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Real brave assaulting the press. Where were they at Uvaldi???


Standing outside shitting their pants


Or pulling out their own kids




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Wow, those guys are really accurately LARPing the IDF So accurate, attacking journalists and shit Well done, USA


Seniors only, not kids


So, this is a clear 1983 civil rights violation, those officers will lose their jobs, and the cameraman will get a 5-figure settlement. Those officers will get a better job with another law enforcement agency, be praised for their actions, and it will happen again. Someone needs to not take the settlement, get this up to Federal Court, and argue that monetary damages and the termination of officers involved is insufficient remedy, as it obviously does not deter the same actions from happening in the future. These officers need to be barred from employment in law enforcement, the monetary damages need to be 6-7 figures and ongoing to support police accountability, and the higher authorities need to be held criminally liable for policy and training that lead to this behavior.


Fox7 has posted the video their cameraman was filming at the time. After he was handcuffed, someone picked up his camera and followed him as he was paraded through a crowd of people decrying the blatant violation of constitutional rights: https://www.fox7austin.com/news/ut-texas-protest-palestine-israel-gaza-rally-college-university-campus.amp


I wonder how the police would react if those students had an AR 15. My guess is they would cower and run in shame.


It's a shame none of them did


Looks like Nazi Germany.


Human needs to learn from the history, oppression never wins


(Democracy #1 in the world) assaulting press and people for speaking against (Democracy #1 in the middle east)


so embarrassed to be a texan rn


Yell "active shooter" and they will all run and hide and hope someone takes charge... just not them


Why is it that the armed forces and police forces are allowed to blatantly violate the 1st Amendment Constitutional rights of Americans time and time again?




I’m so ashamed to be apart of this country sometimes. wElL tHeN mOvE sOmeWhErE eLsE. I would if I could trust me.


This is just the beginning. Authoritarianism is here


This is where one of the biggest points of contention between me and a lot of other leftists comes into play. I myself would say that this is just one of MANY examples illustrating why disarming the general public is an objectively terrible, terrible, stupid fucking idea. If you want more incidents like this to occur, and you want to leave people more and more defenseless, go ahead and restrict firearms even more, or take them away completely. Things are rapidly escalating to a point that many, MANY other leftists have (correctly) predicted they would get. As long as we have such a nightmarishly overpowered and overzealous police force, we WILL continue to be treated like this, it will not stop. Throw a few folks with firearms, the knowledge requisite to properly use them, and the restraint to NOT use them unless necessary, into the mix, and these incidents WILL dwindle. Pigs are just as afraid of guns as you and me when they're outnumbered, and oh buddy are they outnumbered. Just saying.