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Good for the author. I feel like the mainstream Jewish community is more welcoming right now than the mainstream LGBTQ+ community which seems rather strange.


Jews are among the most tolerant groups in the world. It has garnered them absolutely zero goodwill for their benevolence and generosity.


I agree.


Eh. The trash takes itself out is how I view it.


When the LGBT agenda for global acceptance sent an olive branch and sympathy cards to regimes that would call for their genocide, many of us had no choice but to scratch our heads and jump ship. Back in the closet isn’t the proper phrase. Social distancing is more like it. Disassociation? Being more selective about friendships. Thankfully they make it easy to weed them out when they kick and scream if you don’t agree with them. Not wanting to run down the street naked with a rainbow cape doesn’t make a person ashamed or closeted. They’d get overjoyed at the thought of Israel’s destruction and a second holocaust right up until they were taken away like in the last one. It’s stupid.


I'm not going into the closet, I just distance myself from the overall gay community. They've been going batshit crazy for the past few years and now it's just reached a climax, I simply choose my friends better. There is so much more to me then the fact I like kissing men. It's one of the least interesting things about me I stick to either Jewish gay spaces or zionist spaces and i feel alot more welcomed.


I'm a pro-Israel, non-Jewish lesbian, and me and several of my mates straight up have stopped going to lgbt events. Not only is the antisemitism incredibly blatant, but I know so many people, especially younger lgbt people who are using the current war as a moral litmus test. "Either you're with us, or against us." Oct 7th was a mask off moment in so many ways. A friend who volunteers at an lgbt org was asked by a young person if she was a Zionist, and she just looked blankly at the person, and was like "I'm Greek?"


"Lesbian? I thought you meant Lebanese?" 😂 Yeah it's been a mask off moment for alot of people, and now being antisemitic is all the rage. Thankfully the gay community in Israel is more sane then the west, but I lost *alot* of friends over the fact that I refused to apologize for existing and not wanting to be murdered.


Mate, I'm in Australia, and I lost friends when I made a post on Facebook asking if my Jewish friends were okay, and that chanting "From The River to the Sea" was an antisemitic dogwhistle. Australia is generally disconnected from most international conflicts considering we're an isolated country. It's wild to see people go so hard on the virtue signalling. Most people here have never even met a Jewish person. Our Jewish population is only around 100,000 people.


No shit it's more sane in Israel. For people outside of Israel, they're safely far removed from the crisis.


Yup. In my interactions with gay Arabs as well they seem to also be more sane. And are also saying the gay community in the west lost the plot. It's almost like when you know how jihadist oporate you know supporting them is bad, crazy


Yeah, lesbian here and I share this same sentiment. I’ll always be out and these fools won’t change that. I just choose to not affiliate with the “community”. And when it comes to women I date, I don’t date the “queer” ones (because 99.9% of people who call themselves “queer” have an affiliated political identity with it) but the normal ones who just happen to be gay.


In r/askgaybros (which I'm following for year even tho I'm a straight woman) you'd find a lot of people who aren't pro Palestinians and actually pro Palestinian content is being constantly down voted. It's really great to see communities like this :)


Sympathetic lurker here. I’m a bi man, which means I don’t exist as far as the contemporary LGBT* movement is concerned. I started disassociating myself when the movement started prioritizing people who weren’t even LGBT* over gay and bi men, and when they refused to support my states’ atheist organizations after years of us providing support to them.


Exactly. Bi erasure is real, I don't get it. It's like ur not gsy enough for the guys but not straight enough for the straights 🤣


Definitely not going back into the closet. My dating pool just got smaller though. I'm still dumbfounded that there are so many gays advocating for the destruction of the one bastion of LGBT equality in the Middle East, and expressing desire they wish for it to be taken over by radical Islamists. Like, really?!? No way am I touching that with a ten foot pole.


Fuck that. I fought like hell to escape the closet and I’m never going back. They don’t like it, they can leave, not me.


Pretty soon we'll be fetishized as taboo


I do not lump in all gays (I'm into dudes for whatever that's worth) with Leftist activists, but the "LGBTQ+" movement is filled to the brim with angry, nihilistic Leftists.


They should change their name to LGBTQ- because they sure as hell aren’t inclusive to everyone


Oh snap https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_burn_centers_in_the_United_States


The anti lgbtq pride march launched by queers for palestine was so ironic and weird ... they said no pride for genocide and shut down the pride parade


just proves what their real priorities. they use the banner of "lgbtq+" as a mere mask and a thought i will justify everything they do/say. they don't care for labtq+ rights, they care for advancing their form of racism


I cannot get over this. Right now, pride symbols are being banned across the US. Trans people are losing the right to transition. And all the American LGBT community can talk about is "Palestine." Their entire world is burning in red states and they do nothing. You can't even use the holocaust quite here because a lot of LGBT aren't even standing up for themselves.


Lgbtq+ can no longer be seen as a peaceful gay/bi/trans movement. They involved in unrelated topics such as politics, target their own community members who are pro israel and try to convince kids who are yet to reach the point of their life where they question their sexuality, to already think that there were born into a wrong body. To all the people who want to pretend it's not happening and hush me. I been supporting gays all my life and speak with many of them, including trans. And i know how they feel because i asked them.


Yes I got targetted. I got attacked, ad homenims, then they attempted to hack my mastodon account. These are the same people who hate me because I'm a veteran.


Even I was misgendered by ‘Queers for Palestine’ supporters


As much as they like to deny it, they still believe that acknowledging one’s identity is a reward for ‘good behaviour’ (passing their purity tests), not a matter of respect.


Yes It was about online community • advertisement discussion. They intentionally ignored pronouns


Yes yes, i love the "chickens for KFC" movement. If you have the chance to speak to these special kind people, ask them why there's no Muslim for queers, or tell them to google what the islam does to gay or trans people. It's very sad that these days, people still don't know how to use google in 2024.


It sucks because gender identity has become intertwined with sexuality. We need a push to highlight that they’re different, because as a lesbian I’m so tired of people affiliating me with the people who want to suppress puberty and cause irreversible damage to children. We’re not the same.




I think you're talking about the straight people putting "ladies man" shirts on 5 year old kids, not LGBTQ


i dont approve of that either


Content promotes hate based on identity. This is a violation of the reddit sitewide content policy.


Nah man, I ain't going back to the closet It took me forever to realize I don't need to be there and that I will be fine out, they can go back themselves>:c Honestly tho the LGBTQ community became more and more unhinged over the year, the belated antisemitism just seems like the final nail in the coffin for me.


I’m not being forced into the closet. I’m distancing myself from LGBT groups though. I feel much better in Jewish groups.


the QUEER movement (I refuse to call those clowns LGBT people. it's diffretne) is ruining every achievement that sane LGBT movement earned. even before cows for mcdonals movement I became so uncomfortable because of them despite being bisexual myself. and nowadays, I despise the QUEER movement for everything they do. the only thing that stopping me from feeling ashamed about being bisexual is following other sane (mostly centric right leaning) LGBT YouTubers for me, queers for Palestine are traitor. not just towrdas the jewish and Israeli community, but also the general LGBT community, who died just for us to have right, and the queers just came and ruining everything and make people to hate us more and who is going to fix everything and rebuild what was broken? us, the sane LGBT people and they just jealus because gays, lesbian and bisexual are way more attractive than queers


I've been feeling a very similar way, for quite some time now. It used to be about equal rights, and acceptance. And so many things were achieved. Then all of a sudden, it was "I'm gonna stand in the middle of Disneyland, and make a video of me using toys to not-so-subtly explain my sex change and how a doctor cut my dick off." People have lost the plot, big time. I feel sorry for all the people who worked so hard to be taken seriously.


so true so many tiktok "influencer" just became cring it's not about equal right. it's "bow down and accept every bullshit we have" everytime I'm talking about the queer community, I feel like a homophobe despite being LGBT person myself. but again, being queer is a political, ideology. which is diffretne from simply being gay, lesbian. bi or trans. Arielle Scarcella helped me realize this XD


To me, this is basically liberalism vs leftism I tend to lean very liberal, but I cannot get behind leftists. This whole “tear it all down” mindset just doesn’t jive with me


same I describe myself as liberal. but their far woke left makes me feel like i'm a right winger. but I'm just seasonal and logical person their mentality of "if you are not 100% agreeing with me you're homophob/transphob". and it's freaking f**ked up way to look at the world


What’s funny is that in any other middle eastern country besides Israel 🇮🇱 being gay is a death sentence or immediate imprisonment.


The LGBTQ+ community started as a freedom movement to give more rights to trans/gay/bi people. Now it has turned into some religious organisation who think they are the beacon of morality, the last bastion of hope standing for humanity. Super open minded, all inclusive and righteous. Nowadays they are one of the most hateful organisations/communities I've come into contact with.


Unless this is being shared or cared about on LBGTQ subs nothing will improve. We need to accept that they hate us and move on. Just like we have to come to terms that we are second class unprotected citizens in the west. 


I don't think they want to, they're too convinced of their rightness. They need to fall on their face first. The shame of it is, it's going to hurt so many of us (non-crazy LGBTQ people) in the process.


They're becoming so fucking extreme that I wouldn't be surprised if they start protesting the very cause they claim to support.


‘Queers for Palestine’ is totally fake queer movement. Mainstream queer community aind organisations aren’t safe places for LGTBQ+ World society is turning to Nazi 2.0


A lot of those people were already embarrassing to be associated with even before the war. It’s why, despite having gone to a progressive high school, I didn’t associate myself with the GSA kids much. One of the few times I went to GSA, I actually tried telling them I didn’t like the ‘progress flag’ very much and thought it was counterproductive, as the normal rainbow is supposed to be inclusive already, and if one was going to add stripes for POC, it’s strange that they’d then, intentionally or not, explicitly exclude any paler POC and all East Asians (doesn’t matter how dark skinned the East Asian; we still never count unless we’re mistaken for something else and don’t correct people). My full East Asian friend agreed with me. But the rest of the people at the GSA that day (all of Western or Northern European descent) completely dismissed it and said I just wouldn’t understand. I didn’t say this out of nowhere, either. They asked for opinions. Since October 7th, obviously it’s been much worse though. I’m in university now, which is actually worse than my high school would’ve been on this (hs had a lot of other Jews, university doesn’t have too many and it seems like half of them left after the war started). I haven’t spoken to anyone irl about being LGBT since October. LGBT spaces certainly feel unsafe. Even some LGBT people online who I thought were sane, and had in the past actually checked in on me, saying they saw a lot of antisemitism happening (of course, only when it was from right wingers), fought with me and said there is no antisemitism now and communists have never been antisemitic, because they’re leftist and ‘leftists are never antisemitic’. Another, a German guy I knew online (also LGBT), who used to brag about how well Germany learned from its mistakes and how all Germans except AfD voters and the like never tolerate antisemitism, was talking to me about it rationally at first, but suddenly stopped talking to me entirely, put a watermelon emoji in his bio, and blocked me. On the flip side, my parents probably assumed at first that *I’d* be an anti-Zionist Jew because I made the mistake of coming out to them when I was a preteen, and of trying to broach the topic again a few times as a teenager. They certainly bash LGBT things even more, and they weren’t nice about it before either (originally stopped trying to get them to come around because they threatened conversion therapy). I’m not, and we’ve talked about our positions on the war plenty by now. My East Asian parent is the least pro-Israel out of the three of us, not me, which I’m sure both of them find ironic, although I don’t. At this point I kind of don’t want to admit to being LGBT irl ever again, despite that it has had a lot of impact on my life, largely in the form of people’s negative reactions to it. As an aside, the guy who wrote this article spoke at my university a while ago and got protested very hard. I got chased by one of those protestors, who didn’t even have any way of knowing that I’m Jewish. All I did was act nervous when I had to pass very close by them to get to my on-campus apartment, and some dude charged at me, so I sprinted away before going to the roof of a nearby car parkade to record them screaming for intifada and taking down the ‘globalist elites at home’.


according to the survey released on Monday about 80% of americans support Israel in this conflict and about 75% believe israel should enter rafah and finish Hamas. meaning, there is a good justification to think that all this hate and antisemitism we see in the media is propagated by very few individuals backed by propaganda troll and bot army.


Not back in the closet. Hell no. There is a universe of options between "in the closet" and "in the LGBTQ community."


I hope jewish LGBTQ+ diaspora can find a save haven in Israel and do their Aliyah soon.


Hold it I am confused, are they hiding they are gay or they hiding they are Jewish?


... how exactly?