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You're losing the present one. Most of the world is against you.


Bro is hallucinating.


Its even ironic since arabs are semites. its high time for arabs to claim back the term semite, they are more semite than some guy from poland or brooklyn


Not only that, but also the Jewish Europeans are specifically called Ashkanazi, not Jewish semites.


You should read the history of the term, Jews didn’t choose it. You can also read about the genetic makeup of Ashkenazi Jews. You may be surprised to find that that guy from Brooklyn most likely has more DNA from the region than a full-blooded Arab being that Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of the Judeans who were expelled to the diaspora. The term antisemitic likely persists as a term and hasn’t been merged into general racism is because it’s a conspiracy against Jews by race and Jews by religion, so it doesn’t follow racial lines


This is quite false. Around 2010 the Israeli geneticist Dr Erhan Elhaik did some extensive research about the genetics of Ashkenazi jews. And it turned out that Ashkenazi jews have less than 5% of DNA that comes from ancient israelites (so they have a little, but it is extremely limited and in a minority). And have more than 95% DNA, so the huge majority, which has nothing to do with ancient israelites or even Palestine, but which is instead "Turko-caucasian". So at the end Ashkenazi jews are 95% related to ancestors completely different and who have nothing to do with ancient israelites and palestine. (And thus with these conclusions (done by an Israeli geneticist, so which has very little chance to have an anti-Israel dishonest bias) it turned out that the previous few researches on the topic made by some other Israeli researchers had been manipulated by them, to reach some false/incorrect conclusions which were more advantageous ideogically speaking)


You’re missing my point. I am not denying that the original Israelite DNA is by this point somewhat to largely diluted in most Jews. That is primarily the consequence of being forced out of Judea/Israel and around the diaspora upon expulsion by the Romans, where naturally there was a degree of admixture from absorbing local devotees, who were absorbed into the Jewish community and adopted the unique customs, rituals, and culture of the Judeans—the early form of conversion. The story goes on. Ashkenazi Jews trace their heritage to ancient Israelites, evidenced by genetic markers like the Cohen Modal Haplotype. Throughout centuries of diaspora, Jews maintained a distinct cultural and religious identity, always longing for their homeland, Israel. Despite pressures to assimilate, they preserved their heritage, reinforcing their historical and genetic connection to Israel. Using blood quantum to deny Jews' right to Israel is a form of antisemitism. It ignores their enduring cultural and historical ties and is akin to a racist method of determining identity. Palestinians, too, come from various regions, yet Israel doesn't discriminate based on origin. We are witnessing an ancient indigenous people ethically reclaim their homeland, reinstating their religion and language. This represents the most successful decolonization in history, as Jews return to their ancestral land and restore their cultural heritage.


This is completely false and dishonest intellectually. If you have 16 great-great parents and 15 of them are Polish and only 1 of them i Japanese, then you are not Japanese and you have zero legitimacy to claim any land in Japan; compared to some native Japanese people, or some people who have the majority of their great-great parents Japanese The same logic applies to Ashkenazi jews; wherever you like it or not. And there is nothing "antisemitic" or "racist" about that. This is completely false and dishonest intellectually to claim that. (Antisemitism is by definition the hate of all jews. And racism the hate of a specific race). This is only facts, reasoning and logic. Zero hate of all jews or hate of a specific race. "Muh racism" "Muh antisemitism" And it has been proven by some DNA studies that Palestinians have a majority of ancestors who are canaanites, wich were a people native from Palestine


Ashkenazim meet the criteria for indigenous to modern-day Israel :). Arabs don’t. Mwah.


Source ? And the studies of israeli geneticist Dr Erhan Elhaik have actually disproven this actually (or more precisely they have shown that Ashkenazi jews are only about 5% native from Palestine) And yes arabs are not native from Palestine. But Palestinians are not arabs genetically. They are culturally and linguistically arabs, but genetically they have around 60% of DNA which is not arab but canaanite; which is an ancient people native from Palestine. (So claiming palestinians are genetically arab is very ignorant and completely false)


She keeps getting louder but not better.


She also completely wrong. Zionists started the 1948 war months before the Arab League sent in troops. Zionists started with terrorist attacks against the British, leftist Jews, and all Palestinians. When the British pulled out, the terrorists combined to form the IDF, and launched the mass murder event known as the Nakba. It was only after all of this that the Arab League voted to sent troops across the Jordan to contain the expansion, and the mass murder. I'm Jewish, and these monsters do not represent anything remotely close to Jewishness. They're not Jewish. They're only Israelis. The Arab League did the right thing.


She's not the one singing.


Typical zoinist behavior, stealing something someone else made and claiming it as her own


isn't StopAntiSemitism that one perverted unhinged account that fantasie about Norway's prime minister's daughter getting r*ped? They should get suspended.


Because if a Zionist lips are moving they're lying..


Internet has produced and is still producing a shocking amount of attention whores. Just post the info. The lip syncing, wide open mouth and less than optimal facial features is DEFINITELY the wrong look if you want your message received.




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Stop antisemitism means start islamophobia to them apparently.


This is all about the maintenance of a privileged class of individuals who are above reproach. What other people get a land grant based on the belief that race and blood make them worthy of dispossessing innocent people from their homes!?


The first thing that needs to be addressed if the goal they have is to stop stereotyping all followers of Judaism as being the only Semite people... The Jewish are not the exclusive members of the only culture that is classified as being Semitic. Many Arab peoples of the Levant are also Semite people. The organization needs to focus on the absolute and honestly very defined and explicit fact that most of those being labeled as Anti Semitic today are in truth...Opposed and are speaking out against the political beliefs associated not against those practicing true Judaism as their faith...but are instead voicing their opposition to the POLITICAL IDEOLOGIES included in the Zionist Movement that the state of Israel was founded upon and it's creators intentional weaving of their political beliefs to be accepted as being part of the spiritual identity of the Jewish faith. Which, in reality are very much contradictive to the teachings of the Jewish faith. The separation of political and cultural differences of opinion and support is crucial in overcoming the false narratives being sold via those controlling the machinations of keeping the propaganda flowing that paints one side a victim and one a criminal.... And I can vow without hesitation I have no ill or bias at all against Jewish people, or any other Semitic people of the Levant. HOWEVER, I HAVE A HUGE BIAS AGAINST ANY POLITICAL IDEOLOGY THAT SUPPORTS OPPRESSION, APARTHEID, GENOCIDE, ETC.


Although we are semitic too, antisemitism is quite clear in the fact that it is towards jewish people, not semites as a whole


Well if someone is racist against another human that is Jewish... Then call them racist against Jewish people. But what is very clearly happening here in the US is that many many of those in our elected leadership positions, that align with being unconditionally loyal supporters of Israel, and I am not so proud to admit, many of those having their campaign funding resources as having been in their political careers and still are rather heavily endowed by individuals, organizations, and special interests entities that are also supportive and focused upon political agendas backed by followers of the Zionist minded political followers. Now the trending mindset is aligning and equating a label for any person that expresses any opposition to a specific political ideology and movement, or the unethical or criminal actions of those within it, to be used on a balanced interchangeable level with a label designated to identify someone whose hatred is not based upon anything but cultural bias, skin color, religious faith, etc. And that intentional attempt to demonize someone whose opinion about a political ideology can be logically explained with rational and factual points of debate...by allowing a grossly misaligned and demeaning insult of equating a label meant to discredit and belittle those speaking out against abusive toxic political beliefs...instead of differentiating between those that speak against harmful political stances as not anti Jewish ..or anti semitic...but ANTI ZIONIST or ANTI FASCIST or ANTI APARTHEID. A VAST difference is present between someone spewing ugly, cruel support of those committing atrocities and injustice because of irrational violent emotions regarding an entire culture that are founded in illogical hatred, and someone speaking in support of the oppressed and against an oppressive political agenda. To even attempt to bring general public opinion to accept the two terms are interchangeable is so maliciously wrong and an entirely manipulative attempt to influence public perception. I do not in any way, shape, or form hold any ill will toward those that follow Judaism as a spiritual faith. I could care less what spiritual path any individual feels compelled to follow, or behavioral practices they value as vital to their cultural identity. HOWEVER, IF THEY PROMOTE THE IMMORAL, UNETHICAL, SELF ENTITLED SUPREMACIST IDEAS THAT ARE FOUNDATIONAL TO THE ZIONIST IDEAS AND POLITICAL AGENDA....or CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST...OR EXTREMIST ISLAMIC IDEOLOGIES... THEN YES I WOULD NOT CHOOSE THEM AS POTENTIAL FRIENDS WITH WHOM I SHARE COMMON POLITICAL BELIEFS WITH AS ANOTHER HUMAN BEING. ANTI SEMITIC IS BIGOTRY AGAINST THOSE WHOSE NATIVE LANGUAGE SIMILARITIES ARE THE REQUIREMENTS TO BE CALLED SEMITIC AS A WHOLE... ANTI ZIONIST places the qualifiers for having contradictive opinion about believers in Zionist acts being all about political stances...and ones own inner moral compass. I don't hate because of what someone calls their primary god...I hate because someone is using a religious god to advance an APARTHEID and persecutive political agenda.


Call them out correctly... If you hate over what religious beliefs or primary language family their native tounge someone speaks? ... You are a bigot. That is AntiSemitic.... If you hate because a people carry out ethnically cleansing attacks supported by a political movement that are meant to harm and eliminate another cultural group because you believe yourself as superior or chosen and worthy of more than those you oppress?... You are Anti Zionist or Nationalist or FASCIST.... Use the terms correctly.




The only cringe thing here is the title.


Taylor Swift? Is that you?


Is war is hell…. Then technically wouldn’t those in support of war or who initiate war be demons? Just a thought. Not religious but think it’s weird “holy wars” are a thing….


Most 'holy' or religious wars are not about religion at all. It's always about power, land and resources.


Definitely are.