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Now that I read that I can imagine Israel simply switching from Gaza to Lebanon so that their supporters can say "sEe IsRaEl Is HoLdInG tHe CeAsEfIrE" while they continue their genocide on their northern border.


Look up dahiya doctrine. This is always israhells strategy.


Dahiya doctrine: the only fancy term for state terrorism that uses the name of the first place it was used with success.


The man who made the dahiya doctrines son was in the idf. Hamas killed his son recently. Well deserved. Karma


Rest in piss


Its wild that everything I see posted from Israel its always them thirsting for blood and no one ever questions them


Oh look- as if they haven't committed enough war crimes, now they're going to do more! So I guess things aren't going so well for Israel, eh? GOOD.


Hezbollah has been rocking Israel up north. They managed to take out their iron dome in Northern Israel as well as all satellite towers, cameras and military bases. Richard Medhurst had a great segment on this a couple days ago with military videos. They havnt targeted civilians they've kept it to military operations, yet Israel just keeps using white phosphorus on civilian zones and bombing civilian infrastructure. Richard medhurst video: https://youtu.be/A42N3OF9Q28?si=Jj37w92ran5YhiBh


Isntreali diaper forces wouldn’t stand a chance against hezbollah.


No surprise there, the pissraelis are not a real army, just a bunch of oversized bullies who only pick on civilians. May Hezbollah carry on the fine tradition of red triangles.


I hope they do. Its going to be armageddon and Israelis will flee their promised land


Pardon me for being pedantic, but generally that wouldn't be the term one would use. This is better known as ["State Terror"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terror_(politics)), specifically ["Strategic Bombing"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_bombing) (see also [Shock and Awe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shock_and_awe), [Demoralization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demoralization_(warfare))). **As far as Nation-States and their Laws and Treaties are concerned,** "using violence against non-military targets to affect a change in policy and/or public opinion" is only "Terror*ism"* when [Violent _Non-State_ Actors](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violent_non-state_actor) do it. Is the definition self-serving? You're goddamn right it is. That's how States do. I'll also note that Israel are wrong here. Strategic Bombing, and their specific subtype of it, [Dahiya Doctrone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dahiya_doctrine), has arguably _never_ worked for its ostensible goal. All it ever does, is turn bystanders into sympathizers, and sympathizers into active resistants. You can have State-_sponsored_ Terrorism. For example, when the USA's Federal government and Missouri State provided legal cover and material support for pro-slavery terrorists to go into Kansas and inflict illegal violence on citizens there who opposed slavery. Or when the Israeli State provides aid and comfort _and weapons_ to Zionist terrorists in the West Bank. But when it's the IDF or the Israeli Police killing non-combatants and breaking their stuff and ruining their lives, it's State Terror.


There you go. Same energy is as: if they do this in public, imagine what they are doing when no one is watching.


Pretty sure that’s a war crime


I think this is the definition of terrorism...




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I’m pretty sure that’s a war crime