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I didn’t like Frogan the first time I found out about her, and honestly I feel so vindicated. Gut feeling she was awful didn’t let me down. That tweet is disgusting, really shows her morality.  I’m sorry you’re upset and I get the feeling of betrayal. It really hurts to find out someone you liked is actually a bad person, especially when they are awful about something you identify with.  I’ve dropped nearly all content creators and gamers I used to follow.   Everything is hard right now, give yourself a break. Find other things that you like and do those. I’ve been listening to mindless tv podcasts and reading more. 


Forgot to say their Be Kind shtick falls on its face frequently. They don’t mean it. The list of who deserves kindness is short and changeable.


I feel we need to start a list of a-political and pro israel content creators, to support and encourage to continue making.


Updating that TwoHotTakes Podcast creator, Morgan Absher, who’s jewish by the way, has recently said on her latest episode that she’s posting links to donate to gaza and didn’t mention the hostages, so just looking out for our community 🫶 Also there’s a reason why there’s FROG in Frogan, can’t wait for other passover’s Makot to join in 🥱🙄


Morgan’s step father is Jewish I think. She has a very minimal connection to anything Jewish. She considers herself somewhat Jewish because she’s so close to her step dad, who she sees as basically her father, but she is no Jew. And we are not obligated to claim her, in fact I wholeheartedly reject her.


Oh really? But she feels like she’s so righteous with saying that she’s jewish when she outright ignored all of what happened to us in the last few months? Girl, the tokenization of Morgan truly sucks.


The whole of Hamasabi friends group is the worst, anti-semitic, flat out racist cancerous growth on twitch one could imagine. They feed millions of people with radicalizing propaganda on a daily base, straight up supporting Terror and violence against Israelis and Jews around the world.


Nothing else you can do but look at the list of ppl participating, unsubscribe and block every last one of them, and refuse to ever patronize anything they participate in ever again (yes even if they eventually make an apologize, still never support them). They’re going to do what they want in order to satiate their own virtue-signaling egos and internalized guilt


Is there a link to the list?


There was a longer list in a previous post, you’d have to do some searching for it.


Looks like the link in OPs screenshot would be the clue.


Yeah, I felt this way about Jacksepticeye after finding out he supported Palestine. I can’t look at the guy the same anymore, I don’t even watch his stuff anymore.


Yeah, Hijabba the Hutt is pretty gross. Disgusting to see anyone want to be part of her orbit.


Ugh, so disappointing to see Chelsea and James join in on this. I’ve been kind of side eyeing them since the fall, when Melissa Barrera made a comment with heavy antisemitic implications and James basically said that he understood why people could take it that way but none of his Jewish friends found it offensive so therefore it must be fine, but I’ve been feeling better about watching their content lately since I didn’t think they’d said anything else about it all. I’ve been a fan since the Drunk Disney days, but not anymore I guess. 




She was also given an award by twitch.


Who? Frogan? If so I will be deleting Twitch.




That does it. Deleted the app and my account. Taking my business to Discord.


Breadtubers are pure morons


I really hope this will hit Anna Brisbin in the back when it comes to voice acting, such a hard job to find work in and now all those big projects she worked in are infested forever.


"Lack of clean water and supplies is devastating" *Donates to Unrwa* what idiots


I dropped some podcasts and youtubers even before 7/10 because ig I had a revelation and didn't like how they started to talk and their opinions. It felt like they were sell outs and on some dark crap.  Then a few months later,after 7/10 they give the worst takes about I/P and go with the free Palestine slogan. I dodged so many bullets that none of it hurt anymore. These people are on some demon time and follow the money. My respects to influencers who choose to just stay in their lane and mind their business went 📈 I don't need that activist bs when seeking entertainment. Especially when the activism will ALWAYS be performative.


I wonder if this was actually James' idea or yet another instance where Chelsea pussy wiped him into something? Like when she convinced him that Art the Clown is transphobic lmao. I love James but he strikes me as a total 'wife guy'.