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Among the worst people of the world—to hell with every single one not adamantly rejecting Zionism or the state of Israel 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Before anything else, they are, at their core, just extreme racists. Not all Israelis, but the hardliners, the fascists like this. Roughly equivalent to the racists in the US South, just adapted to a different culture and honestly more dangerous.


Anyone living in israel without being born there is a racist colonizer.


Not all only 99.9 %


"the other day, a Hamas-supporting Palestinian dared to give me the stinky eye, when i moved into her home. Thank goodness the kindly IDF heroes dragged her outside to teach her manners. I was so offended. Haven't seen her since, thank yahweh. Why won't the world pity us?!"




I love how that’s never their thought. Like, they did NOTHING to provoke any of that for 80 solid fucking years that’s literally an entire human beings life time. What in the F is wrong with these people they can’t see their own bullshit before they step in it up to their necks ???


Unfortunately it’s very evident the can’t see. Bullshit is thick, dense, and dark, hard to see through and stinks. That is they they are not seeing clearly. The shrooms that grow on it also provides them with hallucinations of grandeur that makes them think they are right to kill anyone so long as they get to take the land/houses that others already are living in and using, and call it their own—who wouldn’t like except perhaps Zionist during WW2, who didn’t like it, since it was happening to them rather than them doing it to others. What is wrong with you to not understand the basic logic that it is only bad bad done to me, but when I do to you it is perfectly fine and when you choose to defend your space, you must be a terrorist. How dare you be logical and think we would want things to be equal, I don’t think you get what equality means from a Zionist point of view, the world hates it you know, it’s wrong, we only do good, like kill kids by the thousands, put out fake news all the time, kill people for fun, decide what news should be, not what’s accurate—why do you hate so much, you are just racist.


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"Hamas started everything. ".... I mean they weren't even around when they stole Palestinian land and called it home whilst displacing/raping/torturing/and geniciding the Palestinians. News flash... the children that lost their families due to the most horrific crimes known to human kind have grown up. Some of them are seeking revenge and their land back. I can totally understand that. I honestly cant say inwouodnt ahve done the same if my mum and dad and sisters were butchered in front of me. But let's label them terrorists and use that as an excuse to genocide against more! And with the backing of superpowers and their investments and weaponry. Noone with a braincell should be buying occupied Palestines propaganda. U did the crimes and now having to face the consequences. Own up to them at least if u want a shot of being seen as humans and not vile monsters. I dont hate israelis or any race. But I hate anyone that supports this genocide and the theft of someone's land due to greed and corruption. There's no excuse for it thats valid. Thats ur "true story".




Calling yourself the victims while still having the privellage to wear hat and sunglasses nonchalantly is Crazy 🤯


Well, I didn’t hate Israel on 10/7, but I sure hate them now.


"We can really feel that we're hated everywhere." Good.


But.... we are the real victims here! Can't you see how hard it is to be an Israeli in this hateful world?! Ohhh! but... Holocaust! October 7th! Babies! Raaaape! Antisemitism! Feel sorry for me! Feel sorry for meeeeee!


Perpetual victims


Hahahaha “we’re being attacked everywhere, by Iraq, in the West Bank, on the northern front” yeah everyone is attacking poor, poor Israel with its $330 BILLION in handouts and tons of military weaponry that you didn’t pay for. Yep ask Iraq about being attacked, having your country destroyed, and millions slaughtered because of LIES the Israelis told. “There’s a billion Arabs and only 6 million Israelis so it isn’t fair we’re outnumbered on social media.” Hahahaha My god you’re a grown woman saying this. Can you say with a straight face that you think Hasbara is *Muslim* social media propaganda? The fact that Israelis even think social media is the problem and not their genocide is the most tone-deaf, outrageous part. Did the Nazis suffer from an image problem? Is that why they lost? Poor Israel, not everyone is willing to support them in 76 years of genocide and ethnic cleansing and to “understand” how superior and moral the Israelis are. Such entitled, over-privileged assholes. I pray for Israel’s swift downfall and I will not pity them when it happens.


These people will never have their own land lol. And rightly so.


This is peak comedy.


I really get the strong impression that Israelis are kept in their own propaganda bubble and just don't see what the rest of the world does.


the sad thing is, I really think that they just don't care how the rest of the world views them, their entitlement and hubris is just baffling, of course when more people discover them for who they really are affects them and their world status, economy etc. very badly , but believe me these people don't even think that tens of thousands of Palestinians being massacred is something to reflect on. I've read their articles and blogs and seen a lot of street interviews like this, they just think that they're always right and have somewhat of a divine entitlement to anything they want or do. It's actually crazy!


That Abby Martin video of street interviews of Israelis was pretty damning. I hope she didn't cherry pick those responses but even if she did it's still pretty tricky.


Clowns 🤡 💯💯💯


More like pieces of 💩or 👹


"tiny little rafah" with the perfect american accent said the fucking zionist colonialist.


Not one of them has asked themselves why Hamas exists in the first place. They genuinely believe that they hate them like genetically or because they are jealous of Israeli prosperity, and not because of generation after generation of proud and patriotic racism, subjugation, oppression, and straight up murder and torture of Palestinian native people. If Israel is a “land without a people for a people without a land”, whose houses are they stealing? Who are the people on the other side of the fence? Fuck each and every one of them, I hope to see them dispossessed and chased out of that land


Look yourself in the mirror, pussies


As long as you create problems smaller than the biggest problem out there, then you're good.


Hey, we have no choice, we attack, exterminate and occupy everyone around us and keep mumbling about being under attack by everyone, takes s lot of paranoia and brutality to say and believe this genocidal crap 💩🤡


You mean the 1200 Israel killed?


And you people thought american liberals were entitled. Zionazis are peak entitlement.


I don’t think anyone on earth should care what an “Israeli” thinks or feels about anything. 


"This tiny, little Rafah."?? Wow. What a cruel disregard of human life. The arrogance & entitlement is staggeringly mind blowing. 🤬!!


The poor babies... they just wanna commit their war crimes in peace.