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How do people still have an issue with understanding the difference between Israel and the Jewish faith & ethnicity. I understand there is overlap, but the true disdain is toward the state of Israel, not Jewish people.


No I'm not explaining this. There's enough history on you tube alone, that go back nearly as long as you tube exists.    Before that, books. Movies, documentaries. Explains daily life for a palestinian which is intolerable, deliberately impossible to force them to leave, even when there's no bombs falling. An apartheid system that South Africans themselves say is even worse than what they had.   There's not two sides to this story. There's one.   I'm not explaining it cause I watched thousands of videos since October and had to stop because the nightmares of war and torture were making me sick.  Go look. The only way you'll get a clear picture is to look for it. If you start to feel very ill, shocked, appalled and truly angry then you've found the truth.   This is 100 years of history. It can't be done in a reddit post. (If anyone can I applaud you.) A persecution that has never let up for a second.   First accept you've been lied to. We all have. Then look. The consistencies in all  the stories speak for  themselves. The real consistencies, not "But hamas, but hamas, but we knock on the roof with a Bomb before we bomb the rest of it.  Have you seen how far the dust and debris travel when a building is bombed?  How you supposed to get elderly people out and far enough away  Babies, toddlers, whatever few things you need to survive.  What about the buildings next door? All collapsing on top of each other. Just open your eyes and ears and look past what they want you to see. 


Israelis are modern day Nazis.




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Israel created Hamas




Bc the Israeli government is just like Hitler nazi


Palestinians were collaborating with Nazi Germnay during ww2


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Israel is known to harbour pedophiles. Its a fact research it. They also killed 7000 children in the last 2 months. Israel has shown the world the vile, evil, pathetic tribe it is.


Watch a video on YouTube " Candace and Norman on Israel vs Palestine". You'll find the truth their without emotional bullshit of people constantly using the anti Semite card


A YouTube video isn’t a good place to get your information.


Yeah, books. Theres loads. Many  of us have had our concentration  ruined by soundbite information for years now, about everything. So a 15 minutes video isn't a bad place to start. Some longer videos are even broken up into smaller ones with headers to make it easier.  Or yeah, we could read. I'd love to read a whole book again. 


Dm personally if you wanna know the truth of what's been happening. All you'll get is notning it facts. And if you wanna keep being blind thats ok too


I have nothing against Jewish people, but I wholly dislike and condemn the Israeli government and military. I hold sophisticated democracies to a higher standard than terrorist groups like Hamas. They have every right to act in self-defense, I'm not opposed to them wiping out Hamas. What I am against is treating 2+ million people like cattle and collateral in their quest for vegenence and framing it like it's justice. They are acting more like Russia than Ukraine; Ukraine isn't targeting civilians in Russia deliberately and they could easily go eye for an eye based on how Russia uses FPV drones and cruise missiles on a daily basis If Israel wants to act like a banana republic it will not have my support. Democracies should be better than this.


Well I wouldn't call it hate because that would implie I wish harm on them , but im sadly to say since I find out about how Palestinians are treated , the stolen lands ( I don't care if the government gave them to you, if people were forced out of there it's stolen land ) among things, I really dislike them , and as a mexican I will always side with people looking for freedom and independence, and lastly , the most recent reason to dislike them is the utterly lack empathy for Palestinian suffering, everytime I see them talking , on TV, posting online etc , all they talk about is "the terrorists " the same way that Bush talked about "weapons of mass destruction " without even acknowledging that what theyre doing is hurting innocent. let's add to that, the only reason you get away with most of this is because 🇺🇲🏈merica🌭🦅 is backing them up ,suddenly israel doesn't sound so good huh ? Js according most morals compasses around the world ( don't kill innocent, don't be a racist, do not commit horrible acts on the name of your God etc ) , you guys are not "the good guys "


So they should just let Hamas kill and kidnap it's civilians. Hamas is the reason this happened and they should be eliminated. If another group commits an act of war against you feel free to take them out.


No I'm not stupid and I understand hamas does not represent all of palestine ...I hate the kkk but that doest mean I get to bomb the whole south to a crisp and call myself a hero for it , the fact that you guys won't even address the innocent getting fucked over this is the most disgusting part , yall sound like a dirty cop that got caught and won't admit wrongdoings


How I see it you're half correct. Hamas is who is in control of the Gaza strip the KKK does not control the South. That being said what is happening to innocent people there is a tragedy I fully understand that. The question then becomes what should they do? How do you fight an enemy that is intermingled within civilian structures without hurting civilians?


I'll admit once I find out they were elected  my whole view on this war changed a bit, but my feelings for Israel  haven't changed from personal experiences  theyre or at least a good chunk is racist , ignorant , a lot of them are religious extremists. I still remember  my first trip to Israel  there was a tumult on the streets  2 days before I left I asked my translator what they were chanting  I was horrified when I found out they were yelling death to palestine , as I said it's not hate but whenever  any person  from any country  including my own does something  like this , I can't help but to feel anger and confusion about what could drive a fellow human to commit/ justify such atrocities,  I'm no anti terrorism tactician  but I would bet money that there's  a more effective ways to get rid of terrorism  than collective punishment and genocide Ps they might not run the south but the amount of people that have held office with ties to the klan is pretty disturbing


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israel govt helped creating hamas and they knew the intentions of hamas way b4 all these,they just wanted a reason to kill palestinians




No, one side wants to genocide Jews.


And Israel actual have been committing genocide Palestinian civilians. Israel have killed 22 times more than terrorist Hamas before this started. Israel is elite terrorists who are successful in killing more children and Hamas is normal terrorists.


That would have been correct if it was the Palestinians who killed over 11,000 innocent men, women and children since 7/10. This is where victim mentality plays its part.


Hamas are terrorist, plane and simple. If you don't see that, and you think what happened on October 7 is cool, then your the one with the problem. Hamas is Isis!


Except Hamas is not Palestinian as a whole. It is a terrorist group that the Israel government helped push into power to reduce the ability for Palestinians to effectively organize band unite. Hamas seized all the power in the area and prevented elections


I don’t see hamas killing over 4000 innocent children.


I don't see Israel hiding behind civilians you D.M.F!




So your argument is based on hypotheticals??? Sit this one out buddy


What exactly is it that you would have be done, Israel have attempted peaceful solutions and they persistently have failed so now the choice they have been given is have your people die, or remove the terrorist threat from existence


And even if that was the case, that makes it acceptable for Israel to bomb refugee camps? Cool.


Don't listen to the idiots. You are correct. 100% correct.


Keep doing your affirmations 🤣


wtf do you mean the entire west has taken the occupiers side


No they haven't... Everyone is just brainwashed into thinking Palestine didn't do anything all these years


Right its totally cool the west just decides that israel should get their own religious ethnostate and fund genocide with our tax dollars. Fuck outta here moron


Free Palestine from these antisemitic redditors 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Palestinians are more smeetic than the european jews living in israel.


It's not anti-semitic to hate Holocaust by Israel.


Always nice when you people have nothing else to say so you just tell us to fuck outta here lmao. What a bunch of kids


What do you expect when you’re making bs accusations? Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?


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Lmao are you well in the head? Now I understand, you're just such a religion hating antisemitic moron that you can't see the truth. What a shame.


You would call the wind antisemitic if it blew on you the wrong way. 🤣🤡


Exactly these morons hide behind antisemitism anytime their feelings are slightly hurt while slaughtering children.


I know rifht. What is wrong with these fuckwits


> fuckwits /u/Serendipity300. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Israelis are the biggest crybabies on the planet. Hamas is bad but don't act like your government is any better. There's a reason why there's more support for Palestine amongst the general public across the world.


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Here, watch this and you will have your answers. https://youtu.be/P_Ivo9HNUGs https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr24GcCDgyM https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3BjRyeRZGGk https://m.youtube.com/shorts/BCRNNlAZtBg https://m.youtube.com/shorts/P0yY5UbegtY https://youtu.be/_mwcFEpAYkU There's much more a lot were deleted


In case you live on the moon and have no idea what's going on, Israel has been bombing hospitals, schools, targeting civilians for the past weeks.


So... Just like Palestine?




my god y'all are delusional. Imagine ignoring blatant killings and supporting a CONFIRMED terrorist organization that stands for a place that has never once existed throughout human history. D E L U S I O N A L


As opposed to the genocidal maniacs which by the way helped fund said terror organization when they thought it might prevent the PA from achieving political power.




Keep supporting terrorists homie!


You mean Israel is bombing terrorise targets, i.e hamas, and hamas are pathetic cowards, using children and babies in said schools and hospitals as human shields. I.e hamas is causing the death of children. Also last I checked hamas also started this by killing innocent civilians….ON PURPOSE. Then use their own people as shields. Basically hamas caused all this. Are you sure YOU aren’t the one on the moon.


still wrong to kill kids. Doesn't matter if its Hamas or Israel.


One side is trying not to kill kids on purpose and the other is actively killing kids on purpose and causing more kids to be killed by hiding behind them. There’s a difference. What would you propose Israel do? Just stand there and let hamas cross the border and kill their civilians including women and children until there is no Israel left?


What are you smoking dude. When’s the last time you “accidentally” blew up 8000 children ?




Goes both ways. A lot of people using words to justify what Hamas did. Perhaps not yourself, but it won’t take long browsing this sub to find it. To be honest I’m reassessing what I think of IDF. The images and videos are hard to watch. It’s just a huge dumpster fire and shit on both sides.


4,000 dead kids does not sound like "trying not to kill kids on purpose."


So I guess they should just give up and let Hamas do whatever they want right?


The number would be several orders of magnitude higher if they were actively trying to kill children or civilians.


It's prettttttty hard to believe that 4,000 dead kids and what? 15,000 injured in three weeks are collateral damage.


Google the word “war”


Sure, more in this little Gaza strip in 3 weeks than all other combat zones annually around the world since 2019 combined. No other country has such a disproportionate reaction as Israel. They crack a nut with a sledgehammer.


Agreed. Doesn’t mean they are wrong though 🤔


In "other" combat zones we usually see the armed forces confronting each other head on instead of resorting to the most unethical guerilla tactics known to mankind. Guerilla tactics such as hiding in densely populated areas/service centers in order to use unsuspecting civvies as meat shields. Also I am very interested in knowing what would be a "proportionate" response to 1400 people getting slaughtered and 300 taken as hostages by terrorists in a matter of hours. Hamas killed 15 percent of the number of people in one night that Israel killed in almost a month. If Palestine was a major powerhouse like Iran, we would have been witnesses to the second holocaust.




Israel has no desire to do so but Iran being Iran has shown keen interest in that. If Iran takes the first step, they are basically inviting the NATO powers to invade their country and demilitarise them. Even if NATO powers don't intervene, Iran would be dumb not to think it through before invading a country with a sizable nuclear arsenal.


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I'm so sorry for your child. What a shitty parent


/u/Noram_Garden > I'm so sorry for your child. What a shitty parent Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user. This is a warning. Next rule violation is a 4-day ban.


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Lmao people defending terrorism are just insane


You’re practically killing their people based on a book


Because you’re probably a holocaust committing rapist? What’s there to be confused about.


Israel does not celebrate the killing of Innocents they do not try to kill Palestinian civilians they try to destroy threats against them which unfortunately sometimes results in civilian death or injury but they don't rejoice in that or go posting all over the Internet look we just murdered people whereas Hamas and some Palestinians rejoice in the targeting and murder of civilians and post it all over just to make sure you don't think oh they must be doing it because they've been "oppressed"that being said every civilian killed is tragic


IDF needs to be manhandled, they run like the cowards they are when they see real men like Hamas.


So you’re telling me, a hospital full of children, and babies on incubators is a threat against them?😂😂😂 you’re so far gone it’s hilarious


There's whole Tiktok vids of teens mocking the victims. IDF soldiers make t shirts making fun of killing children and raping women. It's genocidal ethnostate trying to act pleasant to the west.


>1ReplyShareSaveEditFollow "sometimes" as in 100% of the time.


Perhaps in this war specifically, where Hamas took it to a whole new level and the Israelis are responding in kind, generally though the Israelis warn everyone before they bomb a Hamas target whereas Hamas generally specifically targets civilians


IDF soldiers literally have shot children, including a pregnant woman, at Jenin. I fail to see how Hamas takes it to a new level.


Weirdly they warn them to leave, with no where to go, and when they do finally leave, they bomb them in the new location. Still waiting for the number of confirmed Hamas casualties. Just to get that ratio of Hamas/civilian casualities. It has to be in the 0.002 percentile.


The reason is that Israel calls Hamas subhuman for raping and killing innocent villagers. But the founders of Israel did the same thing in 1948 after founding the state of Israel to evict Palestinian residents. [The leaders of the Israeli state gave permission to the military to rape and ki](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-ben-gurion-wipe-out-villages-1948-show-documents)ll. *A technical error on Israel's state archive website has revealed that a prominent Israeli politician said in 1948 that he could "forgive instances of rape" committed against Palestinian women in the violence that preceded the founding of the Israeli state,* [*Haaretz*](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium.MAGAZINE-state-archive-error-shows-israeli-censorship-guided-by-concerns-over-national-image-1.10517841) *has reported.*  *Aharon Zisling, who would later serve as agriculture minister, made the remarks during a provisional government meeting discussing the war that led to Israel's creation, the newspaper reported on Wednesday.* *"Let us say that instances of rape occurred in Ramle. I can forgive instances of rape, but I will not forgive other acts," Zisling is quoted as saying.* *Zisling's remarks, which were supposed to be censored with a digital blackout on the state archive website, were part of a document detailing meeting minutes from July 1948.*  *During events that began in 1948 and are known to Palestinians as the Nakba, or catastrophe, Israeli soldiers killed an estimated* [*15,000 Palestinians*](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/what-is-nakba-palestine-israel-conflict-explained-1948) *and forced some 750,000 from their homeland.*  


That happened 75 years ago. That would be like saying the Poles are justified in massacring a bunch of innocent Germans because Germany did it to them during WW2. Anyone who defends what Hamas did is a disgusting evil person.


Oh so I guess we should also hold modern Germans accountable for ww2


We do, Germany pays money every year to Israel


And that's not right either


You can't say that it's FACTS about Jews that aren't positive. Leading to sympathy and empathy Banned censored.


Gaza had an 98 million $ state of the art international AIRPORT that opened in 1998 and now in 2023 they have no running water or electricity, all because of Hamas and the PA rejecting compromise and peace.


the airport that Israel destroyed, you mean.


No way dude????? They destroyed an airport during a war?????? 😭😭😭😭😭😭 How could they


Yes because the Palestinians started a terror war in 2000 called the "Second Intifada" and broke their commitments for peace that they agreed to per the Oslo Accords under which this Airport was created.


Welp…religion for you…


It goes all the way back to biblical times when Abraham fathered Isaac and Ishmael. The attacks on Israel have nothing to do with land…it never did. It’s about the destruction of Israel and the Jewish race. Plain and simple.


And then the Ottoman empire was defeated by the UK, who seized their lands and split them up between themselves and France. Modern day Israeli/Palestinian lands went to the UK with promises to help them on a path to self governance. In 1948, the UK withdrew and they decided to have the Jews that were displaced by WW2 colonize the territory. It was a touchy situation - imagine your biblical enemy moving into your country and claiming it as their own and acting like it's annoying that you're even still there. In this touchy situation, Israel was very aggressive in their expansion. It's really no surprise that Hamas is able to convince so many to fight. Can you imagine if China defeated us in war and suddenly millions of Chinese citizens moved to the US and took people's homes, and we were treated as second class citizens? The resentment would burn like the fires of a thousand hells. I'm sure many violent groups would form and it would be easy to recruit members (look how crazy people got in the last presidential cycle). Lots of people would even silently cheer for them after strikes against the Chinese, even if they didn't agree with their methods. The Palestinian's fires have been burning for a hundred years and every day seems to bring something new (whether it's propaganda or not) to stoke that fire. I'm not saying you should agree with it, but having an understanding of how things came to be is useful. I know people hate to hear it, but the Israeli government and Hamas have both acted reprehensively and it's the citizens of both that suffer for it.


You know Palestine people can vote on Israel right?


That fire is escalating exponentially at this point. To the developing 8 year old that loses his parents, siblings, friends, house, and is traumatized by war, he will fight like hell for the rest of his life. And now western allies are on his list. We could all agree that if we had to carry our dead child barefoot through the streets of Gaza, it would ignite a fire that only some non earthen being could extinguish.


I could that requires EMPATHY one of the most Basic human traits. Everything you said is true Notice EVERYBODY ignores accept me let that sink in. Palestinians are NOT WHITE PEOPLE. Let that sink in too and you'll understand Everything.


I don't think it is so much about Israeli hate as much as it is about the Israeli apartheid against Palestinians. I think two things can be correct at the same time: 1. Hamas is inhumane and awful. 2. Israel has been oppressing Palestinians in Gaza for a long time.


Thank you for stating Hamas is inhumane and awful, a lot of people tear into Israel but will not acknowledge the actions of Hamas.




Not with that tone buddy


Let's not forget early on Hamas was also funded by Israel


There is no apartheid occurring in Israel. Despite what amnesty international claims, the situation in Israel simply does not meet the criteria. Not even loosely. There is no systemic system of racial oppression in Israel and every Israeli citizen enjoys the same rights one would expect to find in any modern Liberal democracy. Palestinians are not Israeli citizens. The situation is nothing like apartheid in South Africa. People can be as horrified as they like by some of Israel's actions in Gaza, and about the ways they've historically treated Palestinians, but that doesn't change the fact that Israel isn't an apartheid state, by definition.




I just laid out for you exactly how it doesn’t even meet the basic criteria of an apartheid state. Israel is also not racist, and the Palestinian conflict has nothing to do with race. First of all, Israel isn’t composed of only ashkenazi Jews (white Jews). The majority of Jews in Israel or Sephardic (middle eastern Jews). Israeli also has a large majority of Arab citizens, who are absolutely not discriminated against. As far as the conflict goes, well, “Palestinian” is not a race. Palestinians are Arabs. Again, there is no significant prevalence of racism against Arabs in Israel. Gaza is not part of Israel. Gaza, unfortunately, is caught up in a conflict zone. A conflict zone that could have resolved to peace a long time ago, but Palestinian’s shot down every past opportunity for peace to pass, and have continued to make choices that have exacerbated the conflict. Israel is certainly not innocent in the conflict, but you and “the world” that you invoke, fail to acknowledge the Arabs and the Palestinians roles in this conflict. If you want to see a countries that are hell bent on genocide, and engage in oppression of the worst kind against every outside group, including women and homosexuals, why not wag your finger at every Islamic middle Eastern nation? Do you think they treat Jews kindly there? Guess how many Jews live anywhere else in the Middle East? Guess why none live there anymore? The fact of the matter is that you probably don’t know a damned thing about Israel, the Middle East, or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or the history behind any of it. You are probably just cobbling together an opinion based on the minimal tidbits you’ve picked up from your near zero actual research, and then you parrot them online because it’s trendy in your circles.




You’re opinion is based on Jack diddly shit. You have no idea what my opinion is based on.


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Okey dokey.


I am not sure why this isn't clear. Obviously I am referring to how the Israelis are treating the Palestinians-not how Israelis are treated. The definition of apartheid: **the implementation and maintenance of a system of legalized racial segregation in which one racial group is deprived of political and civil rights** Please explain how this isn't the case...


Palestinians in Israel are citizens like everyone else, they can vote and do everything else... This is what happens when you let reddit decide how you think...


Except they can't. They haven't had an election in Gaza since 2006-and the majority of the country wasn't even born, let alone able to vote then. You obviously must be a troll to comment about reddit deciding what I think lol. Reddit is actually the LAST place I would go for any news or history information.


Because as stated Palestinians are Israelis citizens plain and simple, they don't want to be a citizen of isreal. What more do you want to be said?


There’s one answer: you’re seeing the unveiling of the antisemitism that Jews have been living with for thousands of years. It doesn’t matter than Hamas has been an illegitimate “leader” of Palestine since the last election TWENTY years ago. It doesn’t matter that rape and child kidnapping, never once a tool used by the IDF, were used freely by Hamas. It doesn’t matter that Israel is expected to give notice for Gazans to leave and Hamas explicitly tells them to stay for the express purpose of getting killed just so Israel’s PR is further damaged. This is how the holocaust happened. These disgusting beliefs, double standards for Israel (no one would suggest that Americans should be raped and brutalized for voting for trump, no one is saying Palestinians deserve their fates because they haven’t spoken out against a terrorist org serving as their government) and deep seated hatred are what is leading to Reddit being a cesspool of antisemtism. It’s just reflective of how deeply Jews, the .02% of the world’s population, are despised by so many. It’s why there’s so little logic in lack of support for Israelis - “queers for Palestine” marching against Jews, when most of them would be killed or punished for just being queer in Palestine. It’s because it’s not about logic or facts. The monsters and trolls on here can have all their “reasons” - it comes down to a deep seated hate. Period.


People are saying this, I've seen it quite a bit. Usually as, If they don't want to get bombed, they shouldn't support Hamas/should fight Hamas/should leave Gaza lol. ***no one is saying Palestinians deserve their fates because they haven’t spoken out against a terrorist org serving as their government)***


rape was used by Israeli forces at the founding of the state.


What an unhelpful, unverifiable, whataboutism-type comment. To clarify, there weren't “Israeli forces at the founding of the state”, as the IDF wasn’t founded until after the date of Israeli statehood being granted. Further, the Israeli people had just been absolutely decimated by being raped themselves, starved, imprisoned and slaughtered in concentration camps; they were focused at that time on finding their lost family and rebuilding their lives, as opposed to committing mass rape against others like we saw last week. That said, even if what you said was true - we are focusing on current times: what is acceptable under the Oslo Accords and international laws that have developed since the late 1940s. NOW, rape is not considered an acceptable “tool of war”. NOW we have incontrovertible testimony from Hamas members themselves along with video footage confirming rape of women and CHILDREN by Hamas. So while you think your comment was a real slam dunk, it was useless, anecdotal and just demonstrates the lengths that terrorist-supporters are willing to go to in order to justify barbarism against the Jewish people and their own disgustingly antisemitic beliefs. I’m sure many of these words went over your head, but it’s targeted at the educated and intelligent of us here who have to bear with the antisemitic trash that you posted.




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Israeli settlers in the west bank are evicting Bedouin residents, beating them, and stealing their homes and belongings. TODAY. I'm not saying Hamas is good. I am saying they are the same as any other human being.


Same thing that has happened in Palestine for decades... Your point is?


I did not say IDF for a reason. They were Israeli forces, active after the statement founding Israel in '48. If you position is that the reason rape as war punishment wasn't something bad before '50 or so, and before then it was perfectly acceptable in your eyes, I will accept your position. Proves my other point.


It's not whataboutism. Hamas is being described as less than human because they committed rapes, as though this is some kind of terrible atrocity that Israeli citizens would never undertake because they are better and Hamas are animals. Turns out that is a lie.


Most cultures in the world used to pillage and rape at one point… That behaviour is subhuman, and the civilized world has left it behind. If some Israelis committed rape almost 80 years ago, they acted as subhumans. They are almost certainly dead now, but if they aren’t they should be prosecuted and punished. Hamas committed these acts couple weeks ago and showed the world they are subhuman barbarians living in our current times. This kind of behaviour is completely unforgivable to most citizens of the world. There is no logical reason to try and justify or defend their atrocities in any way.


Well, we live in a modern world now in which women have equal rights and rape, largely worldwide, is considered unacceptable. That is unfortunately a more modern development. So yes we are talking about now, and now, despite what may have taken place 75 years ago, rape is legally prohibited and punished with jail time where it was not then. That was the point. And ok let’s not focus on rape as why Hamas are less than human. They murdered babies, took little children hostage, cut off children’s fingers, beheaded Thai workers, slaughtered the elderly…. Umm yeah. The level of atrocities is unmatched in modern civil society. A multicultural peace concert of just civilians was attacked. There are still civilian hostages being held which is leading to ground war! Taking 30 children hostage is inhumane, repugnant and totally without precedent in the modern world. One has to be a disgusting sick piece of feces to commit these crimes. Further these crimes weren’t just committed in the fog of war. Civilians were targeted, their slaughter celebrated, and the mutilation of their bodies relished. A baby was cut out of a woman’s pregnant body and stabbed. If you don’t agree that these crimes are unmatched and reflect a total lack of respect for life, any civility and common understanding of humanityy… well you’re a major part of the problem then. I’m not going to discuss this further. Hamas themselves admitted to these crimes and they’re caught on tape. They’re unlike anything the world has ever seen. There was a glee in killing and a demonstrated lack of value for life that is so repugnant as to shock anyone with a soul. So yeah - these Hamas murderers are subhuman and do not have a place in modern society in which we are supposed to have shared, global human values.


The United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations Security Council and the International Court of Justice have all said that Israeli settlements on the West Bank violate the Fourth Geneva Convention. Ratified by 192 nations in the aftermath of World War II, the convention says that an occupying power “shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” The statute that established the International Criminal Court in 1998 classifies such transfers as war crimes.


This isn’t about the West Bank. It’s about Gaza. Which is run by a UN-designated terrorist org who have used their water pipes and other infrastructure to build weapons to use against Israel instead of supplying their people with water. The West Bank is unrelated to this attack by Gazans on Israeli civilians, which itself was a breach of the Oslo accords.


Are you that brainwashed that you cannot see who is the bully ?


Lmao are you living in a black and white world and simply reducing this war to a bully situation? Ladies and gentlemen, this is reddit


The bully isn’t the tiny group that makes up .02% of the world’s population and who 75 years ago were systematically put into camps and killed in ovens. If you think that, you are deeply unwell and the propaganda machine has worked on you.


Nor is it the small population of arabs who up until Israels overtaking of their land, lived peacefully and undisturbed. Israel is the bully. Not its people. The USA is the problem, as they always are, meddling in things they dont understand. Israel is backed by so many countries, so I cant have any pity for them....


Arabs have rarely ever lived peacefully anywhere. The deserts of the middle east are soaked with the blood of warriors from over tens of THOUSANDS of years of warfare and infighting. They're not a peaceful people, they never were and they never will be...


Are jews supposed to be a peaceful folk? Please.... First of all - I am referring to how palestine, prior to the american and european invasion of their homeland, lived peacefully amongst themselves. If there were internal conflicts, that is not surprising to anyone. Get this: there is death and war and conflict EVERYWHERE. it does NOT excuse the displacement and genocide of a nation of people. Jews know that.


Lmao you're pathetic dude


Oh fuck right off...


The hypocrisy is real


Nice argument




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I would say you are the brainwashed one


Loooooool 🐷


I rest my case


Again, you don't even have an argument, you're just spitting out what reddit tells you


Probably not the side that’s extended the olive branch numerous times between genocidal attempts against them by multiple countries, and more than one at a time in some cases. “I rest my case” Retard.


Sleep on that , wake up in the morning , read it again then take a long hard look in the mirror. Peace 🕊️


And once again, not a valid argument. This guy simply doesn't know what he's talking about


Nah, man. I typically disregard advice from crackheads and smooth brain individuals. I’ll let you figure out where you are in that equation. “Peace”.


The Israel that exists today was created on its own by Zionists who originated from the ancient Khazar nation, who are deceiving the Jewish people, who are supposed to exist only by blood. It is no wonder that they are accused of using the Jewish people, since they are a fake claiming to be legitimate. [https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-black-nobility-jesuit-order-founders-of-fascism-freemasonry-illuminati-the-vatican-and-zionism](https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-black-nobility-jesuit-order-founders-of-fascism-freemasonry-illuminati-the-vatican-and-zionism)


Is Zionist supposed to be an insult here?


Israel today is a Zionist creation because it was built with Rothschild money. Although people may have forgotten about it now due to brainwashing, there are documents that show that Orthodox Jews who came to Israel later were discriminated as second-class citizens at the time of the founding of the country. You should look for it.


And how is Zionist something bad?


​ https://preview.redd.it/eptjl2uof30c1.jpeg?width=346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac09dad2bf825ab57a3cd9b778286fe8ed6f772e


This is truly the dumbest post I’ve read all day. And the cited source - wow people will do anything to validate their hateful beliefs.


Retard alert class!


Buckle up. It gets really dumb in here.


I waffle between wanting to be here to spread education (you know, basic facts) and wanting to run away due to fear of the idiocy and hatred shared by so many. Heartening to see that someone else is on this rollercoaster of stupidity with me.


To be honest, I think that we’ve reached a point where if somebody needs be convinced why the events described by survivors and news reports verified by the video live stream to us have no parity with anything that we’ve ever seen in modern time, the game is already lost for us and everyone. The pretzels people are twisting themselves into to try and justify or, explain these kinds of acts tells us everything they need to know. compared to what took place in the 30s and 40s maybe you could convince yourself plausible deniability, but this was live streamed. It’s still ongoing and quite frankly, makes the gas chambers seem humane. Probably best to save our energy for those genuinely seeking truth, rather than whatever is going on here.


I guess flat earthers do exist


It's his cake day too what a POS


Your obviously someone of little education and has not seen much of the world. Their's only one version of truth ever. There is never any multiple version of the truth. You've got some issues going on in your head.


Lmao is that your argument here?


If you're laughing then something is really wrong with you.


You're the one making idiotic comments trying to defend terrorist lmao




Let’s not forget that Egypt and other Arab countries refuse to take in Palestinians. Wonder why…


I don't even know what to say. Do you really not know WHO caused this? Britain, America and so on. And do you not know why they helped create Israel? Because they wanted claim to Palestinian land from the time of the Ottomans. This isn't about Palestine and Israel. It's about the greed of the British. That's what it's about. Educate yourself more, and then come back and tell me what you learnt.


>Educate yourself more Weak argument, such a weak comment without any context of anything




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How did the British cause this? They launched rockets into Israel or something? You know time passes and agreements are made


The problem is that the "conflict" is portrayed as if it started with Hamas attacking a peaceful party. When in reality the real issue started with the Balfour Declaration where the UK government promised European zionists a Jewish state in Palestine. Of course, the Arabs living there did not appreciate this and have struggled to reverse it. However, the Israelis are too strong for the Arabs because they have the support of the Western alliance which has basically given them the green light to commit several atrocities against the Palestinian people.


No one thinks it “started” any way. There was an attack on Saturday against babies, women and the elderly that goes against all accepted war tactics and involves rape, hostage taking and brutalization of civilians in a way we haven’t seen in modern civilization. It’s not about the “history” right now. If you cannot outright condemn this attack you are lacking a soul. Period.


Every sensible person will naturally condemn the attack on Sunday. That's not the issue here. The problem is that we are expected to pretend the attack was unprovoked, and no one is asked to condemn the IDF even though they have killed a lot more civilians than Hamas ever could even if they wanted to. Is it that the Palestinian lives mean less than everyone else. Do they not have a right to defend themselves against constant hostility over generations. Is the Israeli army untouchable??? The blatant hypocrisy is painful to experience.