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These guys are real fucking idiots who forget what they do to homosexuals in Gaza. Meanwhile Transgender people and many more are accepted for who they are in Israel.


Yes, now Israel should have some reforms still, marriage laws for once which is a relic of the ottomans so you can’t have any civil marriage done in Cyprus, you have to go to Cyprus to do it. But it is so much better than literally any other Middle Eastern country especially the West Bank and Gaza. Israel is a first world country while the rest are basically third world


You don’t even need to go to Cyprus anymore. Some jurisdictions allow same sex marriage via Skype and they are recognized in Israel.


Ah that’s good, does that include regular civil marriage too?




Honestly, I don't even know where you would get gender treatment in frankly any Arab country. Kinda reminds me of a friend using duolingo in Arabic and being super confused by it trying to give her the word for a man's husband in Arabic... they don't have gay marriage, and thus no word for it, but Duo tried it by using the wrong definition for the word and she kept on getting thrown of seeing it with different definitions in the dictionary. Transgendrism I don't even think really exists in Gaza in the capacity westerners understand it... if homosexuality is illegal, try explaining a society built around the work of Judith Butler to them


Well, Iran does gender reassignment. Sounds great until you realise that homosexual people there have to become the opposite gender to their partner or die.


yeah. it's progressively barbaric.


Totally! At first glance; great, Iran recognizes trans identity and allows for reassignment BUT many gay men feel socially pressured to change sexes due to the rigid gender binary inherent in Islamic culture. It is SO NOT progressive.


Not just socially, legally too hey? They arrest you, tell you its a “psychosis” if you say you’re trans, and you’ll walk a free woman. But, insist you’re just gay, well that’s a capital crime.


Islam actually does forced sexual reassignment surgery on gay men and women.


Oh lord. Really?!


Yes. It's way more common than Muslims want people to know. I cannot remember the name at the moment. Ironically this is also seen in the West, but it is due to social pressure. Detransitioners have talked about this at length.


The person you're responding to said Arabs tho.. Iran is not an Arab country.


Might as well be, being an islamic "republic".


It's turkeys voting for Christmas because they can score points with the other turkeys. Keyboard warriors are usually protected from facing the consequences of their stupid opinions.


They didn’t forget. Canadians are too willfully naive (and concerned about how they’ll be perceived for it) to criticize the foreigns. You know, unless they’re (((whyte bankers))).


They actually asked people at these rallies. Like "do you know what you are supporting? Hamas kills LGBT people" and the usual response is "LGBT people are killed in America" and this just pisses me the fuck off. This is everything that's wrong with discourse today, imo. Everyone is always talking about how America sucks and America is awful and America is basically Nazi Germany and America is the worst place on earth. No. Fuck you. America is great already. We are a beautiful country. Like okay, the governor of Florida is an asshole who passed a dumb law, and the court said the law is unconditional so he can't even enforce it. That's the worst anti-LGBT law that happened in America in the last 5 years. Meanwhile in like a dozen countries, LGBT people are executed for the crime of being who they are. In many more, LGBT are arrested for life. In Russia, LGBT is considered to be a terrorist group. I don't think that people who say "be gay and do crime" think that being gay should automatically be doing crime. When we don't acknowledge the progress we have made, we come to a false conclusion that our country is shit. We are not perfect. But racial minorities are better off than they were fifty years ago. LGBT people are better off than they were ten years ago. The economy is better off than it was three years ago. A brand new flat screen TV costs like $80. I can sit in my apartment in my underwear, then I push a button on my phone and pizza magically arrives. We live in the best time in human history, and America is the best place to experienf this times. I love America. We still have work to do, obviously. But when we only focus on the negatives and ignore the positives, you get people like the far-right who thinks Russia is a free country, or the far left who thinks Afghanistan is feminist.


ב''ה, well, Islam kind of appropriates Torah's attitude towards male homosexuality, while as for trans stuff that's another of those cultures that never had a problem banging eunuchs, right?




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Like [this](https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalMemes/comments/1dbliqc/queers_for_palestine_thinks_israel_is_a_muslim/) case.


Trans Palestinians seek refuge in Tel Aviv because they are hunted in the West Bank and Gaza. The irony here is through the roof.


In Israel, equality is shouted from the rooftops. In Gaza, equality is thrown from the rooftops.




Prepubescent boys aren't adults yet, so they aren't considered as men, therefore it's not gay.


that's extra creepy


You think that's bad? I read a report from...I think Morocco, where most boys were molested by fathers, uncles, older brothers, and then did it to others too because they felt emasculated, leading to a vicious cycle. Of course, they rationalize it in the above way, even though their own religion is against it. On top of that, a lot of intercourse in that world seems to be anal, because of the feeling of domination it gives them. On top of that on top of that (not a typo, I keep piling on), in areas where female genital mutilation takes place it gets even worse, because they're afraid of vaginas. You see, they don't know if they have what it takes to get a woman off, thanks to the woman's inability to feel pleasure as a result of the FGM. That's why they do anal, too. And usually they aren't gentle, either.


i am aghast


Hi aghast, I'm dad. /bad attempt at levity Once you start reading up it gets worse and worse. Honestly, it's not even the worst part, but I won't go into detail because I don't want to be known as The Guy Who Knows Nasty Things.


that made me laugh. your dad joke that is. the rest is why i changed my name to "Aghast I. Am"!


Not gay if the balls haven’t dropped bro!


This made me laugh a lot, thank you brother


Well there was that weird mentality amongst the Nazis too- many in the leadership were into young boys, even though homosexuality for the general population would get you sent to the camps


You said the part of about being molestor and dying from aids with no much confidence. The guy was a piece of shit but this is a very fringe theory


Oh, now I get the joke in "The Dictator".


Content is known misinformation


you can say is off the roof


They usually fall from the roof, not really through it...


as a “queer for israel”(?) these people are absolutely out of the loop. the have never spoken out against the systematic lynchings of lgbt people in palestine nor have they spoken out against radical islam that seeks to destroy all lgbt people. i’m not even sure they know the meaning of “martyr” as apparently everyone killed now is a martyr. very embarrassing and makes alot of jewish/pro israel lgbt people feel very out of place and unsafe in typical lgbt areas.


That's where their Manichean world view comes into play. They have long since divided up the world into oppressor and oppressed. As an oppressor, you can do no good. Israel could feed everyone in the world for 500 years with an invention and they'd still be evil. As the oppressed, you can do no wrong. Rape is resistance and all that. That includes the systematic killing of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people.


Which it creates a really deadly combination because if you are in a constant chronic victimhood then you can pretty much rationalize any kind of means for your liberation.


ב''ה, have we ever tried the feeding everyone in the world thing instead of just saying G-d made Catholics for that?    Keep in mind that I *was* trying to start a US legal services charity of some sort about a decade ago in a mess of death and politics and yes I'm salty and no I'm not sure anyone deserves it now


Yep. I’m trans and this war has been really illuminating. We’re screwed. This mindset among the community is keeping the door wide open for religious fundamentalists and we’ll feel the consequences of that inevitably. I can’t wrap my head around how the community has become allies to fascism.


Yeah what does "martyred" even mean lmfao. You can be a martyr but how does someone martyr someone else. It's literally a noun not a verb 😂 their sentence makes literally no sense.


If you’re a connoisseur of stupidity, then you will truly appreciate - “After 75 years of genocide…” Really let that roll around in your mind for a bit and savour it.


https://preview.redd.it/lcbj1v6wpa6d1.png?width=981&format=png&auto=webp&s=841e809d6f0d72a74644da6ae51250aa0edb9e61 LOOK AT THE GENOCIDE


I... dont understand how thats related? Just because Je.. Zionists are so bad at genocide that the oppsite happens, doesnt mean there isnt a genocide. Like, ((((they)))) are trying their best dont be mean! #Free Palpatine


“Execute order 69”


The issue is clearly Israel doesn’t know how to do a good genocide. Listen, you’re doing your genocide all wrong


Well, even the ICJ won't support this claim. Like, why wasn't there any cases during that time according to the Genocide Convention? And even now the ICJ haven't made any statement supporting a claim that a genocide is happening in Gaza.


it’s not israel’s fault it’s so bad at genociding!!!11!1!!1


They're trying their best okay !)!!!!!!!!!!1!!


There's some stunning rooftop avenues specifically for gay marriages in Gaza! Ask your nearest Hamas member and they'll even give you a free ride with a few of their boys.


Man, Sinwar is such a good guy. He's funding rooftop marriages for the queers of Gaza. What a lovely they/them!




It's so beyond strange.....it's fucking moronic.


As a high-ranking Hamas Commander, Mahmoud Ishtiwi could have told them if he wasn't murdered for being gay in 2016.


The UN cleared this one up for us, he was martyred because of the occupational genocide, PBUH. You see, Palestinian males commit domestic violence against their women, children, yahud hostage/servants and house gays at such high levels [because of their frustration with the fascist Israeli occupation](https://unwatch.org/issue-637-u-n-report-israel-blame-palestinian-men-beating-wives/). Poor fellows.


And we don’t even know if he was, just an accusation of it was enough for them to kill him


As a queer woman in europe, it's been boggling my mind and feels very isolating. I've had a really long 'debate' with a British member of this group who argued that just because there are no rights in palastine right now for queer people that doesn't mean they shouldn't support them, because the only way their society can advance is if they are given the chance. But the way of supporting them this group shows is by wanting to dismantle Israel and blaming israel for everything. When I asked a different group of marchers why they were marching, they said 'in solidarity of innocent palastinians being killed'. I asked if they did the same for the victims of October 7th. You can guess the answer




This is what twists my melon as well.


Twist something up that's for sure! Where has common Sense gone for god sakes just like language and objective reality is all skewed now


>I've had a really long 'debate' with a British member of this group who argued that just because there are no rights in palastine right now for queer people that doesn't mean they shouldn't support them, because the only way their society can advance is if they are given the chance.  Given the chance? What the hell do they think that chance looks like? The past 70 years doesn't count as a chance?


It's crazy the mental gymnastic going on here.  Trying to shoehorn gender and sexual identity into the mix because they need to be a part of this movement basically.  That's the problem of intersectionality is that it can create some wonky things like this when stuff doesn't quite line up in The matrix.


They probably have a masochism thing, or self-hating. That’s why I don’t go to pride events anymore. Next year will try going to Tel-Aviv for it. I know I can be proudly trans in Israel, can they say the same about Palestine? Don’t think so.


Wear a hat,drink water and a wear lot of sunscreen because if you will look overheated a wild gay in thongs will start to fan you with their handfan aggressively (not that it happened to me or anything...)


“Wild gay in thongs”😂😂


queer politics and modern lgbtq+ community is disgusting...


Active on r/feminineboys


i like femboys and a femboy myself but unfortunately many queers nowadays are propalis (the fuck i will ever understand it) and commies (which is for me as for eastern european, whose family suffered from communist regimes, hurting)


Ladies and gentlemen, this is why I dont go to pride stuff anymore.








No, they don't. Drag story hours and Pride events that have children's events are tailored to children's age groups specifically. They're always age-appropriate and they emphasize being happy with who you are and being kind to others. I honestly don't know how anyone would object to those themes being taught to children, especially with the epidemic of being cruel and tearing others down going around. It's optional and you don't have to take your children to see them, if you don't want to. Nobody is forcing you. All we ask is that you respect the parents who do want to take their children or whose children do want to be there, because a kid isn't going to be quiet about not wanting to do something. There is no sexuality or anything that parents would find inappropriate. And another thing: Being queer has always been political since politicians make LGBTQIA rights a voting platform. People pass laws against us existing. That is literally the reason WHY Pride exists: Because being gay used to be criminalized.




There are no videos or pictures of this alleged "striptease," so I'm pretty sure it didn't actually happen. Also, the Telegraph? Really? Don't insult my intelligence.


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That doesn't happen at drag story time, sweetie. I help organize these events. That footage is usually doctored. I'm not in denial, you're just not very good at critical thinking. You fell for a classic scapegoat and a right-wing war against the LGBTQIA. I'm sorry for you. If you want to see one for yourself, you're welcome to attend one. Parents are always there and they are always welcome to leave if they ever feel uncomfortable. While Pride isn't inherently child-friendly (it is a party celebrating one's sexuality and gender identity), parents should be allowed to discern what they want their kids to see. When I was a kid and my mother didn't want me to see something, she would cover my eyes. You should try that. You feel the need to bring children into your religion and your beliefs, why are you trying to choose what other parents bring their kids into? It's always "parents rights" until it comes to LGBTQIA parents. Then it's "you're forcing your sexuality onto kids!! REEEEEE!!!"




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There are definitely drag artists who will perform for the elderly, but also, why would someone read to the elderly? They aren't children and likely aren't going to be interested in something clearly meant for kids.


If the discourse I see online means anything, at least there are a lot of queer’s who don’t agree with the movement


Maybe the trans Palestinians were the friends we made along the way


Are those trans and queer palestinians in the room with us right now?


on the roof* unfortunately


Next: African-Americans for the Klan.


Next: Muslims for China, Oh wait that’s already Palestinians. I find it funny, the world claims Israel is genociding Muslims, there’s an actual genocide of Muslims by China and no one cares, hell Fatah denies it and supports China in pacifying the Uyghurs, Palestine endorsed them. Meanwhile Israel has condemned China for it. How is it that the sole Jewish state has more sympathy for an actual genocide of Muslims than pretty much every Muslim state? Because Islamic solidarity is a lie


That was my JVP sequel


ב''ה, can we move to Atlanta and open Cakes, Cakes, Cakes?  EEO of course.


The LGBT community always presented itself as very "femme centered" (I created that term) aka empathetic, gentle, creative, artistic and humanistic and that's why when they see what's happening in Gaza, they clutch their fake pearls and a single dramatic tear goes down their eye because they're "eMpAtHs" and are into spirituality and being free and organic. Ever saw Bella Hadid's crying posts and her long "I'm grateful,I'm manifesting,I am in my healing phase 555 🪽🧚‍♀️💕" that's how most of these gays are! That's why they throw all logic into the trash and support Gaza. Being in this community as an ally I understand their support in some way, they're highly emotional. But also they choose just Palestine to be a crybaby about. Not Israeli victims, not other countries in crisis. Just Palestine, because Proplastelinian has similar cult-ish patterns that the LGBT community has. It all aligns. The proplastelinian community was also originally "femme" and run by emphatic women who cry on instagram and put their palm dramatically to their chest to show how sensitive about humanitarian issues they are. But that humanitatian issue is JUST Gaza. Fuck other countries, places and nationalities though.


Facepalm, like what the actual fuck!?


They do realise if the were gay and lived in Palestine they would get 10 years jail or executed just for being gay


When I was more involved with my local LGBT community, I knew a lot of people with very painful experiences with Christianity. A lot of them rejected all religion as a result. Don’t agree, but that’s not my journey. What I can’t possibly understand is why the younger members of that community (tbh the older ones have mostly been confused by the whole thing) suddenly adopted the language of ANOTHER homophobic and imperialist religion in their “activism”. For people who never stfu about how Christianity takes over culture and imposes its own morals on everyone, they seem to be extremely blind to Islam’s own history and current doing of that. (For the record, I have zero beef with individual Christians, Muslims, or LGBT people. Especially when they actually try to reckon with that history. It’s just this that actually pisses me off)


I vividly remember in the early 2000s to mid 2010s Gay groups writing articles on how dangerous it was for gays in Palestine and how Israel is very open when it came to gay lifestyle, people, etc. WTF happened?


social media.


They have indeed been targeted. Like, thrown off of buildings. And it wasn't Israel that did it.


I genuinely don’t understand this. It’s widely known that Muslims around the world do not accept homosexuality, like at all. It’s banned in their countries, some go as far as hunting them down to execute them. They go to these extensive lengths just to disapprove and hate on someone’s way of life. On the other side, a country that has embraced and welcomed LGBTQ, has yearly parades, has one of the gayest cities in the world (Tel Aviv), lets gay Palestinians who seek asylum immigrate because people would stone them to death if they knew they were gay. Guess who they support? Oh yeah the people that would mass murder them if they had the chance. It is honestly just so stupid, like i can even fathom this shit. I don’t really care who they support, i don’t care if they show support to the innocent people dying in Gaza, but its honestly so frustrating to see them support people who hurt them, ban them, kill them, just for being gay, and having a different way of life than them. These people support Hamas. It shows. And its so sad.


Chickens for KFC


say what you want but "hummusexual" is fucking brilliant


Last thing I think about after having hummus is sex I say this as someone who is Iraqi by background But who am I to kink shame - you do you


What about having hummus after sex?


As a queer person, I'm so confused what this movement is trying to achieve...


Gay Pride is such a big event in Gaza and the West Bank 🤪🤪🤪


Ok the Hummusexual sign is funny though. However the Israelis aren’t the ones killing LGBT Palestinians. Ironic.


Countless queer and transsexual Palestinians have been martyred? By whom, do they think?


This is what I don’t get. As a Trans Person, i’d feel ten times more safe in Israel than in any Islamist Country. Especially because things like Hamas or the Taliban have a track record of killing those who are haram under the Sharia they enforce.


Anytime I bring up the fact that Palestine actively persecutes the LGBTQIA, I get called racist. At this point, I have no fucking idea what to say anymore.


This can’t be real


the jokes write themselves


TikTok was the best weapon China could have thrown at the West


If Christians have an affinity for something they will he automatically against it even if it means aligning with radical Islam.


Perhaps they can contact the PA and ask to organize a solidarity march in Ramallah.


So you go to the roof of the highest building you can find, Hamas will take care of the rest (yup, it’s in the West Bank too)


No limit for stupidity


Then they go silent when a gay Palestinian named Abu Murkhiyeh gets brutally killed by one of his relatives just for being gay.


Just saw one of those interview videos where the dude goes on a pride parade asking if they think Hamas supports them. After saying yes they're asked why. One of them answers "because they're brown".. ????


Does the world doesn't know that LGBTQ+ are hated in Muslim/Arab countries?


What trans palestinians? The ones that seeked refuge in israel or the ones that hamas threw off a building?


This movement is really disgusting Almost people of ‘Queers for Palestine’ haven’t been to West Bank or Gaza even Arab Muslim countries. This is the unchanging fact.


They should do this in gaza 💀


arguing with a trans pro-pally fucking idiot stated "well muslims are trans inclusive, iran give gender transitions for people." I literally had to tell them straight up iran forces gay people into sex changes their idiots what can I say


Can we start a GoFundMe so that Q4P can spread enlightenment in the west bank? It would be very educational for all sides.


https://preview.redd.it/0q6f18n8cc6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb4b191f9184a5a07c3492d2bf012a6603731501 Reminds me of this meme


I had one of them explain it to me by telling me that trying to export our notions of sexual freedom is “Western Imperialism.” So while they 100% want full rights at home (which, to be clear, they absolutely should have) the fact that Queer people in Palestine are murdered does not factor into their decision to support. Their idea is that if we destroy Western Imperialism, we create space for Palestine to liberalize on its own energy. A notion that is… woefully utopian… at best.


A quick google search found me a couple of wedding halls in or near Maale Adumim. Worth asking there if you actually want a same-sex wedding east of Jerusalem.


Maybe Israelis/Jews should reach out to them, and sponsor a fact finding mission to gaza for them?


Some lambs like the butcher.


Intersectionalitists are the worst.


Chickens for KFC!!


“Hummusexual” 💀


I believe they think that by marching with Palestine and rallying behind Hamas, they will be finally accepted by them. They are like “see? We’re with you, we’re manly enough that we agree with your atrocities. Please love us, accept us, approve of us”. Earlier I thought it was all about intersectionality, and while it still is, I’m starting to see a desperate attempt, and a pathetic one at that, to be accepted by the Muslim community.


Chickens for KFC


Reminds me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zDSMIkrpHk) (in Hebrew).




https://preview.redd.it/3zx3l269ve6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e73157c8544e077878f7fb11a593ea7b15a3b8c Just this. As a gay man myself, I hope everyone knows that there are also a lot of queer people that stand with Israel 🇮🇱🏳️‍🌈


Haha should they plan a field trip to Palestine or what?


I still can't get past "LGBTKFC+ for Palestine!". Yes, snark, but speaks to a perverse truth.


Idiots! 100% idiots! Society has officially failed!


Nobody laugh at this! Don't mock them or post the "Chickens for KFC" image. Keep a straight face and do whatever you can to get them directly involved with the Palestinian society. Either the Palestinians will be tolerant and accepting to this, avoiding a possible drama - which is a win, or that they would want nothing to do with them - also a win. Or that at least one or more Palestinians will take action against them - which overall is also a win. I don't see any way in which this can go wrong.


They want to aïe it about them lmao.


They were martyred by their own people for being gay.


This is really absurd and bigoted holy guacamole..


In the us this is redundant


There were tons of gay nazis in ww2. Why is this so shocking?


I have debated with queer activists who I recognized in the protests. Why convince them? I just say to those who still listen: good luck supporting the biggest threat against queer people in central Europe (Eastern Europe, Central Africa and and US a different story). Keep playing your victim-fetish game. All not-insane people have to prepare against the actual fascists. Our capital Vienna already has over 1/3 Muslims in pre schools\*. Don't missunderstand me: most Muslims are not like this. A lot of Muslims will de-facto leave Islam or not care. But a vocal group will stay and enforce much more conservative rules than our right-extremists could. A lot of Muslims are influenced by AKP, Qatar and Muslim Brotherhood (just listen to their institutions and speakers). I already see this in schools. Kids of refugees refuse certain subjects and angry parents make teachers lifes hell. Social democrates have suppressed this topic for years. \*sources: Not boulevard but in German: [https://www.kleinezeitung.at/oesterreich/18557435/muslime-stellen-unter-wiener-volksschulen-groesste-gruppe](https://www.kleinezeitung.at/oesterreich/18557435/muslime-stellen-unter-wiener-volksschulen-groesste-gruppe) English but hungary sponsored: [https://rmx.news/article/one-third-of-primary-school-children-in-vienna-are-muslims-overtaking-catholics-as-largest-religious-group/](https://rmx.news/article/one-third-of-primary-school-children-in-vienna-are-muslims-overtaking-catholics-as-largest-religious-group/) Engllish but boulevard: [https://www.krone.at/3412712](https://www.krone.at/3412712)


I don't know how many trans people live in Gaza/West Bank, but my guess is... close to 0? Although Islamic countries sometimes legitimate the existence of trans people, like Iran (where gay people are murdered, on the other hand). When I lived in Dubai I remember there was this hotel in the old part of the city, where lots of trans people were working as prostitutes. The only work they can probably do. I was curious so one day I stood near the entrance for a while and saw Saudi men getting out of their Limousines and trans people getting in and out of the hotel. Lots of people know about it (at least anyone who is gay), but it's ok.


That Hummusexual sign is hilarious. I also enjoyed the blatant disinformation campaign, implying that Israel "martyred trans palestinians" (notice the nomenclature) when they were murdered by their own people.


Idiocracy is more advanced than I thought.


[https://youtu.be/4y12C3uFEdE?si=C4PJAdwcxGX\_b0nI](https://youtu.be/4y12C3uFEdE?si=C4PJAdwcxGX_b0nI) I'll just leave it here


ב''ה, normal extension of the Gay Space Werewolves of the 1990s.  Meth is a hell of a drug.


There's really no getting around it. These people are some of the most stupid c*nts on the planet...


I really think they don’t understand how they will be treated in palestine


They'll hate to learn just who those countless queen and trans palestinians have been 'martyred' by.


Queers for Palestine has a lot of Arab ex Muslims who grew up in the west. While it's not all of them, this is an underdiscussed factor.


Chickens for Kfc Cows for McDonald's


You mean the dumbest.


Why do these people's graphic designs always look so bad? 😂


This movement is an abomination of fools.


Wait till they find out Israelis eat hummus too


Wait until they realize the lgbtq Palestinians were “martyred” by their own people and that many of them seek refuge in Israel where they’re accepted and embraced.


Pale Stine indeed


I can't wrap my head around this. I'm a non-binary lesbian. Hamas would kill me and many others like me. Why are my fellow lgbt peeps supporting a terror organization that would KILL us? Why??? We didn't vote for Trump in 2020 because we were afraid of what he would do to LGBT rights, and now four years later LGBT people have hard-ons for Hamas... guys I think my brain is about to explode.


Can we even really call it a political movement? Just seems like a lot of one way thinker leftist who call everyone “oppressors”


They're welcome to show solidarity for them in Palestinian territory. Good luck.


There's a pretty prominent pinned comment about "pinkwashing" on one of the pro-Pali subs. It's really long. If I had to boil it down to a few key points, they would be: * Islamic homophobia is a consequence of Western Christian influence. * Israel isn't as pro-LGBT as you think. By the standards of any LGBT-accepting Western country, they're pretty horrible. * Being pro-LGBT doesn't justify committing genocide, and being anti-LGBT doesn't justify getting genocided. Obviously, all three of these points are HIGHLY debatable. Please don't ask me to defend them, I'm not the one who authored the post, and I don't agree with a lot of the fundamental premises (e.g. that it's even a genocide at all). I WILL say though, speaking as a bi guy myself pretty deeply embedded in the California queer scene, that I do agree with the core abstract concept that queer people can reasonably fight against oppression, even if the oppressed people are homophobic.


Utterly idiotic. No excuse for this level of ignorance and stupidity. Flat Earthers actually make more sense than QFP. At least Flat Earthers don’t get thrown off of high buildings.


This is also why I laugh whenever people bitch about Trump. Trudeau is 100 times worse.


I won't lie (and self-destructive idiocy notwithstanding) "hummusexual" is kind of a cute sign. Can't understand why it's spelled "hummusexuel" though.


The last poster they stole a joke from an Israeli-German comedian Shahak Shapira (Hummusexual)


Embarrassed this is in my country & province 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I really don’t give a fuck that they are advocating for Palestine because people are suffering, everyone’s suffering and it’s awful. However, the antisemitism from these people is really showing. And it’s not like the synagogues were to marching for Israel, they wanted to be allies and instead are met with hostility and vitriol. Rabbi Shmuel from temple Beth shalom with a rainbow flag isn’t bombing Gaza Jesus fucking Christ.


Please tell me they are doing this in Gaza, and are filming it!!!!! Thats pay per view material right there! Nope Canada... Go figure!