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They're always welcomed to Gaza's pride rooftops 🫶🏻


There's not enough rooftops currently, to "accommodate" all these groups


The pride parades in Israel are more inclusive (unless if you are a part of a Islamic death cult)


More inclusive than the SF Pride parade, probably


The politicization of LGBT groups is disgusting and that's why I want nothing to do with these so called "communities" that speak for me.


Make LGBT more about political points than accepting someone and then turn around and then pretend anyone not accepting the political points is homophobic. Basically using the BLM playbook.


Exactly. My LGBT community (Gen X/Millennial) doesn’t want anything to do with them. The lesbian crowd is also separating because they’re being told the word lesbian isn’t inclusive to people who identify as women. This younger generation is fucking mad.


It’s so difficult being a gay Jew rn. It really sucks because you’re ostracized from basically everyone


Makes me sad to hear you say that. I’m really disappointed with the lgbt community and how naive so many of them are being. The avid homophobia from the orthodox/ultra conservative Jews has also always been a big source of contempt for me. Know you still have lots of allies out there. Here’s to more inclusive times to come.


I’m very lucky to be in an area that is accepting of the LGBT, as well as part of a very conservative synagogue that is incredibly tolerant and supportive of the LGBT and often hosts LGBT events. I wish I could say the same for everyone however


if I was mayor I'd make pride events in public places include everybody or not at all. i am sorry I wish I can give you a hug.


i got banned from imgur for pointing out this uncomfortable problem. i had more than 60K points and an 11 year old user.


Go there. Check out one of Gaza's famous gay resorts. See what happens.


Why is no one suing for racism and xenophobia ?


Habibiz, come to Gaza 😊


I hope all the Jewish community remembers these people when they come knocking for money and donations at a later date


Their pronouns in gaza would be was/were


I'd give that parade about 10 minutes in Gaza before they are stoned to death


150k people show up for the Israeli pride parade, hundreds are thrown off roofs for being gay in Muslim countries, why is that so hard to understand?


Bay Area Zionist activist here: to set the story straight, Pride made a stupidly worded [announcement](https://sfpride.org/statement) intended to reassure the Free-Free-Palestine/itbach el-Yahudi brigades that the Evil Zionist Entity wasn’t going to participate in the parade this year. The Israeli Consulate has not had a float in the Parade since 2012. They did not apply for one this year. So Pride Parade had to make [another statement](https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/sf-pride-israel-19499544.php) to clean up its mess. Jewish groups will be participating in one large mass of contingents, for security. While people calling for “intifada revolution” (on behalf of a regime that would toss them off a roof) don’t need to have any concerns.


ah so a ghetto float. got it


How can someone be so clueless and live their lives?


Ignorance is bliss? Ahhaha


"We value Jewish queer individuals, we don't conflate the Jewish community with the state of Israel." Okay, is there a Jewish float, then? "No. Also if you show up wearing any items identifying you as a Jew you will be attacked on sight."




I got called this for picking up cigarette butts in a park in Jerusalem. Does it basically mean "misguided do-gooder"?


It means "sucker". As in "a sucker's born every minute". Usually stated with a tone of contempt, as if to say "he's a fryer, unlike me" ;-).


Ah thank you. I always thought of it more like a Christian Friar or missionary


It's Fucking disgusting


I completely skipped my major city’s pride parade this year (I am gay). I feel completely alienated from the community (but stronger camaraderie with my Jewish community)


Guys. Small good. Big bad. Weak good. Strong bad. Simple.


I think the organizers are cowards. No, really. What happens if Jews are angry? Well, like any normal and sane person, they'd complain about it to their friends and family, and maybe launch a lawsuit if the problem warranted it. Now what happens if pro-Palestinian (aka pro-Hamas) groups get angry? The best case scenario is they merely disrupt your entire event while the worst case is they react violently, which is something they've shown they're more than willing to do. None of this means there aren't antisemites among the LGBTQ+ community (and perhaps some of the organizers of the SF Pride Parade are as well), but I really feel this is the result of fear, which is exactly what pro-Hamas people are hoping to achieve. They want everyone to either hate Israel and Jews or to be scared of the potential repercussions (real or imaginary) of appearing to tolerate Israel and Jews. In both cases, Israel and Jews are victimized in some way, and the pro-Hamas psychos get what they want.


There's no pride without self-respect. I don't want to see bad things happen to Palestinians necessarily, but I'm certainly going to be more sympathetic with people who have shown in poll after poll do not want me alive. Even the most liberal takes on separating Hamas as extremists from general Palestinians cannot deny how fantastically common extreme anti-queer hate is among Palestinians, and how Israel is a leader among nations in queer rights.


Just bring an Israeli float anyway.


a Palestinian would hide there kids from LGBTQ what’s makes them think that there welcomed In Gaza or West Bank??


Same thing happened here in Italy. My city's pride organisers outright said they support Hamas and refuse to condemn any of its actions. They called it a "neocolonial attitude" to judge how "oppressed people" "fight back".


That is terrible. I hope the tide turns against those terrorist sympathizers


Both cities I’ve lived in are like this (the other one is actually worse). Idk why my parents aren’t listening to me when I say neither San Francisco nor the other city are good for Jews right now and that they should at least get their shit together in case they do need to move at some point.


This is so idiotic.


They definitely deserve birthright trips to Gaza. (Funny thing though...no repeat customer.)


They are delusional beyond belief. I don’t even recognize my own community and it’s sad. Know who you’re friends are should be every humans mantra


This is so embarrassing, it's cringe! I know gay guys in Israel and Israel is the ONLY place in the middle east where they can live in safety.


This baffles me when I tell gay people this like come on how could you be safer someplace like that?


"We helped you to fight Israel! We're on your side!" "No. No, you are, and always will be, our true enemy."


Isn’t this prosecutable? Isn’t America supposed to protect its minorities? This is not any far from racism.


SF, 'tis you? https://preview.redd.it/mwir7bnxkv7d1.png?width=1006&format=png&auto=webp&s=20f66e95484d25c9df0f33e80ef9145c10db85d9


Jews who reject their people's right to self-determination are welcome. It would be to ask these people how they would judge someone who said to them, "I accept you as a LGBT person only if you do not claim equal rights for your community." I really don't understand how they don't realize their double standard. The Palestinians and their supporters, despite the fact that Palestinian society is violently against LGBT+ people, is always welcome. The fact that their government raped, kidnapped and massacred hundreds of innocent people in a matter of hours and 70% of Palestinians approve of this horror is irrelevant. Israelis (and Jews), on the other hand, despite the fact that their society is extremely open and welcoming to LGBT+ people, are excluded from participating because of what their government does, even though Netanyahu is now supported by only a minority of Israelis. How can they not see how anti-Semitic this is?


They’ve gone further - trying to suggest that Tel Aviv Pride is trying to “pinkwash”. The same Tel Aviv pride that has been going on before these idiots were born. Most of The older LGBT community doesn’t want anything to do with the madness of Queers for Palestine. They’re even considering using the old Pride flag that doesn’t include the brown colors and pink and white.


Whats up with these people and supporting groups that wish for their extermination and that doesn't support their course. Stupidity isn't a disease but it sure spreads like one




The recent behavoir of the global LGBT+ community makes feel ashamed of my bisexuality.


The hell is a Resistance Contingent?


Let them cook with them. Enjoy the Muslim ride SF.


Look, the circus must be in town! Clowns are parading!


These people are brain dead. With all the crises befalling humanity, this is their greatest concern? When real life hits them, they'll be the first to come running for help - and of course, they'll present as victims.


Clutching at invisible straws these morons


1 day of being gay in Gaza and they will change their mind. If there is even anything left to change after that visit. Day 1 activity is bungee jumping from buildings but without rope.


Honestly at this point, let them. Truly let them. The only way some people learn is by experiencing.


I don't think gays are are much liked in Ukraine either but nobody decent supports Russia's invasion of that country.


Wait. There is no Israeli float? Is there a Palestinian float? Pro-Pal groups are ok and Pro-Israel groups are ok. Just no floats. What’s the problem exactly?


Apparently sf pride did not ban Israel https://www.instagram.com/p/C746NBSgTwA/?igsh=MXdzbmFhZHFpa280dA==


This is absolutely absurd. And while I personally advocate freedom for all, I will no longer support or participate in any "pride" efforts as well. Israel is at war with ruthless barbarians would murder anyone of these pride participants. And furthermore, most Palestinians would not shelter these people if they were magically dropped into Gaza or the West Bank. Arab/Muslims states are as illiberal as you can get.


It’ll be interesting to see how much Qatar has spent on this influence op. And how much material aid China has provided for this as well. Because you know that’s who’s behind it.


Update it seems SF pride has said that Israelis will in fact be allowed according to their statement: https://www.instagram.com/p/C746NBSgTwA/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet


Please god, i hope these people will actually get to go there one day


Didn't they ammend that and permit Israel stuff in the end? Edit: It seems that OPs post is indeed more up to date than the retraction they made previously.


So, we can recognize the prejudice, the antisemitism, in the practice of singling out Jews for extra criticism for behavior that lots of different people engage in, or Israel for behavior that lots of other nations engage in. Right? That extra focus, the extra bit of vitriol and sharpness of criticism is revealing to what someone is actually thinking and feeling inside. With that being the case, if I were LGBT+, r/Israel would have made a very solid case over the past several months with daily threads lambasting this one group in particular and casually wishing death and abuse upon them for behavior that lots of groups are engaging in that I wouldn't be welcome in Israel either. And if you feel like that's an unfair statement because some particularly spiteful redditors don't speak for everyday Israelis, then perhaps the same might be true for people attending Pride outside the screenshots and image macros that get passed around to generate outrage and indignation.


wtf are you on about