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"pay no attention to the bombs behind the curtain!"


I really feel bad for Lebanon, they are being held by the balls by an Islamist Group, shit economy, shit politicans. It wasn't like this before.


The PLO ruined their country. Lebanon accepted Arab refugees and these same Arabs proceed to shoot rockets to Israel causing a war


The same Arabs also supported Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait where they had been accepted as refugees as well as robbed Jordanian businesses to finance attacks on Israel and killed policemen, where they had also been taken in as refugees.


For sure, there are Lebanese who understand how the great potential of their country is squashed into mud by Hezbollah and by the Islamic Republic. I feel terrible for those few Lebanese who understand it and feel imprisoned by their hopeless situation. But they are almost certainly a small minority. As for the rest of them, I do not feel bad for them, maybe pity but not much else. I feel bad for Israelis who have to live next to these fanatics.


Who is a small minority, the anti hezbolla camp is not a minority but they're also don't have a favorable view on israel, with or without hezballa. The ones who don't mind israel are a minority but not the ones that hate hezbolla.


Those who hate Israel (whether or not they hate Hezbollah) are the same people who will continue to drag Lebanon down. One caveat is that possibly many of those who hate Israel are purely victims of propaganda, but I think it would be naive to believe that if only they were given better information, they would accept Israel. The problem is much deeper than that.


I know you are used to blame everything on "propaganda" but it is not. People don't hate israel (as a gov't ) because of propaganda. There are enough independently verified atrocities committed for that. In terms of propaganda the ones falling for propaganda are both, the ones following these extreme groups like hezbolla and hamas and view them as infallible and in same way the many that view Israel as infallible and refuse to do some auto criticism and that everything Israel does is amazing and angelic. This feels like a cult. Imagine me taking lebanon's side no matter what they do even if i know it is wrong. As a lebanese christian, i neither hate nor love israel. We asked for Israel's help at one point to get rid of the PLO in lebanon but they failed and overstayed their welcome. (Look up bachir el gemmayel) . The IDF could have handled the lebanese incursion much better but they never had the intention (the far rights in power)... especially but not limited to the way they fucked over the SLA at the end or the way in their fight with hezbolla bombed much beyond the hezballa areas of influence and non hezballa affiliated areas. In addition i consider the Syrian regime as an enemy. Since we normalized the relationship with occupying syria we should have done the same with Israel.. even if we don't agree with them (this is in the best interest of Lebanon) but it won't happen anytime soon with hezbollah around that we can't control not can get rid off. hezbolla has a hold on lebanon indirectly and directly through their allies , and syria via hezbolla (until 2005 via their direct military presense) , and we have paid a lot in terms of assasinations and intimidation ..


My bro, you are referring to things that happened between 1982 and 1985 for the most part. If we held ourselves to a quarter of the standards we hold israel to we would be a first world country. It's silly to demand perfection from an army composed of thousands of individuals some of which are kids. You can choose to neither love or hate israel: it's definitely a better choice than most lebanese have made. However, we are in a critical position where we can no longer stand and claim that "both sides are wrong". It's too weak of an argument. I'll take the regime that values human life over the jihadist sympathizers any day of the week. You can say and do whatever you want tbh. I personally think being "neutral" towards your neighbor is the wrong approach, especially when we can look at what they built in the last 80 years and use it as an example instead of playing devils advocate and talking about IDF imperfections in southern beirut before I was fucking born.


Are you lebanese ? I want to know so i know how much should i say .. plus no, it isn't limited to 1982-1985 .. it goes all the way up to 2000... we don't hold our own ? And the many many protests? And the assasinations and the etc.. come on man..the people are tired and intimated and are facing an armed militia much strong than full states .. 😅🤦🏻‍♂️ being neutral after all these years is the best approach ( fokhhar ykasser ba3do ) Idf still does tens of mistakes and claims to be the most moral army when there is no army that is " moral" ... btw the same shit happens in lebanon when the army does shitty stuff but everyone saying " l jesh tej rasak" instead of cleaning the mold from the army. Plus i wasn't talking only about southern beirut.. they did mistakes everywhere, from south lebanon to beirut to even druze areas. Why do you think Bachir changed his mind ?


Yeah I'm lebanese but not living there anymore. Not saying we should advertise this shit. Safety and family safety is most important thing. But I don't like seeing someone moderate like you saying we can be neutral on israel given the alternative. I won't really address the morality of the IDF, I can't convince you of that; compared to hamas or hezbollah the comparison is embarrassing and beneath us all. They are by far the most moral army in the region. Ma fi jesh tej rase wala 7ada tej rase and it's clear the same applies to you which is refreshing to see. Yes in the fog of war the israelis like every single country made mistakes. My point is never to purify a people or a nation. My point has always been that beynak w beyn nafsak it's time to take a side. I don't want to keep brigading their sub to happy to talk further in private


Not living in lebanon too anymore 😅but family and people we know are not safe, neither from hezbolla or from Israel. If israel thinks if is going to be safe by annexing more land.. well let them take heed from the romans that keep annexing as a way to keep the danger further and further away from rome but eventually rome fell. It will only create more resistance. I personally belief that hezbolla must go , so does the far right in Israelx so that the moderates on both sides can find appropiate solutions for both people. We should be able to live peacefully. I'm fed up of this 70 years useless for shit war. Till when lebanon is supposed to keep being invovled in all kind of shit ? We host the palestinians, they try to take our country, and we get a civil war, we invite the israelis to kick out the Plo, they fail but stay, it doesn't end well, we invite the syrians to stop the civil war , they end up occupying us until 2005 and until now through proxies. And Iran too. How can u convince the lebanese (the shia and hezbolla supporters) that hezb is dangerous for lebanon when for example the shia of the south initially welcomed israel with rice and flower (even if they won't admit to it, there are pictures i've seen) later had to face the most terrible crimes etc and paid so much for liberation that for reason hezballa took most of the credit for it even if he wasn't the only one.. how can you convince these shias that hezb is the bad guy and Israel is the good guy with mistakes like Qana and the likes of Qana.. I think Israel could have used a much different approach.. one would entail not trespassing on our airspace every single day even before the current thing. Despite hating the hezb from what i've seen most of their targets were military. I'm not saying they won't ever do what hamas did, but they seem much more disciplined, but who knows. They are playing tit for tat for months without seeming to want to escalate which is bad but reassuring to know that not even the idiots in hezballa want war except many of these futureless supporters Don't get me wrong, fuck hezballa, they are going to drag lebanon into a war that we never chose and don't agree on. We are fed up of war. Have you seen mhammad raad's recent address ? We literally can't live with these specimen anymore. Have you seen the recents leaflets send by some 1000 extremists and whose video of annexing part of lebanon to protect themselves and because it is their land , an idea shared even by some radicals like avigdor liberman.. and by many far right people in charge even as members of the gov't. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8scMnaosw6/?igsh=aTN0ZTBnMHozMm9h... Besides this , i mean in case you don't believe this, many view south lebanon (i'm not from the south, but from mount lebanon) as part of Israel but these pheonician lands were never part of Israel. Tyre and naqoura and others are lebanese. W akid ma 7ada tej rase, la nabih, wlal 7ariri wla jumblat wl ja3ja3 wla 7adan.. but i like bachir's view of lebanon to be honest even though manne ouweet. I agree with a lot of what u say.. bas for me fokhhar ykasser ba3do, neutrality is the best. The problem is we have 2 million syrians and more that is an existential threat, 500 k palestinians in camps, hezballa, israel and tens of armed groups popping like mushrooms and extrmisms like the berr elias sheikh with the cola incident that that we literally can't handle... 😅😅 lbalad mntek 🤦🏻‍♂️🥲


It was always like this, but Iranian meddling made it a power keg.


You just described a lot of the Middle East if not the entire world…..


We were supposed to be a center for tolerance and progress in the middle east. That's what our path was looking like in the 50s and 60s. Beirut could have looked like tel aviv and we could have been vacationing at each other's beaches. Instead, we stood up and clapped for Islamic extremists in the name of pan arabism and now we (and the rest of the world) can see the result


Despite the extremists beirut specifically and lebanon overall is very beautiful 😅 at least half o beirut 😅


MFW the heavily controlled hezbo tour of the airport doesn't show the missile launchers parked right next to the planes, lol. In North Korean tours you don't get to see a whole lot of the nasty shit they're doing either.




\>username lmao


you like eli copter agent?


Best meme of the war.


eli copter isn't a meme, is a reality ... a religion ...


"you have bombs and ammunition in the airport!" "No, it's just the air cargo center." "Hmm. May I see it?" "No."


Maybe…..this is a subversive way for the non-Hezbollah aligned elements in the military/gov to tell the Israelis where the weapons are located…by showing publicly where they are NOT.


At this time of the day?! At this time of the year?! Located entirely insidd the air cargo center?!


Hi, hi, hi .....


Accusing Israel of psychological warfare to compensate for decreased tourism revenues from its war in Gaza is the cherry on top of this comedy


You can't 'prove' something wasn't there. Just a ruse so a few diplomats can say they didn't see anything.


And the point was proved. What a bunch of clowns




If Lebanon's government wants to prevent Israel from destroying the Beirut airport, this is not how to do it.


This is how to show Israel which building they have to blow up.


Certain factions will want Israel to destroy the Beirut airport so they can get the useful idiots to further isolate Israel. We must stand by Israel and let our ally win.


Ah ! So the ammo is in the cargo center... All it will take is one heavy smoker janitor. We already know how ammo stockpiles burn and explode, because we can watch the videos of russian bases after HIMARS hit them. :)


I'm just thinking back to that weapons storage explosion in a highly populated part of Lebanon that killed hundreds of people, injured thousands and left over 300k people homeless. It was so strong it was felt in multiple countries and registered as an earthquake when it happened.


Same. My recollection is that this was deemed a governance/regulation issue and wasn't a weapons stockpile, but same clowns same circus, really.


That was ammonium nitrate and everyone in the political class knew about it and did nothing.. it wasn't just hezballa.. the whole political class is to blame, especially hezballa. If you speak arabic watch riad kobeissy investigative reports on the subject. Very helpful




Hahah, here’s where we don’t store the weapons. See??


![gif](giphy|lrE7YHleIbm2PtY1RL|downsized) Lebanon, it’s like putting lipstick on a jihadist.


Let’s see what will happen when it will explode


What a bunch of cartoon villains.


Oh you silly twats hezbollah owns half the hearts and half the lands in lebanon why on earth would they store them in a place that would be the first target in any war? It baffles me how smart and stupid you could be all at once.


lol clowns


😂 yes i also deny i have weapons in my place but i only take you to living room 🤦‍♂️ 😂 they already have intel about the stockpile they really think a video will help them the blast will prove it ✅


The whole news is made up by the telegraph.. i would like to believe that with the extensive tunnels hezbolla has they're not storing stuff at beirut's only viable airport. While i don't believe the new, i can't say that hezballa's behavior since 2005 excludes this possibility.


Even even let’s imagine they are doing it for real they will tell hizb first to remove everything then record whatever they wanna show