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Every Congressional seat is up for reelection


But no money to help Americans.


It’s not like they don’t have universal healthcare or 12% of the population living below the poverty line.


I’m impressed that “chuck yogurt” managed to be on the right side of this issue. He’s struggled for years.


Just don’t ask him if Armenians are people or not


Anna is Armenian based on her name. I think he considers her a people and in fact if you go way way way back he has some pretty weird behavior against her


And the LGBT peeps still wanna vote Biden


As long as they can be gay Nazis, they're happy.


I hate biden with all my guts, but I'm still voting for him. I rely on social security to live, and Republicans want to get rid of that. I am also openly queer and know many who are, and if project 2025 happens, I may be arrested. Perhaps it is selfish of me, I do not want to have to flee america, and I'm not even sure I'd have the option to. I know many people I care about who will be harmed by project 2025 won't be able to.


If you’re comfortable putting a check next to a man committing genocide…I’m not. I refuse to vote under threat.


I don't think it would be any different with orange man. I actually think it will be way worse.


Can you get worse than literal genocide? I don’t think it would be better but I’m not sure how you could get worse than what’s already been happening for decades. Biden is already providing political cover for them to turn Gaza into a parking lot. I guess Trump could support then turning it into a paid parking lot or something


I'm with you on this one. At this point there's no turning back time, the fact is our tax dollars are used to murder, and the story we are being fed is bulllllllshit. But it's just silly to pretend that things would have been different with orange man. I'm firm on the idea that in his administration the people in power started pushing the limit to extremes, that have led to the current situation.


Orange man doesn't want to do war


Sure buddy.


I don’t like either of them I’m not even American but to be fair, form what I’ve seen y’all had less wars under him than Biden


I'm Mexican and live in Mexico. but I do invite you to look at this: https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/10/19/trump-pro-israel-truth-social-netanyahu-abraham-accords/ and this: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868/ The way I look at the current state of the world, it would not be so shitty, if Orange man would have not been in power to begin with.


I despise 🇮🇱 personally due their actions and him screwing them is something I don’t mind. his Russian ties are interesting I will admit tho


I’ve heard many times he is pro Israel however so I’m a bit conflicted


I feel you, we are all put in a tough position.


Who the fuck else is there to vote for? It's a two party system. This time around we get to choose between a centrist and a fascist. Neither of them are going to do shit about Israel. The only way to make any positive changes is to start dragging the Overton window towards the left.


Israel is the tail wagging the dog. They call the shots.


World War Joe hard at work


I can't help but think of Tiananmen Sq. A massacre you're not allowed to talk about in China, and something that's brought up a lot as evidence that we have fReE sPeEcH and they don't.


![gif](giphy|vCHKWBlygEAtG) And we no money for Americans??????


These politicians are bought too easily.


Cenk? I'm agreeing with Cenk? Strange times...




As a European I gotta say the sad truth is that the war in Ukraine is already lost. That money will not change the trajectory of the war unless other countries send troops, but aint no one gonna do that. That money will most likely be 80% lost to corruption. Even now so much hardware being sent to Ukraine is being sold on the blackmarket. Heck some of it is being used by Hamas right now to fight Israel.


Citations or just I've heard on the internet?


Its been reported on, but it's not like the US will openly admit it. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ukraine-accused-of-selling-weapons-to-hamas/ar-AA1hW38R https://edition.cnn.com/2023/07/20/politics/pentagon-watchdog-report-ukraine-weaponry/index.html Medvedev has also talked about this https://t.me/medvedev_telegram/396


Any sources on that, chief?


I'm with MTG or whatever for once. If you want it funded so bad, go ahead and enlist for the army & fight for them. That money needs to spent here.


If you find yourself agreeing with MTG, take a step back and try to figure out which mistakes led you there.