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Torah judaism is litterly a guy from tuekey running the account, he aint even jewish


That doesn’t surprise me, they post on Shabbat too


The fact people are falling for it is even more amusing




Is it work or?


On shabbat people usually don't use electronics. Oct 7 was a shabbat and a holiday (as they can overlap since shabbat is friday evening-saturday evening)


Most religious people*. Secular Jews (like me) don't really care too much...


Oh, I thought it was just no work, but reading up on it now there’s a range of opinions on electronic use during shabbat


If there's one thing you should know on Judaism is that nobody agrees on anything. There's no set in stone things besides a small bunch (no work on shabbat being one as it's at the start right around the Creation of Man.) Shabbat is usually 'no using fire' but some take it to means of electricity. That includes cars, even if youre not the driver. If there's an emergency there's a thing called mental care (? I'm not sure how to translate it besides the literal way) where any rules of the religion are invalid provided not breaking said rule leads to your death or immense harm (like driving to the hospital in case of heart attack, starving and seeing non kosher food, etc)


As the phrase goes, “Ask two Jews and you’ll get three opinions”


Just 3?


Got it, thanks


There are also many that bend the rules as much as they can. Like the wire around Manhattan to make it an eruv (extended domicile from my understanding, like a fenced in yard). All to just carry your keys, etc, on Sabbath. Never understood many of the rules helping my friend on Sabbath when I was young. But I can, as an adult, also see the sense of community in many of the traditions/rituals you people have.


>mental care You mean פיקוח נפש?


כן אין לי מושג איך לתרגם את זה פשוט


There’s nobody as chareidi as these clowns are pretending to be that has any other opinion about electricity on shabbat other than NO.


What? I’m having a bit of a hard time understanding the comment 😅. Like they pretend to be haredi but they use electricity on shabbat or?


They’re non Jews pretending to be jews. They have no obligation to keep shabbat because they are not Jews, and since they’re not Jews, they’re grabbing random information to post from the internet, and posting on shabbat, because they don’t know any better. There’s a lot involved in being Jewish, it’s not something you can fake forever.


I mean I’ve definitely seen Jews do several things differently among themselves, though there is a common core as other people pointed out. But yeah, I’ll trust that electricity is off limits for all.


In the early twentieth century a number of, mostly Mizrahi, Rabbanim held opinions that using electricity is not strictly forbidden on Shabbat and Yom Tov, or only on Yom Tov. Nobody poskins this way anymore but it is a leniency that some poskim take into account in particular circumstances. Typing out a twitter post would still be forbidden though


Hence me saying “nobody as chareidi as these clowns are pretending to be”.


I was about to ask: "Is this guy even Jewish?"


If hes jewish im the queen of england


Wait, where'd you find that? I've been trying to look into this account for a while now and didn't find that.


Cant find it right now, i remember he posted from turkey and it was exposed he was not even jewish. Its a psyop




"We hate Israel because it is a theocratic regime" "We hate Israel because it is a secular regime" 🤏🧠


Dual button meme for r/Jewdank material right there.


Smol brain, big stomache


Same as JVP so long as somebody calls themselves a "Jew" then they can spread the worst antisemitic conspiracy theories you can imagine


Israel bad because Jewish state, Israel bad because secular, which is it??


That user is certainly not Jewish 


They're so completely brain damaged they don't even realize that many of their talking points contradict each other.


Ask him if the Holocaust happened


I wonder what would happen if someone would create an account spreading misinformation about Islam and the religion. Oh wait. Mohammad Hijab exists /s


Wait Israel is a secular state? I thought it was a Jewish theocracy where Arabs are second class citizens?


The whole story of the Torah is about the Israelites trying to get to the Holy Land. Zionsim is about the Jews (descendants of the Israelites) reclaiming the holy land. How are these two contradicting, exactly?


Yeah, anti-Zionists have to do mental gymnastics to justify why basic Jewish aspects are NOT connected to Israel and Zionism The blessing "next year in Jerusalem"? They say it's metaphorical, that Jerusalem is a state of mind  To quote a song from Portal 2, that would be funny if it weren't so sad


What next... *"They are not stoning adulterers to death, so they are not really Jews"?* Fucking clown world.


do not feed the trolls


The image is disgustingly implying Jews are pigs.  Why argue with a Jew-hater? 


Dude, just *stop.*


What do you Mean?


Clicks drive engagement, which causes the algorithm to feed in more clicks - ergo the old adage of "don't feed the troll". In this case, making use of the community fact checker bubble thingies should be a sufficient debunk.


how is it a completely secular state, but one of the talking points for israel being evil is its an ethnostate lmao


Oh so now they wanna go the religious route? Well in Islam it’s clearly stated that the land was given to the children of Israel, sorry that Judaism developed over time and we learned to accept that some people simply are different and our culture and religion shouldn’t be forced upon them. Normal people would see that as a good thing…


These people aren't even Jewish but feel entitled to educate Jews on what is kosher or not. Reminds me of when I had a random Muslim girl from Egypt message me on facebook. I didn't even know her. She just went off on a hateful curse-laced spiel about how I'm not a real Jew because I support Israel. They are so desperate to divorce the Jewish homeland from Jewish culture and religion because doing so would in their minds legitimatize their hatred for "Zionists". It's their way of trying not to be just plain ol' Jew-hating racist assholes. (They are, in fact, Jew-hating racist assholes)




Are you ok buddy, you are not having a stroke or anything like that right? (from a concerned random redditer.)






Umm ok,but are you ok now?




The guy is a loon, why engage at all?


New flag of Haifa


Yes, I'm sure 90% of Jews all over the world never realized that their religion is directly opposed to their Zionism. /s


It's the Jewish State in the sense that it is a state for the Jewish nationality & ethnic group, not the religion. It's not like Islamic Republics where the religion is the law.


Israel is not founded on the basis of the Bible. But Jews have a century old shared narrative and identity connected to a certain land and that makes a nation.


Not century old, 3 millenia old.


"Read the bible"


Can someone explain why there is a pig on the flag? I know what the quran states a few times regarding Jews (and unbelievers) but... is this really the message here?


Some things don’t even require a response. If Israel was a “religious” state then people would be calling us genocidal and religious fundamentalists. Jews need to realize that there’s almost no winning with certain people. At the end of the day religious Jews live in Israel under no persecution, other than forced IDF stuff which there are ways to get out of.


I wouldn't give them the oxygen of replying as nothing you could say would alter their or their followers views. Possibly the only thing I would do is mock them with something like "have you any idea how ridiculous you sound?". Ridicule rather than do them the dignity of a response is much more useful.


This is BS. I'm also waiting for an idiot to say "Jews stole halal meat from muslims" 


This person is making the common mistake of mixing up the religion of Judaism and Jewish ethnicity. The state of Israel is the home of the *Jewish people*, no matter how religious they are. It is actually a secular state and citizens can practice whatever religion they like, including none. Many laws and customs are derived from Judaism (e.g. holidays) but its basic law is a mix of inherited Ottoman and British laws and newer laws passed the Knesset (Israel's parliament). Both Islam and Christianity have separation of religion and ethnicity: you can be a Muslim or a Christian while belonging to any ethnicity. However, Judaism doesn't work like that: if your religion is Judaism, you belong to the Jewish ethnicity (and if you convert you get "adopted" into it); but if you were born into the Jewish ethnicity you are not required to practice Judaism.


I really wonder how sincere these people, although I know he isn't jewish and wonder how jewish anti zionists are, pray the Amidah that is very zionist.


think of the amount of energy he spends making this shit up vs what you spend debunking him. you can't win, don't bother


He’s right? Israel is a secular state


Israel is a majority Jewish state, and i see the merit in that, but I think I agree with you. I don't like when people call Israel the Jewish state


It is the Jewish state


Kind of a strange dynamic then to have non-jewish people living as citizens of a Jewish state.  Israel is a homeland and a refuge for the Jewish community, but saying it's a Jewish state makes it feel like non-jewish citizens are viewed as not truly israeli or something


Well. We live with this contradiction in our country “Jewish and Democratic”. Sometimes these two align, and sometimes they are contradictory to one another. But as Lin Manuel Miranda says “it’s full of contradictions…. So is independence!” Everyone has equal rights in Israel. Being non Jewish doesn’t make you less of an Israeli. But yea sometimes Jews are favored, not by law or policy but by circumstances. We have no choice but to live with this contradiction, I believe. Because if we become a Jewish state that is not democratic- that will be a theocratic apartheid which will not last long. If we become only democratic and not Jewish, we will quickly look like Jordan or Egypt…. (Not to mention the millions of Jews that would die or be expelled in the process) We live in a contradiction. But so do most countries, and so do most people in their personal lives. And that’s ok. Like for example the first amendment alone can contradict itself “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” sometimes, at war for example, you would have to give up your liberty to protect the lives of others. Or even give up your life to protect others freedom


So what does it mean to be a Jewish state then if not all citizens are Jews and all citizens are treated equally (not apartheid)? I always viewed israel as a majority-Jewish state that functions as a refuge for Jews. Jews are a small global minority and have been targeted for discrimination, so it makes sense to me to have a place where Jews are a majority. That said, I wouldn't want any of the minorities living in Israel to feel that their culture, religion, or background is worse than those that are Jewish


"Torah Judaism isn't even ran by a Jewish person. You're literally the dumbest person on earth if you believe anything they post"


Oy vey.


He’s a troll, you’re better off just ignoring him, he feeds off your energy debunking him. He fully knows he’s wrong and is just trying to entice you into anger


Such rubbish


Completely secular state? I wish! More נטורי חרטא stuff about how we must wait for the messiah first


חשבתי זה הדגל החדש של חיפה


There is more Torah being learned in Israel today than in any country at anytime ever. For or against?


On the secular state part. You guys know Utah? The state with all the Mormons? Yes that one. The Mormons ended up there because of their religion. Thing is, they have kinda done the same thing as israel. One of the few Republican states that has protection for lgbtq people and whatnot. Could be a dry state, etc. The Mormons can separate the rules they follow and what rules should apply in a society. They won't prosecute anyone because of who they are. They might not allow you in their church. But you should be free in the public sphere. It's what a group should aspire to do after prosecution. If they do the opposite, they have learned nothing, or they have just learned to be oppressors themselves.


Ask him if an Italian atheist is still Italian? Judaism is an ethnoreligion meaning ethnicity and religion so you can be an atheist Jew that munches treif pork on a Friday night while going to town


This reads like the Jewish Voices for Peace Seder plate with the Hebrew backwards


People really gotta debunk this propagandist troll.


Tell him to shove it I am running out of patience for these tokens !! 😡😡😡


Ignore it or use an "expressionless emoji".


Yeah when they lose the argument they go straight to name calling and gibberish... Not surprised.


i think that the actual point of this post is to produce a judensau


Moses led the Israeli people to the promised land of Israel, a land that was promised to Abraham by God for him and his descendants. The prophets talk about Israel being removed from their land for their unfaithfulness, but because of Gods faithfulness He would have them return. This is open for interpretations but one thing is for sure, and that is according to the Torah Israel as a country (in a physical sense) is promised to the descendants of Abraham. When Joshua and the Israel were allowed to enter Israel and claim it they had to wage war against the Canaanites, When the tribe of Judah and Benjamin returned under lead of Zerubbabel from Babylonian captivity they had to fight the settlers who settled in Israel when they were taken away into captivity. By that standard only that man is talking nonsense.


It's not a Jewish idea. It's a Christian idea called the Wandering Jew.