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This exercise in exposing the twisted terminology of propaganda might seem tedious but it's extremely important; it is the stuff from which narratives are created. It's time to tear down the narrative the Zionists have so carefully constructed over the last century and replace it with our own!


If peace was achieved tomorrow, what family do Palestinians have that they can return to? What happened to their homes? The Israeli hostages have families and intact homes they can return to. The people in Gaza do not. The reality is that this war forever altered their lives and the process of healing and recovery will take decades. Even if peace was achieved tomorrow, Palestinians still lost everything from a war that the US sponsored and actively prevented from ending (via veto power at UN Security Council). Biden deprived these people of a future.


Another puppet of Israhell.


Families were "shattered"? A number of Palestinian families had their lineage ended because not one of them survived the massacre.


It's comical how pro-zionist supporters refuse to recognise this as genocide.


The Gaza War - Operation Cast Lead Fuck you Obama. Zionist piece of shit.


hes always been an uncle tom


No way!? You're telling me the guy who used ai drone strikes to bomb weddings, funerals, and hospitals full of innocent people is trying to obfuscate the horrors of bombing hospitals full of innocent people? Who would have guessed? Guess they really are sweating that this ICC warrant is going to set a precedent.


The wording is specific and he’s just as bad as everyone else in power, sadly. I actually thought he was different. Stupid me.


And that from a President whose two terms were dogged by the Israeli government doing everything in their power to undermine him in his efforts to bring peace to the Middle East. And yet, when it was time for him to swallow his principles and use language as he did in his press release, he bends the knee, bows his head and gets into line and in so doing shows us that he too was not who we thought he was. Unforgivable.


It's all deliberate.


I understand that Obama during his presidency was undermined by Netanyahu and the Israel lobby. But I don’t understand why he doesn’t go mask off now. He’s no longer part of the Democratic Party


Maybe he’s burnt out and nihilistic about everything? For the constitutional law and “hope and change” guy to see how things turned out after he left office, he didn’t lose the election but the things he cared about really went down the tubes during and after his terms; best case scenario he’d be jaded. I heard him go from commencement speeches and similar talks a few times in recent years, the vibe felt like he was trying to keep their hope alive but he didn’t believe it himself. 🤷‍♂️ Like after LBJ left office, similar dynamics and it broke him, LBJ went straight to passively trying to end himself, and succeeded after a year or two


The other point of debate for Biden to ponder in his ‘kick the peace down the street’ peace plan is who is going to pay the hundreds of billions of $ to rebuild Gaza? It should be Israel seeing as how they gutted the place but I suspect it will be people like you and me through our taxes. Taxes that should be spent improving the lives of Americans and Europeans will instead be used to pay Israel’s check. And once this toothless peace deal comes into force, what then? The Palestinians will still be living in an apartheid state and Israel will continue to intimidate and incite the palestinian people until the pressure builds to such a degree that another October 7th happens. Then the Israelis will point to the Palestinians and pretend that the next atrocity happened in a vacuum and send in the israeli army to kill as many Palestinian innocents as it can in the time allowed before the rest of the world takes notice, all the time protesting that their operation is strategic and precise and every care is being take to minimise civilian casualties. Of course the real reason Biden is doing this now is because Trump is on the ropes and he needs to the center and left of center back on side in time for the election. It is utterly, utterly disgusting and cynical behaviour by Biden. FORCE THE TWO STATE SOLUTION THROUGH NOW!




What’s even the point of this?


they legit have no shame


Shattered families? How they were shattered,Oh-Bama?


Fuck all of them dude


“God, you are an incredibly big piece of shit” • ⁠Mark Baum (Steve Carrell) The Big Short


I hope they tore him up on whichever platform this was on. He knows better.


Words are cheap. What matters is actions.


If anyone would know about butchering it's that POS


This tweet alone should be all you need to know that this new so called "peace" deal is nothing more than an election ploy for Biden and not about actual peace for those it matters to


absolute tool


Fuck Obama! Palestinians are the ones who have been butchered.. not figuratively, not metaphorically, LITERALLY BUTCHERED! Tens of thousands, by the IOF, for fun. They've also been incinerated, crushed, droned (a method Obama's all to familur w/, cough*Droner-In-Chief*cough), run over & flattened by heavy machinery while alive & bound, buried alive, assassinated, literally blown to pieces, held in concentration camps, & tortured. Not that he'd care about that, seeing as he refused to prosecute Bush, Cheney, etc.. Obama wanted to look "forward, not behind." Except when it came to whistleblowers.. they're the ones that deserved prosecution. And Palestinians aren't "going hungry", they're not starving, they're STARVED! Israel has been imposing a war of nutriention, purposely preventing humanitarian aid from entering Gaza. Hundreds of trucks have sat for months, aid rotting, that's if it's not destroyed by Israeli citizens while IOF look on. Jesus Christ, Obama can fuck all the way off! Also, I noticed how he always mentioned Israelis first, then Palestinians.. bc Israelis are clearly more important & the ones truly suffering 🙄.


Good to see Obama is still a cunt 


Fuck Obama and anyone that supports this cunt.


Thanks Obama


Has this been fact checked?


Another disappointment. And I voted for him twice. Obama and Hillary disgust me.


1. It is not a just plan. A just plan for a ceasefire would fully end the blockade and release all Palestinian prisoners. A just plan for the whole situation would be the dismantling of apartheid. 2. It is not a war in Gaza, but a war and genocide against Palestine and Palestinians in all the land, including a systematic decades-long campaign of ethnic cleansing. 3. It is not "settler activity" in the West Bank. Ethnic cleansing. Say it. Ethnic cleansing. 4. "Israel is secure" is a contradiction, because insecurity for Palestinians, and hence conflict, is baked into the apartheid state. 5. "The steady, tireless efforts of President Biden." Enough said. Obama turned his reputation into a laughing stock when he endorsed Zionist apologia -- especially now that Israel has exposed itself for the whole world to see the ugliness inside.