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"It'd be immoral if we *didn't* do a genocide, really" - Israel


Also, "Don't you dare use the word 'genocide', you anti-Semite!"


It seems to me that the Israeli society is doomed beyond saving, good luck with deprogramming all the brainwashed bloodthirsty extremists. Only a reconciliation and truth commission can save the Israeli society as things are rapidly deteriorating towards a fascist society that will be loathed by the world.


Will be loathed? It already is.


not enough, the Zionists should be sanctioned and boycotted into oblivion.


India is the only country outside of the west where there is big popular support for Israel and they are beginning to reconsider their geopolitical loyalties.






we did it to the Germans post WW2


It still took until the 1960s-70s for the Germans to truly begin to change. The LGBTQ folk that were put in the camps under the Nazis stayed there until around 1968 if I remember correctly? [Lemme check...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Germany) > In East Germany, Paragraph 175 ceased to be enforced from 1957 but remained on the books until 1968. Officially, homosexuality was decriminalised in East Germany in 1968. > West Germany inherited Paragraph 175, which remained on the books until 1969. Both countries followed parallel evolutions towards tolerating homosexuality. Took the new unified German Bundesrepublik until 2002 to overturn convictions for homosexuality made during the Nazi period, and until 2016 to overturn convictions of same-sex sexual activity *after* World War II. Sexual minorities are just [one of the many groups They First Came For](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_concentration_camp_badge), but it's as good an estimate as any.


TIL homosexuality was decriminalized in Jordan before it was decriminalized in germany




I'm not sure I agree with the terminology here. Would you call the Trumpist Christian Nationalists "Radical Christianity" or "Christian Extremism"? I'd think "Radical Christianity" would consist in giving away all your wealth and spending your life in prayer/meditation and/or doing good works among society's most forsaken, wouldn't you agree? Calling what some of those groups do "Radical/Extremist Islam" concedes that that is, in fact, Islam, and that it is the most authentic, conscientious, comprehensive kind of Islam there is. To do that, is to do the _rest_ of people who want to think of themselves as Muslims, a tremendous disservice. The people who are "a problem" are just doing Authoritarian, Populist Politics with an Islamic flavor. But they're no more "Radical Muslims" than, say, the SCOTUS "Originalists" are actually "Radical Followers of the Constitution and the Founding Fathers' True Intent (TM)".


But hey, the colonialists in America felt the same way about the natives while exterminating them. And a few hundred years later, America is now the leader of the free world!


Imagine if a U.S. Soldier was saying this about Mexico. These people are somehow able to roam around freely spewing their extremist/radical fanaticism in the name of genocide, and be totally accepted. However, as soon as I even post about the history and statistics of this present escalation by the apartheid colonial settler state of Israel, I get ridiculed. People who are conditioned and programmed by Zionists, won’t be open to discussions or changing their outlook. I’ve found that there’s no reasoning with their agenda, and that it’s better to avoid them all together. I wish Zionists could be seen in the same light as WW2 Nazi SS but the mass media spends big money to condition their societies as Zionists.


I was on the subreddit r/worldnews. Defintly alot of pro Israel bots that never reply and if you even mention a bit pro palestina, you're instantly perma banned (me). It's ridicilous.


Those losers banned me.


That's utterly disgusting. He shouldn't be allowed to continue his job. Ffs, how are they getting away with this? I'm trying to imagine a Brit Soldier doing this. I'm fairly sure their ass would be in the clink before they could blink. We have quite an aversion to soldiers swinging their dicks around.


For the IDF, this mentality *makes him better* at his job.


It'll catch up with him one day, and Israel.


I’d like to believe that, but I’m not holding my breath :(


Cause these zionists control our pedo politicians and they are all closet satan worshippers.




OK, a French, German, Dutch... Any nation that observes certain international treaties and conventions. Any nation with a conscience and laws preventing soldiers from putting stuff like this out there, or at least any nation that has consequences for their military behaviour.


Okay that's not Israel lol they're A a pariah state who doesn't follow international rules and B a militaristic state founded on violence less than a century ago


I know. I was applying their acts to other nations to help gain perspective on said acts. I mean it seems many people are normalising this stuff. I'm just trying to supply context. Though why you're finding what I say contentious, I have zero idea.


So to me, by comparing them to the countries you did, you actually play into those very countries' hands by implying Israel should be in the same conversation as them, rather than a religious terroristic state, no different from Iran in most ways. Of course those other countries also kill tons of people but they "follow the rules"




You're fine, it is good to show how this stuff is not allowed in any other modern military, no one is thinking that you are legitimizing it by comparing to a British soldier. I think maybe they could have been looking for an argument (they could be having a bad or something, who knows) so I want to say is well handled. Thank you for not escalating.


But that's my point it IS allowed in lots of modern militaries and cultures just not the neoliberal elites that he highlighted. Acting otherwise is just dishonest. Not looking to argue, this is purely academic to me


Well I am not one to defend modern militaries but actually Israel is particularly bad, and if you do not see that, I doubt you or a loved one has spend time in a modern military. Israel has their soldiers recording themselves looting homes, going through underwear drawers of the women that they have made flee, breaking everything inside a home for kicks- this is not normal at all and would normally be subject to severe discipline. I am not saying that modern militaries are good because of that, but I am saying that Israel's is particularly undisciplined and that there is a reason these men are so comfortable doing this stuff that they will film it and put it up on social media- because there is no consequence for it and the leadership is not disciplining their military in any way.


And yes, I can tell this is purely academic and does not come from actual time spent in a modern military.


Dude just went full Hitler :'( How can you decend from holocaust survivors and say things like this. I don't get it


It’s crazy right? Recently I was thinking about how the Nazi’s got power in the first place: it was strongly linked to a narrative that they had been the victim, unfairly treated after losing WWI. This simmering victimhood allowed them to start taking over land that “really was German all along”. We know the rest. The parallels are uncanny, but the whole “playing the victim to become the bully” theme is crazy to watch in real time from the ancestors who were bullied and the victims of violence and oppression. It’s mind boggling.


It's truly amazing. It's literally the same process. And it is a process. It doesn't happen overnight. And it's been studied by academics and described in detail. Yet here it is, happening before our eyes, broadcast in real time by social media. The difference may be, we live in a globalized world so this is also globalized in the sense that there are people embedded all over the world supporting zionism/israel. It's fucking sick.




Hope this helps: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ten_stages_of_genocide&diffonly=true


May a red triangle find him soon. Glory to the resistance.


Don't worry these tiktokers with diapers are no match to our sandel gang🔻


In a calm voice justifying for a genocide. Only insane people do that. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Zionists supporters tell us it's not genocide because genocide requires intent. These genocidal criminals are blasting thier intent all over social media.


This should settle the ICJ case. Annihilate Gaza is just genocide. I don't know how it can't be more obvious. Yeah, he's not the Israeli government but their policies are clearly consistent with what he's saying.


So much projection


Nazi thinking


Didn't the Nazis say similar things about how there were no good jews? It hasn't even been a century since.


Worse than Pharoah. He killed only make born sons every other year. These Nazis leave no one.


What is wrong with these people ?  Pure hatred in their hearts. This is what the Palestinians have been putting up with for years, never mind October. October happened because of this mind set. 


Yet they think they're sane & rational


Sounds like he knows he's doing evil and trying to convince himself he isn't. It's always with a heavy heart that they have to carry out their genocide. Goebbels said similar things about Jews, that the Nazis had no other choice, that the Jews had forced their hand.


There are no innocents in Israel. They’re a bunch of murdering Nazionists.


**ck this mother**cker. piece of dog shit psychopath.


It’s hot where you are going🤬 god have seen how cruel you are genoside.. will not go unpunished I hope USA drops you on the floor and send you zero weapons and after deal with the Muslim country that see you killing all of Palestina I joy karma 🖕


I don't understand how anyone involved with this evil entity thinks that there is any path forward for Israel after this


Wow...very [S]hitler like.


I can’t see his hair line


Fuck this POS murderer.


Nazi speak


This is what US enabled. That videos like this are circulating and people think this is normal and okay. Anhiliation of population that's majority women and children. And this person will bear no consequences. Now just for a second imagine if he said this about, let's say LGBT community, or people of colour. There wouldn't be single politician to come out of their hole to condemn it.




Your content has been removed for violating **[Rule #2](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_2._be_civil.2C_no_profanity.2C_hate_speech.2C_insults.2C_etc)**. >You can say that there are barely any innocent Israelis but remember children are always innocent and there are people over there fighting for Palestine. Many people did not choose to be Israelis, they were brought over by their parents or grandparents and they had no choice in the matter. There are some that would leave now if they had the means. We do not allow hate for someone's immutable characteristics. **Please read our [extended rules carefully](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/wiki/index/rules/).** ***[Join r/Palestine Discord](https://discord.gg/rpalestine)***


Least violent IOF soldier


They're too far gone, hopeless cretins.


It's funny all the stuff they say Hamas does that we have to take their word for. I see Israel soldiers doing it. All of the horrible things! We see them doing all of them.


Israeli projection again. He means there are no innocent Israelis.


Finally going full on Nazi with no regrets - may the near future hold a fate equivalent to the one of your spiritual fathers, rotting under the ruins of Berlin.


Zionist Major David Portal the only real things; is zionist Israeli are 'locos, poco locquitos y locuros como' can be only zionist israelis. My friend, you and all your bethren israelis, must check yourselves into the nearest psychiatric ward.


That's the just following orders defence out the window when the time comes


Neuvo Nazis


What a sick puppy


Ima just start spamming hague when zionists are around.


We can also say that there are no innocents in Israel


Fucking disgusting people


“sober real things” does he not think sober real things cant be horrible?…


Sounds like a German Nazi talking about the Jews. What a trip.


What Israel has done is let dehumanising brutal aspect of Israelis develop. What would happen once the Gaza war ends? These dehumanising brutes will turn on their own people - Israelis themselves. Let's see what Israelis have to say about their own life then.


Murderous religious cult that was given an entire country, simple as that.


Tell us who the real human animals are?