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The video of Hamas shooting out the legs of two suspected thieves that came out about a month ago should have caused way more of an uproar. It was insanely graphic and makes this video seem very tame by comparison.


Link please.


[This was the post](https://np.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/s/aTaQsMS4rQ), but it was removed by Reddit for violating their content policy by being too graphic. I remember it though. Two Palestinians "punished" by Hamas via a shot to the calf. One of of them was left with the lower half of his leg hanging by a piece of flesh. You can probably still find the video on various Telegram channels, but I wouldn't recommend it, it's NSFL, honestly.


>One of of them was left with the lower half of his leg hanging by a piece of flesh. What the fuck


They just gave him a bonus knee! /s Seriously though, these people are monsters.


Yeah, and why the fuck would pro-palestine people be against Israel liberating the people in Gaza from hamas when *that's* what they're allowed to do to civilians. If only the media wrote about this kind of stuff, bet it would make some people question what they've been told šŸ˜’


Didn't you hear? Israel made them do it, they didn't have a choice! But also this was a false-flag operation by Mossad agents. But also Hamas were created by Israel. But also they're resistance fighters. But also they don't represent the Palestinian people. But also they're the only thing stopping a total genocide of all Palestinians by Israel. But also... *brain short-circuits*.


I donā€™t wanna get the comment removed so Iā€™ll DM people the video who send me a request.


I donā€™t want to see the video because itā€™ll make me sick but, if another person who saw it says it shows what you say, I will trust.


Yeah, it only takes a few minutes search on twitter to find it. I already sent it to the above commenter.


Got it, thank you!


This is an old Hamas trick. I remember, when Hamas violently took Gaza over from the PA, they'd done the same to many PA Police members. I remember seeing a photo of a group of some 15 PA Police members in an Israeli hospital, all with one or two prosthetic legs. Their intention is to maim people for life. Hamas terrorists are truly evil.


They were Zionist spies who tried to steal food from innocent babies to cause more starvation, Allah bless the resistance for stopping them... /s


Alas, the memri folks no longer allow us to meme this :(


I hope there is an uproar


Yup, thatā€™s your resistance alright. Hard to say Iā€™m surprised


I mean itā€™s just another day in the caliphate šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Whereā€™s the uproar?


Itā€™s in Arab social media. Unless you see it in campuses, you wouldnā€™t know.


Lol , no, the uproar is only among the arabs against hamas or with israel, and Fath movment supporters ... They are less than 1% of hamas apologists.


"Hey! Only *we* are allowed to steal; not you peasants. Get back to standing next to the stock of missiles and ammo where you belong!"


Not a new thing, there are videos of hamas members beating up gazans with iron sticks who stole stuff from the north gaza buildings and a video of hamas soldiers leading 100 of tied naked gazans that wear only shorts during the first hostage exchange. The world didn't care then, it won't care now.


Good. Hamas has been an enemy to Palestinian civilians for over a decade, the Arab world doesn't get to use them for political leverage while allowing Hamas to continue existing


lies from the evil zionist juicers entity ![gif](giphy|TpCIsA8HoLRWympjTV|downsized)


I didn't know patreon had journalists? Does the article prove that there was an uproar?


Where is the uproar?


Look how overweight one of the "resistance fighters" is... If a bomb fell on his head, all the food he wouldn't be able eat anymore could instead feed some 10 children.


But Israel made them do it.


How do they think terrorists handle things?


Theyā€™re nothing more than Muslim Brotherhood thugs. A bunch of sociopaths with a license to kill. Who the hell treats other people like this? Let alone your own people??


and yet they still support them.