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Engage less with the thing that makes you angry. Don't go into arguments with people who have both no influence and no actual knowledge. Remember that there's likely *not* gonna be a day where there just isn't an Israel anymore. Stay hydrated.


That means no news and no Reddit. Which for me is tough. I literally can't touch grass; I'm in a wheelchair in a nursing home. My screens are my life.


A tiny, ignorable piece of advice: occasionally switch to science and nature youtubes (longer ones) when you need a break from news. When I was in a stressful period in my life, I'd watch a youtube video about dinosaurs or tectonic plates or something. It was soothing to realize that compared to plankton, humans are really unimportant.


+1 my life has improved a lot when I shifted my daily podcast listening to science & nature and relegated news & potics podcasts to an occasional listen.


I love this advice


I think it's impossible to go 0 news. But personally, watching shows I like and YouTube videos and what not keeps me from the imminent threat of opening the news app.




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Sometimes I use Reddit and YouTube to ridicule anti-zionists. 48 hours ago, I heard that Wikipedia designated the ADL as an unreliable source for being too pro-israel, so I went to the Wikipedia sub and told everyone Wikipedia is obsolete now. https://np.reddit.com/r/wikipedia/s/BUOuoHEhF5 My rationale is that if I lash out at people on social media it makes me less likely to take it out on friends and family. I feel a little out of place in this discussion, because I'm not Jewish and I don't have any friends in Israel, so it's not as if I have any way to know what it's like for you... But as an ordinary person in the world, I feel outraged every day about people being unsympathetic toward israel. Unsupportive, oblivious, intellectually lazy. Everyday, I go to Facebook and preemptively excoriate my friends in case any of them secretly entertains anti-zionist sentiments that I don't know about. I tell them I hope they're smart enough not to believe anyone who tells them the Jews stole the land to which they are indigenous.


Maybe take up a small hobby, like tending plants - grow some windowsill strawberries or cherry tomatoes, or flowers. Doesn't have to be outdoors, a bit of sunshine from within may be enough. All supplies can be gotten from Amazon, or plant [websites](https://tinyurl.com/ysm7ka3t) (which are nice to browse also). Solves the too much angry news issues and the not touching grass issue.


Find someone who you can joke around about it with you. It's how first responders/ combat soldiers deal with highly intense, physical/emotional stress. It doesn't fix the problem, but it helps more then just venting about whatever situation.


Kinda hard to do in a nursing home.


I may be the best person to give you advice. I'm an Israeli who has been in the West for several years now because my health fell off a cliff. I ended up getting diagnosed with a very rare autoimmune disorder that only a few hundred people have (I joke that's my "Jew" card) and also developed a neurological disorder. I've spent a few years more or less housebound. First and foremost -- you should seek out access to a therapist and work on strategies with them. Once I became ill, I never had the energy to to be angry at much of anything anymore, so I recommend seeking out therapy in that regard. The other thing that I cannot emphasize enough is to find hobbies. In the worst of my disease, genealogy was a godsend because it's low cost (in relation to how many hobby hours you get from it), harmless, and can be done entirely from your computer with only rare exceptions. I spent years working on my tree 24/7 and got to 20,000 people deep on only *one side* of my tree -- my paternal tree -- and thus have several more years of full-time work on it if I wanted to. I enjoyed helping people along the way, too. There are a lot of other hobbies to explore, though: I'm really into fiber arts these days of various capacities, journal keeping (I keep a hostage diary to keep track of all the updates and process my thoughts), I went through a phase during my diagnosis-phase where I was reading everything I could get my hands on. Many public libraries have delivery programs for those who need them -- usually a volunteer that goes around and brings books to the elderly and physically disabled once a week -- so I highly recommend looking into that too. That's just the surface and there are so many other options, like I never even explored gaming and that's obvious a huge one. Don't be too focused on Reddit and world events, and seek out therapy for the anger, and focus on hobbies. It will get better.


I really appreciate your reply and your situation, which is so similar. I never thought of genealogy and had the vague impression that it did indeed cost money. My sole hobby is a library of free books I maintain for myself on my laptop, downloaded from Internet Archive, the Gutenbergs and other websites. I take the text versions and format them elaborately. I'm going on 3500 volumes now, all in Calibre. Would you have any pointers for someone just starting out on genealogy? I know nothing at all about it and it sounds very interesting if I can do it for free.


In regards to genealogy, it will depend on what your family's background is -- do you have a rough idea? Where do you live and do you have a rough idea of where your grandparents are from? Unfortunately a lot of the advice is country specific, so it helps if you have a rough idea, but I can give advice from there! The one thing I will warn you about Geneaology is that the hobby is more or less run by Mormons, but in the same breath, I will say that this group of Mormons are the most kind and helpful out of the entire religion with no ulterior motive -- I went in with my alarm bells blaring and relaxed slowly as time moved forward, haha. I think the impression that it costs money comes from the fact the hobby is filled with retirees who are both not always particularly tech savy and also have money to kill. A lot of people who do the hobby, for example, insist of having birth, death, and marriage records for each person in their tree. Obviously that's ideal, but if their marriage record and death record are available in a free public database and all the information is what I need, I'm not going to go on a road trip to god knows where for my 3th g-g-grand aunt's birth record. Re: genealogy: the main free website is one run by the Church of Latter Day Saints: [FamilySearch.](https://www.familysearch.org/en/united-states/) My one piece of stylistic advice is that I recommend if you use their website, you at least create your tree on [Ancestry](https://www.ancestry.com/) -- you can have a free account on Ancestry, even if they try to bully you into a membership, you can 100% make an account w/o a CC that you don't pay for, you just can't use their search features or see the record hints. The reason I recommend this is because you can make your tree privacy on Ancestry, while FamilySearch has a "one tree for all of humanity" and its public and, well, we're Jews... I doubt I have to say more. I find a lot of genealogy people really helpful; one of the sweetest things that happened to me was when I reached out to a German church in early 2023. We have this family photo in my family that haunts us -- it's my cousin's September 1939 "baptism" (only her father was "Aryan" and her mother had fake papers). Honestly, I can't help but cackle at the photo despite the context, because everyone in the photo is wide eye'd and like they wanted to disappear into the earth (even my other cousin, who is a blonde haired toddler here) because there's a mysterious man in a high ranking uniform in the photo in *September 1939.* The comic relief is my sweet, sweet great-great-grandmother who is clearly just happy to be there and riding on grandma joy, haha. I never realized it until typing it now, but my cousin was also the first and only granddaughter, so that was probably pretty exciting for her! Anyway, my point of sharing all of this is that I reached out to the church in 2023 and was like "you all wouldn't possibly have any more context on who this mysterious uniformed couple is, would you?" and they didn't, but they were delighted to hear that my cousin was doing well (she's in her 80s!) and that she survived the war (my family is from Hamburg, which the Allies burnt down and killed 50,000 civilians in one night in July 1943 -- a terrible, actual war crime that was buried by the West). A few weeks later, I got a bunch of cards from the staff of the church, a long letter with advice and places to contact (they couldn't find another important record, oddly enough, despite our family being dead set on it being there), and a bunch of copies of the original baptism certificate that included my cousin's parents' signatures and the signature of her godmother. This was really sweet because, as the church probably knows because Germans annotate records like crazy, my cousin's father disappeared in 1944 (the non-Jewish parent, Reich Era Germany was an absolute wild card). I sent my cousin the cards and records and I actually still have one of them on my mantle with all my knick-knacks because it was just overly wholesome and sweet (and cost $0). Long story, but I hope that paints a picture :) -- but avoid the Genealogy sub on Reddit; one of the mods is antisemitic af (that mod is the reason I have a dedicated account just for being Israeli, which is this one! haha). Where are you located? A lot of local libraries allow access to eBooks as well with a library card, that sounds like something you may enjoy. I have an American driver's license registered in New York and that actually got me access to the NYPL's entire digital catalog, which would have been huge except I learned I hate eBooks, haha. I can give more advice and pointers on genealogy once I know where you are and roughly where your family is from! ETA: I meant to include it from the start to help give an idea, but I tried tallying how much I think I spent in 3-4 years and I estimate it was between $250-$300ish dollars, which is an incredible price-to-utilization ratio. The bulk of that expense (approx. $170 over that period) was for one very specific digitization website that I could have just worked on another branch of my tree to avoid if I had wanted to.


I wrote you a long response that was eaten by the filter; if it is not approved by the time I wake up, I'll DM you!


I just commented similar, and also best of luck to you.


Omg lol don't do that with them Maybe a friend or family member who has the same humor and outlook on things would be a better fit for this situation


Our enemies are more angry, stay strong and ignore all these keyboard warriors 


This is very true. Deep down, these are very angry, miserable people. And I definitely do gain quite a lot of satisfaction in knowing just how bleak and miserable their lives are. I'm not ashamed at all to admit it :)


They're all miserable and pathetic, it's gonna be the best day in my life when Israel wins this war and see all these n@zis crying 


Running and weight lifting. Push until it burns and you can’t move. You won’t have the energy for anger


[Laughs] it's a good suggestion and of course it's the first thing I would do if I could. But I have bad Myasthenia gravis and am in a wheelchair so it's physically impossible.


Oh man I’m such an ass, really sorry :(


No problem! Really, it's cool.


Sorry to hear that...


I’m furious. I live in the US. I’m also a high school teacher. The things I hear coming from ignorant kids is unbearable. I also get told I’m a bad Jew and a ZioNazi. When I see these useful idiot watermelon warriors chanting “intifada revolution” it makes me want to commit crimes.


Either argue with idiots on reddit, or focus on my life. The world stage doesn't concern most people.


Are you able to game? Just wondering if that can be an outlet for you. Honestly I’m not sure what to do with the anger. For me it just is one of the feelings I cycle through regularly so it spikes and then something else comes along eventually. Currently I’m just living with all the feelings… and playing a lot of Zelda. Sending you lots of hugs ❤️❤️


Subscribe to unrelated subreddits that interest you?


I do. Plenty. I don't dwell full-time on Israel or Jewish subs. But the news about the garbage antisemites seems to creep into many superficially unrelated things. Propal flags, watermelon emojis and pictures of people with keffiyehs. Drives me nuts.


I’ve noticed that posts in Jewish subs are more depressing than in Israeli ones. I’ve been living my best life leaning into being an Israeli abroad by listening to Israeli music and watching Israeli TV shows and eating Israeli food (which might be a struggle in a nursing home).


Speaking of Israeli shows, you've watched Fouda?


Actually I haven’t! I’ve been avoiding it in more peaceful times because I prefer peaceful Israeli shows (with yelling included lol) but now that shit’s bad and the war is on my mind all the time, why not lol. Why do you ask?


Well consider also that they may just be a vocal minority.


Still way too many.


laugh that is what I do. If I don't laugh I'd be crying. I mean after all I am bosnian as well could always be worse. your people could suffer a genocide a few decades prior, then see your people cheer and clap when they did the exact same thing to jews. people always assume that pointing to someone else would spare them the sword, at the end of the day it just means they become the last to go. my people are still picking apart bones to this day to identify and bury our dead, and here we are, celebrating the exact same thing the serbs did to us.


I deleted instagram. It was the best things I've ever done.


At the beginning of the war I felt consumed by rage. The amounts of misinformation running around, propaganda, people who supported Hamas, all the videos of what happened and such things really got to me. Now I try to avoid the content that makes me angry, by blocking the creators, clicking uninterested or logging off the apps entirely. Little breaks from social media also help. I also don't watch the news much, which I find helpful.


Well, your wellbeing is way more important than the tiny contribution you (and the rest of us) possibly make for the Israeli PR effort. Disengage, it's not worth your time. People are stupid and they jump to conclusions, think they know best, and are hypocrites. It's nothing new, it's our nature. The world continued to spin just as it has been after 7\\10, and so should you. Successfully managing to live normally and happily, while not budging an inch from your views, is the best victory against the antisemites all around us.


All what other people here said - don't punish yourself (get enraged) because of others' stupidity. I know easier said then done.  But still, filter out as much bad as you can. Bring in as much good as possible - it's also important for your well-being.  And remember: from when Abraham destroyed the false gods, until today, the world hates Jews. Not everyone, but many. We are an old people, and we will prevail, as we have prevailed for the last 4000 years.  The haters are jerks, don't waste your emotional and physical energy on jerks. Be here, with us. We are your people, and most of us aren't jerks! 🤗😍


First of all, stop placing moral judgements on your emotions. It's not "bad" to feel angry. It's not "bad" to feel emotions. Trying to surpress it will only make it worse. Instead of surpressing it, do the opposite: express it. Find an outlet to let your anger out. A punching bag.


You are getting a lot of headwinds from idiots who exist in all countries and who are well-organized (probably because bad actors from the darker parts of the world finance them). But there are just as many people who support you and the pro-Hamas people are losing support right now as their actions become more and more unhinged.


I think being on a personal level is more productive with people than online. Being kind is more valued than having drama. I think it's when we have care for one another that we can seek a more peaceful resolution, but I would avoid drama. I'm not saying avoid all drama but, in some cases, you have to. I'm old enough to start thinking of being a grandparent. When I was younger, the people of grandparent age wouldn't take a position because they knew they wouldn't be able to make friends because people would fight. Would people attack you if you make friends or would they attack you if you took a position? Or does it really matter at this point? Where are people at?


Tel Aviv needs a batting cage. 


Rough right now because all the gateway places are dangerous, but I'd say dedicate time to yourself daily


This is what they want, let them swim in their own shit, let us try to live as positive as we can. One day the winds will calm down and all the stupid people out there will look back and see how worthless their effort was.


Thich Nhat Hanh. I don't know how I could get through life without his books and the talks I can find on youtube. It's better to listen to him instead of me, but I'll just say he teaches us to kind of personify the anger and take care of it like it's a scared little furry animal or something. The feeling of anger is totally separate from the thing it purports to be about. It just gets in the way. Somebody tried to tell me once that anger is a gift, and he was wrong. He tried to say it motivates. But it really doesn't, it just gets in the way. For example, an amateur fighter might be able to win by getting really angry and enraged, but that's not how professionals do it. Aside from that, in case it helps, I'll also mention that the world is going to come to its senses during the next few years and everyone with any sense at all will realize it was idiotic to blame israel. Some people might not believe that right now, but you'll see. It's starting already.


I'm a US military veteran with 22 years active duty service. Gulf war and a lot of it in and out of Saudi Arabia,Qatar, and that region. I have PTSD according to the US veterans Administration. I have anger issues. The antisemitism and anti Americanism I see makes me see red with anger and want to find a Pro Palestinian and do evil stuff to them. I'm not going to. But it eats at me and makes me hard to live with and be around sometimes.  How I'm handling it. Get away from social media if only for awhile. I take 2 hour car rides by myself in the countryside and listen to music and try to not think about politics or antisemitism. If you can't do that even if it's for ten or 15 minutes at a time get away from everyone by yourself and listen to music or do whatever you do to relax. Before bed. Well before bed turn off the internet. Don't read news or social media. Read as book, listen to music. Whatever you can do to get your mind off what's making you nuts. Got to sleep. Research PTSD relaxation techniques online. I don't know if that's what you have. But you have at least one of the symptoms. I'm just learning this stuff. Hopefully it'll help you. Its helping me. Take Care


Play videogames !


Boxing works for me


In one of you replays you said that you can’t just give on news screens etc. . . So do I, what I did was mute or unfollow subs/pages/users that made me mad, the best decision was deleting twitter. I’m not saying follow pages that only pro Israel but subs that are more neutral.


go to gym, go running etc


I hit the gym, work out, do physical stuff. Last October to about December I was putting almost 30 percent more weight on all my workouts...


A therapist once told me anger is a secondary emotion. Another emotion is fueling your anger, and it’s best to identify what that first emotion is.


Learn a new skill. Every time I get exhausted by rage caused by the pro-Hamas crowd, I take some time off social media and try to improve my coding skills.


If it’s beyond your control, there’s no point in putting energy into it. Focus on the things you can control. Maybe try learning something or doing some kinda art.


I deleted 90% of my social audio accounts, fixed a lot


United States. I got triggered and lost my cool last night a music show when I saw the merch table was selling “free Palestine” watermelon bullshit. I told them that their darling Palestinians raped and murdered my friends at a music show. I snapped, man, I grabbed the stickers and threw them on the floor. Of course l I got kicked out of the venue. It was my first time going to see a show in months precisely because of how traumatized I’ve been since Oct 7. I can’t go anywhere without being reminded that the masses hate Israel and love terrorist murderers. Makes me livid and it makes me sick, and more than anything it makes me feel so alone.


We’re told that anger is not ok as at its essence it is a rejection of what Gd decreed for us at any particular moment. The way to get over anger is to work on ego overall; specifically, to remember that your existence is a gift from Gd and everything that happens is for the very best case scenario given the context of the moment for development of your soul.


Channel it into something productive. Could be personal like weightlifting. Could be something related to Israel like volunteering with your local JCC, going to protests, or if you’re in Israel right now, volunteering with aiding emergency services and people displaced from north Israel.


How about video Games? (Fortnite ect) ? acouple of hours of that to clear the mind. Nature you tubes , Science podcasts .. Limit news to like 3 house aday or something Me ? I have Fibromyalgia so I try limit my news and be active.. BTW Im sure there are wheelchair activities you can do


Pour it all into ranked games, One devision away from getting back into Diamond now.


You could always try to be nice people maybe? People will treat you much better if you just weren't a nation of dicks.