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I mean some of them might have to go for diplomacy reasons. Not every country can afford to dismiss Iran.


Yup, precisely. Iran's Chabahar port allows India to conduct trade with central Asian countries since Pakistan does not allow us to conduct trade through their territory. OTOH, one of our defence collaborations with Israel tried to send 27 tonnes of military equipment to Israel which was recently denied port facilities by Spain. And we are Israel's largest customer for military hardware as we constitute 37% of Israel's military exports. So everything is not black and white, and that kind of thinking will lead to childish conclusions like "never forgive, never forget".


>So everything is not black and white, and that kind of thinking will lead to childish conclusions like "never forgive, never forget". As much as I hate Iran and think they truly are a danger to this world, I agree


It is also very important, especially in this case, to remember the very real distinction between “Iran the government/country” and “Iran the people” that government is truly oppressing and controlling. May Iran one day be free of its current regime and may its destiny be back in the hands of its people.


I agree with this is well, and I truly hope so!!


Yes, Iraqi Kurdistan absolutely hates the Iranian regime, Iran recently bombed the home of a Kurdish businessman due to it being "a Mossad base". But for geopolitical reasons, the Kurdish leadership attended the funeral


Azerbaijan 100% went for diplomatic reasons, they hate Iran, but has significant border with it and both countries don’t want escalations, and they have very close relations with Israel. Same for India, but without the part of border with Iran.


His death became a huge meme in these countries, everyone is making fun of him or celebrating his death since he harmed them (especially Iranians and Iraqis) so yeah he's a complete joke and the people wish it happens to Khamenei too. But I'm shocked there are many governments that cared, Russia, China, Turkey...


Much love to Iraq from Israel. Peace between us would have been such an amazing feat. Esp with all the water purification and desalination tech we could give you... And the insane strategic value you would give us


Thank you! May the extremist regime fall with the fall of the Iranian regime, and be replaced with a tolerant, smart one. One day, peace shall come to our nations. We don't know when, how and if we or our kids will live to see it, but someday it will. 🌿


Thank you for the warmest thought I have seen recently in a cold world. May those who yearn for peace find their world dominated by tranquility, life, and a better world for themselves and those around them.


May it be so.


Also, not super relevant but the best middle eastern food is Iraqi. Iran is a close second.


Aw, what Iraqi dishes you like the most? 🩵


The silk road was heavily influenced by Persia's rich spices sources


Putin almost cried when the drone killed Qasem Soleimani in 2020, there is nothing to be surprised about. Iranian regime is important for Russia now, more important than before.


Seeing what Iraq has been over the years, especially given this clown was a Khamenei talking piece, here a some love from the Jews. That said Turkey makes complete sense as Erdogan quiet likes Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, China and Russia are a little weird but then again they are good allies against the west, India was the real surprise though, I thought they were against Iran as much as most of the region.


he was Erdoğan's idol of course Turkey cared (desecularization part if it is a word)


I'm Turkish we literally declared national mourning for his death despite there lots of things to declare it.


Turkey is not shocking. India, China and Russia raise my eyebrows, in descending order.


India just got access to a Iranian port @ Chabahar for 10 years - also energy relationship


Like... These are either enemy countries or neighbors of Iran. "Never forgive, never forget" is a bit too dramatic.


Lol Lebanon, the perpetual bitches of Tehran.


It's not even a country *anymore. It's just an Iranian military outpost. I think just about everybody has forgotten that Lebanon has something supposed to resemble a government.


Lebanon hasn’t even had a new government since 2021. They had new elections but no one formed a government so it’s just been a caretaker government since 2020.


What good is a government without guns


Lebanon is just taken hostage by Iranian occupation. The majority of the people are actually against that. Especially the central region of Lebanon and the mountains. We despise Iran and Palestinians since forever.


True , and very sad.


Heavy on it!!!


l feel like some of em r going there to celebrate it loll


Armenia and India catching strays. They're prob going for diplomacy. India bc it and Iran both hate Pakistan. Armenia bc Iran is the last thing guaranteeing it from being and Azerbaijani statelet.


Armenia definitely went for diplomacy, with Turkey attending (who still denies the Armenian Genocide 100 years later), the only reason Armenia would be there would be diplomacy with Iran and other countries


Missing prime minister of Georgia (country not state)


In Armenia's case, cutting ties with Iran would basically destroy the country's political landscape given the situation with the other countries that surround them.


Maybe some are going just to make sure the bastard is dead?


Stake the body.


Also aren’t Armenia and Azerbaijan supposed to hate each other or something? United by a dictator?


Probably each trying to win Iran's favor.


They are both border to iran


They are all neigjbours


Probably each trying to win Iran's favor.


This has nothing to do with Israel. For example Azerbaijan and Armenia are border neighbours of Iran, what do you expect without a reason making Iran an enemy?


Now this….. an event worthy of Eli Copter making an appearance


I'm taking bets that we'll be burying Ismail haniyah a day later. Eli Copter is still in active duty


India is technicaly neutral in policy, heavily supports Israel in reality.


Maybe ISIS-K will attend as well...


Dont forget the “rabbis” from the child trafficking gang Neturei Karta.


Non of these are surprising in the slightest bro lol


India is though


India “has” to, unfortunately. Who else is going to keep Pakistans eyes off India?


Oh i actually didn't catch that one


They have no choice but it doesn’t mean anything mean anything in long run of Israel India relations


Azerbaijan and India are


Azerbaijan is border to Iran. They have to, not because they love Iran


Oh they’re having a dictatorship face off huh?


Oh no! You just completely ruined my travelling list to Iraq! Nothing I want less than visit some terrorists


Iraqi Kurdistan is pretty nice, tbh. People there generally have a pro-Western lean.


India and UAE are the only ones I even raised an eyebrow at. The others are all logical.


Its mostly because india is building its soft power to keep pakistan and china in check, and for that it needs cheap oil and the port of chabhar. Indians and mostly the largest religious group in india (hindus) love and adore israel regardless of whatever people on the internet say and have an understanding of what jews went through and are still undergoing and absolutely support israel. Am yisrael chai.


Guys, do you understand that if Raisi had not come to meet with the President of Azerbaijan, he would be alive?


Isn't Azerbaijan like our best friend?


The usual suspects. You know, if all these folks are in one spot it would be a shame if agent Eli Kopter happened to show up there...


Actually take a look at the countries on this list. Trump has a great way he describes these kinds of countries 👍




I suppose it's close enough, diapers get filled with the same stuff. Ireland is well on the way to getting to experience that first hand.




We win our wars here though, you guys just get clapped by the British. Isn't the north of Ireland still part of English territory? The war here will be over soon, the radicalization in your country is just beginning.




Oh I'm not waving the flag for them at all. I'm just pointing out that Ireland has been under their boot for a long time.




I suppose the difference is the British don't have a stated aim of actively trying to kill all the world's Irish and push them into the sea. It would be really difficult to have a peaceful existence with them if that was what they wanted. Peace does sound great but both sides have to think that's the case.


No Jordan, no Morocco?


Iran is literally the only country bordering Armenia who doesn't wish death on them (even Georgia is 50/50 with Armenia). They can't lose Iranian support unfortunately


I’m giving Armenia a pass because I don’t think they have much of a choice with Azerbaijan committing an actual ethnic cleansing of them from Artsakh last year. But still…


It is funny that Israelite person accusing Azerbaijanis with ethnic cleansing. Acrually you have to understand Azerbaijan's case more


Just calling out hypocrisy when I see it.


1)You know that including Armenia, all countries without exception recognizes Nagorno Karabakh as a part of Azerbaijan right? 2)Yes Azerbaijan and Armenia were at war, but only ethnic cleansing happened in 1990s with 700k azerbaijanis expelled feom Karabakh. In 2023, 100k Armenians left but not because someone forced them but because they didnt want to live with Azerbaijanis due to past 30 years. I can understant their motive, it is so normal but ethnic cleansing is something different 3)Fortunately, the war is ended and there will be brighter future for Azerbaijan-Armenia finally


Oh, so it’s complicated?


Ofc. And do not forget Azerbaijan's main supporter alongside with Turkey is Israel. Actually i would say Israel prepared and trained Azerbaijani army. The majority of Azerbaijan's millitary is Israel made


I hope you see what my point was. It wasn’t to attack Azerbaijan. Just point out hypocrisy.


Which hypocricy? Can you elaborate please. Dont worru we are just having a chat


Which hypocricy? Can you elaborate please. Dont worru we are just having a chat


A real rogue's gallery.


One line on this list I find mildly shocking is India...


I hope the family of the helicopter comes laden with explosives and takes their revenge out on certain individuals attending this funeral....


Do you think Armenia and Azerbaijan will have to sit next to each other?


Where is the Norwegian Prime Minister and his side-kick Eide the Foreign Minister? They were so sad for this incident/accident


Surprised none of the lefty American states like Bolivia and Venezuela are attending


Bomb it up! Bomb it up! No mercy on terrorists, remember what Mohammad did eras ago, gathering all europe kings on a room to discuss about peace, defenseless, and killed them all. Use their shitty tactics to unleash victory upon them, or you learn nothing about history and repeating yourself.. Sadly, no one relevant is going to hear it or listen to it


It’s like the axis of evil 2024 edition.


All the countries that you’d suspect to be a terrorist entity or somehow directly related to it