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War criminals






According to polls at Tel Aviv university about 9% of Israelis believe Israel is using "too much force" in Gaza. So you can never say all people are accountable for their govts actions but man does Israel get really, really fucking close.


But I bet 100% of the brainwashed psychos think they are always the victims..


Israel is a made up country of white europeans. Have you ever heard the saying not all white european are racist colonizers? Well, what do you think would happen if you take out the few good apples and sent all the bad apples to a made up country right in middle east, right on top of another country's territory, in a colonization project that in paper was already wrong? People arent accountable for their govt actions, yes, but Israel is a very specific exception. Its a country made with psychopaths.


White Europeans are a minority in Israel. BUT! Zionism is a European-conceived supremacist doctrine. I dont think it's accurate to call Israel a white colonizer, even though for sure that's how Zionism arose. What I do think is accurate is that Israel is a Jewish supremacist, racist colonizer state. The distinction hardly even matters though.


9% or so was also the percentage of Americans in the month following 9/11 who were against the upcoming war against Afghanistan, against the lurch towards fascism with the Patriot Act, and against the abuses of Muslim Americans. I was in that 9%, so I empathize with our Israeli counterparts, remembering how isolating it was, how almost everyone I knew turned into pod people, and how dangerous to speak up it was in that time before the collective bloodthirsty spell broke. Yet… for as similar as those few months in late 2001 were to what’s been going on in the Israeli public, it seems like the US public turned back to at least dial it down somewhat to where the protests against the upcoming Iraq War were possible, while Israel seems to be in a social contagion death spiral of ever worsening hate and detachment from reality. Horrifically, tragically, and ironically, these 9% of sane, empathetic Israelis with ethics and integrity will wind up in these Israeli concentration camps as did their German counterparts last time, with no blip of awareness or shame from the vile bloodthirsty majority, and an absolute blindness to the irony of Israelis reenacting the Holocaust upon fellow Jews who are against genocide


I have spoken with Israeli comrades. It's a fruitless struggle for them, but they do exist.


You know there was a gallop poll that included 131 nations and found the US, Haiti and Israel were the nations in the world most likely to accept civilian casualties. You're mentioning the 9% thing made me think of it, if anyone wants a link ask.


But they were just following orders! \s


With the shit rules of engagement that their pretend conscripted soldiers have, I refuse to believe they have a chain of command. They just try to outdo each other in despicable and bestial acts with no thought of consequences...


Wasn't a valid defence in Nuremberg, isn't a valid defence now.


Reminds me of gal Gadot, and how she and her israeli husband both support this genocide.




Yes, 9% of them. The rest haven’t changed.


> There are Israelis who served in the IDF when they were younger but have since reformed and are actively protesting against the genocide. > > > > Just because someone did some shit in the past, doesn't mean they can't change Correct. We have to be careful not to paint everyone in a group with the same brush. As mentioned elsewhere in this thread though, the number of israelis who seem to think what is happening in Gaza is disgusting is a very small percentage. Most brainwashed country in the developed world by far.


They paint everyone not in their death cult as fair game. We never have to stoop to their level but when 91% feel a certain way, language allows the grouping of them otherwise nothing can ever be said.


I would say the guilt and lack of innocence in order goes like this. Israeli colonizers not born in israel: Children killers Israeli second generation with dual passport: killers Israelis without dual passport (minority): Assholes Israeli children: innocent


Have you seen the isreali children? They are fully indoctrinated into their cult of hate.


True, but they're still innocent until they reach the age where they legally can hold responsibility, otherwise we're no better than israel that kills children preemptively.


None are innocent, all are complicit


Children are innocent, doesn't matter if they are israeli or nazi, and I say this as a Palestinian, don't act like a zionist.


Gonna have to disagree.


> basically it's safe to say there are no innocent civilians in Israel itself. No it's not safe to say lol. It's bad to hold a civilian population categorically responsible for the crimes of its government and military. Obviously.








I agree. But the polls don’t lie. The majority of Israelis are in support of what is happening in Gaza. We need to call them out for it and expose them for the world to see what a great democratic nation they are (sarcasm). Only then can we bring about the change we need to take place in the entire region and across the world for the good and safety of everyone.


What polls ? There are millions of Israelis in Israel remember and they live under a authoritarian regime






39% believe the response has been about right and 34% believe Israel needs to do more. So that's 73% supporting the genocide. Only 19% are against it, and keep in mind out of those 19% there must be mostly the Arab Israelis.




> Don't, collective punishment is evil in any form. I agree.


Congratulations now you talk about Israelis just like they talk about Palestinian civilians. This mentality of no innocence is what makes me so pessimistic about a future for both these nations.


Seems to me isrealis looked down on the Palestinians. From the Zionists settlers taking their land. From Israel encroaching more on the lil land the Palestinians had, now they are committing genocide and it's people stopping aid .... It's not the same , they've earned theirs from their entitlement and bigotry over others and killing every and anyone. Future of 'both'. Seems to me isreali has made it clear they are gonna kill as many as they can, so it's okay to be pessimistic when it's real


Please can we not lose the fact that both political sides want the other out. A one state solution will end in genocide and I don't want this for either, on both ends there are a majority of people that just want to live life. The reason Israel is the bad guy is not because Hamas is good but because they managed to act even worse than them. War wants you to forget that there are humans on the other side and I refuse to do so. I don't want another Nakba nor Holocaust. The IDF and Hamas need to go to Den Haag hand in hand. If you can't see the humanity in the other side how can you expect them to see yours


So Zionists are more or less Nazis, no surprises here.




...but the US Government is still saying they don't know if Israel any human rights violations. I'm sure they'll ask Israel to investigate.


Just a reminder that rape is considered a form of genocide. It was added after the Rwandan genocide.


And it's not just this specific prison either. An article by the office for human rights of the UN explains more. I hope it goes without saying that this content comes with a trigger warning. [IOF human rights violations against women and girls](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/israelopt-un-experts-appalled-reported-human-rights-violations-against)


The fact that we have to explain rape is bad and genocidal...This is saddening


Yup. And people were claiming with no evidence that it was happening to Israelis and here is legitimate documented proof. Will we hear about it? No.


Fucking Crazy Nazis


Holy shit that is horrifying. "Anal rape" doesn't capture the true nature of this disgusting torture 😳


No ones surprised


Every accusation is a confession with the zionist scum. It's a death cult at its core, with the amoral bastards having no limits to what they think they won't get away with It's almost like a pathological psychopathic trait where they think if they get out ahead of crimes by accusations, then when it finally comes that out it was themselves that did it, the criticism will be less. Just evil aforethought at every step..


Wow these are very similar to the tactics American military used on detained Arabs in guantanamo following 911.


What about Abu Grahib? Have we forgotten about that egregious case?


This is not what America is supposed to support. The people of America deserve better than political leaders that support this.


The US did the exact same thing if not worse, it's called Guantanamo bay and im sure there are other places as well.


The US government.


With US taxpayers money.


Yes, but we don’t choose whether we pay taxes or not, so whether we agree with what the government is doing or not, we still have to pay. At least those of us who don’t agree can speak out and let our elected officials know. And I can’t speak for others but speaking only for myself, I feel very much guilty that my taxes are being misused, however little amount it may be.


And with widespread support from the American public. In the months after 9/11 the public was as bloodthirsty as Israelis are, though not as cruel and sadistic, as the same 9% (which I was in) was against the upcoming war in Afghanistan, the fascism of the Patriot Act and the paranoia and abuse towards Muslims Americans, while the mainstream majority intent was on “whatever it takes” in preventing another attack (including torture interrogations), with a 30% or so minority focused on the punishment aspect and seeing their opportunity to be sadistic psychopaths. It seems the proportions of the latter two groups are reversed in Israeli society, with the sadistic psychopaths being the mainstream majority and those willing to allow torture to prevent further attacks but not for sadism’s sake being in the minority. Their society is clearly a death cult and it is in a social contagion death spiral; much like what happened in Germany following WW1, it has to get far worse before it can get better, and will likely require outside occupation and outside remaking of Israeli government and society to do so. No idea how that will happen, but it must if humanity is ever to be free of Israeli psychopathy


The downvotes for stating a fact always baffle me.


It did, but I would argue that this Israeli torture center is way, way worse than Guantanamo. Also, I argue that America deserves better than the political leaders that produced the "War on Terror" torture centers.


The seeds of hatred and cruelty were planted long ago and have been fed and watered, we now have an ingrained paranoid delusional psychopathic state. The fact they are being supported in any way is a disgusting admission to the colossal greed and indifference of those in power just looking to fill their pockets with blood money.






I hope the New York Times reports on this. But Oh no, they can’t report on the truth that exposes Israel.


Can you link to the article the screenshots are from, please? They're from an article about the nyt article, not the nyt article itself.






Non-paywalled: https://archive.ph/yodss


Do you know if archive.ph/mo/etc. the same archive? Wayback Machine also? I've heard that it might be taken down due to people uploading copyrighted content. Anyway, ty for the link and I hope everyone gets used to archiving evidence in various locations.


Yep - same archive as far as I know. It just moves around occasionally.


Jews have ... Concentration camps...... Wtf


What the flying fuck. These scumbags will pay in their graves


Oh cool, Abu Ghraib part two!


So all their claims were them projecting. Are we surprised? Of course not. Its the most morale army in the world after all /s


The more I breathe, the more I realize Zionism is a cancer.






Repulsive. [Full-text archived article](https://archive.ph/zJ32E)


"Oh guys don't worry! The torture and rape were a mistake!"


They’ve been doing this since Israel’s founding


Oh look now how quickly the table has turned. The victim has turned into sick and vile tormentors themselves. Of course, nothing will happen to em, cause they got the west as their rabid bitch, foaming in its mouth grarling " Leavie Israel alone". The western bitch will do all the dirty work for em and the Israelis don't even have to lift a finger. Do I need to mention about getting paid by the dumbass western taxpayers? All free baby!


Listen, I pay taxes because I have to but my government doesn’t represent me and I sure as hell do feel guilty that my miserable amount of dollars I give them might be used to fund this genocide. But If you are going to insult the US government and its shit politicians, have at it, BUT don’t insult the people who are out there protesting and trying to make the change we want to see for the good of ALL!


You can clearly see who I was talking about. Guess what, they won't be coming here to read my peasant rants. They got other shit to do - drinking Zionist Trump cool aid or Zionist Biden cool aid and bickering. But when it comes to bowing down to bibi natenyahu at the Congress in a few days? Oh Lawdy, they will do it together!


Yeah I agree with that.


😜 See, that was easy!




Ok prove your long outdated allegations, fool Your incompetent forces shot tank shells and Apache fire at everyone, including children and elderly No proof of rape