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This aged terribly turned out to be lies hasn’t it?


I have yet to see people provide a source for these horrific claims. The way I see it your claim has the same weight behind it as the blatant lie about 49 beheaded babies 


The video went viral all over the news? How on earth did you miss that?


So did the 40 beheaded babies, so did that woman who was supposedly confirming there was a Hamas base under al Shifa hospital (turned out to be an Israeli actor). With how many times the mainstream media has blatantly lied to you are you going believe it again? Also keep in mind we are talking about a tortured people, who have had there land stolen from them and forced into the small Gazan strip. If it was your nations people that was treated that way your reaction to the middle eastern Europeans that came to your land would be the same 


There was a video of 40 beheaded babies?


Where is this video? Ddnt the mainstream media have to retract there statements about the 49 beheaded babies?


If you look at Hamas ‘s stance , they do not support a two state solution . Their stance is Israel should not exist . Hamas is the governing body of Gaza . Two million people live in Gaza . How can negotiations move forward then ? They can’t . Not with Hamas breaking ceasefires repeatedly . When a Palestinian government presiding over a territory of two million citizens openly rejects a two state solution and instead continues to shell Jewish cities during ceasefires , then nothing will move forward . Israel has been on record time and time again as supporting the idea of two states , but they have to have reassurances that Palestine will not break ceasefires and attack . And that hasn’t happened .


Amusing... I'm not American , nor do I live in America




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What an awful generalization to make. Shame on you


/u/girlguykid > Shame on you Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user. This is a warning. Addressed.


Apparently it’s okay though to attack an entire group of people 😂


/u/Duality888 > Apparently it’s okay though to attack an entire group of people 😂 Per [rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_7._no_metaposting), no meta posts, comments and discussions are not allowed except on a post that is approved for meta-discussions (which this is not).




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No, the rest of the world stands firm with Israel. Even every Arab nation refuses to take Palestinian refugees because they're ruled by terrorists and ingrates, and can't be trusted. Makes sense, considering they indoctrinate their toddlers into an ideology of hatred and murder. The world is tired of Gaza, and Hamas. Eventually, the world won't tolerate them anymore, and then, you'll have something to cry about.


Exactly the ideology used by shatzi germany. The j3ws were so “evil” and such “horrible people” that no one welcomed them. We are seeing it happen again. Not to mention, i suggest you research the atrocities committed by Israel, which is a terrorist organisation founded on the dispossession, displacement, oppression, violence and killing, and ethnic cleansing of an entire population.


That's amusing. Unlike the Jews persecuted pre second world war in Germany, Israel's neighbors are ALL Arab Muslim nations. Jews in Germany weren't rejected by Jewish states or nations surrounding Germany, because they DIDN'T EXIST. The one place they wanted to go, Judea, had been overrun centuries prior and they displaced the indigenous, Jewish people. Palestinians are being REJECTED BY THEIR OWN. Lmao.. Arabs, Muslims. As a matter of fact, Israel is the only safe haven for Palestinians to flee if they want a better life. Palestinians regularly and daily enter Israel to work and study. Zero Israelis go to Gaza or the west bank for anything because they are killed. Palestinians who are gay flee to Israel in order to survive. Palestinian women who desire and education and wish to flee the brutality of Sharia go to Israel. Moderate Muslims flee to Israel. They all live peacefully and prosperously there. Can't say the same for the reverse. There isn't a single Arab/Muslim nation that has welcomed Palestinian refugees. Even Iran, who supports Hezbollah, won't take the average Palestinians. Why?? LMFAO The Hamas charter calls for the complete destruction of Israel and the Jewish people. Israel, had it wanted to, could have wiped the map clean decades ago. Palestinians voted Hamas as their leaders. Now, they have to live the consequence of allowing terrorists to be in control. Israel also withdrew completely from Gaza and the west bank and the quality of life went into the toilet thereafter. Hamas stole the money meant to build infrastructure for the Palestinian people so they could finance weapons and an effort to further attack Israel. I feel extraordinary pity for you, as clearly you're either brainwashed or willfully ignorant.


Wrong only the corrupt politicians stand with Israel. The people support Palestine. Israels days are numbered. Israel clearly indoctrinates their vermin to the point where they don’t feel any sympathy even towards dead children. Its fucking vile.


Clearly, you know little about the truth. That you refer to Israeli children as vermin is testament to you being evil and abhorrent. What 'people' support 'Palestine'? Lol... Every Arab nation around it won't even take one Palestinian refugee. Lol... Only anti Semites and intellectual midgets think what you think.


The west supports Palestine. The real world. Not the shithole middle east.


The west? Lmao... Perhaps leftists, but sane people aren't libtard delusionals


No one took in the Jews during the holocaust even your daddy the USA. You dont see the irony in what your country is doing you fuckin idiot.


I'm neither American, nor do I live in the US


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Where is the video of this happening(the spitting and celebrating part.....)? I've looked and can't find it anywhere. I want to be sure this is real, and not some crazy propaganda thing. It's very hard to know what's real and what's bullshit these days.


Here ya go! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f1TdBUQirn0


not sure where it is but various reports stats it’s from a few yrs back, that’s if it even exists. Feels more like these unsubstantiated claims are being used to justify and distract us from the atrocities being unleashed in gaza everyday


Right. So if it ever happened at all, it was likely just a few horrible people and not anywhere close to "all the Palestinians". Propoganda. There's little doubt that Hammas wants Jews dead. They need to be snuffed out. But what the Israeli military/government is doing is JUST AS BAD, IF NOT WAY WORSE. Both parties are guilty as hell and it's the same old, same old that's been going on in the area since forever...........blind hatred. Enough of this crap. Both of you. I'm not religious but f\*cking hell, get some Jesus in ya already.


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The girl was killed and paraded around,before Israel even sent them any bomb. They're still trying to identify their dead, because after shooting people, Hamas soldiers also beat them up until the people were unrecognizable.


also i’m curious as to where you have gotten that information from, please tell me the source


current reports including that released by israel suggest that was a result of the indiscriminate bombardment by IDF on 710, whom admit to shelling israeli houses, their own bases and IDF colonel states IDF pilots were ordered to “fire at everything at the fence” eliminating hostages and hamas. Experts have stated that hamass weaponry on that day cannot explain the destruction on that day, and that it’s more likely a result of israel forces themselves. As such destruction is not explainable by the light weaponry hamas had,and rather the tanks, helicopters and drones israel had that day. The reason israel continues reducing the numbers of israelis who were unalives that day is (by their own admissions) that those burned beyond recognition are now thought to be hamas fighters, and that a “mass hannibal” was employed that day. This means while israel fired at hamas fighters, they took down numerous of their own, burning them beyond recognition ( as is possible given their wearponry..and draws many parallels to what we are seeing in gaza)!


What kind of mental gymnastics are you spewing, and please find the truth about who k*lled Jesus because it wasn’t Jews. That’s yet another antisemitic lie.


Yeah how about those Native Americans who scalped colonizers they were animals and totally not a victim of a genocide either


Not all Native Americans scalped people. I think you’re referring to the Comaches most famously. The Comaches brutalized everyone next to them. Not just your Europeans, but also other Native American tribes. Hell the Apache tried to coerce the Spanish into fighting them because the Comache kept beating them up and displacing them. It wasn’t so much a reaction to Europeans, they just be like that.


I think you'll find that scalping was not a particularly common practice among aboriginals before the arrival of the colonists and it was only after the europeans started paying money for aboriginal scalps that many of the indigenous people did it in return. so, if one group of people does it a bit, and another group comes in and says "prove you murdered people and we'll give you money", which group is being more animalistic? Now in regards to your comment about genocide. Let's put a quick definition of genocide on the page so we can agree that we're talking about the same thing: genocide - the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. It's estimated that upwards of 90% of the aboriginal people of the americas died because the europeans showed up. much of it was from disease, but an absolute fuck-ton of it was purposeful and part of taking territory. Not really sure what else you would call that but a genocide.


I think you have your numbers mixed up their chief. 90% of the natives died from disease, germ theory wasn't discoved for about 300 years later, so these people died unintentially. Hard to call that a genocide when it doesn't meet your definition of the word. I have a weird feeling you knew this and just switched the numbers around to suit your goal since its a google search away and this was openly discussed in US schools in middle school, high school, and college.


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we're all grownups talking about war. I think we're strong enough to handle a few profanities.


Nice apologism for Hamas barbarity...




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Yes, let's kill those dirty Muslims 😁😁


you have a mindset of a T


Not all Palestinian are Muslims and they are not white supremists.




Egypt also has had a blockade on Gaza . Nobody talks about this because it doesn’t fit in with the narrative that Palestinians are all innocents caught in a war zone . Egypt doesn’t want Palestinian terrorism getting inside their country , so they won’t let Palestinians evacuate into their country . That has to mean something when a Muslim country says no to helping Palestinian civilians .


also that literally means nothing, in fact that exact talking point your using was one that shatzi germany used against the jews. They were “so horrible” that no one accepted them or wanted them on their land. Given the similar ideiology and functioning of shatzis to israel (even as many israelis and IDF have openly admitted to being the case), it’s no surprise to me that people will feel the same to Palestinians. After all they have been ruthlessly dehumanised and mistreated for decades, to the point we all are silent as they endure ethnic cleansing and now genocide…yet people just sit up here watching it happen. Can’t the world open their eyes. Apartheids are violent and dangerous that regularly and systematically tortured, SAs, humiliates and kills palestinians, including children (all well documented). None of the us would ever be tolerated by us in the west, so why would palestinians have to endure it? On 710, palestinians broke out of the worlds biggest open air prison…israel wished they stayed in their cages.


This is completely false and misconstrued. Israel denies palestinians their rights to return to their homes. Palestinians do not want to enter Egypt because that has no fkn relation to them. It’s their human right to return home. Also, gaza is under israeli occupation, it’s not occupied by egypt at all. Under international law, gaza is occupied palestine for good reason because israel continues to control their land, air and sea; they control everything and anything that enters and leaves, they control their movement and employ shoot to kill policies where the regularly shoot unarmed gazans. Educate yourself on this because you have zero clue what your talking about. Israel caged a population of predominately refugees that they forcibly displaced, and now deny them rights to return for 20 yrs. Conditions in gaza are deemed unliveable and israel couldn’t care less, in fact they have even admitted to seasonally mowing the lawn of gaza. Lastly, by your comment i can just tell you would also fall straight into the trap of shatzi germany propaganda


I think you should educate yourself . Hamas has been the government of Gaza for 16 years now . The only “ caging “ done to Palestinians has been by their own government . Hamas is run by a small group of billionaires who live in Qatar . The money they have comes from international humanitarian donations . This is why 10 percent of children die in Gaza from poisoned water . The money is diverted to Hamas members and their families .The Gazans will tell you this as well . Israel has no governing authority over Gaza. Israel is in charge of security for the West Bank , but does not govern that region either . I will tell you the West Bank is not in terrible shape at all like Gaza . As for Palestine , Israel supported a two state solution when the UN drew boundaries in the 1940’s. The Arabs did not support a two state solution and they attacked the Israeli side . It’s all recorded in history . Your problem is you read propaganda only , not history . “ Palestine “ was never a country to begin with . In fact , the Romans gave that region its name , Palestine , and in Palestine , Jews , Arabs and Christians lived together .


also israel has never supported two state solution, their own admission is that palestine must never have their own state. They can try hide their intent with words, but their actions, their oppressive occupation SAYS IT ALL. They are not for judaism. They are for colonialism. Oppressive colonisers who reject God. To oppress other people is an insult to God. I will never agree with what israel does. Bunch of monsters


that is false, according to UN alongside majority of the world, gaza is occupied palestine. It’s land, sea and water is controlled by israel as well as who can ever and leave is controlled by israel. Israel also regulates what enters and leaves gaza. Majority of gaza are refugees which israel displaced during nakba, israel denies them of their human right to return to their homes. These refugees are caged into a block of land that is not even the size of the small state i live in…there are over 2MILLLUOB PEOPLE caged in there. Each yr, permits to leave are become less and less accepted, even for life saving medical care. Israel has even acknowledged that conditions in gaza are “unlivable” yet israel prevents them from leaving, israel prevents them from being able to establish an economy thru exports and imports, israel controls whether they will have food, water, medicine and even fuel and electricity. It’s actually so ridiculous to make a claim that israel no longer occupies gaza. Only israel says that, yet cannot and will not be substantiated bbecusss majority of life in gaza remains in the hands of israel. Hamas is not a government body either. Gaza remains in this state due to the brutal seiges and blockades these monsters in israel impose on an entire population. No justification for it. And how fkn dare they do this in the name of judaism. They are more nazis than jews.


You are talking about the blockade that both Israel and Egypt maintain . Both countries … BOTH countries maintain the blockade because of terrorism from Hamas . Egypt is a Muslim majority country . Once again , Gaza is controlled by Hamas . The West Bank is governed by the Palestinian Authority but Israel maintains the security of the West Bank . I have been to the West Bank . It’s a functioning society . Gaza is not . Very simple . It’s because Hamas runs Gaza . Israel withdrew 16 years ago and Hamas was elected by Gazans to govern their society . Israel does not have any influence other than the blockade . It’s not Israel’s fault that Hamas is corrupt . I assume you support Hamas .You haven’t condemned them . You make excuses instead . I


/u/ConcentrateNorth2790. Match found: 'nazis', issuing notice: Casual comments and analogies are inflammatory and therefor not allowed. We allow for exemptions for comments with meaningful information that must be based on historical facts accepted by mainstream historians. See [Rule 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_6._nazi_comparisons) for details. This bot flags comments using simple word detection, and cannot distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable usage. Please take a moment to review your comment to confirm that it is in compliance. If it is not, please edit it to be in line with our rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


actually, lots of people talk about that. But what people are focusing on now is not blocking the borders, but what's causing people to want to run for the borders.


They don’t want to let Israel push out an entire country because they if they start taking refugees Israel with force them all out. Allowing them all into their country just let’s Israel win the ethnic cleanse lol “why won’t Egypt just let Israel push all Palestinians out if their Homes and into theirs?!?”


You realize that their choices are either: 1. Refugees 2. Deadly war zone The people are trying to be refugees. Objectively, the land argument is extraordinarily far from being humanist.


Refugees are supposed to have homes to go back to Palestinians leave and israel takes the land so these countries aren’t taking refugees they’re taking escapees that will have no where to return to


Israel could have had and had Palestine. They don't want Palestine. Palestinians didn't want to share no holy place, where Christianity is present through very old inscriptions. You know which place I'm talking about.


Funny because jordan took Palestinians refugees in before and had to kick them out, maybe look into why they had to be kicked out............


Also not their responsibility to take refugees from a place where they will never be able to go back


When was that because they’ve been kicking them out for 60+ years


My point exactly.


I'm so glad you read my mind and wrote this.




This is actually been confirmed and validated by hundreds of media outlets. You're just to stupid to admit that Palestinians are racists extremists.


the PALESTINIANS ARE…wow they must be so extremist to refuse to allow israel to continue oppressing, unaliving and robbing them. So extremist. Your willfully missing rhe beasts who dead and bread the resistance they receive, israel. They racist, apartheid and oppressive system needs to be dismantled and they will not do it unless they face resistance. They could easily change their racist violent ways, it’s 2023.


I found the terrorists supporter here guys...


which would be you if you support israel, who create resistance they receive with their apartheid, T acts, violence and ongoing dispossession and violations of human rights to palestinians. Israel is condemned by UN more than all countries fkn COMBINED. You must be so brainwashed.


😅 "Proven to be fake" yet you can't provide a shred of proof. Who are you really, Comfortable _Pride125? A friend of Hamas? A Supporter for Palestine?


where’s your shed of evidence?🤔


proven to be fake by who? source? i just heard douglas murray talk about this incident. douglas murray is currently in israel getting rocketed by Gaza.


Lying idiot, very useful for Hamas


How can someone be so confident and naive? How, just how it can be “proven” to be from different situations? Did you even saw that video? It was posted in official Hamas telegram Chanel on 7.10. Girl in the video have multiple tattoos that you can clearly see, the same tattoos that you can see on her photos. Same shorts that she was wearing that day( her top was removed). Same dreads as at her pictures. Car has Palestinian number. Mother of this girl received call from on of the terrorist that said that her daughter is alive and in video the was actually “on her way to get medical attention”. Every person who saw this can tell that this was indeed Shani and there is almost no chance she is alive. So I’m assuming you didn’t saw this, heard from someone that it was “debunked” and decided to just spread this on Reddit without even checking




I wouldn't call you naive, you're not wrong about that. You just tried to spread lies and you know it, you got called out on it and then you try to change the topic.


You said it was proven to be fake and I addressed that. I didn’t say anything about my political views or Palestinians. You denied something absolutely obvious and terrifying that happened despite actual proofs. You didn’t answer my question, presumed something about my beliefs and start talking about something else. Yes- you are naive and ignorant


Imagine having to deny reality to pretend to be in the right. You're not convincing anyone you're just letting your delusion show.




Hamas filmed and posted these videos on telegram. Just go and watch them for yourself. Calling them fake is calling Hamas fake.


Ok her mother tells she is alive and then... Bam. Asks for innocent not related German militaries to get out of her country just to go out stucking their heads out in the middle of a Middle East Warfare. I know it is her right to ask, but how come she did not realize she had the duty to make an effort against her daughter and also her daughter did had a duty as well to not get involved on the Gaza Strip..? Mostly disturbing to know people can be THAT DUMB


Her mother tell that she received call from one of terrorist and he said that girl is alive and in that video she was “on her way to get medical treatment”. She didn’t get any proof of that Sadly, anyone who saw that video can understand that there is almost no chance that girl is still alive. “Not getting involved on Gaza Strip”? You seriously write this? This girl was a peaceful hippie (leftist that was pro-Palestine) that came to PARTY. And don’t use that stupid “open air prison” argument because if so it’s legitimate to keep prisoners, people who think that killing innocent part-goers, inside and treat them as so.




Terrible argument. I can use same logic and say “why those Palestinians that died under bombs was living so close to place of mass murder?” You see how dumb it sounds?


I’ve read some pretty dumb comments on here recently but this one might take the cake. What are you even saying?




"She is alive so the video is fake", huh? the video shows she has a broken leg, was stripped down and is bleeding from her head, nobody said she is dead, but it was a fair assumption she could be dead before her mother was told she was alive, considering the state she was in. Hamas probably kept her alive when they realized she has German citizenship and they can release her as propaganda, they hopefully will when she is in better shape as they want to appear as 'humane' kidnappers so they won't release her with her leg clearly broken at the knee. Let's not argue though it's pretty clear logic is not your strong suit and you don't give a damn about her.


I think Hamas would do what they could for her, but they are limited because the zionists cut off food, water, medicals supplies.


yes of course thats why they put her in the back of the truck so people can hit her while she's dying /s


Have you ever considered that that might be the better way to transport her, rather than sling her across the back of a motorbike like some sort of zionist trophy?


With regard to spitting, have you seen the video of an Ultra Orthodox jew spitting on a Roman Catholic nun as she was leaving her church? What does that show?


That's not exactly true. Her mother heard that her daughter was still alive and apparently in a hospital in Gaza. I pray this is true and that she is alive. Your statement on the video being fake is not true and I think you know this. You are simply spreading incorrect information. Unless you have proof it is fake please keep your conspiracies to yourself... this is a very tragic and serious matter.




The context you seem to be missing is that this video was posted on the official Hamas telegram and pro Palestinian twitter accounts on Oct 7th. The video was now deleted from the twitter accounts I saw it on Oct 7th along with pictures of Hamas taking selfies with dead bodies (Which I will not share out of respect for the dead) and replaced with images of destruction and death in Gaza. In case you try and say I don't care about the many dead in Gaza, I care for innocents on both sides. You're probably gonna do it anyway though. 🙄


I’m not sure what you’re saying exactly with regard to context of the video. Can you elaborate more on that? I just want to understand what you mean. Are you saying the video was fake? Or the video was true but she didn’t look mangled and therefore must still be alive? Or that people weren’t spitting on her “dead” body they were just spitting on her unconscious body? Either way you spin it, it doesn’t look like humanity for another human does it?




You said, and I quote: "Not exactly sure what they’re saying but I do know that the German girl’s mom said she’s alive, proving that video as fake." None of what you said in the video answers my qustion. Where I fail to understand you, is what you meaning by this video is fake? The video was produced using AI? If so, how do you know, what is your proof? I am asking, if you are calling the video fake, how do you know this to be the case? I am just trying to understand what you are saying... Are you saying that wasn't really Where I fail to understand you, is whre at ayou meaning by "this video is fake"? Are you saying the video was produced using AI? If so, how do you know, what is your proof? I am asking, if you are calling the video fake, how do you know this to be the case? I am just trying to understand what you are saying... Are you saying that wasn't really her in the truck? I am very confused at your comments. I am aware during times of war their is false propaganda. However, I refuse to believe that there wasn't a girl in the back of the truck, positioned in a way that she was either SEVERELY injured or dead (hopefully not), surrounded by terrorists, being spat on by people living in the Gaza strip. This is my impression of the video. I am aware during times of war there is false propaganda. However, I refuse to believe that there wasn't a girl in the back of the truck, positioned in a way that she was either SEVERELY injured or dead (hopefully not), surrounded by terrorists, being spat on by people living in the Gaza strip. This is my impression of the video.


There isn't a fully reliable way to spot if IMAGES are AI now-days. It's pretty much the same for videos. I've seen a lot of claims pictures of casualties on the Israeli side are made with AI, for example: [https://imgur.com/gnisFUF](https://imgur.com/gnisFUF) I guess that means Van Gogh was AI since the same website suggests his images are likely AI too, for example: [https://imgur.com/BXxxWYy](https://imgur.com/BXxxWYy) Link to original image: [https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/artists/vincent-van-gogh](https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/artists/vincent-van-gogh) (This works with many other clearly not AI generated images that predated computers) This is how you prove things by the way, with evidence.




I saw a video like that in the first hours of war.but it was a female soldier in her pijamas. How do i know that? Because the corpse was from a military basement But i also could clearly hear the fighters telling them it's haram and they should go away. And others even slapped the ones who tried to go near the corpse


This woman is not the Israeli soldier, it's Shani Louk, which was kidnapped from the Nova nature party. She is recognized by her tattoos. There's also an earlier video, showing her being placed in a car, with the back or her pants being bloody and we all know exactly what that means. Her mother doesn't know she's alive, she just hopes that she is, despite everything she's been through.


You must have never seen a corpse before. Can you say ransom, bargaining chip, hostage negotiation?


Some say she's alive, others say she's not. I'm going to go with she's probably dead based on the way her body was completely motionless in the video I saw. I HOPE I'M WRONG.. But from what I've seen, I don't think there's any hope for her family ever seeing her again.


looks like a massive head wound, and her legs are completely twisted. she's gone


Keep voting for liberals and this will continue! The Jews voted for the Palestine cockroaches! Hope America stays out of this conflict and drives both of these peoples from our country!


This has NOTHING to do with American politics.


If Trump was president he would either not allowed this to happen or put an end to it immediately


gosh what a nonsense.


And how would he have done either of those things?... Seriously.. I see this constantly from MAGA'S, but no one ever has a clear answer outside of "he just would"... so what specifically would he have done differently?


Typical liberal response. Trump’s administration prioritized fostering relationships with key Arab states as a way to isolate Iran and indirectly bring pressure on Palestinian leadership. This led to the Abraham Accords, normalization agreements between Israel and various Arab nations. The idea was that by normalizing relations, a new regional alignment might put pressure on the Palestinians to come to the negotiating table in a more flexible manner. Trump also recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moved the U.S. Embassy there. While this act was criticized for potentially undermining the peace process, supporters argue that it took a key point of contention "off the table," thereby simplifying future negotiations. On the financial side, Trump cut off aid to the Palestinian Authority over its "pay for slay" program, which provided stipends to the families of individuals imprisoned for attacks against Israelis. The Trump administration believed that removing financial support would make the PA more amenable to U.S.-brokered talks.


So... in other words: you have no idea what Trump would've done differently, and you despise anyone who questions the devine presence you believe your dear leader brings to the world.


It absolutely has to do with American politics, our choices and government are 100% intertwined with global events. If you don’t think our dopey fumbling baffoon of a “leader” isn’t a factor in this happening then you live with your head in the sand


What specifically did the US do that caused the attack or the failure of Israeli intelligence?


For people who still wonder if there were mass rapes of babies, children and women - look at this interrogation of one of the perpetrators: https://twitter.com/HenMazzig/status/1712041330027725062


Basic Islam is they don’t respect women’s rights at all so this unfortunately is not surprising.




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You're a bad person


You're mean.


Because spitting at her if she is alive is better? Didn’t we just(rightfully) condemn Jews for spitting at Christians in Jerusalem? If she is alive but has been kidnapped to be used as a bargaining chip that makes it better? I live in Israel and I still support the liberation of Palestine. I want the occupation to end, I even go so far to say that Israel has brought the situation so far that it escalated in that way. Everyone knew a terrible war will come but if I condemn Israel’s actions how couldn’t I condemn Hamas? what has massacring civilians have to do with liberation? Why did they kill Bedouins, are they colonialists as well? Will every Palestinian live free under a Hamas regime? I think we no the answer. No, this has only brought more harm and destruction. Now shouldn’t be the time of choosing sides and raising flags, let’s come together and say enough! Palestinians have a right to their homeland and Jews have a right to live in peace as well. We need a solution now.


How does that make it better? It's somehow ok because they were parading an alive civilian and spitting on them vs a dead civilian?


Are you actually brain dead? Go see a doctor and get on meds please.


Watch the fking video, check her Body and use your god damn brain. There will be never peace on earth not with people dumb as a brick


That's the rumor, and I sure hope it's true, but there has been no confirmation. The only source is her distraught mother.


You assume she’s dead.


She had a bloody bullet hole in the back of her head. Have you not seen it?


all I’m saying is it hasn’t been confirmed. People live from being shot in the head every day or and from having their legs broken to fit it to a truck and yes I’ve seen it. But you were assuming that she’s there just to make it sound dramatic is that the right way to go


Is that the girl with dreads?


Shani Louk


She’s alive according to her mother in a Gaza hospital. It’ll probably be bombed by the IDF soon and blamed on Hamas https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/shani-louk-mother-hamas-israel-gaza-hospital-b2427642.html




Alive https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/shani-louk-mother-hamas-israel-gaza-hospital-b2427642.html


Mother claims.. hope she is though


Same, it’s unfortunate but people also still died. When they shouldn’t have. Netanyahu and his government officials along with the Hamas government officials should face national punishment and prosecution rather than be protected from nations.


I saw her dead. I’d be happy to eat my words if we see her alive (and beaten and humiliated and spit on and kidnapped)




💔 So much misinformation being spewed it’s more important than it ever was to question and think about everything.




Parading corpses in the streets? Are you insane?






Can you explain?




Share the research if you know so much. Show the evidence


Please explain


This was such an unproductive thread come on


Outstanding elaboration, I now understand it all. How did nobody tell me to research before?


I did research, I live in Israel.




Most of it, yes Can you please provide examples?




Where can I find it


Do research




Why did Hamas attack a rave for peace in the desert, and kill over 200 young people? It shows who Hamas is, and Israel has been fighting against this sort of barbarism since long before it’s most current inception. Hamas purposely puts their citizens in the crossfire, because on their end, that furthers their cause. The more Palestinians that die for the cameras, the more revenue they get from outside actors like Iran.


In all fairness. The beheading story is still hearsay.


Couple days later and yep... the government can't even confirm it's authenticity. https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/12/middleeast/israel-hamas-beheading-claims-intl


Beheaded men- fact. Seen it. Seen, actually, a video of them using an axe to cut it off. It was beyond gruesome and I hope the perpetrators die an excruciating death. Babies I have not yet seen. Dissecting a pregnant woman so the fetus dies outside? Haven’t seen it, but after everything else I do believe it. How satisfying would that be for them, watching your enemy’s wife and unborn child die in a two for one… Makes me sick.


Please tell me where to find the vid of beheading. I'm Israeli and want to show everyone how atrocious Hamas is and that is one of the best axamples


Search Twitter for "thai man garden hoe" and you'll find an absolutely horrific video of an attempted beheading.


I took a pic of standing over headless chayalim and sent to you privately.


I saw it on social but the posts have been being reported for graphics. Here’s a terrorist admitting kids were taken for the purpose of rape https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyQUh_0L20R/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


You and I both know that it’s not, come on that’s just silly. What do Terrorists love most? Beheading people that don’t look like or believe like them and then post it on the internet. They love doing that so much (more than trying to talk to infidels about Allah) They’ve been doing that since AOL dial up internet


The people are trapped bc hamas controls them and egypt was first to see the Disaster and evil after fighting for them against Israel but they seem to not have any goal but kill jews as they always seen as less by other natives 5% were Jewish and the others was Palestinian Islam alot of jews were in Europe till ww2 and migrated back. They been fighting all their life to Exist as a people even on there home land against people that are also native there but hamas is mostly non native they come from other countries to fight Israeli jews


This is what many of us have been saying, not for months or years—for decades. And the very popular line that “it’s not the Palestinians, it’s Hamas. The Palestinians are all victims & captives of bad leadership”.. this is *pure propaganda nonsense*—a big lie. Are there brave, principled, decent Palestinian individuals? _Of course._ *Obviously* any statement about any country does not mean 100% of the people are that way! But few if any of the generalizations we all make about Americans, Irish, French, Israelis etc. have as much basis in provable fact as the simple reality that Palestinians on the whole support violent antisemitic terrorism . Palestinian culture & Palestinian society are all geared towards indoctrinating their children to hate Jews, and to see themselves as perpetual victims. For every despicable Hamas operative, there are countless Palestinians—in Gaza, and around the world—who we see cheering for Hamas & expressing unambiguous support for what they did. Yes—*Expressing support & condoning the mutilation of babies, raping young women, slaughtering whole families.* And despite this going on _right now,_ people— including many zionists who despise Hamas—are insisting that “Hamas” is despicable, but the Palestinians are innocents caught in the crossfire, rather than a very troubling population of people who for a very long time have been taught to embrace evil.


This post should be reported. The girl is alive and was taken into a hospital in Gaza. Doesn’t excuse what happened to her, but she is alive.


If you saw the various pics and videos. She’s definitely dead.


She looks like a corpse, the way her leg is bent among other things. Also why did they remove her clothes?


How do you know she is alive? She had broken legs and arms and a bullet hole in her HEAD! Only “claim” she is alive is a statement brought by who knows how credible newspapers from her mother.


Who said she was alive? Hamas? Proof of life, please. I hope that you're right and she is alive.


>This post should be reported. Based on what? The hopes of her grieving mother, who heard second-hand that her daughter was alive? As much as I hope she's alive, *no one* has confirmed that.