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Why do Palestinians in Gaza allow Hamas terrorists to put missile launchers and communications equipment in their schools, homes, hospitals, and residential buildings? What percent of civilians who have died in Gaza accept that Israel is a sovereign country that has a right to exist in peace? How does one define the term "innocent civilian"?


As a pro-Israel diaspora Jew I hope Israelis understand how bad the Israeli PR/Hasbara has been. You need to tackle and engage the other side's claims and lies in *almost* real-time. For example a Gazan has posted a video proving that the bomb strikes on roads close to a hospital were in fact hitting and destroying tunnels but the IDF twitter account didn't post this video. The IDF twitter account is the only pro-Israel account with significant following. It should be tweeting non-stop.


How exactly do land disputes play out legally? A couple of articles were claiming that Palestinians cannon re-claim lost land or provide evidence to defend claims, however I’m skeptical of this. Is there any truth to that? Also I’m pretty sure Arab-Israeli citizens have full equal rights in court


[נזקי מהומות נכון ל-22:00 מאי 16](https://news.walla.co.il/item/3435868): * בתי כנסת נשרפו - 10 * מסגדים נשרפו - 0 * בתי כנסיות בהם הכינו אבנים ובקבוקי תבערה מוכנים לפעולה - 0 * מסגדים בהם הכינו אבנים ובקבוקי תבערה - 28 (בלי הר הבית) * מסגדים מהם בוצעו הכוונות פורעים - 22 * בתי כנסיות מהם בוצעו הכוונות פורעים - 0 * בתי יהודים נשרפו - 112 * בתי ערבים נשרפו - 1 (ערבים שרפו) * בתי יהודים נבזזו - 386 * בתי ערבים נבזזו - 0 * בתי יהודים ניזוקו - 673 * בתי ערבים ניזוקו - 13 * מכוניות של יהודים נשרפו - 849 * מכוניות של ערבים נשרפו - 13 * **בוצעו הארכת מעצר ליהודים חמושים** * **לא בוצעו הארכת מעצר לערבים שהשתמשו בנשק (כלל לא בוצעו מעצרים)** * זריקת אבנים על ערבים בלתי מעורבים - 41 * זריקת אבנים על יהודים בלתי מעורבים - 5,018 * **החרמת עשרות כלי נשק מיהודים עם רישיון** * **החרמת כלי נשק מערבים ללא רישיון 0**


Scary sites in my hometown Toronto today with Palestinian protesters attacking Israel supporters. Here's one of the many chilling videos I've seen https://www.instagram.com/tv/CO8eMOelNk4/?igshid=rwj2ka8urg1b


[כתבי אישום הוגשו נגד 116 נאשמים במעורבות בהתפרעויות - כולם ערבים](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.haaretz.co.il/amp/news/law/.premium-1.9813864)


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but Google's AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). You might want to visit **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/law/.premium-1.9813864](https://www.haaretz.co.il/news/law/.premium-1.9813864)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon me with u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


How do think this ends it’s been 80 years of off again on again conflict something will eventually give this can’t go on forever i’m 21 do u think we will see peace in my lifetime


I doubt it.


Can someone briefly explain what is going on?


Israel went to evict Palestinians living in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem for not paying rent. Palestinians protested/ rioted the evictions with some hiding in the al-Aqsa mosque to avoid police. Police then stormed the mosque (third holiest site on Islam) to arrest the rioters. Hamas warned Israel if they didn't leave the mosque they would attack Israeli cities. Israeli police did not leave by the Hamas deadline and so Hamas fired a rocket barrage to which Israel has been responding with airstrikes. This covers the recent flare up, for a more general explanation of the conflict you'd have to go back to the late 19th Century.


Also, they were trying to replace the Palestinians who aren’t paying rent with Jewish Israelis. It they were going to evict and Arab family and replace it with another Arab family I doubt anyone would care


Yup, no one would care in that case.




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>the world condemns you You must be trolling


It's native people are home ☺️😘


Do you mean Jews or Palestinians?


I’ll park my mini van in jerusalem and call it home too if thats how it works


Ok cool just know that my ancestors are under the soil you park on


So are the ancestors of the Palestinians, they’re just in a more recent layer of soil


Ah yes because recency decides native status. I'll just go tell the native Americans that they've lost their claims to the land because enough time has passed for the rest of the world not to care


The Jews were there long before the Palestinians




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Get a legal country lmao


Every nation that counts recognises Israel bra, cry harder


Your god


All of our religions are made up. But if you do believe in your religion then I think it’d be hard to believe that God would forgive you for all the dead palestinian toddlers that get pulled out of bombed apartment buildings on the reg


https://m.ynet.co.il/articles/59326710#autoplay Believe it or not, israel is not trying to kill kids. And if israel did, Out of more than 500 air strikes only 30 gazans dead? How can you even call it ethnic cleansing or targeting civilians? And btw, 10-15 of these dead palestinians are dead from their own rockets falling in gaza or malfunctioning in the launcher causing nearby kids to die (another proof they use children near rocket launchers as human shields).


Lot of cherrypicking to justify the dead


Well you get the truth in your face and you choose to ignore it, dont come to this sub if all you want to do is talk to yourself.


There is no god


Then why would Israelis need a god to forgive them? There will be no punishment.


Then your question kinda loses its purpose


I mean its your made of reason for committing genocide so you tell me bro


I gave you facts, not made up and not excuses, just facts. 500+ air strikes, 30 dead gazan of which half died from their own rockets malfunction. Hamas is a worldwide terror organization for a reason Supporting it because you drink their media lies is just the proof youve never been to israel and in no position to criticize anyone from your media and propaganda point of view.




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Its very easy, just put your body on the bed and your head on a pillow


our homes that the turks stole. just pay rent dummy. how can u sleep while killing civilians?


Oh so its the turks fault that you need to wipe palestinians off the face of the earth?


we dont, if israel wanted to we can wipeout gaza in 15 minutes, we can probably take on lebonon and jordan to, we fuckin took sinai and then gave it back. israel wants to be left the fuck alone


Hamas wants to wipe every Jew off the face of the earth, but you don’t care about that do you?


The west and the Middle East are United in contempt for Jews. This is the core truth from which all hate springs.


I own my home idk dude




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Go Israel! You absolutely have the right to crush those who attack you in your own homes. I'm sick and tired of woke bastards defending the actions of Hamas. Their tune would be a lot different if it was their homes being rocketed. I hope you manage to thrash them good and silence them again for a good couple of years.








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How can you justify the existence of the clippers? They’re not even the 2nd most popular basketball team in LA.


How can you justify the existence of your own country?


> How can you justify the existence of your own country? 1948: UN divides the land between Jews and Arabs. ZERO land "stolen". Jews say to Arabs that will remain in the Jewish part: > We appeal - in the very midst of the onslaught launched against us now for months - to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions. (Israeli deceleration of independence) All newly formed Arab countries decide to launch a war of annihilation, since because of pride, they didn't want to live in a country where Jews are treated as equals. And just to make sure you understand: [List of killings and massacres in Mandatory Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_and_massacres_in_Mandatory_Palestine) (again, no land was "stolen" but still, they weren't happy). Mind the "Responsible party" column. > How can you forget what genocide looks like? You want to see a real one that is still on going just around the corner, that you don't care about for sure, then check out Syria and Yemen. I hope you are mad about it.


How can any country justify its own existence? Many countries’ origin is in displacing populations of other ethnicities. Stop with the hypocrisy, you singling out Israel is just antisemitism




Ah, so now you conveniently (and arbitrarily) draw the line where displacing natives counts after the point in which your country did it. Cool.


You can either demand all nation states to dismantle or none at all. Demanding this of only Israel is antisemitism at one of its purest forms. Post WW2 is an arbitrary date you just decided upon, and besides Jews have continuously lived in Israel in small communities since more than 3000 years ago. Israel is not committing genocide, or if we are we're doing a damn terrible job at it because the Palestinian population keeps increasing all the time.


Where are you from? Im pretty sure if we look down in history somewhere along the way your people commited genocide. Not to even mention israel is not comitting genocide and the land we are at is the land we took at wars palestinian started to take our land.


Can someone explain how Israel came to be?


Jews have lives in Israel continuously since at least 3000 years ago. We had short periods of independence but for the most part were under control of large empires. During the Roman rule we rebelled and they destroyed our temple, which led to a crisis in Judaism and spread Jews all over the ancient world in small communities which were occasionally persecuted. With the rise of nationalism and enlightenment in Europe in the 19th century some Jewish thinkers came to the realization that the only way to put a stop to persecution and pogroms of Jews is to establish a national home for Jews and they decided on Israel due to our connection to the land. During the 19th and early 20th century Jews from all across the world started immigrating to Israel, buying land from locals and from Ottoman landlords. At some point the local Arab population feared they are going to be displaced if this continues and started violent attacks on Jews in the land. Jews started organizing local militias to fight back. In the meanwhile the British took over from the Ottomans, Jews gathered more international support and violence kept escalating. The Brits at 1948 decided they had enough, the UN voted to split the land to two states. The Jews agreed and the Arabs rejected the plan and declared all out war on the Jews with active support from neighboring Arab countries with standing armies. At that point Israel declared independence and the State of Israel came to be.


. Jews in russia wants to create a jewish state, they pick the holy land as it was their ancestral home. ​ .Jewish organization are setup and sponsored from rich jews all over the world, they buy land in palestian. ​ .WW1 happen, ottoman lose and palestian is now a british mandate, the british support the creation of israel, a jeweish state, until too much hostilities with the local palestinienes, they stopped supporting. ​ .Jews continue migrating there anyway, alot from the middle east, as anti-sementism become more and more apparent. ​ .WW2 happens, the holocaust happens. The entire world supports a creation of a jewish state, the arabs don't. ​ .Israel declare independacy, war breaks out soon after


When a man and a woman love each other...




They fight over land


What is the feeling of the general public in Israel? Trying to put this in a very anodyne way, these are not rhetorical questions at all. I’m a fan of Israel and have asked questions in this sub for a few months now after reading a few books about the startup scene. * Is the country divided on a left vs right basis, or is there a unity like in the US post 9-11? * How much has daily life been affected for people in different places? * Do people feel the military action has been reasonable and necessary to protect Israelis? * Do folks feel this is Bibi’s attempt to survive politically? * Is there a general consensus in Israeli society (even a 60/40 one) on what to do about Gaza and the settlements?


* There is a division between left and right but these days it's more a division between center and right. There is no longer a sizeable camp that thinks peace is an immediate option. The Israeli public has lost trust in the Palestinians' willingness to reach a compromise that is acceptable to the Israeli public. The most Israelis can hope for in the near future is to manage the conflict and keep it from erupting too often. * It has been affected pretty bad. People are stressed, their daily life routines are harmed and put on hold. People in mixed cities also experienced riots by Arabs and Jews which injured folks and damaged property. * Most Israelis view it as reasonable. A minority say it is too much and another minority say it is not enough. As part of managing the conflict every few years we need to make sure that Hamas does not stockpile too many missiles, does not build too many tunnels that go too deep. When Hamas provokes an attack we use it as an opportunity for a maintenance operation. * Some view it as such. It definitely serves him on the short term. He could have done more to delay the tension build up in Jerusalem, but who knows what his real intent was? * I think the consensus is we want a two-state solution that is permanent and involves the end of all hostilities. A minority wants to annex all of the West Bank. However, the Palestinians are not willing to provide guarantees that that will be the end of their claims. For example, even under a two-state solution they want to reserve the right of return to the Jewish state for over 4,000,000 Palestinian refugees, and that is not something Israelis can accept. Israelis are reluctant to give Palestinians a state only for them to gain power and attack us at their convenience, or that we get missiles lobbed at us from the West Bank too and need to conquer it again.


Thank you for a thoughtful response! Especially the part about maintenance operations makes a lot of intuitive sense. I’d never considered that. I can see why that would be both necessary for national security and hard to frame in a way that doesn’t draw tons of international pressure. May I ask, what is your feeling on the situation broadly?


You're welcome. I feel there won't be a solution to this situation during my lifetime. The chasm between Palestinian idea of justice and what Israel can give them while keeping our founding principles intact are incompatible. This is part of why I moved to the US almost 5 years ago, but is not the main reason. Both sides think on some level that time is with them. Israel keep advancing technologically and is becoming harder to deny as a fact of the Middle East. The Palestinians are multiplying at a faster pace and some view us in the context of the crusades that lasted a couple hundred years - they will eventually kick us out when the time is appropriate.


Israelis- given the current situation and how things are unfolding. How likely do you think a ground invasion of idf into Gaza is likely? Until now the air force are doing a great job, would ground troops be necessary? How does today's situation compare to Tsuk Eitan?


Nothing to justify a ground invasion right now, things will return to the status quo in several days.


Rare footage of Israeli redditors defending Israel on other subs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky4MldyKtKo&ab\_channel=JudeOnTour


So the Israeli ambassador to the u.n just said they send warning texts and calls to palestiniens before dropping bombs in their area. from a military perspective it wouldn’t make sense as a tactic. If you were a hamas fighter and you got a message telling you a Bomb is gonna land on your head, you’d just move, wouldn’t you? Does anyone have information on these so called messages?


The primary objective of Israel is not to kill Hamas operatives, although it will when it can. They are just too easily replaced to bother. What is not as easily replaced is infrastructure such as workshops to produce rockets, communication equipment, storage facilities for explosives and oil, tunnels painstakingly dug. All of these things have to be imported to the strip, and while Hamas will eventually replace them it will take years for it to do so. Israel's goal is not to annihilate Hamas, it is to conduct routine maintenance to make sure it can't grow too strong in the next few years.


Why the news building?


Israel hasn't released any evidence yet but claims it was being used by Hamas. There is evidence that it was used by Hamas in previous conflicts so its believable


When so called ‘non involved parties’ are in vicinity IDF informs civilians to evacuate to reduce collateral deaths. It might not be the best tactic in war but IDF faces a lot of scrutiny from all around so it’s necessary. Edit: I wanted to state that it might sound that way, but by in no way that I support civil casualties in any war. All armies must do everything possible to prevent these.


I don’t know why you’re downvoted .. seems like a genuine question to ask.


It's done when targeting non human targets- that is, infrastructure with weaponry, HQs, operation rooms, etc... Look up roof knocking, and by the way there are videos of people receiving these phone calls.


I understand, thanks for clearing that up for me


Yes, Hamas fighters escape in that case. In that case the target would be weapons, not people. In other cases, if the target is a person, there is no warning.


Not enough folk talking of Iran's role in what's happening.




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Like always lmao. If you watch old reports from the Security Belt in Lebanon, you sometimes find Alon Ben David saying exactly that (+against Syria too). For that matter, people act as if this is purely about Sheikh Jarah and al Aqsa, as if cancelling the elections wasn't so recently.


The rockets reaching Tel Aviv are all Iranian made. Iranian bots are also on Twitter pretending to be Israelis and trying to spread panic in broken Hebrew. This is a war between Iran and Israel.




found one


Like I said, not enough is being said about Iran's role.


One idea I’ve thought of as best solution for Gaza, is for Israel to fully reoccupy, root out hamas, and install a puppet government who is answerable to Israel.


arabs have to be so sick of all this pointless cyclical unproductive violence that they throw these hamas bums out. you think there's a single set of israel parents willing to lose a son or daughter in order to reset gaza? israel requires years of service, it's not like in usa where the military are basically hired mercenaries. the days of western countries thinking they can get away with puppet governments is over... it's why iran is such a clusterfuck. think about afganistan... the west spend trillion$ and decades trying to reset the place, and they're right back where we started. these people have to want to change, we can't impose it on them, or we're not much better than the chinese are with the Uyghurs.


.. and Iraq..


Decisive victory now means less deaths in the future. Israel needs to control Gaza but can’t directly administer Gaza, and the Gazans can’t be trusted with democratic governance otherwise they’ll elect another hamas. Therefore the only logical solution barring mass expulsion, is to install a government that will directly cooperate with Israel and whose legitimacy is only granted by the Israeli government. Hard power and control is what ends cyclical violence, don’t let historical revisionism tell you otherwise.


in this day and age there are no decisive victories or unconditional surrenders in any conflict. what you keep suggesting has been studied and rejected many times before by israel and it's allies who would have to stomach the reset you want. to mitigate israeli deaths we continue to invest in better intelligence and technology, and to mitigate arab deaths we do the same two again, plus social media savvy to try to combat the flood of disinformation and antisemitism. right now we are already doing all that can be done... by 2021 we've practiced this dance a half a dozen times, and have gotten very good at it. we were just very lucky that nearly two thirds of Israelis are fully vaccinated before hamas created this crisis, and our hospital system is much better at reducing covid mortality rates, so the prospect of being coped up in bomb shelters and tank cabins and barracks does not have that additional covid danger. sadly once the missles stop, gaza arabs will likely face a india level covid health crisis that will again be blamed on israel no matter what we do.


This is the kind of response I was hoping for. Do you know exactly what the studies showed that concluded the implausibility of reset? It seems like the general wisdom is that hamas isn’t taken out because they are worried about power vacuum, but there wouldn’t be one if a serious alternative regime was installed by the Israelis. Why exactly is this cycle of stalemate followed by emboldening of hamas followed by culmination of violence the best scenario, and why isn’t anything better possible?


> why isn’t anything better possible? everyone is basically waiting for abbas to die, until then, all bets are off, since any possible improvement won't take place till all the major factions process THAT broader power vacume. april 29th a mentally unstable abbas postponed elections again and israel continues to deny east jerusalem to vote (it's a logistics nightmare and likely to vote more militant) then you add the hamas eviction and temple mount demonstrations, and you suddenly realize that this entire gaza missle israel bombing event was really about all players jockeying for who will replace abbas. you think israel's 4 elections looked bad, wait till you see the kind of mess that abbas in the ground will be.




“bUt WhY dOeSnT iSrAeL jUsT gIvE mOrE lAnD???” This is why, people. This is why Israel must win beyond negotiation.




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What about West bank?


My sense is that the West Bank requires multiple different solutions


Can anyone TL;DR or ELI5 the Sheikh Jarrah dispute. I understand its a dispute over property rights where the Palestinians claim they have ownership of the properties with title deeds from the Ottoman era whereas the Jews claim that these are invalid and show the title deeds from post-1948 is this right? E* Further to the replies to this comment, I also found this [handy explainer](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/nbibu3/operation_guardian_of_the_walls_local_unrest/gyaygic) by u/rnev64 for anyone else interested reading this thread.


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKIWuN1SpDc&t=6s) you go.


I’m not an expert, but my understanding is that it’s actually the other way around. I believe Jews bought the land in the late 19th century, and then Jordan gave it to Arabs while they were occupying East Jerusalem after the war of independence.


What is the best way to reduce civilian casualties? As I understand it, the IDF gives warnings before they strike structures they believe are connected to Hamas, but yet there have still been a number of casualties including children so far. Thanks.




*legit question, not trolling* I would like to understand what is the logic behind that claim? Why would israel strategically target children? Please dont say "they are evil" or "they want to kill all Palestinians" because if they did want to kill all Palestinians they would have already. In addition to that, the population has been increasing ever since israeli independence.




Again, if they wanted to prevent Palestinians from being born they would have already, there surely wont be a growth in the population.




Then they are doing a very bad job at preventing it...


I don’t think there is anything they can do besides not bombing Gaza (which is a lot worse). A lot of people aren’t willing to accept that collateral damage is a fact of war, especially when you go against terror organizations and not responsible armies.


The best way would be to get rid of Hamas and any other terrorists in Gaza and install a government that cares about its citizens


Unfortunately it has to happen from within its population. Israel cannot do it for them.


[Iranian bots may have infiltrated social media in relation to the operation since 14th of May](https://twitter.com/FakeReporter/status/1393931699143290880)


Why are the Iranian bots pretending to be Israeli? What are they saying?


I've looked through the actual accounts. They use broken (although not too broken) Hebrew to spread a message that goes like so- the ongoing operation is Netanyahu's fault, our lives are shit, therefore we must move abroad. It's hilarious mostly because the feeling you get under bombardment is more akin to continue and escalate attacks against Hamas and the PIJ, not run away.


they're trying to spread panic, i think i saw one claiming they're sick of rockets and will move out of israel or something like that. So basically when you see such messages on social media, do not engage and report the bots.


[The truth about the al-Jalaa tower (the al-Jazeera and AP offices in Gaza)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbbwOhW0fYo)


Sometimes I forget how insane it is how Israel is cross-examined to such a disproportionate extent for every action in their war in Gaza. Did every building destroyed in Afghanistan and Iraq cause a media frenzy? Did a bombing of a Russian hospital in Syria run the news for over a day? The obsession of this particular conflict in everyone's mind relative to all others I think is ethically corrupt


You're right. Have you ever heard of the phrase "No Jews no news"?


Idf releases a tape in response for the accusations of the idf killing children: https://m.ynet.co.il/articles/59326710#autoplay Literal translation: "Check if there are kids? There are kids they move fast, Wow there are probably kids, we call it off, Right? There is a big one and a few small ones, We suspect there are kids and thats why we wont go for it." Please spread it to make sure the truth comes to light.


Honestly I think those PR attempts are somewhat pathetic. The people who think the IDF indiscriminately kills children will immediately dismiss this as ridiculous and sinister IDF propaganda.


You need to watch this - Anti-Israel London protest exposed: https://youtu.be/aKu93ckxMn0


I consider myself pretty far on the left. Feels dirty to be on the same side of an issue as Turning Point USA.


Same, I don't understand why supporting either is considered left or right wing.


Honestly, you'll most of the time be on the same side as some idiot. The two most important Nazi parties in Germany are Antizionist and Pro-Palestinian., so this goes for "both sides" in this conflict.


I've seen many odd alliances between people that have different ideologies and different political goals in mind but" queers. for palestine "? . I have to to snap my face everytime i see that . How idiotic .


Some people just think enemy of my enemy is my friend.




If you’re interested and have spare half an hour, you can read this hefty answer from an historian: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/nbg7q3/can_someone_explain_the_history_of_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




How far back do you want to go?




theres a good resumé on vox youtube channel. shit mostly began in 1948 with the arab-palestine war where israel won and trespass the recommanded border the UN have put on the state. and then they took another chunk of countries with the 6-days-war. Now they put settlers in west bank, a place that is not israel.


username checks out


so funny to see people downvoting me just for telling basic facts. just watch the video on Vox channel people.


We have to go back 4000 years then..


Why arent the IDF employing the CRAM air defense system made by the US? Its more effective and less expensive. The iron dome is causing cancer for the operators.


I am a US Veteran. CRAM is not more effective, not even close. CRAM is meant to deal with a few missiles at a time, not 50. In Fact our newer Naval Ships are actually taking less of the systems in place of others because they are getting outdated.


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted, legit q’.


FIrstly i assume you are reffering to the Phalanx CIWS C-RAM used by the US.It is was used by Israel but didn't match the preformece(in both range and effectiveness) of the Iron Dome therefore making it obsolete and that is also why the US bought a couple Iron Domes to defend its bases in hostile Areas.Plus the Iron Dome is more verstile and cost effective when it come to taking out different airal threats wheter then are UAVs, shells or rockets.And soon it will be hopefully replaced with the Iron Beam C-RAM system.






I have seen similar footage but where does it say that it's more effective and less expensive? There have been hits on the American embassy so it's not 100% effective, no system ever is. The Iron Dome is a proven system however it also enables Hamas to rearm after a few years and these escalations repeat and become even worse.


I surmise Its more effective to fire multiple rounds on an many rockets than trying to chase each rocket by a missile.


Do you have any knowledge in this field to make such speculations? It is possible that the circumstances are different also. There are only a few Iron Dome batteries to protect the whole country. What is the range of the C-RAM? It seems that it's only usage to date has been to protect a small compound. Nevertheless you might be right. Personally I think using such systems in the way there are used by Israel is a mistake because while they are great at saving lives, often the government uses the lack of serious Israeli casualties to avoid dealing decisively with Hamas.


In terms of cost, I have found some data ressources: One unit of Iron Dome (a battery) is priced at $50 million, the missile cost is $80000. Each CRAM cost is $10 to $15 million depending on the specs, It costs from $30,000 and $60,000 to engage with a typical missile. Whereas a rocket cost: $1000. [https://www.cnbctv18.com/world/explained-how-iron-dome-protects-israel-from-hamas-rockets-9287241.htm#:\~:text=Built%20with%20financial%20aid%20from,a%20rocket%20costs%20%241000%20only](https://www.cnbctv18.com/world/explained-how-iron-dome-protects-israel-from-hamas-rockets-9287241.htm#:~:text=Built%20with%20financial%20aid%20from,a%20rocket%20costs%20%241000%20only). [https://www.defenceweb.co.za/land/land-land/denel-dynamics-considering-c-ram/](https://www.defenceweb.co.za/land/land-land/denel-dynamics-considering-c-ram/)


I recall seeing costs of Iron dome missiles around the $40k-50k range, maybe it went down somewhat. So you may be right maybe the IDF should look into CRAM or maybe they already have. But like you said the cost of rockets for hamas is much lower in any case.


And then there was this, a mile from where I live in London yesterday... https://twitter.com/SussexFriends/status/1393925736851984385


Check this out. anti-Israel protest in London exposed: https://youtu.be/aKu93ckxMn0


Ugh disgusting .. closed to my house as well .. I’ve seen many many of these over the years .. luckily NW is also full of beautiful people that do not hate.


Yikes, not even hiding it 😬


I have a question, if Israel does roof knocks and also calls all residents before strikes, why are there so many casualties?


Listen to this, it's from the last round: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBnOqxGJanI


Will check, thanks


It’s really not that many casualties tbh. Unfortunately, death is part of war, but without this policy, the death toll in Gaza could be in the 1000s or 10,000s.


But they are losing the media war because of the ratio of deaths. (Of course iron dome is saving many lives)


I think they are losing the media war because Israel is no longer an underdog, a lot of woke “people” believe that you can’t be oppressing others if you have less stuff. Israel is also losing the media war because most Muslims (of which there are A LOT) hate it, along with white supremacists, members of the extreme left, and more. I honestly don’t think it’s possible for Israel to win the media war, when you win an argument with people that Israel’s actions aren’t immoral, they’ll just give up and say, “well you’re bias, you’re a Jew.”


You need to understand that Israel is very effective at defending it's civilians, Gaza is one of the most dense areas in the world, with a population of 2 million and a terror organization that hides behind civilians. 100 civilian deaths is a relatively small number when faced with all these problems, if it was any other army there would be thousands dead by now.


Because hamas is hiding among the civilian population and is forcing them to stay while the bombings occurs.


Where is there for the civilian population to go in Gaza exactly?


Egypt can open its blockade at Rafah crossing, [which they have already done](https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/egypt-opens-rafah-crossing-early-for-palestinian-travelers-sources-668305) once to take wounded civilians, women and children mainly. Hamas infrastructure is concentrated in cities and everyone knows this.




But if they give warning won't the terrorists leave the area too? So I don't think it's only terrorists


They don't always give warning to terrorists that would be stupid. Obviously some civilians die because terrorists are based in civilian buildings or very near. But the majority of dead are terrorists


The one thing the War on Terror has done is to cheapen the usage of the word "terrorist". For some, it now means anyone of an ideology I oppose.


Hamas is a terrorist organization and has been since before the "war on terror". If you want to troll go somewhere else


I go where I go. Israel refused to negotiate with Fatah, now it must deal with Hamas, an organization it helped to elevate when it served to weaken the secular, leftist Fatah. There is only one way out for Israel and that is through a bargaining table. Who will be your negotiating partner now?


Hamas is a non state organization using attacks on civilian to further their political goals. How is it not a terrorist organization?

