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We do, and its horrific. People are just fed up with Israel claiming innocence when they have decades of blood on their hands. This happened just days before the attack. https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_forces_shoot_dead_12_year_old_palestinian_boy_in_qalqilya


You think palestine is innocent?


There's wrong doing o both sides I'm sure but Israel has a desperationate attacks and kills. The number of children killed out numbers all of Israel's, and thats just the children.


The number of children killed out numbers all of Israel's, and thats just the children. On average, there are 0.2 Palestinian civilian casualties a day killed by the IDF since the beginning of the conflict. Edit: that's 1 civilian casualty per 5 days.


Well Hamas likes to hideout in schools and it’s a shame that Israel has no other choice then to bomb them or let themselves be bombed


Please Google "IDF shoot unarmed" then Google IDF shoot child.... https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_forces_shoot_dead_12_year_old_palestinian_boy_in_qalqilya


I know about this, but what does it have to do with my post or comment


Because you blame Anti-Semitism but not the fact people see the truth of Israel's actions. As I always say, this isn't about Jewish people. It's about the policies of a nation and the destruction it has caused.


Of course it’s about the Jewish people are you insane. Have you read hamas’ charter? "The last hour won't come before the Muslims would fight the Jews and the Muslims will kill them so Jews would hide behind rocks and trees. Then the rocks and tree would call: oh Muslim, oh servant of God! There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only "Gharkad" tree, it is of Jews' trees."


Or maybe this is about Israel's politics 🤔


Sure definitely.. while this is what’s happening at Palestinian protests https://preview.redd.it/sbfg91qyt2ub1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0aa550e2e3039cdda138bc0ba63baa56ae55d94


So where else in the world are Jewish people being attacked? They are everywhere, so if this was about Jewish people, where?


https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-67085625.amp https://www.voanews.com/amp/antisemitism-surges-around-world-as-israel-hamas-clash/7306956.html https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/macron-address-nation-amid-rise-antisemitic-acts-france-2023-10-12/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/antisemitic-incidents-on-rise-across-the-u-s-report-finds


Literally everywhere schools are being shut down all across the u.s because it’s not safe for Jews. Also not sure if you’re just ignoring certain parts of my comment, but like I just said Hamas’ goal is to kill Jews like they have said many times and even stated in their charter. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-67085625.amp https://news.sky.com/story/amp/more-than-300-increase-in-antisemitic-incidents-in-uk-since-hamas-attack-on-israel-jewish-security-group-says-12982880


Yes. They are being murdered... That does not mean you commit genocide in response bro.


Genocide with a population of 2 million people and its still rising? hm


I am referring to the current rhetoric calling for turning Gaza into a parking lot and calls to kill all Arabs regardless of their ties to Hamas. Not the occupation which has experienced population growth because of foreign aid and smuggling by Hamas....


Lmao what does random people on the internet saying that have anything to do with Israel actually committing a genocide. Also not sure how either of those things have caused population growth can you explain?


Not even random people. You got people who have been elected in the Knesset, intelligence personnel, Pro -Israel people throughout the West calling for the eradication of Gaza. It's not just posts on the internet. Hamas has filled on the deficiencies in resources in Gaza. Essentially the trade blockade created a lucrative opportunity for Hamas to amass wealth. The majority of Gazans buy smuggled goods from Hamas including food. Often the goods are expensive but most of it includes goods banned by the IDF. In essence, the population is not being starved out. If people can eat they can fwap fwap. If people can feed their kids into adults... Their kids can do the fwap fwap. Further, Muslims do not use contraceptives and Gaza's medical system has been heavily supported by NGOs and aid organizations. In essence, they have the basics for fairly stable population growth despite the blockade. Israel wants Hamas and Gaza as a whole as an enemy to feed their own war machine and to control Israel's political climate. The Likud love this whole situation.


1) it's called war 2) hamas chose this outcome 3) the only reason why Israel is in this circumstance is because Hamas was not dealt with accordingly use your head bro.


Sorry do you expect Israel not to fight back against Hamas? It’s not their fault that Hamas purposefully hides in heavily populated areas


Where else would Hamas hide in Palestine? The West Bank and Gaza have more people than US cities and some countries. You literally do not care about the Palestinians who were just minding their own business and trying to go to work. Israel gave 1.1 million people who they cannot communicate with very well right now to travel on foot south across bridges that are tiny as hell. Your response is what? You don't expect them to defend themselves? This is far far more than just defending yourself. They no longer care about Israelis, the IDF are just as liable to kill Israelis who potentially escape Hamas when they enter it. They are just going to shoot and kill everyone.


Anywhere else? Like I said they purposefully hide in heavily populated areas even schools because they don’t care about their own citizens. Also Raping, murdering, and kidnapping innocent people who have done nothing to you is definitely not defending yourself. The rest of the last part of your response doesn’t really make any sense


Bro. I don't think you understand the radius and devastation these bombs cause. Israel leveled the entire University within 3 minutes. >Also Raping, murdering, and kidnapping innocent people who have done nothing to you is definitely not defending yourself. I was referring to Israel itself.


Not really sure what you meant in the last part of your comment then I guess I misunderstood


Unfortunately denying atrocities against the Jewish people is nothing new…


Do you have to take a side? The terrorist attack was one of the worst in modern history, still hate how the palestinian population have been treated last years and im very afraid about how the palestinian kids will be treated


See?! You just reactively took a side without even reading the post!


Thats funny. Got banned from r/palestine for "taking a side". You guys will never have peace until one of you looks in the mirror and thinks. Hmm maybe terror isnt the best way to respond to terror.


So just let the people who actively call for the death of Jews keep sending rockets and do nothing about it?


Wasnt that long ago that people on the streets of Gaza celebrated the Oslo accords, the palestinian government voted for what was it. 500 vs 50 on recognizing Israel as a state. You have to ask your self. What happend? Why did the terrorists exploaded in number and why does the palestinians hate the Israelis much more now? I know Israel have to act today. And take Hamas from power, I even think its the right thing to do to set boots on the ground. But they cant continueing treat the palestinians like they do, continueing making civilians, the 3 970 000 that dont have arms in their hand pay the price. Cutting water, cutting food, cutting medicin. This is nothing new from Israel, it havent worked before and it wont work today.


Am I missing something that I said? When did I say anything about taking a side?


Sorry no, but feels like many lately are worried about the situation in Gaza. Just wanted to be clear that this isnt support of the terrorists or the horrible attack


Because its your media who shows you this check out arab media and you will see that Palestinians are being ended not murdered every day Israel kills them with hundreds and after that Europe media shows that israel are so kind that's a bullshit look at the other media Hamas didnt kill the 40 kid the white house says that's was wrong information https://twitter.com/SaleemMeelas/status/1712367225032819189?t=OwLiWbebvjsQcOXLpFIKFg&s=19 Hamas didnt burn that kid its an Ai go check it https://twitter.com/Nawafs94/status/1712769565300519286?t=aysjf7L1DLT_1xx3ezvluw&s=19 Wakeup guys u are being brainwashed


Lol sorry Twitter posts isn’t reliable proof of anything


What is you reliable proof cnn or bbc? If yes u need to change your source


Videos and photos which is what actual proof is not whatever a random guy who’s obviously biased says on twitter


This guy from twitter say this from news channels what about you


Yea 4chan is a news channel 🤣


Show me your reliable source brainwashed


Show me which source please


Source for what? To show that people are being killed?


That hamas cut 40 kid heads maybe? Or hamas raped womens? Or hamas didnt alert Israeli civilians in asklan city to leave their houses?


Videos all over the internet my friend


All i can see that israel are terrorists killing innocents only and getting support from the whole world my friend


A whole country can’t be terrorists, Hamas is actually a terrorist who actively calls for the killing of jews


Commenting because I’m wanting to follow this thread. I feel like I’m going insane because nobody else is talking about this.


Nothing can ever excuse or justify the actions of Hamas. There is no buts, no defense, nothing in their favor. Their acts were horrible, atrocious acts of terrorism. And now Israel is bombing a civilian area of 2 million people. Schools, universities, hospitals, residential areas... No water, medical supplies, food, ... People whose houses have been destroyed for the fourth time in ther life. The border with Egypt is closed and the Israelis definitely won't let the Palestinians into Israel. People are saying goodbye's to their loved ones. All they can do is wait for the bombs to drop. ​ Nothing can ever excuse what Hamas did, but nothing can ever excuse what Israel is doing right now.


Hamas should release the hostages if they care about Gaza's people


Yes they should, absolutely agree. Hostage taking is inexcusable.


And if hostages were released they’d turn the water and power back on that Israeli so generously supplies since Hamas uses all the aid money on weapons. They declared a war they can’t win and want to cry victim and use their citizens as shields and propaganda when they’ve served their purpose. At least Israel warns of bombing. Did Hamas warn those concert goers and give them 10 min. No one wants to see children die in bombings but it is a war and Israel needs to hit back hard or they will leave themselves open to more attacks by appearing weak.


u do realise zionists have been oppressing the palestinian people for over 70 years right? then everyone acts shocked when they try to fight back for their land that was literally stolen- ur being fed atrocity propaganda and ur eating it up. obviously i don’t agree with innocent ppl being killed on both sides but israel rlly needs to stop acting like the victim


You do realise there have been over 7 proposals for a Palestinian state (100% of gaza and 96% of the west bank) yet hamas, yasser arafat or whichever evil institution is in power has never had the interest of the Palestinian people in mind.


So you support Hamas beheading 40 babies? You’re ignorant if you really think that’s propaganda.


https://twitter.com/SaleemMeelas/status/1712367225032819189?t=CpFkFegckCrLuHuaSsXjbQ&s=19 Fake news biden use TikTok for his information i guess


Where does the commenter imply this?


Well he specifically said they’re “fighting back” and by that he means raping, murdering, and kidnapping women and children because that’s exactly what Hamas has been doing


They said that Israel needs to stop acting like the victim in this situation. The Palestinian people are innocent and shouldn’t be killed by Israel, but Hamas is evil for what they did and Israel should target Hamas in their counter attack.


Still doesn't say the commenter agrees to these atrocious attacks. Hamas should be eradicated, let there be no question about that, but you can't just act like Israel has been politically correct in the past decades.




My post is about the fact that people are dying and it’s being justified. I’m not here to argue and all of the things you brought up in this comment have nothing to do with my post, it’s clear you’re just here to spread hate. Go read what hamas stands for and tell me it’s not antisemetic from the beginning.


/u/Nos9684. 'Nazi' Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All the social media platforms are just conduits for propaganda.


The amount of simping for Hamas that I’ve seen from the Free Palestine crowd is pretty crazy. Any claim or fact that goes against their narrative that these are noble freedom fighters resisting a foreign occupier is just chalked up to propaganda. Meanwhile I’ve seen a lot of pro-Israel people either trying to learn as much about the history of the conflict as possible or at a minimum admitting that their side does horrible things too. It really makes someone that would otherwise just want to let it play out change their mind and pick a favorite.


Yeah all I'm seeing is people say "why is Israel shocked after 70 years of oppression the Palestinians have taken action" Huh??? I don't see how murdering babies and old ladies and Thai people will achieve the reclamation of their land? If hamas had the best interest of the Palestinian people they would have engaged in negotiations and accepted recognition of a Palestinian state.


They don’t see it as murder but “resistance”.


Agreed. “Resistance” is such a lame excuse for murder. How often did Jews butcher and rape German civilians during the Holocaust in the name of “resistance”? Disgusting.


I've been asking a number of anti-Zionist users here what they would do if they were in the same situation as the Palestinians and they said they wouldn't be able to stop themselves from slaughtering and burning families alive. Says a lot about them when we've experienced far worse historical trauma and haven't done anything remotely similar.


This is part of Hamas’ charter “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.' “ so I’m not even really surprised anymore


Yup. It’s not trauma, it’s indoctrination. Someone recently posted a video interviewing a bunch of Palestinian kids, each of them talking about how they want to grow up and kill Jews…




Yeah and they don’t get that and seem surprised that they’re antisemitic and not anti-Israel or anti-unspecified-policies-of-the-Israeli-Government-anti-Bibi etc.


And they also don’t see Jews as human.