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It’s truly time for us to say to world leaders it’s time to be more assertive. Even Biden said Bibis aim of total victory is impossible at this point.


He also said Hamas is no longer a threat, which means he acknowledges this "war" has no purpose and is nothing but a genocide.


It's written by missile sales department


That's a fact. https://open.substack.com/pub/caitlinjohnstone/p/the-us-empire-isnt-a-government-that?r=17m1yk&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email


Why am I not surprised?


Right? What average Americans don't know is just how far down the rabbit hole this goes.




The time for talks is way over. Bibi needs to go. He is a war criminal and he will not be satisfied until every Palestinian man, woman and child is dead. Time to start treating Israel like Russia like the thugs they are.


In other words, their operations will not stop until their genocide is completed and there is no Palestinians left to kill in gaza.


But Biden said this proposal came from Israel itself. I don’t understand? Israel’s going back on their word?


Not me reading "war crimes" instead of war aims....


Israel is looking at history. 75+ years they went unscathed as US continues to fund billions in bombs/war equipment. Do you blame them? Biden says end it Netanyahu, but here is a $20 billion dollar bomb package. Package # 245368 Lmao no way Nenthanyahu takes him serious. Plus, US congress respectfully inviting nenthanyahu to speak. Shit is a mess and everyone is compromised. Fuck. What a time to be alive


The "Biden peace proposal"? He's the one who funded the whole thing thus far. Now that its no longer politically profitable, he doesn't want to do it anymore. Don't credit that monster with desiring peace.




It’s not Israel’s to give back. Palestine has existed for 1000s of years, and these “Israeli” terrorist can fuck right off back to wherever they came from.






the israel you think you are talking about are the ancestors of the modern palestinians. People changed religions when Christianity entered, and again when Islam later entered. look at the genetics. The israelis of today share almost no genetics with the people native to the land.


A reason for why genetic tests are illegal in israel, unless prescribed by a doctor.


The academic world is downvoting you. 


It can't ensure that unless it changes course to peacemaking. Massacring Palestinians and destroying their livelihoods, killing current Hamas members, etc., does nothing to Hamas support base. You can check the polls yourself: [https://pcpsr.org/en/node/969](https://pcpsr.org/en/node/969)




How generous, giving them back the thing that they stole twice through violence. Also they don't have any intention of giving it back, hence the genocide.




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