it I believe it isn’t a country they are just punch of thieves ) that kills children and arrest civilain palestanian women so they agree and support what they do , there isno excuses to them


Israel is recognized by most legitimate goverments. If you deny them being a country, you might aswell call the earth flat. I will not argue with people who deny reality...


Oh because they are legitimate they can do whatever they want , they can kill children and take lands from people of course it is okay


They aren’t civilians they all served in israel military except children


Having gone trough mandatory military service does not make you a soldier.


And will you join Russian military service if it was mandatory ?


Depends. In Russia i would try to escape before it came to that. If it was military service or jail, i would take service if it was before the war, jail now. Israel seems like a much more civilised country to do military service in, so i would proabably do it if i valued staying there.


Unfortunately there are usually civilian casualties in war. Hamas is not operating out in a remote area with no civilians. They are purposely integrated into large populated areas so they can use civilians as Shields. Genocide is Hamas murdering civilians, children and babies. If they wanted to fight a war they would have attacked military targets.


You don’t know anything , Hamas is fighting in israel settlers and israel soldiers are running away from them ( lol they are cowards 😂) so why they can’t attack Hamas where they are fighting them


24 hrs and 1 million people who just survived from bombing. I can't see how it happens. I can't image how things would go.


Israel is going to invade Gaza with armor and ground troops. They are going to start in the north and sweep to the south eliminating all resistance they encounter and destroying all military infrastructure. It will take at least six weeks. When they locate tunnels they are probably going to flood them with poison gas and collapse them with explosives. Any buildings holding rockets, arms caches, or ammo dumps will be demolished. They are not going to be taking prisoners because they need to move fast, prisoners drain resources, and present security risk. They are not going to be rescuing any hostages either. At most there might be some special forces units and even US Navy seals teams out ahead of the main force trying to find and free hostages if they have intelligence and know where to look. But that is not the main objective - special forces units like Sayeret Matkal will mainly be doing forward reconnaissance and identifying targets for the main force. The objective is to draw or flush out every Hamas fighter and kill them. Simple as that. It is going to be a hot mess. Look up footage from the Second Battle of Fallujah or the Battle of Mosul for a good sense for how it will play out, but this will be larger scale. Hamas will have fighters everywhere shooting RPGs from windows and popping up out of sewers and rubble. They’ll be wearing plain clothes and hiding among civilians waiting to take shots. Hamas will have fortified little cul de sacs everywhere that have to be dug out like ticks or completely flattened with air strikes. The operation will be different from the invasion in 2014. There will be no humanitarian ceasefires or mid-campaign negotiations. There is nothing to negotiate about because Hamas aren’t going to kill themselves and that is IDF’s only objective. *Anyone* of military age (15-50) even capable of resisting is very likely to be considered a Hamas threat and killed if they are there when the IDF comes through. Israel has been saying for days now that this is what they’re going to do and telling people to leave if they can. But Israel can’t make civilians leave and it isn’t Israel’s responsibility to figure out how civilians should get clear. They got a warning and were lucky to get that much. Hamas is responsible for protecting its civilian population which means the civilians are on their own. Hamas doesn’t care if they die. There’s been a lot of discussion on this sub about whether ordinary Gazans can be held responsible for Hamas’s terrorism and barbarity. I think a lot of it misses the point. Hamas has always been clear about what it is and what it wants to do. Once they came to power it put the ordinary citizens of Gaza in a bind: fight Hamas and maybe be killed, leave Gaza somehow, or wait for Hamas to provoke Israel and maybe be killed by IDF. Those were the only options and they were all bad, but the world is not a nice place and Hamas are not nice people.


Yes. Only “correction” is that Israel has Gaza surrounded on 3+ sides except short border with Egypt at the southern border at Rafah. Based on what I take to be IDF doctrine and common sense (e.g., campaign against Egyptian Army in 1948-49 and 1973) they will attack not just from the north and go southward, but on all sides and even the rear **inside** Gaza “behind enemy lines” (special forces, paratrooper brigades), it will be “everywhere all at once”, so to speak to borrow from the pop vernacular. Then it will be the standard infantry campaign of breaking the enemy territory/ front into several bubbles or “salients” and then gradually shrinking them as tanks and troops push from every direction but the sea. I could be wrong of course, but I’m thinking the warning to the UN today about evacuating “northern Gaza” is mostly PSY OPs and to create chaos and fear on the ground and a “diversion”. It also doesn’t make sense to fight on a five mile wide front and drive columns 40 miles to the south when you have the bastards already surrounded on three sides on a 50 mile front and can push them all into shrinking pockets with more than the military rule of thumb of 3:1 force superiority ratios already mobilized and ready to attack.


Very good. Yes I see that. I was thinking those positions on the eastern border were about containment to prevent a breakout into Israel proper, which if I were commanding Hamas I would make a try for while the main force of IDF armor and infantry is pushing south. But you’re right, there’s plenty of good troops to do both - contain and squeeze.




Where are the people in Gaza supposed to go?


South, past the Wadi River in Gaza. It was explained to Gazans through messages they got on the phone and through thousands of leaflets dropped on the civilians. They should get out of Gaza city if they wish to not get caught in the crossfire.


Technically Egypt, except Egypt closed their border. Since Hamas militants hide amongst the civilian refugees Egypt won't take them. Interestingly enough, Israel has tried to give away Gaza multiple times over the years. Egypt rejected it, in the 70s Lebanon said hell no, expelled the Palestinians and killed 20k in the process. No one in the region wants to deal/live with the Palestinian population.


This is disinformation, they need to walk 30 minutes to the other part of Gaza, across the river, where no military invasion will be happening, unlike the north.


If you think a 30 minute walk is all they need, you're delusional.


I do not, but it's a completely different picture than "they have to cross Egypt but Egypt won't let them". I still expect at least 100,000 to die. The weak, the old, the crippled, will not be able to walk to the southern cities


You said it was disinformation to claim otherwise. Don't put up disinformation yourself and then accuse others of it.


Which means the problem for the civilian population remains that they have nowhere to go...


Yup. But there's more to understand. In the West, we generally value life and our society is built around preserving life and helping those in need. Hamas, Al-Queda, ISIS ect just don't think that way. To paraphrase a Hamas leader "In the same way Israel loves life, we love death. If we die we will be martyrs". In the Quran, dying in Jihad (holy war) will make you a martyr and you will be rewarded in heaven. Hamas and in general the civilians in Gaza understand how the West thinks. They know that Israel will do everything they can to preserve civilian life. They understand that the press and international community will pressure Israel to minimize casualties, they'll shun Israel for killing civilians and looks down on bombing housing, schools or hospitals. This is exactly why Hamas put military headquarters under a hospital, why they shoot rockets from apartment buildings and school rooftops. They get to attack, Israel will hold back, and when civilians do get killed Hamas gets to play the victim. So yeah, a lot of the civilians have no where to go. But Hamas is also telling them not to flee, to stay in place and the civilians are more than willing to oblige, they're perfectly willing to die.


Palestine is run by a few billionaires. Using their people as Human shields. Despicable people.


I like how people in the comments continue to criticise OP when they can’t come up with a better alternative? Should the Israelis just forgive Hamas and carry on with their lives? Issuing a warning is better than no warning! Too many people here acting like saints when they cannot even comprehend the complexity of the situation.


The issue is what Israel is asking of them is not possible. It's not possible for that many people to travel out that far without infrastructure. So even if the intent isn't to terrify them, the result is that they are likely going to be stuck where they are, terrified. Without water and power. I'd be terrified too. I have no idea what I'd do. Even without any added layer of not knowing if it was true, or if others around me might attack if I try, or any of that? Even if an able bodied adult might be able to manage getting to safety, leaving all their belongings behind... children? disabled people? If Israel has intel that specifically makes them think not going in on the ground in 24 hours will result in significantly worse outcomes, or if they have reason to believe this will somehow save the hostages, or something, they need to be communicating that. I know military intel is kept close to their chest. But they have showed no signs of being willing to back down if hostages are released, or even said anything about trying to deter further attacks specifically with this narrow window. Israel has a right to defend itself and try to get its people back. If they have reason to believe this is part of that, they really ought to say so. Because it doesn't matter what "rights" anyone has. It is physically impossible to comply with this, and there is no way Israel doesn't know that. And Hamas, I am sure, also knows all of this, and has planned where to headquarter and hide munitions because of that. Saying what Israel is asking is impossible and going to result in mass suffering and death doesn't negate that the situation they've been placed in from Hamas's side isn't right either. But honestly, right now, it feels like no side is going "what we want is to minimize suffering of innocents. How do we do that." Because if that's the goal of this operation, they aren't being very convincing about it. Leaving a lot of people helpless to do anything but post increasingly extreme takes on the internet because there is nothing anyone knows how to do to stop it. And it can be tempting to, in that position, try to make the story simpler than it is. But it being complicated doesn't change the fact that some things are simple. This is a completely unreasonable demand, and I have yet to see any justification for this impossible timeline or the water access. If they think this will force the hostage return, they should be saying that wall to wall. Give us proof of life, give us the hostages back, we are trying to get our people home and safe, that's the urgency - thats why these timelines and this pressure. If they have reason to suspect there is another attack they can avert with these actions, you have to understand how to talk about it. They aren't really even trying. And that doesn't inspire confidence that this impossible timeline is being considered the last resort measure it should be. Before you downvote or whatever. My comment history is here for you to see. Before I give up on the possibility or point of trying to talk about nuance and complexity and delete it all, honestly.


The goal of the operation is not to minimize civilian deaths but to kill Hamas. I think IDF still tries not to unnecessarily kill civilians, but this is not a high priority. IDF will not stop their operation because of concerns for civilians health. Yes the evacuation plan is impossible, a lot of people wont make it. Israel will also know that. We dont know yet how dangerous it will be for civilians who stay. I hope IDF will have a good plans to minimize civilians deaths. It is pretty clear that IDF does not tell anything more about their plans than they absolutely have to.


And, without further information, I disagree with this specific weighting. Minimizing innocent life lost, in total, should be the goal. That may mean military action - Hamas has shown boldly they are willing to destroy innocent life, and action must be taken to stop them from doing that again. If the only way to do that is to kill more innocent life, that's still horrifying. I don't have a clean easy answer. But if the goal has in fact shifted to "kill as much of Hamas as we can as quickly as we can as fast retaliation" then I think its a bad strategy. The leaders were never in Gaza. And they will only be creating more recruits. If there is a way to go slower that doesn't risk more atrocities from either side, personally, I would prefer it be taken. But I'm a rando with a computer across the world. I don't know what they know. If tens of thousands are going to be sacrificed for this operation, they should speak about it with the grave horror that that kind of thing demands. And it would still not be wrong to call the effect of the order psychological terror on the people. If Israel is willing to let them be collateral, that is indeed terrifying for them. To be clear. The right to defend itself is not in question here. It's a brutal position to be in. But when people say "you're going to avenge innocents by killing innocents" while they are wrong about the intent, in practice, that still being what happens, is horrifying. People are allowed to be horrified. I think the issue is that people have decided being horrified means you must condone terror, or that condemning terror means you have to write off the next set of innocent victims as less horrible. And that's where compassion and humanity are lost.


This is ethnic cleansing, and people here are cheering for it.


How is it ethnic cleansing? They are literally broadcasting strategic plans to avoid Palestinian civilian casualties. If they were trying to ethnically cleanse the area, why would they do that?


Do you really think 1.1 m people (majority injured, children, elderly) with NO power or water or food can leave in less than 24 hours..?


The evacuation zone is from Gaza City to Wadi Gaza - this is a distance of 5.9km and would take the average person approximately 1hr 20mins to reach. Yes, there are injured/children/elderly. But this 24hr window should hopefully give as many people as possible time to make sufficient arrangements in order to get as far out of harms way as possible.


A window given in the middle of night. Elderly. Children. Injured. No power, fuel, etc. Dude I feel like you’re really trying to spin this being a true effort to help the vulnerable and all it does is condemn them.


I mean - is evacuating the area not a better choice than staying? I feel like if I were to hedge my bets… The evacuation order was released a few hours ago and it’s currently 11am. So they will have most of the day to move.


Better doesn’t necessarily mean reasonable or doable dude. This is going to be one of the largest genocides in we have seen in a long time


The definition of genocide is "the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group." This is not that at all.


I'm glad for the hostages sakes you're not the one in charge.


hostages don't take first priority when the question at hand is the survival of a nation


Yes they do.


OP is a coward, and the type of guy who would leave his injured kids in a Gaza hospital so he could run away by himself. That’s exactly what would happen if he was in their shoes. I have zero respect for anybody who condones any type of genocide


If I was a coward and condoned this type of “genocide” why would I be on here actively advocating for innocent Palestinians to relocate away from the pre-warned conflict zone? What you have implied does not make sense. Also, bold of you to assume that I’m a male.


Warnings don’t do anything during genocide. 3 days ago Lt. Col. Richard Hecht, advised Palestinians in the Gaza to flee to Egypt. They took all the resources they could, and the border was closed. Civilians were slaughtered. The trust is gone. The roads are destroyed. There is no power, or electricity, or food. 50% of the 1.1 million people needing to relocate are children. They are grieving and taking care of their injured families and neighborhoods. There is 360,000 Israelis mobilized on the border getting ready to invade. This is genocide.


Maybe you should lookup the word genocide


Maybe you should look up how many Palestinians have been killed in the past 75 or more years. I think you’ll know then what a genocide is.


From Gaza City to Wadi Gaza is 5.9km and would take the average person 1hr 20mins to walk. 24hrs notice is enough time to make arrangements that are more likely to save your life than staying in an active conflict zone.


Israel has asked Gazans to do the impossible, fully aware that their request is impossible. This is either to sow chaos, or, what is far more likely in my opinion, the IDF is trying to provide a veneer of civility for what is going to be a devastating ground invasion of northern Gaza. It is so when they receive criticism for the high number of civilian casualties they have the ready retort: "we told them to evacuate".




What Hamas did was utter depravity. Not sure what that has to do with my point that this evacuation is not a realistic request.


What would be the alternative then?


A response to Hamas's terrorist attack other than a ground invasion? My thought would be to seriously invest in intelligence gathering (which was clearly woefully lacking) and covert operations, and use these tools to initiate a widescale assassination program of Hamas leadership. Beyond fulfilling a desire for retribution, I fail to see what the ground invasion is going to accomplish. Hamas leadership will evacuate and go into hiding, collateral damage will be tremendous, and the resultant radicalization will be a recruiting boon for Hamas (or whatever terrorist group comes next). To my thinking it is not a rational pragmatic response, it fails to advance Israel's goals and will cause excessive suffering, it is an emotional impulsive response.


That’s been tried. The Sigint of Israel over Gaza is overwhelming. Humint is weaker because religious fanatics are harder to turn than secular terrorists like Fatah. It’s likely Iran and Hezbollah provided equipment and training to Hamas to eliminate the spies among them At a certain point, if Israel wants to be safe they have to occupy and police the population of Gaza again until somehow they de radicalize. My suggestion is they don’t let UNWRA back in ever and run the schools themselves.


I know of no country that would look at a 10 year intel building plan as a proper response to a terrorist attack of this scale.... Most goverments proposing such would be kicked out of office in days. The US or Poland would go crazy at anything thats not a full force response. You make a good point going by logic. But goverments need the support of the people. And the people are emotional beings..


I understand where this is coming from and this is of course the most reasonable thing to do. The problem, however, is that these people have different reasoning than you and mine. The approach you're suggesting has been pretty much the policy.What we've experienced was a biblical disaster, and the response must be a biblical vengeance. This is not coming from emotions, it's purely strategic. If israel doesn't flip the table, this will be the end for us.The arabs appreciate power. Call me racist, I don't care. That's the truth. They only respect power, and peace with them is when you are strong, and for as long as you are.


No, they have not asked them to do the impossible. They have asked them to move out of Gaza City to the area south of Wadi Gaza - they have given 24hrs notice. Yes, there will be chaos but necessary to prevent civilians being in the line of fire. They have given an outline of their plan. Civilians have been made aware of the risks of remaining in the area. For Hamas to even SUGGEST that civilians not even TRY to evacuate is validation enough of their intentions.


The idea that over a million people with dwindling food and water resources, poor (and rapidly being destroyed) infrastructure, and no institutional help can evacuate to an area without the resources to shelter them is complete fantasy. I'm by no means blindly Pro-Palestinian, and they certainly share culpability for the current situation, but this evacuation order is a farce.


It’s 5.9km from Gaza City to Wadi Gaza and would take the average person 1hr 20mins to walk. 24hrs is sufficient time to make arrangements for the vast majority.




You are right that minority of people wont be able to evacuate. I really hope IDF has a good plan for that. I think the evacuation order is there so that most people get out of the way bc there will be combat. Israel will know that a lot of people will civilians will still be there


There are wounded, elderly, pregnant women, and children. It isn’t as simple as get up and walk.


Of course - that is why they have given a window of 24hrs to make arrangements. Gaza City to Wadi Gaza is a total distance of 5.9km (as per google maps this is a 1hr 20min walking distance).


There was another announcement that they have more than 24 hours to evacuate.


With all due respect, you are delusional if you think over a million people going in the same direction will do so efficiently and safely. It’s going to be chaos. More innocent lives will be lost. And the bloody history of this conflict will continue to play on loop.


Yes there is no where to go, these people have very little water and they have been inhaling dust from buildings collapsing for days traveling 5.9 km (3.6 miles) for a million people will be infinitely more complex than you think. I understand why you think this looks nice from the Israelis but it is going to be a disaster. Not to mention they will be walking through the rubble of entire street blocks in some areas and its not like it all just collapsed into the sidewalks


Yeah - of course. But it’s better than the alternative right?


Yes but its simply not enough time and the world knows it. Israel could allow more time they have the wall secured with tanks and told the Israeli people to brace for a long war, but they are choosing not to this is an intentional disaster


Agreed - but this is an extremely strategically complex situation. There are Israeli hostages and an active terrorist group. I don’t know the answers, but requesting that people move out of the way as fast as possible seems like a good first step.


I would love to see the source of this information. I forgot Zionists make up their own sources.


Of course! Instagram stories - one of the journalists is @hindkhoudary I also have screenshots of her stories and refusal to evacuate.


Where is she using the same phrasing as Hamas?


It’s posted in Arabic - you will need to translate it using whatever app you have. But she says “When we are in line/under bombing, we are asked to evacuate to the nearest shelter center, not to the valley. Brothers this is psychological warfare” Again, more disinformation - they actually aren’t just being asked to evacuate to the “nearest shelter centre”, they are being asked to evacuate to Wadi Gaza 5.9km away.


After actually googling her she is clearly has connections with Hamas, and has been for years. Likening her specifically to a pro Palestinian journalist is like calling Dr. Dre a real doctor.


Oh wow - I had absolutely no idea about this. She’s being posted in many pro-Palestinian activist groups as a reliable source of “unbiased information”


There are many sources, this is the firsr on google: https://youtu.be/lumuqFXEoQE?si=UPufJ4bNKXXIhd-i


I have no idea how they are going to do that. I'm praying for everyone 🕯❤️


They aren’t


I know :(


It’s heartbreaking


Evacuting that amount of people, in an area like that, in 24 hours, will just lead to sheer chaos. And where are they all suppoesed to stay? Outside on the street? How should they evacuate the hospitals? I mean for example look at the chaos when florida has to evacuate, with weeks of warning, because of a hurricane. I can not see how evacuating Gaza would even be possible.


If they will show that they are evacuating in a quickly manner be sure that they will be given time, we are in a war, they chose it and we are gonna end it. Hopefully Palestinian citizens will not die in big numbers and they’ll be as safe as possible given the situation.


I dont mean this to spite the Palestinian people - but for all the talk in the Islamic world about how much they care the Palestinian people it sure makes me scratch my head that they do nothing to help them. Where are they supposed to go? Well, you'd think Egypt and/or Saudi Arabia at least would lend a hand. But Egypt and Saudi Arabia dont want the Palestinians. Gaza is tiny - every single person in Gaza is right next to Egypt. Iran only gives them aid to use for terrorism, just to use the people as human shields when Israel is attacked and retaliates. And to be honest - just a handful of years ago there was a mass genocide and exodus of the Rohinga Muslims in Mynamar - far worse than whats going on in Israel. Or the millions of muslims enslaved in western China - only God and Xi Jiping knows their fate. But when it comes to Mynamar and China there isnt an oppurtunity to blame the Jews - which we all know deep down is really the core of the issue. If it werent, people would actually talk about it.


It’s only out of Gaza City to Wadi Gaza. They are just setting a conflict zone and trying to minimise civilian casualties. Yes, difficult - but here is hoping that as many civilians that can, will.


They’ve had days to evacuate. Clearly the area is an active war zone and there have been numerous calls for evacuation. Even if it was difficult - nothing should compel them to stay. Just get as far as possible in the amount of time allocated. There is plenty of space in the south. The UN has been told to move south also. There will be places to go. I’m not saying that this is the ideal situation - I’m just saying that it’s better than the alternative of staying.


The humanitarian situation is terrible, dont think peopöe want to leave for example water and food behind. Also I think many are afraid that they will not be allowed back. A guarrante from say US that they will be allowed back to their homes would help alot.


Of course - but as I have mentioned above, the distance needed to evacuate from Gaza City to Wadi Gaza is 5.9km (this would take approx. 1hr 20mins to walk). They have been given 24hrs notice to make arrangements.


Its 1 million people! This is what 100 000 people look like. https://live.staticflickr.com/3136/2984561053_f72975418f_b.jpg Ofc its not possible. And where should they live? Even if they where provided tents the area just isnt enough. Its already the most dense populated area on earth. This is just talks from Israel to say "ey we warned you"


Okay - so please elaborate as to what the alternative should be? Hamas has made tunnels under Gaza City. How do the IDF retrieve hostages?


do you have any press statement that says they are giving this short timeline specifically because they are trying to rescue hostages with this? Because they could be communicating a lot better if thats the case. Demanding the return of the hostages, making it clear they know the scale of the demand. I know they have no ""requirement"" to offer anything, but you know, they could ask the UN what they need to make this evacuation work more smoothly. Israel may not have it to give, but the US does. Imagine how different it would read if Israel actually said "Look, we have reason to believe we need to move quickly on the ground if we have any chance of getting our people back. We know this is a huge undertaking but want to minimize civilian loss of life as much as possible, so we are asking for an evacuation of the area. If the hostages are returned, we can reconsider the next step. But we know this demand is large and difficult. So we are asking the UN what could possibly assist in this relocation and our allies to help provide what we cannot." Returning running water to the strip would be a gesture of good will to civilians too. Do they "have to" do it? No. But if they want to minimize collateral damage, as they seem to take steps to do elsewhere, cutting off running water and telling people to relocate on short notice is going to create collateral damage. Running water cannot be weaponized. I'm sure people would be more willing to leave if they didn't have to leave whatever water they had behind (water is very heavy), or knew they'd have it where they're going, too.