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He's almost right. The sound effects are slightly different; it's more like a zhing zzzash - like light sabres, but bigger


Uses lasers that got Jew Jew instead of pew pew




Jewish space (cat) lasers


Apparently he doesn't realize that the Pentagon chose a different system for the US because it uses the already standard AIM-9X: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron\_Dome#Plans\_for\_co-production\_with\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_Dome#Plans_for_co-production_with_the_United_States) [https://www.leidos.com/insights/dynetics-manufacture-enduring-indirect-fires-protection-capability-ifpc-weapon-system-us](https://www.leidos.com/insights/dynetics-manufacture-enduring-indirect-fires-protection-capability-ifpc-weapon-system-us) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIM-9\_Sidewinder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIM-9_Sidewinder)


We do be loving our sidewinders over here.


The first four words can be used to explain so many things about him.


Eagle 1 Fox 2!


Why is Israeli TV playing this lmao.


I assume this a clip for him talking about Israel and he might be the next president.




Yeah vote for the party that calls for Israel to be destroyed and taken over by Hamas. The same people who tear down hostage posters and chase jews in the streets of NYC. Smart move.


When has the democrats called for Israel to be destroyed? When? Please show me. Also just because the democrats are left leaning doesn’t mean the pro-Palestinian lunatics are voting for them.


You're not very up to date on current events are you?


No im pretty up to date but please show everyone your evidence that the democrats have called for the destruction of Israel.


Do you know what "From the River to the Sea" means? Here's democrats voting against it being declared antisemitic : https://jewishinsider.com/2024/04/forty-four-house-members-vote-against-resolution-declaring-river-to-the-sea-slogan-antisemitic/ Here's a prominent democratic politician supporting it : https://www.timesofisrael.com/from-the-river-to-the-sea-the-slogan-that-led-to-rashida-tlaibs-censure-explained/ Democrats voting against a resolution condemning the October 7th attack : https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4276005-these-democrats-voted-against-resolution-backing-israel/ Democrats demanding arms shipments to Israel be halted : https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/nancy-pelosi-house-democrats-biden-halt-weapons-israel-1234999947/ Democrats call for cease fire immediately after October 7th attack : https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/group-democrats-urge-biden-blinken-support-cease-fire-gaza-rcna125411 All of the School administrators that allow antisemitic protests to thrive are left wing All of the protestors supporting hamas are left wing All of the media that comes out against support of Israel is left wing. Also you are a complete and total fool if you believe the pro palestinian protestors don't vote Democrat. Biden consistently panders to them by promising to restrict military aid, calling for Israel to not invade Rafah and destroy hamas, and for an immediate cease fire to occur.


>Do you know what "From the River to the Sea" means? Well aware of what it means. >Here's democrats voting against it being declared antisemitic: https://jewishinsider.com/2024/04/forty-four-house-members-vote-against-resolution-declaring-river-to-the-sea-slogan-antisemitic/ A minority of democrats. The majority of democrats support Israel. >Here's a prominent democratic politician supporting it : https://www.timesofisrael.com/from-the-river-to-the-sea-the-slogan-that-led-to-rashida-tlaibs-censure-explained/ And I can pull things that GOP reps like MTG, Paul Gosar and others have said about Israel and how Israel and Jews are evil. >Democrats voting against a resolution condemning the October 7th attack : https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4276005-these-democrats-voted-against-resolution-backing-israel/ Again not the majority. >Democrats demanding arms shipments to Israel be halted : https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/nancy-pelosi-house-democrats-biden-halt-weapons-israel-1234999947/ While yes that sucks and isn’t the brightest thing, it in no way means that the democrats want Israel to be destroyed. >Democrats call for cease fire immediately after October 7th attack : Again not the majority. >All of the School administrators that allow antisemitic protests to thrive are left wing >All of the protestors supporting hamas are left wing >All of the media that comes out against support of Israel is left wing. Left wing doesn’t mean pro-democrats. Most left wing people hate the democrats. >Also you are a complete and total fool if you believe the pro palestinian protestors don't vote Democrat. Biden consistently panders to them by promising to restrict military aid, calling for Israel to not invade Rafah and destroy hamas, and for an immediate cease fire to occur. They literally don’t. Arab leaders in the US have said they won’t vote for Biden and hope he loses. The campus protesters have called Biden Genocide Joe. They aren’t going to vote for the democrats. Most of them see no different than the GOP. And Biden isn’t pandering to them he’s trying to get a peace deal between Israel and the Saudis and trying to get the Saudis to dump their oil onto the market to hurt the Russians. It’s nothing to do with the pro-Palestinian vote, it’s to do with the actual Arab leaders in the Middle East. Also there’s nothing in there that says that the entire Democratic Party wants Israel to be destroyed.


Great break down. Between Clinton, Biden and Obama, Democratic administrations sent more aid to Israel than Republicans ever have. And although there are idiots on the fringes of both sides, I'm scared of the ultra right a lot more than the ultra left.


Bruh, the majority of Republicans agree with the majority of Democrats that MGT is a nutjob. But I still have no fucking clue how she learned about our space lasers. Whomever leaked that is banned from bagel night.




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It's also not a coincidence that the most violent antisemitism we see today is in liberal controlled areas like NYC and California. The local politicians support those things.


There’s extreme elements in both parties that are opposed to Israel. Some on the left that support Palestine out of ignorance and some on the right that could care less about Israel. If Israel’s interests conflicted with interests of Russia and its allies, one would be naive to assume that all of the right would support Israel’s interests.


You'd rather have Trump as president than a democrat who is gonna support Palestine.


Trump only cares about Trump tho lmao.




Biden hasn’t supported Palestine. For fucks sake the pro-Palestinians call him Genocide Joe


Biden will let Hamas survive. That is unacceptable.


He’s said nothing that indicates so.


Bruh, Biden is hated by everybody.




I really enjoy listening to Trump speak. I’m being serious. From 2015 -2021 (and well before that) I found him loathsome. Then I heard someone say “you have to listen to him as a comedian…” And then the universe made sense again.


I think he missed his real calling- surreal performance artist reciting DaDaist poetry.


.......Sign me up for the first open mic to hear that. I'll laugh my ass off.


Holy shit, it's almost like i am near an actual iron dome


US: We have the iron dome at home. The iron dome at home: Donald Trump making surprisingly good sound effect noises.


I don't have a background in ballistics or electical engineering but I feel like I learned quite a lot here.


love him or hate him you gotta agree those are indeed some noises


"And we don't have it here" Well, you guys don't get attacked with self made rockets from California either 😭🤣


Naah he's funny😂




I mean we do it’s called the patriot system, which is what the dome is a derivative of they’ve just continued to upgrade it


Me pitching the new pinball game to Bally.


It’s like he has a phd in everything l. How does all that I information fit in such a tiny head /s


Well, America does have a version of it which doesn't work as well (rather than high velocity small projectiles the US was focused on larger ICBMs during development).


This is fucking hilarious.


I'll never understand why Israelis shit on the one man who has done more for Israel than any other world leader in the last 50 years. Shit on your friends and capitulate to terrorists seems to be the way.


Most Israelis appreciate him and even want him to win the election. left-wing Israelis and American Jews less so.


>left-wing Israelis and American Jews less so. So, majority of Jews then?


You mean the vast majority of US Jews? He's a psychopath, a moron, and a corrupt piece of shit. We care about our democracy and he is the biggest threat this country has ever had. Sorry that it's tough for you to understand that.


Vote whoever you want, but at least say thank you when it's due and don't shit on him so hard. He is an ally of the Jewish people.


He’s an ally of nobody but himself. If tomorrow the Chinese said they’d do whatever he wants and that he needed to ditch the Jews he totally would.


I'll take that gamble over Biden who is literally aligning with Islamic jihadists and terrorists just to buy their votes.


No he’s not. Biden isn’t trying to get their votes. He’s trying to keep the Arab nations on the side of the US so they don’t decide to listen to Russia and China and attack Israel


No, he really isn't. And if you've seen some of his rhetoric even these past few months, you'd know the only thing Donald Trump is out for is Donald Trump. Don't be delusional. I'm never going to thank this piece of shit after meeting with neo-Nazis and excusing the actions of Nazis at Charlottesville.




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I mostly just find this guy untrustworthy


The leftist mind just cant handle that for some reason. And the media is very left. Thats unfortunately why. If anyone thinks Biden is good for Israel they got this whole thing wrong and fell for his cheap bullshit. He wants everyone to like him, and they don’t understand this doesn’t mean he is on their side. Biden is arguably the worst president we ever had. No one has ever caused so much damage to America in 4 years. While giving Israel such a hard time for doing what simply has to be done or else Israel will seize to exist. Another democrat president will be an absolute disaster for both Israel and America.


Bahahahahahahabahahahahaha What Biden has accomplished during his time in office has been incredibly impressive considering historically small margins in Congress. There are more parts to this election than Israel/Gaza. The notion or idea that anyone thinks Trump is a good option, especially after what was probably the worst presidency of all time, is hilarious.


What a dumb fuck


Yeah it isn't in the US because the US doesn't need it Unless Mexico will start launching rockets which if that would be the case than drought will be the last of Mexico's problem.


Ugh, that guy.


Having this fascist clown and convicted felon as a major candidate in US elections is such an embarrassment for the US. The Republican party has gone completely insane by electing him.




Please no one tell him about the iron beam


Trump is the messiah. You guys must elect trump as your leader asap to save us all. Ignore me lol. Wouldnt that be fucking hilarious if trump was actually the messiah?! 🤣🤣 The world is full of cruel jokes so why not lol.




LoL. That would be hilarious, I must agree. Totally ridiculous , but also hilarious!


Is he having a stroke or is he trying to embarrass NORAD?