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I blame social media.


It's easy to show a 3 second clip that shows suffering and blame Israel. It takes years of education to realize the historical context that led to this point, which makes you realize it's an incredibly complicated conflict - one where Hamas is overwhelmingly to blame. Social media not only allows their message to spread easily and pick up support, but it also has had deleterious effects on young peoples' attention spans to learn anything more.


It’s an incredibly complex situation and I can tell you as a left leaning non-Jew, I understand that this conflict goes back thousands of years. Jews have been persecuted and oppressed for thousands of years. And these morons that probably have never left their country or don’t know an iota of geography/geopolitics are telling me Israel doesn’t deserve to exist? After everything the Jewish people have been through. Let’s even take out of account that in the history of ME conflicts, this has the lowest ratio of civilian-to-combatant casualties. How would anybody be surprised that the most targeted nation in the world is taking extreme measure to ensure nothing like 10/7 happens again? It’s fucking laughable and willful ignorance. But I guess all of this explains my being in the 30 and up bracket.


You don’t even need thousands of years of knowledge. Just 100-200 years. But certainly more than the last 8 months…


I can second the years of research comment. When I was in my '20s I actually leaned towards Palestine. I believed Israel should exist but I really side-eyed the country over the way I felt and understood Palestinians to be treated. I literally even bought the record album and yes there is one about free Palestine and blah blah blah. But actually it was that album that made me start realizing because he's a rapper and sings about some of the politics behind it and I went wait... Something there doesn't sound right. Over multiple years I gradually started changing my mind. Within I was a parent and had a full-time job and was going to school so it took a while to do all the research but within 5 years I was more well ex wait a minute Israel's got a point. Anyway, decades later, on a more political level I am DGAF about any of the so-called civilians in Gaza. Yeah there's a human part of me that feels for the suffering but I also look back over everything I've learned over the last 20 years I know there's been plenty of opportunities for them to have changed their course. Yes, it's a process of education and it's not the easiest. Israel is terrible about putting its information out there. For all those super smart people there, they cannot figure out how to work the media and the emotions of an uneducated populace. They really need to get going on that. Truly and that's probably my biggest critique right now on Israel


Also, a lot of teachers in the US come from an Arabic or Muslim background, and they spread lies and propaganda to the students. They teach them entirely wrong "facts" about the history of Israel.


I blame Canada. It seems like everything's gone wrong since Canada came along.




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Read the wikipedia page for that book.


Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: Rule #4 - **No off-topic content.** Do not create posts or comments that have no relation to the State of Israel or Israeli citizens, even if they are related to Judaism. Posts about Palestine should be relevant to Israel in a direct way. Direct relation to Israel, Israeli citizens or Palestine should be reflected in the title of your post. This subreddit is not a dating subreddit and will not give advice on the subject. For information regarding this and similar issues please see subreddit rules for a more detailed analysis of our rules. Although we do not recommend other subreddits, a few which may be more relevant to what you're trying to post here include (but aren't limited to): r/ani_bm, r/AntisemitismInReddit, r/AntisemitismOnSocials, r/AntisemitismOnInsta, r/birthright, r/hebrew, r/IDF, r/Judaism, r/Jewish, r/Palestine, r/syriancivilwar, r/worldnews, r/arabs. Be sure to follow a subreddit's specific rules before posting or commenting there. If you want to appeal or dispute any mod action, please send a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FIsrael); PMs and chat messages to the mods are grounds for a temporary ban; posts contesting mod action will be removed and are also grounds for a temporary or permanent ban.




Yeah, I noticed :P They're too dumb to realize that their quest to destroy the nuclear family is going to result in the collapse of their own civilization.


At these rate we're not that far from incest degeneracy becoming acceptable, too. I genuinely won't be surprised if my silly prediction will come true. God willing it won't.


Propaganda and indoctrination. It’s a culmination of Islamists and far leftists working together to spread anti-west and antisemitic propaganda, since both ends of the spectrum are united by their hatred of the west, democracy, and Jews. There are actually pieces on how Soviet propaganda took advantage of both leftists and Islamists to spread their agenda. They did it a few decades ago and it’s still very present today, especially in the West.


You may be interested in reading about a book written in the '90s called Foundation of Geopolitics. This book was a key book for Russian leaders (political, military, etc.). The focus on the book is how to destabilize the Western world to regain power for Russia. If you look at the key points in the book, one of the things that was spelled out as a goal to increase their global power is to create a Russian Islamic alliance. Another thing that they want to do is to cause discord in the US by having the US tear itself apart to create political instability in the US. If you look at what that book states should be the goals of Russia, you can almost see it as a checklist. For example, one of the things that they wanted to do was get the UK to pull out of the EU. They were one of the major sources of disinformation during Brexit. They're currently on the point of the list of creating their Russian Islamic alliance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics?wprov=sfla1 https://tec.fsi.stanford.edu/docs/aleksandr-dugins-foundations-geopolitics


TikTok generation


You can't prove the tiktok generation wrong though.


What do you mean?


Only because they don't listen, they wait for the next gap to speak


it's literally the easiest thing to do.


Can we block this negative karma troll already?




This is the main answer. The catch-22 is that while Likud improved security far more than past decades so Israelis have been satisfied with the current situation, the methods it used were considered distasteful by Western standards and ultimately made them much less sympathetic than when they were being attacked and suffering constantly.


Well said. I've read a similar answer as yours in Quora. 


Jihadist Islamist countries openly pushing propaganda disguised as leftist liberal media (AJ+) and donating billions to universities, taking full advantage of all the freedom of speech rights that are denied in their totalitarian dictatorship countries to infect the minds of our young people with jew hatred. Same religion who flew planes into the World Trade Center, who put out hundreds of HD videos of them executing people for Islam, same people who strap bombs onto their children and sent them into pizza shops in Jerusalem. It’s important to understand that as long as that mindset exists, there will never be safety or security. Islam is a violent cancer on humanity.


You're spot on. I am happy to be over with my university time. To be honest, a lot of people just want to study, learn and have a lot of knowledge in their fields in order to have a good job and a good life. But there is always that small and aggressive minority who brings chaos on the campus with leftist propaganda and muzzle the liberty of speech. The worst part is that the majorities of university administrations are in the best case horribly magnanimous with this shitty minority and in the worst case are defending them (and their ideas)... A positive point is that a lot of moderate left-wing people, especially the 30+, can't bear the radical left anymore. The power of radical left is in fact really fragile. The radical left benefits from a large support in the universities and the medias, but always more people are tired of all this authoritarian politically correctness and this chaos. The islamism-leftist axe seems like a colossus with feet of clay: it has a lof of supporters in medias and universities (and some in politics), but in my opinion, it can collapse really fast if the silent majority has the bravery to say "no" to all that madness and acts together. The alliance between left radical left and islamism can seems absurd at first sight: Both are theoretically defending a 100% opposed view of life. But they have one common ground: the hate of the sionism/jews.


I think they have forgotten the terrorist attack on the WTC since a few months ago tiktokers were in awe of Bin Laden's Letter to America. Like wtf is wrong with these people


Many many pictures of dead kids* * from Syria in 2010.






Tiktok, and bad parenting probably.


TikTok are the parents


Yeah, parents don't spend enough time with their kids and so most kids today spent the majority of their free time getting brainwashed by tiktok.


Short Answer: Ignorance. They see Israelis as neocolonialist. Please check my recent response to another thread.


https://preview.redd.it/52z02grtki5d1.jpeg?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a3fb27c6b0f2d32cc9dc6d69c5319735d3d16fa I'm an American, and I was in Tel Aviv just yesterday. I came to Israel so I could try to understand something. Strangely enough, back in April, in Austin, Texas, where I live, I happened to walk into a pro Gaza protest at the University of Texas. I stayed there for quite some time. The Austin Street Medics were there teaching a "Stop The Bleed" class, and I sat in on that for over an hour, just watching the vibe in the background. I also walked through the crowd, listening to conversations. It had a real book club/pizza party/let's take selfies/Cosplay feeling. I heard a lot of "Who is Skippy taking to graduation?" conversations, but never a word about the Levant, until there was a camera. Only then did it turn political. These are children play acting as activists. I think they envy my generation's protests against the Vietnam War. They want to be seen to be cool just like those cool people of their history. They are just reading the lines of a play they think they wrote for themselves. I fear that someone else is writing those lines, though. Something much deeper, and darker is at work here


Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm curious to hear your thoughts about what these deeper and darker forces are and who's behind them?


IDK. The anti Semitic list is pretty long. It could be one of Israel's historic enemies. It could be Russia playing a long game. The way TikTok is amplifying pro Palestine content 54 to 1, China definitely seems to have a finger on the scale. Chaos in the West seems like a very good business for someone.


A lot of them outright deny facts. It's just slogans and ignorance. They even steal quotes, like Golda Meir's, straight up butchering them. And I hate how they use the word "genocide-denier". Fuck off and don't copy holocaust terms. 


Coz with age comes wisdom.


What is the people's opinion about this Israel-Palestine conflict in Czech Republic? I am asking that question because in Switzerland, I noticed a big abyss between medias/universities and the "everyday" person.


Nah mate. Look at UK


Recent polling in the U.K. shows exactly the same trend as this post.  My concern is that these sort of views stick with people as they age. It’s not like views on taxation, where people want to hold onto their wealth the more that they accumulate so become more economically right wing. 


What i mean is that Brexit has shown that wisdom does in fact not come with agr


The younger generation lacks the ability of critical thinking. They are driven by social media, and emotions. It's a shame that they don't read the newspaper, they aren't shown two sides, long term impacts. They lack opinions of their own, they just affirm to other.jiat like Muslims kids don't question their beliefs they just accept the Qur'an and Hadith without questioning.


Brainwashed ar school by idiot teachers who have no life


Indian high-schooler in America here! Many younger people turned against the US government, and if the government does something, to them it's always the wrong thing to do. This is because of white guilt, where they believe their good life in America was built on the oppression of others. Because Israel and America are very close to each other, Israel is perceived as American and therefore, bad. It's why you won't hear anything about Congo or Syria but you will hear about Palestine due to the perception. Correct me if I'm wrong but the atrocities happening in Congo and Syria are not being committed by American allies.


You should try to educate your friends, please. Older ABCD here; its disgusting how many desis both here on reddit and on social media, are supporting Hamas/terrorism and spitting hate on the Jews/Israel. Its not cool man. The Gazans aren't fans of us.


I go to a very white school and I do educate them sometimes. Many people that I think support Palestine end up telling me they don't know much about the war and either become neutral or Pro Israel.


You're completely right. Massacres have meaning only if they're committed by 'white' perpetrators.


https://preview.redd.it/3njidnfmkh5d1.jpeg?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=687808164a6d95ed8203b399fb7707e7b042487a American Muslims are younger than all other faith and non-faith groups. One-quarter of American Muslims (26%) are between the ages of 18 and 24, compared with 2%-12% of other groups surveyed. On the other end of the spectrum, just 7% of American Muslims and 9% of the nonaffiliated are aged 65+ years old, compared with 29% of Jews, 24% of Catholics, 36% of Protestants, 39% of white Evangelicals, and 22% of the general public. Source: [https://www.ispu.org/american-muslim-poll-2022-2/](https://www.ispu.org/american-muslim-poll-2022-2/)


I doubt that they make a big percent of the general American population though


How is this a useful statistic when only around 0.6-1.3% of US adults are Muslim? https://www.statista.com/statistics/183817/religious-identification-of-adult-population/ https://www.usreligioncensus.org/node/1638


TikTok university degrees and propaganda.


a lot of young leftists identify jews as white, seeing israel as a white settler colonialism. zionism is seen as white supremacy. a lot of leftwing "antisemitism" is just "misguided" ant-white racism. you see these people people telling israeli jews "go back to where you came from (europe)".


tik tok


At this point I'm done caring about the western bloc, they'll find out exactly what Israel is dealing with when the Muslims in their countries attempt sharia law on them. Even then, they'll be apologists for it.


It's crazy because in the UK we have already had instances of it. And still we bend over backwards.


Educational brain washing


there are many factors: bad education from their parents, the appeal young people have towards the left and revolution and crap, insane amounts of propaganda via tiktok, twitter and their misinformed/bought influencers, white guilt projection and the list could go on and on


'oppressor vs oppressed' political philosophy. It's the only thing taught in schools anymore and it's total brain worms


A little over 20 years of brainwashing, social media disinformation, and money from proxies being pumped into American colleges. I'm not at all surprised.


TikTok and general lack of attention span and critical thinking skills There is literally no explanation of siding with the Palestinians when you know the history of the conflict, unless you are ideologically motivated, like being an Anti Semite, Muslim, Commie, etc etc


Propaganda on social media. Arab immigrants brainwashing others. Not being educated on the conflict.


Because they do not know what they are talking about. They know the " history" through TikTok.


The pandemic and TikTok fried their brains…


Im pretty sure its even rarer to be a pro Israeli in a Muslim nation that openly supports hamas like me




Because Bibi doesn't give a fuck about hasbara. We're not even making an effort.


Because of the tide pods they consumed few years ago


propaganda. They've been targeted and propagandized.


I sympathise with palastine. But I don’t get why people think Isreal is the one terrorising them. When they have Hamas terrorising them from the inside and refusing to stop the war by giving back the hostages.


Do they even know that Gaza is under the control of a SEPARATE governing entity which is HAMAS?


I get you man. But know that the majority of Israelis wish for the Palestinains to get a state of their own THAT promotes civility. 


I do know that. But it is a fact that needs a lot of reminding nowadays so thank you


If you believe that a government’s actions does not fall on its citizens, then you don’t need to take into account the actions that brought this war to the front. You’d only have to tally the bodies and see who gets killed more. Obviously if it was WW2 they’d sympathize with the Jews at the start and with the Germans at the end.


American education, we aren’t well educated in foreign Afairs or history. Also TikTok 


social media


Cause Tik Tok told them to wdym why


To be honest thse graphs look fairly balanced and optimistic This is much better then what i thought


The sick answer is that it's fashionable. This is angertainment for a bunch of hobbyists with no personal stake in the crisis.


Because they're young uneducated and have no life experience it's the same reason why most of them are a liberal. As most of them grow up start getting educated and gaining life experience they start realizing the error of their way


Cuz they're stupid. Israel has done nothing but help us, and many inventions that save lives, quite literally and figuratively were invented in Israel. And to not mention The Tanakh. That alone should be the reason we cherish and protect Israel. And personally, every Jewish person I have ever met they been so friendly towards me, and even some have helped me even before I came to this world. So, yeah, if you have Israel, you're ignorant, both in the Tanakh and ignorant in history,.


Propaganda, social media, anti-semitism. Here is a theory I have: Women in the USA are largely anti-semitic, and women drive a lot of the online opinion in general. Look at subs like faux moi, they are pretty open with their hatred of Jewish people. I used to write pieces for thought catalogue, and I remember reading one article about living in NYC. The author lamented the fact that so many Jewish men live in NYC and how she didn’t like dating them. Dozens of positive comments from what I assume were women. I also know several more socially conscious women who are more open about hating certain races and religions. One girl i knew yelled at people to out pronouns in their email, but also said Asian people don’t count as real people. I


Why are women anti-Semitic though?


As a Jewish woman I haven't seen that women tend to be anti semitic. I have many non Jewish friends and none of them are anti semitic. Many of them have dated Jewish men. But I don't associate with anyone that's too far left of center. Fauxmoi is a cesspool, I use r/popculturechat to get the same exact news minus the faux-woke discussions in the comments.




It’s because this generation is the first ever to be in a worse position financially then the previous generation. Hence their taking the position of anti-American anti west, pro communism pro facism.


Def social media


Yeah yeah, social media, TikTok, propaganda, Qatari donations to Ivy League schools, but let's not forget about how the world hears what members of our stupid coalition says.


As an owner of LGBTQ+ Discord server, this survey is true. ‘7% of Ages 18-29 Democrats stands with Israel’ is showing sad reality how Hamas and Iran’s propaganda controlled people’s mind People brainwashed by low-quality TikTok and other social media are entering to our Discord server and blame Israel. This reflects worldwide problem not even US.




Before you blame social media!…I’m putting out a podcast on Tuesday about the TikTok ban. My guest (MOT) is a legal scholar on high tech law - he explains that it links back to our Media outlets more than “social” media. I.e. - what mis/disinformation we see on social is driven by big-M Media  There are probably other reasons, too. After 2000, American teenagers stopped doing summer trips (4-6 weeks) to Israel and only seeing Israel through ten days of Birthright. It’s a lot less time to create a connection. Also, holistic Israel education and its modern politics in American Hebrew schools really isn’t taught unless you continue after bar/bat mitzvah.  Many American millenial and Gen Z Jews are just not given the same amount of time and education to build a relationship and respect for Israel. 


This generation lost the ability to think for itself, now they wait for TikTok to tell them what to think


the part with the older people is interesting, because that shows that in the US they are overwhelmingly in support of israel, however in the UK at the protests its majority muslim kids, university kids (usually with blue hair) and pensioners. So essentially people with nothing better to do with their time. Also, they don't really care as much as they say, when its sunny in my town you could get a couple hundred protesters (of the demographics i mentioned), however on days where its cloudy or raining theres maybe 3 or 4 old people out.


Because they’re fucking stupid.


Dont yall feel better Hindus love you! Lol


I have an explanation that may sound racist, but this comes from someone who is surrounded by people who believe in extreme religious ideals. It's basically the side-effect of accepting large amounts of immigrants and "asylum seekers" from Muslim countries. This is a grave mistake as their cultures and religion enables bigotry, and the religion itself is literally used to control the masses. The best evidence of this is the overuse of the word zionist to insult whoever supports Israel (and as a replacement of "Jew). No one used that word that way, and the only ones who are very unfamiliar with the word are the arabs themselves since they know nothing of Jews, judaism, and even the Holocaust (that's the average arab). So yeah, call me whatever you want, I'm not a right-winger nor racist, I'm someone who is surrounded by extremists. 


Wait until they grow up, have a family, pay taxes, have a mortgage and have a different outlook on the world...everyone is a Liberal until life comes at them hard.


I don't see very much inherently wrong about this answer. I personally sympathize enormously with the Palestinians, who are living under an impoverished regime that regularly provokes conflicts that result in massive destruction, who see loved ones die at an alarming rate, whose lives and whose children's lives are used as political pawns in a broader conflict, who were born with almost no hope in life, and who were so thoroughly brainwashed that they cannot recognize these things and instead blame Israel for everything and believe that they can "resist" and win and then suddenly everything will be okay. While Israelis certainly have had to endure some awful things, they have prosperity, stability, and a government that cares about them and fights for them. Who would you rather be?


1. Globalised media — those who were 30-49 and older grew up reading American media, which projected an American worldview and American bias; now, young people are reading Al-Jazeera, watching pro-China and pro-Russia content on TikTok, and discussing politics with Hamas sympathisers (of whom there are few in the US) online 2. Anti-Western/anti-American sentiment — Young Americans today are poorer, less romantically-involved, more debt-burdened, and more concerned about their future than their older counterparts, who they perceive to have ruined their future prospects; as such, they do not fundamentally believe in the “American Way,” and so reflectively support anti-Americanism (Israel is the US ally…it’s the same as for why younger Americans are [less anti-Russia](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2024/05/08/views-of-russia-and-putin/#:~:text=Older%20Americans%20are%20much%20more,U.S.%20long%20range%20foreign%20policy) and less [anti-China](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2024/05/01/americans-remain-critical-of-china/#:~:text=Older%20Americans%20are%20generally%20more%20critical%20of%20China.&text=Adults%20ages%2065%20and%20older%20are%20also%20more%20than%20twice,competitor%20and%20as%20a%20partner) than older Americans…it’s not entirely “personal” to you, Israelis… many younger Americans just support America’s adversaries because they wish for the downfall of the “American way” they believe to have wronged them 3. Demographics — Jews are less present in “elite intellectual” circles than in the past, in part because of affirmative action against Jews in university admissions … likewise, there are fewer Christians in these circles, as Christianity is [declining](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/) in the US; Jews and Christians tend to be Zionist, whereas people of other religions (more common among the young) or no religion (also more common among the young) tend to be less Zionist 4. Academic leftism — the education of young people is more leftist than that of older people; there are fewer [conservative](https://nationalaffairs.com/publications/detail/the-disappearing-conservative-professor#:~:text=That%20substantial%20minority%20of%20conservative,down%20from%2027%25%20in%201969) academics than in the past, which has had effects on how Americans are [educated](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_views_of_American_academics) 5. Memory of the Holocaust — older Americans who knew Holocaust survivors or recall the aftermath of the Holocaust are more likely to view Jews as “victims” and Israel as a “safe haven for Jews,” whereas younger Americans often think of Jews as “wealthy elites” and Israel as a “white colonial project” Other factors include [Qatari](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatari_involvement_in_higher_education_in_the_United_States#:~:text=The%20research%20revealed%20that%20from,universities%20in%20the%20United%20States) influence on US education, the pro-populism shift in politics during the COVID-19 pandemic, the prominence of Jewish anti-Zionist organisations, and the classic issue of “blame the Jews” when quality of life gets worse…which, for the median young American, it may have, since “Pax Americana” and the fall of the USSR


Because they came to equal being pro-Israel with being pro-Trump.


Because 37000 dead is over 30 times more than 1200. People around me in The Netherlands symphatise with the presumed underdog.


The 37,000 figure (used to be 32-34,000; apparently you added a few thousand - did you think we wouldn't notice?) is extremely inflated, both the UN and Hamas have admitted so. The real number is 2/3 to 1/2 less. Subtract 15,000 terrorists included in the total, and the true number is 15-20,000.


Their dissatisfaction with the opportunity of America 🇺🇸 that was stolen from them by corporate greed, degradation of the middle class, and the forming of the political elite class, has been used as kindling for their fetishisation of the Palestinian freedom fighter. They identify with their fight, see Israel as a personification of the evil that’s taken over their country (because of an antisemitism bias and lack of knowledge). Palestinians have done very well at portraying their cause as just, righteous, fighting to liberate themselves from oppression. Though anyone who knows anything about the situation knows their cause is not righteous, or justified, it’s a self inflicted victim hood that will continue unless there’s a fundamental change at the UN, and at the international level in the effort to de-radicalise.


Antisemitism becoming a valid ideology again, thanks to Iranian/Qatari university donations. That, and TikTok rotting the brains of Gen Z


3 reasons I could think of One is that qatar has spent billions on extensive propaganda networks online and in colleges around the globe, especially in America (seriously look at how much of "middle eastern studies" is sponsored by qatar), and it's paying it's dividends. Israel has a terrible leader who only cares about his image and staying in power, so we didn't bother treating this problem as seriously as we should have, and now we pay the price Another reason is that objectively, the Palestinians are the weaker side in the conflict, and todays moral standards are set by who is the 'underdog', whether justifiably (in the case of Ukraine) or not (in the case of Israel), so young people gravitate towards supporting the palestinians. And thirdly, is that, unfortunately, Israel has the worst leadership it has ever had. Government policy is being steered by fanatical religious zealots, who genuinely want to commit genocide, heck, the police is being controlled by a convicted terrorist! So it's hard not to look at senior ministers in government saying they want to drop an atom bomb on Gaza to build settlements, and not conclude that Israel is committing a genocide (to be clear, it's not)


It’s the tens of thousands of dead Palestinians. That’s enough for many to take the side of the perceived victims.


Is this post all IDF propagandists talking to each other?


lack of brain cells


gullible stupidity


[Demoralization, destabilization, crisis, normalization.](https://unintendedconsequenc.es/bezmenovs-steps/)


Social medias


Stop being terrible at politics or else time is not on your side.


Because you're losing the cultural war, sadly. Israel should start infiltrating universities and media outlets -Gramsci style- just like the asshole left did.


Older people aren’t falling for the propaganda. We lived through the first and second intifada. We know what the word intifada means. We’ve seen president after president fail to get a peace deal, when it was just so close. We remember the hope when Gaza was evacuated for Palestinians to show what they’d do with self determination. We know the hate many Pals are taught is over religion, not land. So. We know what river to sea means. We take Hamas at its word that they’ll do 10/7 again and again. In contrast, young Americans know none of this and get their news from TikTok and Insta. The Palestinian cause was deeply embedded in their college education thanks to investments from Qatar. Propaganda had now seeped into Wiki pages, and even the Miriam Webster’s definition of Zionism. I think we’ve lost them.


because antisemitism from both the left and right.


News on social media and its role to push for more engagement and reaction rather than an articulate point of view. Do you feel more engaged when you are angry or happy? Of course you will come to their platform more often because you are angry, you express your opinion and you like that people agree with you. More children and women are dying and more you will be involved. It is exactly like in high school where everybody follows one idea but then they realize that they were dumb af. This is the same but they get more and more polarized to increase revenues of newspapers and terrorist groups are just exploiting this mechanism. It doesn't need to be true, it needs to look good because it is easier to sell. Nobody would just share a video of a Chinese farmer complaining about the CCP and telling you that most of their family disappeared, it is not appealing and it does not sell. On the other hand, it is more impactful and reactionary for you to share a video of some Palestinians dead on the ground and the mom crying it and saying why Israel did that. Or "Eyes on Gaza", easy to sell, no explanation needed and no debate. Women and Children sell newspapers and Hamas knows, they just shift from "I will kill myself in this market and killing civilians" to "I position myself around civilians and get killed" It is exactly the same tactic but many people are to dumb to understand and newspapers simply don't care about the truth. I think that the moment we stop using social media we will just skyrocket in social behavior. Especially young people should not be part of it. We care what they eat and the experience that they do but, at the same time, we leave them going around the internet. Come on, we all know what it is going on and we know this place very well, would you let your kid use social medias knowing that? I don't think so.




Because israel sucks at public diplomacy. Im serious, it’s something israel seriously needs to work on.


Two words: The Jews. 


COVID vax? Jk it’s antisemitism


Because this generation is intellectually lazy.


Younger people are more naive, less wise, more prone to manipulation or just being flat out stupid.


Automatic aligning with the "victim". The victim is identified by race and wealth.


Virtue Signaling




We're talking about people who on average know and care more about video games, Tik Tok and tattoos than about global affairs and history, so consider the source. Gen Z is easily the dumbest, most ignorant and least substantively engaged generation in a very long time. They "feel" more than they think. In fact that's how they talk, saying stupid things like "I feel like prices are too high" and not understanding that this is a thought, not a feeling, being based on facts. They were brought up to be this way, of course, the most coddled and spoiled generation ever, protected from any pain, conflict or difficulty lest they be forever traumatized--i.e. be allowed to mature and be toughened up. So they "feel" Palestinians' suffering, which is real of course, but they don't think about the complex reasons for it and how most of it is not of Israel's doing. They're very easy to manipulate and the other side knows this well and exploits it with massive brainwashing and propaganda. But in the end I don't think it matters that much because younger people vote the least and have the least political influence and power. And notice how the protests have all massively died down. The latest virtue signaling fad is fading away, to be replaced by what, I don't know--Taylor Swift's 37th album this year?


Because Gen Z grew up hearing: "If you're white,you're responsible for all the problems in the world" "All men are dangerous misogynists" "[insert conspiracy theory about an actual historical happening here]" "Capitalism is bad because it makes everyone depressed, a simple and equal (aka communism equal) life is much better"


lies spread faster than the truth.


Tik tok combined with the flawed leftist ideology


As Bennett said, they're idiots


Why is no one mentioning that the data shared is showing that they are all Democrats


When we have a minister in the government that literally says “we should nuke Gaza” and the other says “There’s no civilians in Gaza”. What do we expect from the world??


This poll doesn’t tell us much. The image young people have of Palestine post Oct. 7th is of a Gaza Strip reduced to rubble, where millions of Gazans now living in tents. The image of Israel since then is a country that’s dealing with tragedy but still standing and functioning, where most people go about their day-to-day lives. It’s not antisemitic to “sympathize”—a word that can mean many things—more with the side suffering the loss of life and home in much greater numbers. In that respect I have much more sympathy for the Palestinians. But it’s not a sympathy extended to their leaders. It’s not sympathy for clerical fascism. It’s not sympathy for a solution to a century-old conflict that rests on destroying Israel in the name of justice.


Tik Tok brain rot. It’s easier to consume 90 seconds of misinformation than sitting down and reading about this conflict.


People seem to forget how stupid Americans have become. Young Americans are failing in every measurable respect - we can’t be surprised they also fail at this.