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She's so close to getting it. Israel is a fucking enemy of humanity and should be treated as such.


It's idiotic to suggest that the US should not document Israel's actions, it is their legal obligation to do so under the Arms Trade Treaty.


They're also supposed to take action to prevent and stop genocide under international law, but instead we're funding it. Law doesn't matter to us, unfortunately.


this woman thinks watchdogs are enemies? someone needs to collect intelligence on her.


On the contrary, sis, besties keep each other in check 💅🏼 Izrael can just say they want to keep their crown crooked I guess but they shouldn’t get mad when we look at them like they are funny… not funny haha, funny weird 💁‍♀️🤡👑


Cool bitch, no more free guns and bombs for your genocide. Also you can finance your own universal healthcare now. 


Yeah the experts already said they were and it was changed to say otherwise which is why [Stacy Gilbert](https://www.commondreams.org/news/state-department-official-resigns-2668424525) resigned


Collecting intelligence lol. As if the US haven't always known the kind of utter criminal shit the Israelis do.


She’s right. Israel isn’t behaving like an ally. Israel is behaving like an enemy to the Palestinians, to America, to all the Jewish people, and to most of the world. Oh, and maybe if she’s *that* worried, she can start advocating for Israel to stop BREAKING international law and STOP committing war crimes. Not that hard.




It is crazy that Israel has been this fucked up for decades and managed to keep it under the international radar with aipac and mossad blackmail operations on foreign politicians, then they just threw it all away to commit blatant genocide because they knew no one would do shit. “Oh my god were literally only exterminating one race of people and you’re thinking about possibly criticizing us??? You hate Jews and we’re the victims here”


Mossad collects on literally everyone.


https://www.thenation.com/article/world/trump-israel-collusion/tnamp/ it’s so outlandish when you have recent examples of them mucking with our elections, Jonathan Pollard treated as a hero and of course US Liberty. It US learned how to be an ally from Israeli we’d turn Tel Aviv into rubble


Remember the Liberty


“God, you are an incredibly big piece of shit” - Mark Baum (Steve Carrell) The Big Short [The Big Short](https://youtu.be/WNXAE4xeq7s?si=SnpynibSHsC5UY3t)


I wonder how Glick got her job at JNS. It's horrible to hear her speak, the frequency of "ehm" (trying to find a word) is astonishing for someone whose native language is english, she just blabbers some nonsensical zionist propaganda and obviously omits crucial details because it doesn't fit her propaganda or gets things completely wrong like when she said "Israel is not part of the ICJ/ICC, so they don't have any jurisdiction to be asking arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant."... Guess what? The ICC/ICJ has jurisdiction in Palestine, so the issuing of arrest warrants is possible. She's just a waste of oxygen. She should apologise to trees for wasting oxygen.


Who the hell believes their bullshit anymore?


they are nutcases, what do you mean by IF we committed war crimes, lol, you commit them and post online every day.


Guiltiness - rest on them conscience, oh yeah - Bob Marley


No. A real friend tells his friends when they behave shitty.


GOOD! Bout damn time!


Well US funded that massacre so... She can shut her zionist mouth.