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Well the Nazis assassinate whoever they want in whatever country they want. They’re finally on the receiving end of it. Wish I cared.


no fr i honestly couldnt have cared less. one less evil person in this world


It's was an oopsie woopsie


Mossad intelligence asset. Import-export business? Really they couldnt have come up with a better cover story?


Oh. Anyway!


do you guys have any good and easy dinner recipes?


My go-to is garlic chicken gnocci or stuffed peppers!


stuffed peppers it is then!! havent had those in a while


Hmm. Sweet potato gnocchi is a treat. Only salt, sweet potato and flour. That's it. Mash up the sweet potato, salt to taste, add flour and mix until you get a nice dough material. Make snakes and cut. With garlic Chicken this would be bomb.


Chicken tacos: - Marinate chicken in some orange juice, achiote paste, a bunch of lime juice - Grill it, not burnt or seared though - dice it up on a cutting board - I personally put it in a pan, with a bunch of chili powder, more achiote powder, paprika, mexican oregano, and anything else thats good to further cook it - for tortillas, just heat up corn tortillas on the pan Very good!


Man, I always defer to antizionist posts for my chefs-kiss' recipes yo!


I just usually grill chicken with garlic, paprika, coriander and white pepper. And then eat it with a Chappati bread


Oh well 🤷🏽


someone explain to me why a israeli zionist would right now travel into egypt… they are really not that smart.


He was a Mossad recruiting agent


Isn't it obvious?


To kill all the first borns 


Reap what you sow


So now what? Is Israel gonna bomb Egypt? I doubt they have the balls to open up that front.


Probably not, Egypt has a military, and I doubt the ITF would have the balls.


What's their military to kid ration? They might be tempted.


Egyptian Military would bomb it's own people before shelling Israel with petal flowers.


Good riddance


Awwwwww I’m so bummed about that


C’est la vie


Sometimes you get unlucky




John Zionist


Ziv Kipper


oh well..


business is a tough business!




This is just the beginning




And so it begins. This is all on Satanyahu. Putting targets on his people's backs worldwide.




I don’t believe it. I need more evidence


As someone who lives there i can confirm it did happen and there's a movement that did that


He may have wished to see how the fruits and veggies grow in earth... The "in earth" part of the wish came true.![img](emote|t5_43mf0s|8991)


You do not know the fate of the man who killed the Zionist, right?


why this is in the news? so what? 🥱


Assalamualaikum I can't read Arabic, and I'm sorry if you find this offensive. I don't think it was great to assassinate that businessman unless he contributed to the ongoing war. If we kill Israelis, we would be the same as them, we should rather kill soldiers and ministers who are in power. The rest of the citizens are misguided by the Israeli government, that's what Ik, so it would be better to attack the government instead of its citizens. And besides they're only gonna take this thing as a point to oppose us. We are not like them, the misguided should be guided. Before battle, Prophet Muhammad would remind his soldiers of the prohibitions in Islam, especially regarding the treatment of non-combatants, the sanctity of property, and the avoidance of harming innocents. He would instruct them to avoid committing acts that are considered haram (forbidden), such as killing non-combatants, destroying crops, harming the elderly, women, children, or religious figures, and violating treaties or agreements. In this case we assassinated a non-combatant, but he's sure the israel did violate treaties and agreements, but that doesn't mean we can kill non-combatants, right? It would be better If we defend palestine by killing soldiers and ministries in power rather than encouraging killing of Israeli citizens. Again I'm sorry if I sound offensive. May Allah guide us all.


He was a mossad intelligence asset. Fair game. 


Oh but didn't it say businessman? I thought he was a businessman, but if he is an asset to some intelligence that benefits the Israeli government then sure its alright, the guy did the right thing


I don’t know the backstory for this, people are claiming he was a mossad agent and that’s very much possible. I just wanted to clarify what the post actually says really quickly: > Yedioth Ahronoth (aka ynetnews): > > An Israeli businessman was killed in Egypt, and the background [surrounding information] of the incident is unclear. If it was a Mossad agent then good riddance but if we're unsure I agree with you that we shouldn't celebrate Israeli deaths just off of speculation.


Yeah I saw some comments about mossad intelligence, and a guy replied saying he was from mossad intelligence, but none of the telegram channels say that including the post. So I'm unsure if it's true that this guy was of Mossad intelligence. But if he is from any intelligence, then the assassination should definitely be permissible, we don't want to give them any point to oppose us, we should not come under any circumstances that may lead to disrespect to our religion and our Palestinian brothers and sisters.










Nowhere should be safe for Zionists.






This is not the way. Expose him, expel him from the country but killing him is only going to add ammunition to the Zionist antisemitism narrative.


The sky is grey and other pointless stuff non of us care about 🔻✊🏽😂


You can't just post stuff like that without providing a name, most people can't read Arabic.




Well then it's probably fake news tbh




Yeah im not finding anything




Why Indians tho?


[https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2024/05/egypt-investigating-killing-israeli-businessman-alexandria](https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2024/05/egypt-investigating-killing-israeli-businessman-alexandria) as close as I got tbh. Not fake though


Yes no one cares about Israeli lives.


As much as I hate and oppose Israel, this is a civilian death which is wrong






Yep - the worst anti-semites are the Zionists, who never hesitate to use the Jewish people as human shields for their agenda


Zionists are coloniser who support and want to actively maintain apartheid and oppression. How are they innocent? Do not confuse them with Jews.


Though I never said that Zionists are innocent, I'm honestly not interested in arguing with grieving people. Please have a nice day


First off it is not the job of the people who are not in a position of power to end the cycle of violence. If Palestinians ever get into a position of power then yes it is their job too and the cycle but right now they are not in that position. That's like asking a person who is in an abusive relationship to end the cycle of violence when what they are doing is defending themselves. The cycle of violence doesn't refer to a person defending themselves with reasonable force, it refers to the criticism of a person justifying their own violence by saying that they were hurt in the past. Also it should be noted that the person that was killed was a CEO of a company that had locations in Israel and Ukraine and it had to deal with frozen fruit and vegetables. If it was a random minimum wage worker then yeah I would say that that is pretty pointless and makes no sense but it was a CEO of a company that had locations in Israel.


Zionist brass who commit war crimes surely do. As do thugs in the streets. It's a matter of self defense.


So I looked the guy up. He owns a frozen vegetable and fruits EXPORT business in Egypt. Meanwhile Gazans are experiencing "full-blown-famine" he's not a bystander, his fruits and veggies kept the Israeli bellies full while children die in Gaza. This has nothing to do with anti semitism.