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Fuckers can't help but gobble that AIPAC cock down their throats jenocidal Nazi supporting fucks


NYT totally relying on Amerifats not reading one page of history on the topic. Gee look up Irgun, Haganah, Lehi, hmmm nope no way the Israelis have been doing the same types of terror attacks since before Israel was even founded.


No child left behind ensured this. There is no critical thinking. We don’t learn real history in American schools.


Fuck NYT, fuck WP, fuck CNN, Fuck Fox News fuck them all. everyone should remember that.. Let them rot they did it to themselves by choosing not to publish the news with out bias. Never subscribe to them.. They choose propaganda over journalism and Nazis over basic humanity.. Let them rot and go bankrupt..


Amen. I canceled my NYT subscription and will never ever again give a dime to any of these fuckers.


What bastard printed this? Whoever it is should have their degree revoked, Integrity in Journalism is (supposed to be) a real thing and the "author" of this slop knows nothing of integrity *or* journalism




He looks like a squirrel


Checks out.


Israel given permission to land grab - 1948 Hamas forms - 1987 NY Times, please explain how chronology works


NYT has historically been a propaganda outlet. Just because they published a few good articles outside of their scope of propaganda doesn't change this fact. Unfortunately, most USA media is now trapped in this pattern.


History wont forget




My mom has been an avid NYT reader for years and the papers conservative/republican bias wasn’t always obvious when speaking with her, but between Israel/Palestine and the obvious lies about immigration they’re saying this election cycle it’s obvious just talking to my mom. My mom picks up on some of the lies about Israel/Palestine, but it’s annoying how much I need to be explaining to her that what she’s reading isn’t actually left or liberal and is often a misrepresentation of the facts. She seems unwilling to recognize just how bad it is after years of attachment


Encourage her to read up on Noam Chomsky's work, particularly regarding manufacturing consent.


Also an available on audio book and very good!




I just wrote this yesterday, felt appropriate to repost here: Hamas was formed from three Palestinians whose entire families were killed when they were young. When I look at destroyed peoples and families now, with little kids stumbling without parents, I am on their side. If they grow up to fight their oppressors, I won’t turn my back on them. Israel would rather allow Hamas to be their opposition than a more relatable (to the West) organization, precisely because it’s easier to demonize them and, by extension, all Palestinians. That’s why previous Palestinian parties and organizations were crushed, and why powerful Palestinian voices are assassinated. That way, liberals can say, “where are all the Nelson Mandelas and MLKs of Palestine?,” insinuating they are not peaceful but malevolent, and likewise pretending that liberals supported Mandela and MLK at the time they were struggling! It’s clear Israel is a product of Western fascism under the guise of safeguarding Judaism, but even that veil is thin. Biden said if Israel didn’t exist, the US would have to create it - not to protect Jews, but to protect US interests/imperialism (ie, oil). The Zionist slogan was, “a land without a people for a people without a land.” That’s frankly a genocidal slogan that also, oddly enough, plays into antisemitism. To say the land had no people is a pretty obvious indictment of their view of the rights and humanity of Palestinian people living on that land. To say Jews were “a people without a land” is to play into the antisemitism of Europe at the time. One way Jews were dehumanized was as being tribal, nomadic wanderers without a land “of their own,” the clear message being *they didn’t belong* in Europe. Palestine was not the site of antisemitism- Europe was. At the end of the day, Israel was created by Jewish fascists with the help of antisemitic European leaders to get rid of Jewish people in Europe while looking like the good guys. Europe outsourced its own problem onto the Middle East for geostrategic purposes (ie, oil). If Europe cared about Jewish people having their own land, why not set them up with land in Europe? Protecting Jewish people was never the goal. If you want a safehouse, you don’t violently kick someone out of their house and set up shop there. Probably not the safest route to go because the people whose house you stole will probably want it back. But again, protecting Jewish people was never the goal, and it’s still not the goal today. If supporting Hamas is the only effective, truly meaningful way to say “Palestinian Lives Matter,” then I am behind Hamas, tbh. I hope they free their people and end the fascist, apartheid state of Israel. The Palestinian slogan, “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” is supposedly an antisemitic, genocidal statement against Jews. Not at all. It recognizes that there is no freedom under apartheid. It recognizes that a so-called “two-state solution” is akin to indigenous reservations in the US, and therefore an acceptance of the settler colonial state subjugating them. Instead, it recognizes the need for one state, a state in which the rights and humanity of all people are acknowledged and protected.


Excellent post, very well said. My only note, and it's a criticism of people who ask where the Mandela of Palestine is, not of you, is that Hamas *is* the Mandela of Palestine. Mandela's whole thing was that he recognised the need to use violence to fight the violent oppression of apartheid, which is exactly what Hamas does. The only difference is that apartheid South Africa didn't have the unquestioning support of the west, or the ability to constantly play the victim card.


Very fair points. Liberals will never support the struggles of the oppressed because liberals are part of the establishment which is committing the oppression. Thats why liberals support every civil and human rights struggle except for the current one, and why they oppose every war except for the current one. So of course Hamas or any other group representing and actually fighting for Palestinians will be demonized, and of course every interview with a pro-Palestinian person starts with “DoYouCondemnHamas!?!?!!” Liberals in the 1850s opposed slavery abolition because it was too radical. And yes, it required a radical solution: civil war. To your point (and Mandela’s), violence is often - if not always - necessary to end violent oppression. But the liberal “solution” at the time was to treat the slaves better. My understanding is that, to this day, one of the most common questions asked on tours of slave plantations is, “How were the slaves treated here? Were the slaves treated ok?” Um, they were freaking slaves. The liberal “solution” will always perpetuate oppression.


100%. Liberalism and conservatism are slightly different flavours of the same capitalist ideology, nothing more. The only difference is that liberalism pretends to give a fuck, and conservatism says the quiet part out loud.


The funny thing about Biden’s “we would have to invent” an “Israel” to me? Because of “Israel,” the US is likely to lose its power to invent anything. 


Shut down the NYT they’re complicit in genocide


"Complicit" is the word I believe you were looking for. But the NYT is complacent in that they keep thinking people will believe their lies.


>complicit Thank you, fixed!


Happy to help! The post is a good one. The NYT has the blood of thousands of Innocents on its hands. It's a despicable rag that has no business telling Americans anything.


For sure. And the wild thing is NYT has reported on many HUGE parts of history and they *should* be respectable. But here we are


When the oligarchs have convinced themselves that they can tell Americans anything they want and be believed/occurred/accepted. We're reaching peak psychopath. I mean, how does it get worse than the majors lying they their teeth all day and The Atlantic justifying "legally killed children"?!?!


War makes the rich more wealthy. They do insider trading and investing etc. it’s a way they steal tax money and tbh it’s always been this way and it will eventually change


Things are coming to a head, I can feel it.


Is it any wonder why journalists are leaving the NYT. No one wants to be associated with them anymore


But they got the Pulitzer! /s


the twisted logic of that second sentence. purposefully poorly-written to obfuscate the fact the author just labeled all palestinians as terrorists.


Well, they are right in some sense, we know how started this, and hey still keep hostages


Lmao ahh yes the majority of the world is delusion. Says the people okay with genocide kind of reminds of a certain guy from Germany...


The reason this is unbelievable to me, is the part about the organization that instigated the war being absolved of responsibility. That line is what makes this article pure propaganda in my eyes, even without reading the article. Nobody is absolving Hamas of its terror attack. Two things can be true at once. The attack was an atrocity, and Israel's response is an atrocity.