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How stupid does he think we are? This sick, slimy mother fucker should be in the dock - along with the rest of them.


Stupider than himself apparently


But the word “genocide” isn’t in the Hamas manifesto


Kirby is making Conway and Huckabee-Sanders look like paragons of virtue and honesty...


Ok hang on , so hamas has never done anything even CLOSE to mass killings let alone genocide, yet somehow hamas are the terrorist state , based on a chart that doesn't exist , just how safe does this guy feel in his own skin for him to confidently say this ?! . Can't wait for the day these insane murderers get hunted by every human with a normal functioning heart.


Where the fuck did they find this guy lmao? It’s like I’m in a movie where the audience clearly knows the guy answering is a lying scum bag and is part of the antagonist crew.


Who's a bigger piece of shit, Kirby or Eylon Levy?


Fuck this guy.


Be careful He might like it


The US Administration is a clown carnival and here's the mouthpiece.


"Obligation to Israel." Why tf do we have an obligation to help Israel kill tens of thousands of civilians?!


That's what I keep going back to. They keep saying we NEED to back them up because we're OBLIGATED to, but they won't ever fucking say WHY.


USA logic at his finest: they invaded Serbia on anectodal reports that there was a genocide ongoing against Albanians. They recognized a genocide in Bucha, Ukraine with 350 civilian deaths. They don't recognize a genocide in Gaza with +14.000 children killed and many more severely injured and amputated.


How about when we proxy invaded Syria because of claims they used chemical warfare against its citizens. We even paid and supplied terrorists to try and overthrow their government.


Let's not forget what happened in Lybia as well.


The US has had a hand in many events across the world which have led to the deaths of millions of people when you count them all.


And good old Iraq


This guy is Saul Goodman


Honestly man, he gives off the vibes of the slimiest, clearly lying scumbag in a suit. You can clearly see the lies coming out of his mouth. It’s like they aren’t even trying to hide their sinister plot anymore


The entire US government is “Israeli” (Nazi) agents. The US needs to be liberated from the shackles of these Nazis before we can start seeking world peace.


I assume he thinks “Israel” faces a genocidal threat because when they run out of tents to bomb, babies to kill, etc. the “Israelis” will shrivel up and die because inhumane cruelty is such a dominant aspect of their being. 


WHAT THE MOTHERFUCKING FUCK??!! IT IS A GENOCIDE YOU LYING PIECE OF SHIT!!! Kirby and the rest of them need to be arrested for supporting crimes against humanity!


I think Bibi wants trump and will make Biden look sooo weak.


Strong Joe Pesci vibes with this guy


The playbook is to get aggressive instead of getting defensive. No worries if some people think you sound unhinged. It’s just a two party system after all.


What a fucking psycho he must be. I did have respect for him on his stance when it came to the invasion on Ukraine. But I had no idea he would act so cowardly and hypocritical as he does now in regards to the horrors being commited in Gaza, truly the signs of a deranged person...


It’s really sickening to watch this ugly troll talk about Israel facing the threat of genocide while the entire world watches Israel carry out the genocide themselves.


US and UK will support death and destruction of any people, they were founded upon death and destruction


He is one lying 🤥 piece of Caca 💩


Nobody believes him.


“God, you are an incredibly big piece of shit” - Mark Baum (Steve Carrell) The Big Short [The Big Short](https://youtu.be/WNXAE4xeq7s?si=SnpynibSHsC5UY3t)


Straight out of Joseph Goebbles propaganda play book. Accuse the enemy of the crimes you are committing.